Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5 00PM of each week s publication **********************^j^**Jg*^*^-AnJgj^]Hf****************** Martin’s Auction of £ CARRIAGES. SLEIGHS * & ANTIQUES £ FRIDAY, MARCH 25 & £ SATURDAY. MARCH 26. 1988 £ Starting at 10:00 AM Each Day * Located at Martins Sales Pavilion, two miles East J of Intercourse, on corner of Route 340 and New * Holland Road, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. ♦ Friday - 10 AM £ Surplus inventory from Smuckers Harness Shop including: new & used harness, harness parts; Ig. asst, of old ♦ brass rosettes; old brass & silver monograms; new & used saddles; western show halters w/sterling & German J silver hardware; very unusual, chdds side saddle', made in England; Martin & Martin side saddle; old bits ♦ including U.S. Army, training & asst of unusual bits; Brewster rein holder; harness makers bench; old patent * books, 1800’s of harness making, etc.; harness books & catalogues; US. Army quadron cases; leather tools, 4. cutters; leather gauges; light leather sewing machine, stand & parts; china closet & other furniture; toys; harness cases, cabinets, racks; store fixtures; display racks; saddle racks. Also English pony drag wagon, fifth wheel, J made by P. Boswell & Sons, London, England & pony cart with lights & numerous other items. 4. In addition to the above listing, consignments for Friday’s session include: toys; banks; advertising items; 4- manikins; antiques; general store items, etc. J Appointments, driving equipment lorse items: ~g. hanging harness hook; Ig. harness ik mounted on oak; sm. harness hook; brass coach house hose nozzle; coach wrenches; brass harness hardware; horse & pony blankets & coolers; whip case w/2 holly whips & other fiberglass whips; wicker wine case; asst of bits; U.S. Army holster; carriage tool set; horse books; carriage builders catalogues; Smuckers Super Delux Ig pony harness w/collars & brass fittings; other new harness; used harness; saddles & bridles; wicker appointments; lap robes; carriage lamps (single & pairs); coll of adjustable wrenches. This is a partial listing of approx. 350 items to be sold in this session. Approx. 60 horse drawn carriages, coaches & sleighs; Abbott & Downing Yellowstone Mountain Wagon; Harewood Competition vehicle; landau; back to back traps; restored Stanhope gig; cabriolet sleigh; C-spring Victoria made by Brewster & Co; ladies wicker phaeton w/dickey seat; new shooting break; restored Bronson wagon; Portland cutter w/ornale ironwork by French Carriage Co.; new ralli car; Victoria sleigh; 2 roof seat breaks; restored pony, surrey; restored Brougham; sev vis-a-vis; restored fringe top surrey; cut under phaeton by T.W. Lane; sev. restored village carts, etc. Partial listing only, of a good variety of horse drawn vehicles accepted for this auction. Catalogues listing all horse drawn vehicles by photo & description are available for $12.00 (USA & Canada); overseas, $17.00 (air mail postage). Please contact our office for brochures or additional information, ,RCOUhdC| ■ . Public ” AUCTION SATURDAY APRIL 2. 1988 9:30 A.M. TRACTORS. FARM MACHINERY. TRUCK. CROPS LOCATION; Route 1 Palmyra, Lebanon County, Pa., From Rt. 422 In Palmyra turn at square on Railroad Street and than onto Gravel Hill Rd., pass WCTX radio station to 1 st farm on right. From Rt. 22 east of Grantville go south on Gravel Hill Rd., cross Swa tara Creek and proceed approx. Vh miles to farm on left. TRACTORS. TRUCK. SKID STEER. COMBINE MF 65 wide front gas w/Schwartz loader MF 50 gas utility - 3 pt. hitch - 3305 hrs. MF 65 gas row crop w/2 row mtd. #62 picker MF 44 gas row crop MELROE gas skid steer w/materials & manure buckets 1972 DODGE Custom 300 truck w/grain & catde sides- 20,670 miles MASSEY HARRIS 82 gas combine w/grain platform FARM MACHINERY MF #lO baler; (2) gravity wagons; HESSTON PT 10 mower conditioner; NH #350 grinder mixer; MF #450 3 pt. sickle bar mower; (2) JD 3x16” plows; JD 3x14” plow; NI #216 manure spreader; NI side rake; AC 15 hoe grain drill w/grass seed attachment; 3 pt. 4 tooth chisel plow; roller harrow; (3) flat bed wagons; Cardinal Jr. elevator; 3 pt. rotary mower; NH 28’ bale elevator, King Wyse com drag; 8’ double roll cultipackcr; 3 pt. 3 section harrow; belt drive hammermill; (2) feed grinders; Danuser post hole digger; tractor mid. saw; MF front blade; JD 2 row com planter; David Bradley blower. Single & double trees; 1 horse sleigh; com binder; (3) cultivators; dump rake; steel wheel tedder; assorted plows; roller; potato plow; scorer; old collars; harness, etc.; dirt scoop; sleigh seat; saw mill track; equipment scats; 2 hole shellcr; 3 horse wagon w/hay ladder; farming mill; straw bench; gram cradle; saddlers bench; bags. MISC. FARM RELATED ITEMS Cow chains; heat houscr; scythes; twine; fogger, hay rope; Star 6 can coller; SS wash tub; hot water heater; Surge SP 11 vacuum pump; wheel barrows; iron water trough; feed cart; platform scale; old grain bin; tow chains; wire; chicken crates and many other items. CROPS Oats; ear com; baled fodder; 25 ton mixed hay; 20 ton straw, Scalding trough; (4) iron kettles; stirrers; sausage stuffer, meat grinder; galv. tubs; forks; ladles; clever. Auction for HERMAN A. & BERTHA M. GINGRICH HARRY H. BACHMAN- Auctioneer AU-000033-L (717) 867-1809 Pood: Palmyra Ch. of the Brethren Women's Fellowship Tools, cars, and 10 acre farm to be sold on April 23. Note: This auction features a 60 yr. accumulation of farm items. Saturday - 10 AM & hr '.lated ■ Lg. ha martin Auctioneer/. ■ - PA - AU 001137 L IRC. CA - C 879 Larry L. and Paul Z. Martin, Jr. INTERCOURSE, PENNSYLVANIA 175: P.O. BOX 477 ■ ORSE EQUIPMENT & ANTIQUE! BUTCHER EQUIPMEN >UN. MAR. 13 -11 AM 3eyer, Auct soin-Op Machines. Car- ,/ON MAR. 14 -9.30 AM nisei Horses, Collectibles, -ull line of Farm Equip., sm. \utos. At SKippack Fire "ools, some Household louse, Skippack, Pa. (30 Soods, Com, Hay, Straw, m from Phila.) Kenneth .ocated RD#l Marietta, ik; 1; ’a, Rt 743, Elizabethtown ’« Maytown Rd. Turn west >n Donegal Springs Rd. South on Beatty Tollgate W Sale by Donald & 3ladys Ney Harold (Abe) Shaffner, Auct. MON. MAR. 14 -10 AM Tractors, Trucks, Farm & Orchard Equipment Located taking Rt 34 just north of Biglerville, Pa (at Sandoes Fruit Market). Ralph S. & Sara Sandoe, Owners C David Redding, Auct AON MAR. 14-11 30AM : arm Equip . Crawler, OUTSTANDING PUBLIC SALE 4-TRACTORS-4 NICE FARM MACHINERY FINE LOT MISC. TOOLS, ETC. MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1988 AT 10:00 A.M. The Undersigned Will Have Public Sale, On The Premises, Located 2 Miles West Of East Berlin On Route #234 Then Turning South % Mile, Then East At First Lane, In Adams County, Pa. (Signs Posted). 4—TRACTORS—4 EQUIPMENT. ETC. INT. #966 Diesel w/Cab, W.F. & New Tires, 18.4x38; JOHN DEERE #2440 Diesel, 1540 Hrs., W.F. 16.9x30 75% Tires, & Loader #145 w/Dirt Scoop & portable 10’ snow blade; MASSEY FERGUSON #175 Diesel, W.F. 16-9x28 80% Tire; Nice John Deere #214 Gar den Tractor, 14 HP w/42” mower deck; Int. #5lO 5-16” Plow, 3-Pt.; J.D. Plow 3-16”, 3-Pt.; J.D. 12’ Transport Disc; 2 Packers, 1-8’ & 1-6’ Coop; 2 Int. 4-Row Com Planters, 1-42” row & 1-33” Row w/Gandy attachment; J.D. Grain Drill; 12 Disc on rubber. Plastic 100 gal field sprayer, 3-Pt.; J.D. #3B Sickle bar mower; 3 Sec. spring tooth harrow; N.H. #479 9’ Hay bine; N.H. #56-R High speed rake; Nice Int. #440 Hay baler w/Throwcr; Nice Int. #5O 12’ Portable flail chopper; New Idea Elevator, 26’ w/motor; JD 500 lb. Capacity fertilizer spread er, PTO; 3 Nice high rack bale wagons, 2 metal & 1 wood w/JD Chasis; 2 J.M. heavy duty gravity box wagons; Ford 8’ Scraper, 3-Pt.; Ford Cultivators, 3-Pt.; Avco NEW Idea spreader; 2-Row furrow score out plow, 3-Pt.; 2 Nice metal 20’ bunk feeders; Water trough; 3 Fence controllers, 2-Elect. & 1 battery; Roll elec, fence wire; 30 5 & 6 ft. fence posts; 4 Cast iron hog troughs; Century 230-AMP welder & rods; Welding table; 2 Acetylene welders, 1 w/ tanks & torch head, 1 small portable; 2 Chain saws; Homehte-16” & Echo-12”; Log chains; Tractor link; Grease guns; 2 Used 18.4x38 Tractor tires; 2 Fuel tanks, 100 & 200 gal w/ pumps; 2 Aluminum shifting ladders; 32 & 40 ft.; Some lumber, Misc. tools, Duracrafl HD drill press on stand, new; Jason J-8 aluminum brake; Aluminum cementing float, 17’ 3-Sec. handle; 3 Sets of 5’ metal scaffolding: 4-Post jack-up poles; 2 Post jacks; 5’ Craftsman port able disc sander; Double end bench grinder; Hydraulic 8T jack; Metal mitre box; 2 Power saws, Skil & B&D; 60-Drawer plastic bolt cabinet; 4 Electric Drills, /*, 'A & 3/8”; 9’ Shop Table: “C” Clamps; Nails; Nice Crafts man Comb. 10” ripsaw; 2 Rotary lawn mow ers; Plus many many items too numerous io mention. NOTE: This Is a real nice, clean lot of well cared for machinery & equipment. For Inspection phone the, undersigned for appointment. Lunch stand at sale Not responsible for accidents. TERMS: Cash or approved checks. ID required for bidders number. Owner, MRS. MARGARET BLEVINS 336 Peepytown Road East Berlin, PA Phone: 717-259-9447 CLAIR R SLAYBAUGH, Auctioneer Idaville, PA Phone; 717-677-7479 PA License #BS6L -IN CASE OF INCLEMENT WEATHER, SALE WILL BE HELD INDOORS.-- Trucks. (3 miles west of Fogelsville), exit off Rt. 22/1-78 onto Rt. 863 south '/> block, turn east onto old Rt. 22 for ’/< mi., left onto Ziegels Church Rd„ north for Vi mi., left onto Heffner Rd to farm, Lehigh Co., Pa. For Arthur Masters. Con ducted by Ralph W. Zettle moyer Auction Co-, Inc. MON MAR 14-IPM Farm Machinery Merrill Belote's Farmon Rt. 625, near Mal ta, Va From N or S., take US Rt. 13 to Va. State Police Barracks in Melfa, Va, turn east on Rt 639, then left on Rt 625 past 90° turn farm on right. Perry Belote, Owner. Pete Richardson Auction Sales MON MAR. 14-THURS. MAR 17- Slaughter Ani mals For World Relief. New Holland Sales Stables, New Holland, Pa. For Informa tion Contact. C.L. Stoitzfus, Elverson, Pa. 215-286-5995. MON. MAR 14-5.30 PM At Central Manor Auction 2 miles S. of Mountville off Central manor Rd. at Hen- Fruit Farm. Tin windup toys, celluloid toys, crocks, old butter scales, enterprize iron 1800’s meat slicer, antiques, tin, iron and glassware. Lots of mer chandise not advertised By Central Manor Auction H Edward Johnson, auct. TUES MAR 15 - Farm Machinery. J. Shephard Wolff, Newville, PA Klmg's Auct Serv. TUES. MAR. 15-9 AM Beef Cattle, Farm Machinery. Take Rt. 222 from Lancas ter through Quarryville, Pa. 3 mi. South of Quarryville, turn East on Blackburn Rd. to St. Catherine Dr. First farm on right. Terms by Dor othy K Robinson POA for Anna B Hostetler. Kreider & Kline, Auctioneers. TUES. MAR. 15 - 9:3OAM Holstein Bred Heifers, Trac tors & Farm Machinery, Misc. Items. Located 4V4 Miles North of Woodsboro, Md or 8 miles South of Taneytown, Md. on Route 194, 'A Mile East of Good Intent Road at Ladiesburg, Md By Richard H Layman Robert C Mullendore, auct TUES MAR 15 -10 AM Modem Fans Machinery Located in Mifflin Co , Turn South Off Route 22, One Mile West Of McVeytown, Pa, Onto River Road, 'A Mile, Turn West On Irvin Hill Road, 1 Mile To Farm Galen M and Dorothy Kenepp, Owners Mark Click, Auct. TUES MAR 15- 10AM 52 Hoi Cattle, Horse Drawn Farm Machinery, 4 Work Horses 3 mis W of Ehms port, PA. Jonas & Fanny Lapp, Owners Fraley Auct Co TUES MAR. 15- 10 30AM Farm Equipment, Butcher ing Equipment Located along Rt 512 between Bethlehem & Bath, North ampton Co , Pa Stanley F Hummel & Mabel E Schall Owners. Ralph W Zettle moyer Auction Co. Inc. TUES MAR 15 Tractors, Forage Equipment, Hay Equip, Planting & Tillage Equip, Other Equip , Misc on the farm located 5 miles south of Fredenck Co , Md From US 340 take the Mt Zion exit, go west to stop sign Cross Route 180 onto Mt Zion Rd , go V. mile to Mt. Phillip Road, turn nght to first farm on nght By Mary C Poole Remsburg Sale Service, aucts TUES MAR. 15 -11 AM Tractors, Skid Loader, Truck, Hay Equipment, Planting & Tillage, Harvst mg & Misc. Items, House hold Goods & Antiques, Wagon Load of Misc Farm Items At Newville, Pa . off Route 641, I’/i miles East of red light in Newville, turn right on Green Hill Road, I'/i miles to farm by J She phard Wolf, Klmgs Auction Service, auct IDES. MAR. 15-6 PM Auto Parts, Liquidation Sale Located along Snyder Road off of Rt 616 between Glen Rock and Seven Val leys or off of Shaffer Church Road Kohler Auto Parts Store, Owners Charles and Scott Wehrely, Aucts TUES MAR 15 -730 PM Public Consignment Sale Of Feeder Cattle Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc Exit 12 Off 1-81 Phone 717-249-4511 Or Evenings Jim 249-2359 TUES. MAR 15 - 7 45PM Feeder Cattle Sale West-
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