WASHINGTON - John A. Waits has been named president of The Farm Credit Council, effective immediately, according to an announcement today by the chairman of the board of the Washington-based trade association for the Farm Credit System. Board Chairman Grant T. Lucas of Ceres, California, said that Waits, who has served as acting president since July 1, has been extremely effective in directing the legislative and governmental affairs efforts of the Council. “The board has complete con fidence that John Waits will lead the Council forward and continue the good work which has been done in behalf of the Farm Credit System and its farmer-owners. We are fortunate to have someone with his ability and expertise,” Lucas said. Waits joined The Farm Credit Council in April 1984 as vice president for legislation and was named acting president when Delmar K. Banner resigned to We're Buying Quality! Farmer’s Cheese Co-Op Now Offers Premiums For Extra Quality Milk. We Want The Best Quality Milk Because Quite Simply, The Best Quality Milk Makes The Best Quality Cheese. With the use of analytical and computer technology, we will pay you (based on the cheese and cream market) what a hundred pounds of your milk will yield in cheese and cream. Farmer’s Cheese Co-Op will be paying its farmers on a bi-monthly basis, plus offering a group hospital insurance. Qualify MUk Cash Mora But Wo Think It's Worth It. If you want more for your milk - £% CALL < 412 ) M 6-5729 JljHl Jj Ask For Ron or Jack Farmer's Cheese Co-Op Ass'n. P.O. Box 198, New Wilmington, PA 16142 (412) 946-8729 PAUL B. ZIMMERMAN, INC. Call or Write For Additonal Information And Your Nearest Dealer Waits Named President of Farm Credit Council return to the family farm in Illinois. Before coming to the Council, Waits served for two years as head of the legislative affairs section of the Farm Credit Administration, the regulatory agency for the Farm Credit System. Prior to that he was ad ministrative assistant to former Congressman David R. Bowen of Mississippi and counsel to the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Cottoij, Rice and Sugar. Before coming to Washington, Waits practiced law in New York City. A native of Leland, Mississippi, he was graduated summa cum laude from the University of Mississippi, and earned a master’s degree with honors in modem history and diplomacy at the University of Virginia. He also studied a year at the University of Hamburg in Germany as a Fulbright Scholar. He is a graduate of the New York University School of Law. In accepting the position, Waits said, “I am honored to have the opportunity to represent the legislative and governmental 295 Woodcorner Rd Lititz PA 17543 1 Mile West of Ephrata Phone; 717-738-1121 interests of the Farm Credit System in Washington. The Council has well served its members during these almost four years of its existence and I look forward to the challenge of con tinuing that effective represen tation during this stressful time for U.S. agriculture. With the help of the highly professional staff of the Council, I am confident we will be able to carry out this task.” The SaVUlg INTERCOURSE, PA r»|„ “ (717)768-8231 JrlrttC WE SHIP PARTS DAILY Via UPS - PPSH - BUS - AIR FREIGHT, ETC. CALL US... tssm If Could Be We Have It GRAIN STORAGE ■* 6 /f* n AUGERS «T.r TA '**'s%*> GET THE BEST FROM: ~aFs ni The Farm Credit Council was established by the Farm Credit System in late 1982 and began operation here in March 1983, with Banner as its first president. The Council is charged with representing the Farm Credit System and other cooperative agricultural lenders before Congress and governmental agencies on matters affecting agricultural credit. The Farm automatic farm systems 608 Evergreen Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042 (717)274-5333 Cheek Our Lew Prices Before You Buy Credit System, which dates to 1916, is a nationwide network of cooperative lending institutions that make available to the coun try’s farmers about one-third of their total credit needs. The System is composed of the Federal Land Banks and the Federal Land Bank Associations, the Federal Intermediate Credit Banks and the Production Credit Associations, and the Banks for Cooperatives. MIDDLETOWN, DE (302) 378-9555 Authorized UPS Station BEST BUY
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