Weekly Summary Harrisburg, PA Friday, Oct. 10 Report rapplied by PDA 13 Livestock Markets CATTLE: 5834. Compared with 6338 head last week and 6458 head a yearago. SI. steers uneven, mostly steady to 1.00 lower; si. heifers mostly steady, .25 lower; si. cows steady to strong; spots 1.00 higher; si. bullocks .50-1.00 lower; si. bulls steady to 1.00 lower; few High Choice & Prime YG No. 2-4, si. steers 62.25-64.35; Choice 58.00 63.00; Good 51.00-57.00; Standard 45.00- Choice si. heifers 54.00 59.00; Good 49.00-54.00; Standard 42.00- Breaking Utility & Commercial si. cows 36.50-39.50, few to 40.00; Cutter & Boning Utility 33.00-38.00; Canner & Low Cutter 31.50-35.50; shells down to 25.00; Choice bullocks 49.00-53.50; Good 46.00-50.50; few Standard 43.0046.85; YG No. 1,1000-2400 lb. si. bulls 44.0060.50, few to 52.25; YG No. 2,900-1500 lb. 37.0048.50. FEEDER CATTLE: Few Large Frame No. 1, 350450 lb. feeder steers 58.0068.00; Med. Frame No. SCHLESSMAN'S HYBRID CORN < 10% CASH DISCOUNT NOW Early Order Discount By Oct. 31st PEMIUM SINGLE CROSSES ■ SX-405A ■ SX-711 ■ SX-642(New) ■ SX-725 OHIO CERTIFIED SEED Certified WHEAT Titan Saluda Becker Boyd’s Tyler Scottie Boyds 84 VWAP Boyds 78AT 1, 300650 lb. 48.0055.00, few to 65.00; Med. Frame No. 1, 300700 lb. feeder heifers 40.0050.00; few Large Frame No. 1,257; few Med. Frame No. 1, 350650 lb. feeder bulls 50.0062.00.- CALVES: 3625. Compared with 3818 head last week end 3970 head a year ago. Vealers mostly steady; spots to 5.00 higher; Prime vealers 98.00110.00; Choice 75.0095.00; Good 65.0075.00, few to 80.00; Standard and Good 110130 lb. 53.0055.00; 90110 lb. 45.0055.00; 65-85 lb. 40.0048.00; Utility 50100 lb. 25.0050.00. FARM CALVES: Hoi. bulls 90 135 lb. 55.00124,00, mostly 68.00 100.00; hoi. heifers 90130 lb. 55.00 83.00; few beef cross bulls and heifers 75-100 lb. 57.0085.00. HOGS: 4091. Compared with 5393 head last week and 5433 head a year ago. Barrows asnd gilts mostly steady; spots to 1.00 higher: US No. 1-2, 210245 lb. barrows and gilts 53.0054.50; No. 1-3, 215-250 lb. 52.0054.00; No. 2-3, 210265 lb. 51.0053.00, few down to 48.00; No. 2-4, 220285 lb. 48.00 51.00, few down to 46.75; sows Certified BARLEY Barsoy Maury EYE ALFALFA Boyds Wet Foot Saranac AR and others mostly 1.00 lower; US No. 1-3, 300- 500 lb. 43.0047.00, few to 49.00; 500- 800 lb. 40.0043.00; boars 37.00- 44.50. FEEDER PIGS: 1228. Com pared with 1090 head last week and 714 head a year ago. 1.004.00 lower; US No. 1-3, 20-35 lb. feeder pigs, 22.00-33.00; 35-50 lb. 31.00- 44.00; 50-100 lb. 40.00-64.00 all per head. SHEEP; 1073. Compared with 1051 head last week and 1184 head a year ago. Wooled si. lambs mostly steady to 5.00 lower; High Choice & Prime 80-110 lb. 64.00-78.00; Choice 80-130 lb. 60.00-66.00; Good 60-100 lb. 50.00-60.00; Good & Choice 50-75 lb. feeder lambs 50.00-83.00; si. sheep 17.00-39.00. 2 GRADED FEEDER PIG SALES: 1905. Compared with 2416 head last week and 2014 head a year ago. Feeder pigs steady to 20.00; spots to 35.00 lower; most decline on weights under 50 lb.; US No. 1-2, 2030 lb. 93.00143.00; 3040 lb. 80.00130.00; 4050 lb. 75.00 121.00; 5050 lb. 75.00109.00; 6075 lb. 75.0092.00; US No. 2-3,2030 lb. 85.00140.00; 40501 b. 75.00102.00. ■ SX-805 ■ SX-810 FERTILIZER Grain Special 5-20-20 Baler Twine PIC Breeding Stock Camborough Gilts & Backline Boars Super Sow Lactation Chow® Feed To Heavy Milking Sows Hi-O® 2.6, Grower & Finisher Top Rate Of Gain & Feed Efficiency During Hot Weather. Farm Fresh Feeder Pigs Sow Contracts Available Money Management Finishing Hog Contracts Available 6 S. Vintage Rd. Paradise, PA 17562 (717)442-4183 (717)768-3301 Registered trademark of Ralston Purina Company Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 11, 1986-AI9 NATIONAL DAIRY COW SALE INDEX © 1986 Lancaster Farming Newspaper This sale index can help dairymen place a value on the dairy cows in their own herds. Breed organization sales and private dispersal sales reported in Lancaster Farming are included in the dollar averages. •Ayrshire Brown Guernsey Jersey Swiss Year to date: Nation Pennsylvania Four previous weeks: Nation Four previous weeks +/-year to date: Year to date; Nation Pennsylvania Four previous weeks Nation Four previous weeks +/-year to date: November Milk Set At $1458 ALEXANDRIA, Va. - Middle Atlantic Order Market Ad ministrator Joseph D. Shine an nounced a Class I milk price of $14.58 per hundredweight for November 1986. This price is up 22 cents from October and is 68 cents above last November’s Class I price. Shine announced a Class II milk price of $11.63 per hundredweight for September 1986 and a butterfat CALL ABE FISHER TO JOIN OUR (-PERFORMANCE kssMus H. PURINA CHDWS] 6 higher Red and White 49 higher Holstein 1987 1388 1968 2837 1571 416 lower differential of 17.7 cents for the month. The Class II price was up 18 cents from the previous month, while the butterfat differential was unchanged. The USDA reported that the wholesale price of Grade A butter at Chicago for September was $1.5420 per pound and the nonfat dry milk price was $.8042 per pound, f.o.b. plants in the Chicago area. TEAM! Rt. 82 Unionville, PA 18375 (215)347-2377 1096 569 879 1040 1320 224 higher Milking Shorthorn 3 lower 4 lower mm
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