Westminster Livestock Auction Hagerstown, Md. Tuesday, Oct. 7 Report supplied by auction SLAUGHTER COWS: Prices steady, smaller run. Utility 34.00 38.75; Canners 31.00-34.00; Shelly 31.00 down. Bulls; Medium 40.00 43.00. Fed Steers- $1.50 lower. Choice 1,000-2,000 lbs. 57.00-58.00; Good 52.00-54.50; Standard to Good 42.00- Fed Heifers- Few Low Choice 55.00-56.50; Commercial 39.00- Veal Calves- Choice to 81.50; Good 60.00-75.00; Killers 80 100 lb. 49.00-55.00; Weak/Rough 45.00- Farm Calves- Holstein Bulls- 100-125 lb. 80.00-100.00; 90-95 lb. 55.00-75.00. Butcher Hogs- $.75 lower. US #1 & 2 215-240 lb. to 56.75; 240-260 lb. US 1 & 3 49.50-50.35; 300 lb. 42.00-45.00. Sows- 40 head 1.50 lower. 500-650 lb. 44.00-45.75 ; 450 500 lb. 43.0045.50. Boars- 350-600 lbs. 35.2541.25; 1920 lbs. 36.75. STOCK CATTLE; 100 heads 2-$4 under last week. Steers- 300-900 lb. Low Choice 54.00-57.50; Good 50.00 54.00; Holstein 40.0042.00. Heifers -300-800 lbs. Choice 46.00-50.00; Good 42.0046.00; Medium 38.00 42.00; Holsteins 42.0045.00. Bulls -300-500 lbs. Good 53.00-58.00; Medium 45.00-53.00 ; 500-700 lbs. Good 50.00-53.00; 700-900 lbs. 38.00 45.00. Lambs- 70 head $2 lower. 90 115 lbs. Choice 56.00-60.00 ; 80-90 EXTI 1 MONTH L Every calf you raise costs about $6O a month for forage and labor. So if you could breed them at 14 months (6 months earlier than average), they’d freshen at 24 months and you’d save $360 on each calf. Not to mention the profits from 6 extra months of milking New Agway Gro:Right Complete Calf Feed can help you do that. It’s an improved version of our Total Calf Ration, the brand Northeastern farmers have been lbs. 53.00-61.00; 5060 lbs. Choice 60.00-70.00; Good 50.00-60.00. Sheep-12 Head. 17.00-30.00. Goats -60 Head. Large mature 50.00-58.00; Medium 30.00-50.00. Pigs and Shoats- Light Run. By The Head -3545 lbs. 35.00; Few 60-70 lbs. 39.00 40.00. By The Lb.-100-125 lbs. 47.00 49.00; 150-180 lbs. 45.0047.00; Stock Boars 200-235 lbs. 41.0045.00. St. Louis Cattle October 9,1986 Report Supplied by USDA FEEDERS: Receipts around 900 head. Bulk Feeder Steers unevenly steady, 1.00-2.00 higher on thin gaunt cross breds. Feeder Heifers steady to weak. Bulk of the supply consisted of fleshy small frame cattle. Quality not as attractive as last week. FEEDER STEERS: Medium with few large frame 1: 300400 lbs. 66.0069.50; 400500 lbs. 65.0069.00, thin gaunt 70.75-71.50, reputation cross bred 438 lbs. 73.00; 500600 lbs. 63.50:68.75; 600800 lbs. 58.00 63.00; 8001050 lbs. fleshy 54.25- 57.75. Large Frame 2 Holsteins: 6001000 lbs. 46.75-50.25, fleshy 1200 1330 lbs. 52.25-53.25. FEEDER BULLS: medium frame 1:500800 lbs. 51.5056.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium frame 1: 300500 lbs. 55.0059.75, thin gaunt 350 lbs. 62.0065.00; 500 800 lbs. 54.25-58.25. IE WAY TO PROFITAI 4 MONTHS 7 MONTHS lien Fr new BED CALVE 10 MONTHS sier Gro: AG WAY i ORO: RIGHT COMPLETE , CALF using since 1976 to max imize calf-raising efficien cy. We’ve added milk protein and B vitamin complex for rapid growth and efficient energy usage. So calves raised on Agway Complete Calf reach breeding weight in 14 months and join the milking string in 24 months. Save hundreds, even thousands of dollars down the road. For more information, con tact your Agway Store or Farm Enterprise Salesperson. Working for people who work the (and x SM ENTERPRISE I AOWAYI SEFMCE^'nwp New Holland Sales Stables New Holland Dairy Wednesday, Oct. 8,1986 Report supplied by auction Reported receipts of 87 cows, 85 heifers and 3 bulls. Market stronger. Load of PA fresh cows, 1000.00- 1235.00, springers 950.00-1175.00. Load of PA fresh cows, 610.00- 1150.00. Load of PA fresh cows, 650.00- 1085.00. Load of Canada fresh cows, 620.00-1275.00, springers 600.00- 960.00. Load of Canada fresh cows, 535.00-930.00, springers 610.00- 1080.00. Load of PA fresh cows, 800.00- 1125.00. Locally consigned cows 400.00- 820.00. Springing heifers 675.00-900.00. Purebred 885.00-1030.00. Open heifers 285.00-500.00. Bulls 475.00-515.00. New Holland Horses New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, PA Monday, Oct. 6,1986 Report supplied by auction Registered receipts of 260 head of horses, mules and ponies. Market: steady. Local 14 MONTHS TM Registered Horses 700.00-1025.00. Driving Horses 250.00-875.00. Riding Horses 175.00-490.00. Lightweight Killers 150.00-225.00. Heavyweight Killers 275.00- 385.00. Mare Ponies 30.00-60.00. Colts 10.00-20.00. Gelding Ponies 30.00-60.00. Larger Ponies 100.00-150.00. East Coast Carlot Wednesday, Oct. 8,1986 Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s close: Special fed veal slow, 2.00 lower. Good and choice boning veal not established, weak undertone, inshipped steady to 2.00 higher than Monday’s last test. Lamb market not established, undertone unsettled. Choice & Prime (Special Fed) Hide On 100 Head 220-280 lbs. 158.00-160.00, 2.00 lower. Good and Choice Boning Type-Hide On Northeastern Suppliers 1000 Head. 71-80 lbs. 88.00-90.00, steady 2.00 higher than Monday; 61-70 lbs. 86.00-88.00; 51-60 lbs. 84.0086.00; 41-50 lbs. 82.0084.00: 3040 lbs. 80.0082.00. 20 MONTHS Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October It, 1986-Al7 Westminster Livestock Small Animals, Eggs, Produce Tuesday, Oct. 7,1986 All Prices Per Head Crates Sold 178. DUCKS: Large Drakes to 9.00; Hens 1.25-3.50. GUINEAS: Young 2.75; Pigeons; 1.003.10. CHICKENS: Large 1.50-2.25, Med. .75-1.50; Silkies 4.00-1.25. RABBITS: Large 2.00-4.75, Med. 1.00-3.00, Small 1.00 down. EGGS 373 dz. All Prices Per Dozen. Jumbo Brown .85; Extra Large Brown .86; Large Brown .80-.82; Medium Brown .46-.49; Small Brown .34. Extra Large White .76; Large White .50-.70; Medium White .36- .39; Small White .33. PRODUCE Apples: Bu. 2.75-3.50. Lima Beans: Pt. 1.20-1.25, Qt. 2.10-2.40; Gr. Beans: Pk. 1.50; Cabbage 3 hd. lots 1.20-1.50; Cucumbers 1.00-2.25; Cauliflower 6 hds. 2.25; Chestnuts 25 lbs. 2.75- 3.00; Cider Gal. 1.00; Grapes % pk. 1.50; honey qt. 1.00; Egg Plant pk. .85-3.00; Onions % bu. 2.50, 50 lb. 6.50; Pears, % bu. 3.50; Peppers pk. .50-1.50; Tomatoes Vi bu. 1.25- 3.50; Turnips Mt pk. .70-1.50. 019 ANTIC C i \ * B, ‘ BCT,O,, Our lancasfar Farming's '*Sfb£!SSF- CLASSIFIEDS WEIGHMASTEfT platform scale Seth Systems In Stock S£SS£* Will Osmoosfmte LAPP'S BARN EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE (Henry S. Lapp) R.D. #l, Box 126, Gap, PA 17527 717-442-8134
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