SlWihWy; Witft -f2,'f9W ' Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday bOO P M of each weeH s publication SAT. MAR. 12-10 AM Farm Machinery, Miscellaneous Items At 5 miles north of Shippensburg, Pa , if leav ing Shippensburg on Route 11 north approximately 2 miles, left on Route 533 approx. 3 miles then left on Ott Road to sale site. Watch for sale signs by Harry A. Ott. Dan Hershey, Aucts SAT. MAR. 12-10 AM Trac tors, Backhoe, Equipment From Biglerville take Rt. 234 east 2 mi. to Old Carli sle Rd. make left go IVS mi. to Bull Valley Rd. make right go 3 mi. sale on left From York Springs take Rt. 94 N turn left at Adams County National Bank on Cranberry Rd go 4 mi sale on left Owners- Barry L Guise & Others Auct- Thomas G Biggins SAT MAR 12 -10 AM George W Cook Farm Machinery, Inc 'A mi S of Rt 44 & 22 intersection, Amema, New York D Luther Aucts SAT MAR 12 -10 AM The highlights of this auction to be sold at 12 Noon with a 10% buyers (fee 3 items only) Removed from Har nsburg & Carlisle Homes to 44 N. Bedford St. Carlisle, Pa. Directly behind the old jail Charles Spahr, Auct SAT. MAR. 12-10 AM Con- PUBLIC SALE SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 1988 11:00 A.M. At the Charles Warfield farm; 2830 Florence Road, From 1-70 between Balti more and Frederick, Md. Exit 73 (Md. 94) South 4 miles to first crossroad (Flor ence Road). Turn right to first farm on left (2830). Signs posted week of sale. SIX FARMALL TRACTORS 1952 Farmall “M”, remote control; 1952 Farmall “H”; 1953 Farmall Super “H” w/ffl wide front end; 1954 Farmall Super “H” w/live hydraulic: 1953 Super “H” w/IH #3O loader w/ fork, dirt plate, snow blade; Farmall Cub w/ Woods L-59 5’ belly mower, snow blade, chains, plow, tandem disk, cultivators, 4’ sickle mower, com planter w/side dresser - all fit Cub. FARM EQUIPMENT IH #7O plow, 3-14” trip back; JD #44 plow, 2-14”, hyd. lift; Case WB-117 36-7” transport disk, 11’; JD RWA transport disk, 28-9”; IH #24-B offset disk, I'A ’; JD 12’ springtooth harrow, hyd. set; Vestal 10’ double cultipack er; Brillion 8’ double cultipacker; IH #37 baler w/chute; IH #990 mower/conditioner, 7’ cut, sharp; New Idea #270 cut/ditioner, 7’ clean; JD #894 hay rake w/new teeth; JD #3 hay Buffer; IH #27-V 7’ sickle mower, IH #2-A hay crusher; New Idea #176 36’ elevator w/motor or PTO; IH #1 28’ elevator w/motor; David Bradley rake; IH #56 4 row com planter, late model, disk openers, good; New Idea #lO com picker; (3) JD #953 wagon gears, all new tires; (2) Grove wagon gears: JD #943 wagon gear; JD #507 trailer rotary mower, I'A ’; IH #26 trailer rotary mower, s’; New Idea #206 man ure spreader, sharp; New Idea #215 PTO man ure spreader, clean; JD #FB 17x7 grain drill; New Idea #lOl 10’ fertilizer spreader w/grass seeder, JD #l5 flail chopper. TRUCKS 1978 Dodge 'A ton pickup, 6 cyl. 3 spd., Md. Inspected. 1968 IH 1600 cab & chassis, 304 VB, 4 spd./2 spd., P.S., 68,000 miles. MISC. & TOOLS Tractor chains, tow chains, Lantz sickle grinder, hyd. cylinders, plow parts, barrels, buckets, wagon load small items. A very clean line of equipment, all serviced and field ready! Inspection invited; Week of Sale Only, Please! Terms:'Cash or check, sale day C.G. and K.J. WARFIELD Owners 301-489-4993 Nevin Tasto, Auctioneer 374-4067 Hauling Available struction Equipment Auc tion, Milan Machinery at the lot on Pa. Rte. 220 Milan, Pa. located 3 miles south of Athens, Pa. or 10 miles north of Towanda, Pa. by Milan Machinery. Howard W Visscher, Auct. SAT. MAR 12 -10 AM HH Goods, Furniture, Antiques, Natzi Items, Tools, Etc At Schultz Auction Service, Rt 209 Zerbe, Newtown, Exit 34 off 1-81 Frances (Pete) Schultz, Auct. SAT. MAR 12 -10 AM HH Goods & Antiques, Farm Machinery Greencastle, RD. Pa. off Rt 16 at Upton, take Rt 955 N , turn nght at bnck church, Ist hardrd to nght (Hager Rd ), Ist property on nght (watch for sale signs) Eugene & Helen Hager, Owners Kling's Auctions, Inc , Aucts SAT MAR 12- 10AM Fur niture S Antiques At Rud mck's Sales, Rt 213, Gale na, Md From the Estate of Amanda S List Harry Rud mck & Sons, Inc, Aucts SAT MAR 12 - 10 30AM Horse Sale at Kish Valley Dairy Sales, Belleville, PA Bryan Imes, Auct SAT MAR 12 - 10 30AM Farm Machinery, Cars, Trucks Jules Matthews, Homeville, Pa. Steve Peter- SAT. MAR. 12 - 10 30AM Antique Tool Auction. SAT MAR 12-11 AM Farm George Mason Elementary Equip , Trucks, Cars, Real School, 2601 Cameron Estate Horst’s Machinery White Rd., Alexandria, Va Sales lot located six miles Herb Keane, Auct south of Chambersburg. SAT MAR 12 -11 AM f. a ■ one mi| e ?* st ° f Combine, Tractors, Trucks, Manon, just east off Rte. 81 Farm Equipment. Located Exit 4 along Rte 914 at Smith Ft Farm |ust off of H Martin Owner Rt 33, approx. 18 mi West ™“P h w H A orst . J Rodger of Easton, Md From Eas- ™ldeson, Aucts ' Md fr - -V Rf ton,, follow Rt 33 West towards St Michaels, Md. Follow Rt. 33 thru St Michaels approx 10 mi to Auction site (Follow Signs) Smith Pt Farms, Owner A Curtis Andrew Auction, Inc SAT MAR 12- 11AM Bob Junes Produce Stand, 418 Harry L Dnve, Johnson SAT MAR 12 -11 AM Kidd City, N Y Tractor, Equip , Bros Complete Holstein Herd Dispersal at New Hoi- p PUBLIC AUCTION 1 | Fraley’s Annual Spring Farm I | Machinery Consignment Sale | I (Lycoming County’s Largest). 1 I Located on our farm 3 miles Eof Muncy, Pa. along Kepner Hill I I Road. 14 miles Sof Williamsport. Watch for Auction arrows at * I Rts. 442 & 405 junction. (Lycoming Co.) I i SATURDAY. MARCH 19. 1988 | I 9 a.m. | Items already consigned include: 11 TRACTORS 11 i (expecting 15-20) | I IH Hydro 100-2500 original hrs-clean; JD 4020 D wfe, Power shift; I * Case 930 D CK- wfe- majored 50 hrs ago; Farmall Super MTA- live j I hyd & pto, complete overhaul; 2 Farmall H’s; Farmall Cub w/ I | cultivators; 1938 AC WC; AC WD; AC WC-reconditioned; Ford BNw/ I I turf tires- reconditioned: expecting more. I | COMBINES ! I White 8600 D self-propelled w/cab-13' grain & 4 row wide heads, I I field ready; set 18.4-30” duals to fit same; AC Cleaner F gas self- * | propelled combine w/4 row & 13' heads; IH 203 gas self-propelled I ( combine w/grain & 2 row heads; etc. I | VEHICLES. ETC. j | 73 Discoverer 23’ motor home- fully self-contained, Chevy chassis, I | 454 engine, less than 30,000 miles; Chevy 60 pass, school bus, | I recently rebuilt motor & trans; 76 Dodge 12 pass van; 82 Olds. Cut- | I lass diesel car-A/C; 549 gas engine, 13 spdR.R.; 75 Kawasaki KC | I 400 motorcycle-low miles, crash bars; 75 Suzuki GT 185 street I j motorcycle, elec, start-classic; 5 hp mini-bike. J I GENERAL FARMING EQUIPMENT, ETC. I | Tillage: NH 495, 12’ Haybine; NH 469 Haybme; MF 925 Haybme; 5 i NH 275 Thrower Baler; Girton 300 Gal. Bulk Tank; White 12’trans- I I port plowing disc w/midwest harrow: Pittsburg 16’ cart harrow; JD * | 5-16" semi plows; 12’cultipacker; IH 12’harrow; Bnllion 12’seeder; I | Brillion 10’Stine transport harrow-new; Brand new Brillion 13’ I | cultipacker w/transport wheels; 10’ transport disc; AC 2-14” | I plows; Oliver 2-16” trailer plows; 3 sect spiketooth harrow; HAYING | | EQUIPMENT: NH 479 & 489 haybmes; Hesston 1010 hydro-swing x I haybine; Nl 272 7’cut-ditioner; Nl haybine; NH mower; NH 455 trail- I | er 7’ bal. head mower; NH 450 bar mower; Duetz-Fahr 17% ’ ? I umbrella tedder- new; Grimm 2 umbrella tedder-rake; NH 269 I I thrower baler; JD 24T baler w/ejector; JD bale ejector; IH 430 baler » | w/#lO thrower-very good; JD side rake on steel; JDVanßruntl 5 dbl | I disc drill; IH #lOl6-7 hoe drill w/fert- very clean; Ontario 14-8 hoe & I | 15-8 sgl. disc drills; Nl 2 row wide corn picker w/12 roll bed; Fox 546 | | chopper w/pickup & grass heads; MM chopper; Hesston #lO Stak- | z Hand: Gehl #BOO forage harvester w/2 row & pickup heads; NH 38 x I flail chopper; AC 600 6 row No-till narrow corn planter w/dry fert; I ? Century 8 row sprayer w/cent pump; 200FG sprayer w/belt pump-17 I I nozzles, like new; pr. Century 125 gal. saddle tanks w/brackets & I | ace hyd pump; 500 gal. tandem axle 30’sprayer-poly tank; Niagara * I 15.000 watt pto alternator on cart; loader; Oliver loader bucket; 3 pth I 1 cultivator; Artsway subsoiler; Lamco forage wagon; Gehl forage I | wagon; Turnco gravity wagon; steel & wood hay wagons: 6xlo flat i | wagon;Dß&Nlmanurespreaders;loogal.portfueltanksw/pump; | | Herd 3 pth seeder; wfe for Oliver 1600 &50 series; Jaeger 5x4” irri- | I gation pump w/Crysler engine; Yard-Man shp riding mower. I | TIRES: New 16.9-34” Good Year tractor tires; several new 9L-15” j I implement tires; 3 18.4-38 ” 2 34” tractor tires; pr. L7B tires & Chevy I * rims: IH wheels for MHC; SIH wheel weights: 300 gal. fuel tank; large I I HD cylinder; 10 bales baler twine; 2 frontend rototillers; 45'x6” belt; I I 35 5/8 tomato baskets; Power steering unit for M; Sunset 400 gal. J I Vacuum bulk tank w/Washer; Craftsman 8” table saw; Plus full line of I * horse drawn & Antique farm machinery from Clarence Price. * i No small Items or Junk. jj 1 Auct. Note; Expecting over 200 pcs. machinery. Plan to attend i | the last 6 sales average 94% of Items being sold. Excepting I | items from 3-14, till 6 PM March 18- No Items being excepted | | Sat. morning. 2 I Terms: Cash, Buyers unknown to Auct. must have bank letterof I I credit. > I Conducted by I 5 FRALEY AUCTION CO. x I R.DJ4 Muncy, Pa. I L* (717) 546-6907 AUII94L ! Lunch & Bake Sale I & Coni Produce Bldi ioodncl SAT MAR. 1211 AM-Trac tors, Combine, Farm Equip ment, Trucks, Straw on Rt. 10 from Camden-Wyommg to Sandtown, Del Across road from Sand Del Pickle Plant for Alexander Farms. C.T Scuse & Sons, Inc. aucts i ~ < land Sales Stables, Inc., New Holland, Pa. Henry Kettering, Pedigrees, Norm Kolb, Abe Diffenbach SAT MAR. 12-11 30AM Personal Property, House hold Items, Farm Equip ment 6 Mile North of Han cock, Md ; 18 Mile S< <uth of McConnellsburg, Pa 11 Mile South of McConnells burg At The Crossroads, Turn South 7 Mile To Sale, 3 Mile Out Of Warfordsburg On Route 29004 Sale Signs To Direct You Floyd Truax, Owner J Robert Meyers, Auct SAT MAR 12 -12 PM Pa. Angus On Parade Sale & Eastern Nat. Heifer Calf Sale. Ag Arena, on the cam pus of Pa State Umv., Univ. Park, Pa. Sponsored by The Pa Angus Assn Aucts' Col. Mike Jones, Col. Hairy Bachman. SAT MAR, 12 - Farm Equipment Sale of David H Martin to be held at Horsts Machinery Sales Lot 'A mile East of Marion, Pa.. Ralph Horst & Roger Wilde son, Auctioneers. PUBLIC SALE FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1988 10:00 A.M. SATURDAY. MARCH 26. 1988 9:00 A.M. Blain, Pa. Antiques Antiques Antiques In Perry County, In the large building at the Blain Picnic Ground, Just off Rte. 274,10 miles west of Loysvllle (approximately 45 miles west of Harrisburg - see your map for best route to Blain, Pa.), the Undersigned will offer for sale from the Estate of Florence I. Gallagher, formerly of Newport, Pa. the fol lowing described items: NOTE: This sale is a collection of antique glassware, unusual pieces of china, pottery, brass, dolls, paintings, furniture, linens, tinware, and collectable items of all kinds This collection began in 1910 and is of a unique and high quality and has something for every kind of collector Mz. Gallagher collected her first piece of china when she was ten I will try to describe the best I can the items for sale Antique Glassware and Many Unique and Unusual Pieces. Collector Items 100 or more pieces of cut glass, 100’s of pieces of pat tern glass, (pitchers, compotes, cake stands, pickle dishes, cruets, salt dips, goblets, etc. with patterns such as Ball and Swirl, Kings Crown, Horn of Plenty, Daisy and Button, Thousand Eye, Hob Natl, Sawtooth, Cathedral, and many more), set of twelve Liberty Bell Goblets (1876 Comme morative) and other plates and compotes (covered), several pieces of covered Lion Glass Compotes and Dishes, West ward Ho Glassware, many, many pieces marked with RS Prussia, Germany, Czechoslavakia, Wedgewood, Staf fordshire, etc., Three Face Covered Compote, Copper Lustre Pitchers, Toby Jugs, Erphila China Dog, Tiger Rooster, Flower Vases, and etc., one Coin Glass (Coin Date 1879), Mary Gregory Glass, Victorian Art Glass, Opalescent and Iridescent, Brides Basket, Satin Glass, Gem Stone Jewelry, Royal Doulton Figurines, Bisque Fig urines (many), Noritake China, Cranberry Glass, Flow Blue Plates, set of 12 Fiesta Ware (several different col ors), Carmel Glass, Printed Slag Cup (Bird in Nest, out of Nest, etc.), some Roseville, Hall Weller, and Pottery, Fos toria pieces, six piece Castor set on stand (Daisy and But ton Pattern), two smaller Castor Sets, black and purple Amethyst plates and candle holders, German Stem, Ben nington Toby Jug and large Milk Pitcher, Royal Vienna Bisque Urn, Vases, etc., Austnan Moose Pitchers, three Delft Cow Creamers and one Dressed Goat, Majolica Vases and Plates, Satsuma Lamp Base, many pieces of Etched Glass Stemware NOTE; Many of these pieces are colored amber, red, blue, that arc mentioned Many china demi-tasse cups all good markings, Bavarian, German, RS Prussia etc , kerosene lamps, pitcher and bowl set colored, several dolls (Amish, Indian, Nuns, Mexico, Oriental), two Bisque Doll Heads, Peach Blow Vase, large punch bowl on stand unpamted, (Bavarian China) many pieces of Bavarian China trimmed in 24K gold paint, approx 120 Poerphilla Cheery Chintz Dinner Set, misc items all antique or collector Hems. 12 Tube candle mold, wooden cigar boxes, brass candelabra, silver tea set, tinware, cer amic lamp bases, some vintage clothes, Christmas Card Sample Books, postcards, a signed birthday greeting to Mz. Gallagher in frame from President and Nancy Rea gan, etc. FURNITURE FURNITURE WILL BE SOLD SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT 2.00 PM Chippendale style Secretary (glass doors), Comer Cup board (T glass doors), 18 China Closets (some round glass, some fancy). Marble Top Dresser, Marble Top Washstand, Mirrored Hall Rack with Marble Shelf and Drawer (rare), Kenmore Kitchen Cabinet, 10 large trunks. Urge round Walnut S leg table. Queen Anne's feet. Waterfall 4 piece bedroom suite, 4 drawer sewing cabinet, set of 6 cane backs, seat chairs (wing back wooden), marbletop parlor stand, doughtray (table), chest of drawers, several nice tables, benches, beautiful picture frames, paintings by Mz. Gallagher dated and signed (back to 1931), dining room chairs, buffet and table, fainting lounge, two large wooden cabinets with doors and drawers (possibly German style), several chans, quilling frames, settee with trundle bed, Viclrola (table). NOTE; I cannot begin to name eveiything so if you are a collector or dealer, I would suggest you don't miss this sale. The only order of the tale guaranteed is the furniture. JOAN & CHARLES MCGARVEY Owners R.D. #1 Loysvllle, Pa. Chuck McGarvey - Auctioneer #000661 -L Ph. 717-789-3974 Devlnney - Wlngenroth - McGarvey: Clerks TERMS: Cash or Travelers Checks or Good Checks. No out of state checks will be accepted without prior clearance. All bills will be paid at the end of each day. Full I.D. required. Because of new Penna Tax Laws we must collect State Tax. Bring your tax number (dealers). Food stand available on premises - Display morn ing of sale - Bring lawn chairs. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS SAT MAR 12 - IPM 120 Acre Farm, Nice House, 32,000 Broiler Houses, Equipment. Powell School Road. (Off of Md. Rt. 354) Powellville (Wicomico Co.) Md. By Percy and Virginia Timmons. Pete Richard son, aucts
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