Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 500 P M of earh week s publication FRANCIS J. BRAITHEWAITE ESTATE ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, TOOLS, TRACTORS, AUTOS TUES.. MARCH 22, 1988 9:00 A.M. LOCATED: Take Rt. 24 to Jerusalem School Road in Starvlew. Follow Approx. 1 Mile to Sale on Right. Watch for Signs. ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, HOUSEHOLD, TOOLS 6 Legged Oak Table, 5 Oak Chairs,. Oak Buffet, Pressed Back Chairs, Turned Oak Clothes Tree, Queen Anne Oak 2 Drawer Stand, Oak Rocker, Oak Bow Side China Closet, Oak Plant Stand, Mission Oak Child’s Rocker, Oak Dresser w/Beveled Glass Mirror, Brass Bed, Round Oak Table, Oak Library Table, Cider Mill and Press, Barrel Butter Churn, Waterfall Desk, 30's Dining Room Suit (Table, 6 Chairs, Buffet, Server, China), 3 Pc. Waterfall Bed room Suit, Gun Cabinet w/Side Drawers, 3 Pc. Maple Bedroom Suit, Bookcase, Dove- Tailed Blanket Chest, Wicker Electric Lamp and Shade, Lane Cedar Chest, Iron Bed, Slaw Board w/Dove-Tailed Cutter Box, Cast Floor Lamp, Old Wire Bird Cage, Wicker Fernery, Crocks Including 8 and 15 Gal. Crocks, Glass Pie Cupboard, Seth Thomas and Sessions Mantle Clocks, Quilting Frame, Trunks, Victrola Case, Pocono Cigarette Case, Anniversary Clock, Egg and Market Baskets, Jardi niere, Lard Press, Hench & Drumgold Straw Cutter, Christmas Decorations, Tin Car Race Track, Moosehead, Lanterns, Deep Purple Candleholders, Occ. Japan Pcs., Pink Depression Pcs., Silesia Bowl, Roseries, Dresser Scarves, Doilies, Mug gsy Mugs, Paper Mache Santa, German Solinger Knife w/Swastica, “Marbles” Hatchet, Marx Toy “Sparking Hot Rod”, Hand Stitched Quilt Tops, Butcher Knives, Zenith Radio, Salt and Pepper Shakers, American Waltham and Elgin Pocket watches, Hitachi B&W Port. TV, Green Sofa, Kitchen Appliances, Hotpoint Ref/ Freezer, Whirlpool Auto Washer and Electric Dryer, Zenith 19” Color TV, Pots and Pans, Wards 10 Cu. Ft. Chest Freezer, Gibson 8.3 Cu. Ft. Chest Freezer, Wards 20.8 Cu. Ft. Chest Freezer, Jobber Plat form Scales, 2 Hole Corn Shelters, Mor ticed Bench, 40 Ft. Alum. Extension Lad der, Wooden Wagon Wheels, Chicken Crates, Wooden Barrels, Fencewire, McCullough Chainsaw, Remington Electr ic Chainsaw, Remington Mighty Mite Chainsaw, Skit 'A ” Electric Drill, Battery Charger, 'A HP Bench Grinder, Cast Hog Troughs, Hand and Long Handled Tools, Cabinet Clamps, Electric and Gas Grass Trimmers, Brace and Bits, Block Planes, Spoke Shaver, Chisels, Hardware, 'A Crib Field Corn, Hay and Straw, and Much More!!! AUTOS, TRACTORS , EQUIP. 1978 Ford Fairmont- 2 Door, Blue w/White Top and Blue Int., AT, 6 Cyl. 46,900 Miles. 1979 Ford FlOO Custom Pick-Up Truck- Red w/Red Topper, AT. Massey Harris 22 Tractor w/Rear Weights, PTO. IH 300 Tractor w/Fast Hitch, Pulley, PTO, Rear Hydro. White T-102 Riding Mower- 38” Cut, 7 HP Lawn Boy Rider, Simplicity 220 Snowblow er, Smoker 29 Ft. Elevator w/Motor, IH Cult., McCurdy Gravity Bin w/Gear, Hay Wagon, McCormick Ground Drive Manure Spreader, 1 Horse Potato Plow, J.D. 2 Btm. Trailer Plow, Port. Saw Mandrel on Steel, J.D. 24 Blade KBA Disk, Etc. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK NOTE: Sale will begin with tools to large equipment to furniture to household Items. ESTATE EXECUTORS: Commonwealth National Bank Trust Department RENTZEL’S AUCTION SERVICE BLAINE- NEVTN- ED #761- #2483- #2331 (717) 764-6412 '’ll n. n R •>-! -i? THURS. MAR. 17 - 9AM Farm Machinery, 1977 Ford 150 custom pickup truck, tools, antiques, guns, household goods. Located at 69 Clearfield Rd., Provi dence Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. South of Lancaster, North of Buck on Rt. 272 to town of Truce, turn West on Truce Rd., go approx. 1 mi. to Clearfield Rd., turn right 1 mi. to sale. Sale by Barry & Janet Smith. Roy C. Probst & Son, Eric Probst, Aucts. THURS. MAR. 17 - 6PM Odessa Fire Hall, Odessa Oe. Dolls and Hummels. Rudn'ick Associates, aucts. THURS. MAR. 17 - Farm Equipment Dispersal. For rest Smith farm located about four miles east of Chambersburg, Pa. take Rt 30 east from Chambers burg and Rte. 81 ‘Exit 6’ about 3V4 miles to Lincoln Terrace Rd., this is first road southwest after passing Norio Farm, about % mile to Smith farm. Watch for signs. Mrs Forrest F Smith, Owner. Ralph W. Horst & David E. Gossert, Aucts. THURS. MAR. 17 - Farm Eq. Auction at Ag Industrial Eq. Co., 1207 Telegraph Road, Rt. 273, Rising Sun, MD. FRI. MAR. 18-SAMSpring Consignment Sale, Cum berland Co., PA. 1-81 take Newville Exit 11 onto Rt. COMPLETE LINE OF FARM & DAIRY EQUIPMENT, CATTLE, HORSES, TRUCKS. SHOP EQUIPMENT, ETC. (6-TRACTORS-6) THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1988 @ 9:00 A.M. SHARP! The Undersigned, Having Sold Our Farm, Will Have Public Sale On The Premises. Loca tion: Midway Between Gettysburg And Heidlersburg On Business Route #l5 Thence Turning South On Woodside Road 'U -Mile To Sale In Adams County, Pa. (Sale signs posted) (6-TRACTORS-6) CASE #B7O Agri-King Diesel, 336 Cube, Power Shift, Draft-O-Matic WF, 3 Pt., Full condi tioned cab, 18.4x34 Tires-75%, A-1 Cond.; Case #B3O Case-o-matic Diesel, Row Crop, Eagle Hitch, 15.5x38 tires; Case #630 Case-o-matic, Diesel w/Eagle Hitch, Row Crop w/14.9x36 Tires: Case #430 Gasoline w/loader, WF Eagle Hitch & Chains: Case #530 Diesel w/backhoe & bucket: Farmall MD (Diesel) Row Crop w/13.6x38 Tires, Nice. PLANTING & TILLAGE IH #469 4-Row Planter w/fibre boxes, on rubber; Case 8-Tooth Chisel Plow: J.D. 17 Disc Grain Drill; New Couse 3-14” Btm Plow, 3 Pt.; Century Field Sprayer w/300 Gal. Fibre Tank; PTC w/pump; Vicon fertilizer spreader w/1000# fibre box, 3 PT. PTO; Case 4-16" Btm. plow, 3 Pt. Transport: Brillion 13' Transport Cultimulcher; Case 13' Transport disc; Set cultivators for H & #7; IH #175 Manure Spreader on rubber, PTO Double beaters, nice; New Idea 200 bu. Manure Spreader, nice; N.l. spreader for parts. New Idea Uni-system #705 Diesel w/Mtd. #737 4-row corn picker; Massey Harris #6O SP Combine w/bin & 10’ Grain head; Case hi-speed Hyd. Lift rake: Case #555 9’ Haybine; N.l. #767 Super chopper w/grass & 2 row corn head, nice; Wagons including: IH #5l forage wagon w/top, 2 Huskee Md. T-6 gravity box wagons; 2 Bale wagons, 1 w/hydraulic lift & sides, 1 a Colby: J.D. Chassis Feeder wagon; Elevators including: Case 36’ Grain or Bale, 20'Grain with motor; 1 JD&I Case 40' Hay or grain, 16'Bale w/monitor; Case running gears; J.D. Green Chopper; Case #230 Baler w/Thrower, PTO; N. Holland #352 Grinder-Mixer, PTO; Case 7’ Mower, 3 Pt., PTO; Pittsburgh 2-row3-Pt. Cultivators: 5' Rotary Mower; 2,000 Bu. Wire Corn Crib, KD. 400 gal. Delavel bulk tank complete w/2HP compressor; IHP compressor unit; 3 Stock waterers; 2 Air compressors, 1 with auto pressure control; 2 Surge Alamo Vacuum milker pumps, 30 plus gals.; 20’ metal stock loading chute; Wright cut-down saw; Biro #22 Meat saw w/SS bed; Commercial power meat grinder & meat slicer; Computerized meat scales; Lard press; Meat block; 2 Gas stoves, 1 appt. size; Signature refrigerator/freezer 2-dr. 17 cu. ft.; Ensilage cart; Delavel pulsator; Hog service pen; 3 Hog feeders, 1 -6 Hole & 2-4 Hole: Star-, line labor saver 36’ Auger feeder, 8” auger; 500 Bu. alum, storage tank. CATTLE Beautiful 2-year old Holstein Bull Name: Chlo-Mo-Kling, Sire- Raybrook Tempo. Dam; Syl- Ver Ridge Matties Ella. Cert #2038200; 5 Holstein steers, 900# to 1600#; 2 Gfred Heifers; 1 Cow w/Calf; 8 Year old Mustang; 3 Year old Gelding; (All livestock in excellent condition.) TRUCKS & MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 1967 IH 10T stake body truck w/dbl. cyl. grain & cattle body, good cond.; IH Loadstar 1700 dump truck; 2 6’ scraper blades, 1 a Case; Danuser 9” Post hole auger; Shaver post driver; B&D #3312 Router planer kit, I'A HP; Dewalt radial arm saw; David Bradley Chain saw; Mar quette engine analyzer; Craftsman 10" comb. table saw; 40’ Alum, shifting ladder; Imco 3 Pt. potato raiser; 300 gal. fuel Tank w/pump; Floor jack; HD Bumper jack; 60 Posts Bto 16’; BHP T Transaxle garden trac. w/36” mower deck; Garden Cultivator plus wagon load small parts, tools & equipment. TERMS: Cash travelers, cashier or personal checks w/approval. Not Responsible for accidents. For Inspection or information WILLIAM H. WINTERS, Owner 199 Woodside Rd., Gettysburg. PA 17325 CLAIR R SLAYBAUGH. Auctioneer Idaville, PA License: 856 L ■ O I--,, . - 1 ; t . C 233 S„ to Rt 174 W. Follow to sate. Sensenig Auctioneering. FRI. MAR. 1S - 9AM Farm Equipment Horse Equip ment, Related Items. From Waldorf- South on Rt. S to Rt 236 in Newmarket, Md. At the John Hertzler Farm, Go 1 Mile, Lane on Left. Watch For Sale Signs. John Hertzler, Sales Manager. Blaine N. Rentzel & Others, Aucts. FRI. MAR. 18 - 9:3OAM Farm Machinery. Mifflin Co., 2'/4 Miles East of Reedsville, Pa., Along Hon ey Creek Road At The Neighboring John K. Kauff man Farm. Mr. and Mrs James Spangler, Owners. Mark Click, Auct. FRI. MAR. 18 - 10:30AM Tractors, Farm Machinery and Equipment. On pre mises located 2 miles N.E of Brunswick along Peters ville Rd., Frederick County, Md. By Mr. & Mrs. William Watkins Willowdale Auc tion Co. auct FRI. MAR. 18 -10 AM Troy rototiller, 1971 Chevy pick up truck, tractor, tools and hardware located along Garfield Road, Bemville, Penn Twp, Pa turn off Route 183 at Bemville to Main Street, right to Gar field Road to auction. Watch for signs. For Elsie Moyer and Harold F. Moyer, deceased. Kenneth P. Leiby auct. OUTSTANDING LARGE PUBLIC SALE HARVESTING EQUIP. LIVESTOCK EQUIP. FRI. MAR. 18 -10 AM Well reiiiaiiy, amuiuey, awH.ii w, iwna Kept Farm Equip., Truck, HH Goode, Antiques. 7 mi. westof Allentown, 1 mi.s.of Rt, 22/1-78, along Rt. 100 toward Trexlertown, Lehigh Co., Pa For Carl, Norma & Mary Zimmerman FRI. MAR. 18 - 10:30AM Tractors, Combines, Trucks, Farm Machinery located 2 miles North of Westminster, Md. Airport & 7 miles South of Littlestown, Pa. on Route 97 for Pied mont Grain Farms. Robert C. Mullen do re, auct FRI. MAR. 18- 10:30AM 75 Grade Holsteins & Milking Equipment, 43 Cows- 32 Heifers, Milking Equipment. On the farm located 8 miles west of 1-81 near Hedgesvil le in Berkeley Co., W.Va. From 1-81 take the Inwood exit (Rt 51). Take Rt. 51 west to Rt. 45, turn left on Rt. 45 to Glengary. In Glen gary turn right at store- sec ond farm on right The DeHaven Family, Owner. Remsburg Sale Service, Auct. FRI. MAR. 18-10:45AM 90 Registered & High Grade Holstems. 2 mi. oft Rt. 287- 8 miles south of Wellsboro, Pa, 48 miles north of Wil liamsport Cortland & Betty Wilson, Owners. Gordon Wood, Sales Mgr. FRI. MAR 18 Modem Farm Machinery located off 81 Interstate exit 2 - IV4 miles south of Greencastle on US Phone: 717-334-0136 CLIP ft SAVE 11, % mile turn weston MH nor Road to first farm lane on right In So. Frank. Co., Pa. By Lester and J. Gene vieve Musselman. Edgar J. Stull, Lynn Dietrich. Rodger Wildeson, aucts. FRI. MAR. 18 - 10:30AM Tractors, Farm Machinery, Planting & Harvesting Equip., Tillage Equip. Misc Equip, and Farm Related Items. Route 6 Lebanon, Bethel Twp., Leb. Co. From Lebanon take Rt 343 N„ cross Swalara Creek to 2nd Rd. Right - Groboi Rd. east through 2 intersections to Ist term on left From 178 exit at Fredericksburg to Rt 22 East and bear to right at Mt. Zion Rd exit Turn right continue to Grebel Rd. turn left to the farm on left From Rt. 422 at Myerstown take Rt. 645 N. and turn left onto Grebe! Rd. before Frys town to farm on right For Robert & Sandra L. Lentz. Harry H. Bachman, auct. FRI MAR. 18- IPM Dairy Cow Sale at Kish Valley Dairy Sales, Belleville, PA. Bryan Imes, Auct. FRI. MAR 18 - I:3OPM Pigs State Graded Sale, Westminster Livestock Auction, Westminster, MD FRI. MAR 18 - 6;3OPM Feeder Pigs & Feeder Cattle At Keister's Middle burg Auction Sales, Inc. Rt. 522.3 mi E. of Middleburg, PA. 5 mi. W. of Selinsgrove, Lunch stand at sale. FRI. MAR. 18- TPM Horse Sale at New Holland Sales Stables Inc., New Holland, PA. SAT. MAR. 19 - Farm Eq. for Earl B. Horst, first (arm on right out of Klein feitsrs ville along Milbach Rd.. Lab. Co. G. Harvey Weik, Auct. SAT. MAR. 19 - Tractors, Farm Equip., Furniture. Located 1610 New Danville Pike, Lancaster, PA. For Melvin & Ruth Groff. Paul E. Martin & John D. Stauffer, Auctioneers. SAT. MAR. 19 - Howard County Machinery Auction. Howard County Fair grounds. Phil Gregory Auct. SAT. MAR. 19 -8.30 AM Antiques, Furniture, Auto mobiles, Dishes, Primitives, Collectibles & Personal Property at RD #2, Red Lion, Pa. at the comer of Windsor Road and Kendale Road in Windsor Twp., York Co., Pa. For Helen M. War ner Estate. Brian Gilbert, Jacob Gilbert, aucts. SAT. MAR. 19 - 9AM "Fin ger Lakes* Farm Toy Show & Auction at Seneca Falls, NY. Holiday Inn. Dale Stolt zfus, Auct. Info- (607) 532-4909. SAT. MAR 19-9 AM Farm Machinery, HH. Located in Cumberland Co., N. on rt. 233 from red light in Newvil le, Pa., 2nd rd. to left (Wild wood Rd), 3rd farm on Wildwood Rd. Herbert B. Shughart, Owner. Kling's Auct Serv. SAT. MAR. 19-9 AM Equip ment, Etc., 3 Tractors, Household, Antiques, Guns, Etc. Take Route #234 West from Biglerville 6-MHes thru ArendtsviHe to Nawawka Road thence turning North, at Conewago Camp Ground. V 4 Mile to sale OR From Route #3O Take Same Route #234 4 Miles East To Same Nawawka Road In Adams County, Pa. Allen E. Kump, Owner. Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auct SAT. MAR. 19 - 9AM Fra ley's Annual Spring Farm Machinery Consignment Sale (Lycoming County's Largest). Located On Our Farm 3 Miles E. Of Muncy, Pa. Along KepnerHill Road 14 Miles S. Of Williamsport. Watch For Auction Arrows At Rts. 442 & 405 Junction. (Lycoming Co) Fraley Auc tion Co. SAT. MAR 19 - 9AM Real Estate, Valuable and Useful Farm Machinery, Farm Related Items, Butchering Tools, Household Furnish ings, Antiques And Collecti bles. To be hqld at the Robert B. Hollenbach Farm located 6 miles north of Selmsgrove or 1 mile west of Kratzerville or 5 miles south of New Berlin off Rt. 204. Robert B. and Thelma M. Hollenbach, Owners Laird Gemberiing, Attorney. Earl Eash, Bill Mattern, Aucts. SAT. MAR. 19 - 9AM 25th Annual Spring Sale at Kempton Community Recreation Center, North ern Berks Co. 215-756-6973. 14 Auctioneers. SAT. MAR. 19 - 9AM Vil lage of Rehrersburg, Pa., Berks Co. glassware, etc. Estate of Earl “Red" Kee ney, Dwight D. Miller, auctioneer. SAT. MAR. 19 -9AM Horse Drawn Farm Machinery, Horses, Household located 4 miles south of Mt Pleas ant Mills and 1 mile west of Rt 104 at Fullers Store for Jake N. & Sam. S. Schwartz. Bryan D Imes, auct. SAT. MAR. 19 - 9AM Farm Machinery, Tools, Anti ques. At 3600 Millcreek Rd , Wilmington, DE. Take Rt 7 (Limestone Rd.) to Stoney Battery Rd. then to Millcreek. Turn right, first farm on right The Estate of F. Malcolm Yearsley. Har old S. Hill & Son, Inc., Aucts.
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