FlB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 12, 1988 _ , Co. Inc., Owners. Aberdeen _ . _ , . . Sales Co. Inc. Auct Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5 00PM ol each week s publication WED. MAR. 16 - 9:3OAM FatYn Eq. & Tools. Erisman Roqd, Mt. Joy, PA. Isaac S. Carman, Owner. Nevin Martin & Lewis Groff, Aucts. WED. MAR. 16 - 9:3OAM Farm Machinery, Beef Cattle, Hay, Straw & Com & Tack. Location- On Sus quehannock Dr. adjacent to Subquehannock State Park. Take 372 West from *Th|s Buck'. App. 4 miles bear left on S usque ban nock Dr. App. 3Vi mile to sale. Drumore Twp. Mart & Nina Eshleman, Owners. J. Everett Kreider, Stanley Bucher, Martin Heaps, Auctioneers. WED. MAR. 16 - 9:3OAM Farm Equip., HH. Kettle Rd., RD, Altoona, Blair Co., PA. Rt. 22 toward Altoona, turn right on Rt 453. Go 3.2 mi. & turn left toward Arch Springs. Go 1.7 mi., keep left after church toward Fort Robedeau. Go 2.2 mi. & turn left onto Stone Rd. By Jack R. Snare Sanford G Learn an, CAI Auct. WED MAR. 16- 10AM 125 Acre Dairy Farm. Farm Machinery & Some House hold Goods. Located 4 miles west of 81 Interstate exit 3 Greencastle on route 16 turn north onto 995 go 2Vi miles turn right at 7000 Farm Lane In Franklin Co , Pa. For J. Paul and Mabel S. Doyle. Edgar J. Stull, Lynn Dietrich, aucts WED. MAR. 16 -10 AM Tractors, Garden Tractors, Antique Briggs Engines, Used Equipment, New Equipment Misc on Rte 13 - A ( 1 /i mile southof Laurel, DE) For W.C Little ton & Son. Joseph O'Neal & Pete Richardson, aucts WED. MAR. 16 -10.30 AM Tractors, Uni-System, Farm Machinery 13Swata ra Dr., Lebanon, Swatara Twp, Leb Co , Pa. From Rt. 72 S. of Rt 22 at traffic light at west end of Jones town, turn east onto old Rt 22 - Jonestown Rd to Y - bear nght onto Greble Rd for 1 3 miles to Dead End Rd.- bear right for 3 mile to Swatara Rd - bear right and proceed 7 mile to farm Auction for Jesse & Darlene Weaver Harry Bachman, Auct. WED MAR 16-11 AM 130 Head Al Bred Holstems At New Holland Sales Stables, New Holland. PA S R Conard & Sons, Owners Col Fred R Daniel, Auct WED. MAR. 16-6 PM Over 400 Collector's Plates & Coins At Bnckerville Fire Hall just off Rt. 322 (approx 8 mi. W of Ephrata), Brick erville, Lane Co, PA Terms by ES P. T Glenn Horst & Sons, Aucts THURS. MAR. 16 - 6PM Complete Liquidation Mod em Office Furniture and Accessories. Located at Merrill-Lynch, 48 East Market St., York, Pa. next to York County Court House Merrill-Lynch, Owners. Ker ry Pae Aucts. THURS. MAR. 16-7 PM 40 Outstanding Reg. Holstein Cows. Carroll County Hg. Center, Westminster, Md Sponsored by Carroll County Holstein Club. Man aged by Remsburg Sales Service. THURS. MAR. 17-9:3OAM Modem Farm Machinery & Related Items. Mr. & Mrs. Dale Furry, 9 mis E. of Altoona, PA, and 6 mis. S. of Tyrone, PA. off Rt. 220 (between Scalp and Culp) Sinking Valley, next to Sink ing Valley Country Club. From Rt. 22 take Rt 453 N Ron Gilligan, Auct. THURS. MAR. 17 -10 AM Farm Machinery, Hay & Straw. 1144 Fruitville Pike, Utitz. PA. By: Robert & Esther Lefever J Omar Lanrfls Auction Serv., A THURS. MAR. 17 - 10:30AM Annual Spring Equipment Sale For The Farm. Sale to be held at Ag Industrial Equipment Co., Inc. located on Rt. 273 & Telegraph Rd., 4 mt. east of Rising Sun, Cecil Co., Md. Ag Industrial Equipment ALLEN H. MATZ ABSOLUTE PUBLIC AUCTION GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE SAT, MARCH 26, 1988 At 9:00 A.M. Located east end of New Holland at 505 East Main St. behind Horning Dodge. New Equipment 10 NEW Lawn & Garden Tractors 11 to 18 H.P., Wheel Horse & Ariens; 15 Ariens & Jacobsen Rotary Mowers; 3 Snow Blow ers 3 to 5 HP.; Lambert Sweeper; Brinkley 8 HP. Pull-Behind Rototiller; Brinkley Cult., Plow & Disc; 16 HP. Tuff-Bilt Tractor, 3 pt. Hookup. 5 Disc Harrows 3 pt. s’, 6’, 7’; 2 Rear Swivel Blades s’, 3 pt. 8’ Spring Harrow. 2-5' 3 pt. King Kutter Rotary Mower; King Kutter Rotary Pull Type; Ford 5 Tooth Chisel Plow; M.G.S. 8' Tilt Trailer; Lawn & Garden Trailer; 2 Ford Spring Trip 2x14” Plows: 3 pt. 16" Leinbach Plow; T Trip Snow Blade; 4-1 Row 3 pt. Cult.; 4’ Rotary Cutter w/8 HP. Engine; N.l. & N.H. Spreader Webs. 2-16.9x30; 9.2x24-13.6x28 Tractor Tires; Roil-A-Bar for 3000 & 1300 Ford Tractor; Roll of New Steel Cable: Wagon & Equipment; Wheels: Tere-mattic Hi Lift; Lot of New Louden Dairy Stanchions, Parts & Lidder Track; 15 New & Used Electric motors. Tractor & Trucks 1959 Ford F6OO 20’ Roll Back; 1973 Ford F 350 w/14' Roll Back; 1976 Ford Fl5O Pickup, Auto. All Trucks in good run ning condition. Allis-Chalmers Forklift: Ford 8N; Allis-Chalmers G w/Plow; Cult. & Dozer Blade; J.D. 2 Bottom 14" Plow 3 pt. Hitch; Plow Parts for Ford, J.D., Int., A.C.; Cult. & Disc Parts; Ford F6OO 2 Speed Axle w/Tires; Old Tractor Parts; Horse Potato Plow; 3 pt. Hitch Potato Plow; 16” Tandem Axle Trailer: Chain Saw Parts; 5 Gals, of Motor & Hyd. Oil. Shop Tools Dynamometer A.W.; Hyd. Press; Arma ture Lathe; Armature Cutter; Magneto Bench; Arber Press; Porta Power; Drill Press #3 Chuck; Spark Plug Cleaner; Large Grinder; Anvil & Stand. 1 -A -Ton Floor Jack; Acetylene Torch & Tank; Barrel Pump; Air Lift; Electric Wel der; 2 Floor Cranes: Kerosene Tank; Suix Valve & Seat Grinder; Workbench; Tractor Axle Bearing “Fuller; Metal Lockers: Shelv ing; Bins; Display Racks; 2 Desks & Chairs; Typewriter; Adding Machine; Cash Regis ter TCA 5100/30 Categories & Sales Tax; Other Office Equipment: Old Tractor Parts & Repair Manuals. All items subject to prior sale. Order of sale Lawn & Farm Equip ment & Trucks app. at 2:00 P.M. Terms by ALLEN H. MATZ Aucts.; Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin, 656-7770 AUOOOSBOL Gerald Hoover, Apprentice No Out of State Checks Lunch by Denver UCC Church THURS. MAR. 17 -11 AM Norlh-Mont Milking Herd & Bred Heifer Dispersal. Located on farm IVi mi. north of Dewart, Pa. 13 mis. S. of Williamsport. Donald & Alma Bieber, Owners Fra ley Auction Company. THURS. MAR. 17 - 3PM Fine HH Furnishings, Jay McVey (Signed) Prints, Coins & Car. 150 Dogwood Dr, Akron, Pa. Rt. 272- 54 mi. S. of Akron, turn onto S. Conestoga (At Click's Auto Body) to Dogwood Or. Shop & Garage Equipment Terms by Mr. & Mrs. East Main Street (Rt 23) & Samuel E. Weaver. T. Valley Road, Morgantown, Glenn Horst & Sons, Aucts. Pa. Just off Pa. Turnpike -li,Exit22. El-Mor Chevy, Inc. R JV -t PM Owners J. Omar Landis Vehicles. Travel Trailers, Auction Service, Aucts. PUBLIC AUCTION FARM MACHINERY TUES., MARCH 29, 1988 10:00 AM. Located along Sunhill Road, Manhelm, Pa. Directions: from Lancaster take Rt. 72 north to Manhelm Chrysler Plymouth and turn left onto Sunhill Road, take Sunhill Road 9/10 of a mile to auction. Watch for auction signs. 550 Oliver tractor, WD 40 Allis Chalmers trac tor, New Idea #7 com picker, Dunham 20 culti packer, McDeering disc harrow, Oliver drag disc, David Bradley flat wagon, John Deere Van Brunt drill, N.H. 66 baler, J.D. 3 pt. 5’ rot ary mower, 4 bar New Idea side rake, 2 row I.H.C. 3 pt. com planter, Oliver 3 pt plow, McDeering #2OO manure spreader, Ford 3 pt. sickle mower, mulcher, D. Bradley garden tractor, Agway roto tiller, D. Bradley sickle mower, cement mixer, 16’ aluminum elevator, 40’ aluminum ladder, potatoe plow, ANTI QUES AND MISC: Indian door, waterfall bedroom suite, rope bed, floor mdl. radio, kitchen cabinet, platform scales, chicken coops, Fairbanks Morse Z style D VA h.p. gasoline engine, egg baskets, firewood, mulch hay and other items not mentioned. Auction for J. HAROLD BUCKWALTBR JlMOcldka 10 S Broad St Lititz, PA 17543 Elmer Murry 626-2636 Richard Murry 626-8175 Professional Auctioneers, Appraisers and Advisors Since 1953 AU-00648-L WEHRLY’S AUCTION SAT., MARCH 19, 1988 At 9:30 A.M. Located along Snyder road off of Rt. 616 between Glen Rock and Seven Val leys or off of Shaffer Church Road, Sell ing Farm machinery, Car and guns from the estate of Ross F. Stambaugh from R.D. #1 Spring Grove, Pa. Farm Machinery 1959 Ford tractor model 871 selcct-o-speed, 1950 Ford tractor. Ford 2 bottom plow 3 pt.. Ford 19 tooth 3 pt. harrow, Ford 3 pt. 28 disc harrow, Ford cultivators 3 pt., Ford manure loader, ground scoop to fit loader. Ford pto hay baler. Ford 6 ft. 3 pt. tractor mower. Ford 3 pt. sidcliver hay rake, Smoker bale elevator, Ford #309 com planter 2 row 3 pt., New Idea #I2A manure spreader A 1 condition. Ford 3 pt. 6 ft. scraper blade, single cultipacker, Ford 3 pt. rot ary shreader, Ontario 13 disc grain drill steel wheels, Arps 3 pt. snow blower, J.D. com sheller 3 pt. weed sprayer, hammer mill, Case rubber tire flat bed wagon, hay tedder, cement mixer with elec, motor, 2 hole com sheller, 2 pr. tractor chains, power weed eater, Wright chain saw. This machinery is in good cond. CAR - GUNS 1975 Dodge Royal Monaco 4 dr. car with 64,826 miles in good condition, Springfield 12 ga. double br. shotgun, Riverside 12 ga. single br. shotgun, 222 rifle with scope. ROSS F. STAMBAUGH ESTATE Paul E. Fultz Executor Paul N. Yost Atty. Other Consignments Spring tooth harrow, alum, grain elevator, 1 pr. car ramps, metal tool box for pickup truck. If you have any farm machinery, cars or trucks, garden tractors or lawn mowers, we can sell them at this sale. Not responsible for any accidents Terms cash or approved checks Charles and Scott Wehrly Auct. 235-4146 or 235-7415 Lie. «AU9BSL LARGE THREE SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT, ETC. at our place of business located six miles south of Chambersburg, Pa., one mile east of Marion, just east off Rte. 81 at Exit 4 along Rte. 914 on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 THURSDAY, MARCH 24 FRIDAY, MARCH 25 Sales at 9:00 A.M. Each Day SELLING ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 Usual run of misc. items including new and used tools, chain saws, tires and usual run of small items on first day of sale. SELLING ON THURSDAY, MARCH 24 Usual run of tractors, some with loaders, skid loaders, Ind. equipt. expected, lawn and garden tractors, posts, new rotary mowers, blades, etc. balance of misc. items. Trucks and Trailers. SELLING ON FRIDAY, MARCH 25 Farm equipt. including balers, haybines, mow ers, rakes, elevators, sprayers, planters, drills, spreaders, wagons, plows, disc harrows, pack ers, cultimulchers, grinder mixers, new and used rotary mowers, blades, post diggers, trac tors tires and usual run of equipt, etc. I FARMERS & DEALERS- Bring in your equipt. 5 for this sale. Next sale April 20-21 -22. We I are not responsible for condition of equipt. I sold or for prices obtained. NO EQUIPT. I WITH LIENS ACCEPTED UNLESS WE J ARE NOTIFIED IN ADVANCE, i Terms Cash or Good Check - Ident. I required for Bidders Nos.- Lunch at Sale. I RALPH W. HORST, Manager X Ucense No. AU-000437L I MARION, PA. 17235 PHONE 717-375-2824 f Rentzel, Wolgemuth, Bohrer, Harry, Upparman, Goaaart, Auctioneer* PUBLIC SALE Of FARM EQUIPMENT Wed., March 23, 1988 at 12:30 P.M. Location: From Shippensburg take Rt. 11 North to Rt. 533 East at Leinbach’s Farm Market. Turn left. Follow to Smith Rd. (first road left). Follow to sale. From Newville take Rt. 533 West to Smith Rd. Sale signs posted day of sale. CUMBERLAND CO.. PA. FARM EQUIPMENT David Brown 995 D. Tractor, excellent con dition: Farmall H Tractor; Kelly Loader w/ snow bucket and manure fork to fit Farmall H; New Holland #273 Baler w/#54 thrower; Little Giant 32’ Elevator; 28’ Case Elevator; Bear Cat Flail Chopper; IH #450 3-bottom 16” auto, trip reset Plow; IH #56 2-row Corn Planter; Case #555 9’ Haybine; New Idea EZEE Flow Hay Rake; IH 9’ Disk; 10' Culti packer; 7’ ARP 3 pt. hook-up Scraper Blade; 3-section lever Harrow; Gravity Bin Wagon; Century Field Sprayer w/ fiberglass tank; JD 2-disk Plow; JD 13x7 Grain Drill; 2 Hay Rack Wagons; Mounted Wood Saw for Farmall H; 36’ aluminum Ext. Ladder; Cattle Racks for Ford Pickup: Tools; Brooms: Shovels. WAGONLOAD OF SMALL ITEMS • FEW HOUSEHOLD GOODS Also selling for SMITHDALE FARMS Gehl 600 Forage Harvester w/grass head 2-row Corn Head - for parts Electric Knife Sharpener 3 Screens Hopper Attachment TERMS BY; Gerald & Betty Gayman R.D. #5, Shippensburg, PA PH. 532-8119 SALE CONDUCTED BY: SENSENIG AUCTIONEERING PH. (717) 532-9160 or (717) 776-5054 Lie. #AU-001803-L TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK • NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS DAY
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