Al6-Lancast*r Farming, Saturday, October 11,1986 St. Louis Cattle Thuraday, Oct. 9 Report (applied by USDA Receipts This Week Last Week Last Year Slaughter steers and heifers steady to .50 lower as compared to last week. Cows fully steady to firm. Bulls steady on light receipts. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Mixed choice and prime 1050-1350 lbs. 58.00- package choice 2-31300 lbs. 60.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 975-1300 lbs. 56.00-58.00. Good 2- 3 900-1200 lbs. 54.50-56.00. Few packages Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 Holsteins 1250-1500 lbs. 53.00. Mostly Good 2-31100-1400 lbs. 51.00- 52.00. Standard to good 2-3 1050- 1300 lbs. 49.00-51.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Mixed choice and prime 2-3 900-1150 lbs. 57.00- Package 2-3 1075 lbs. 58.50. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 900-1050 lbs. 55.50-58.50. Good 2-3 900-1000 lbs. 53.50-56.00; Few 750- 900 lbs. 51.00-53.50. COWS: Breaking utility and commercial 2-4 36.00-38.00. Cutter and boning Utility 1-2 37.00-39.00. High yielding cutter and boning utility 1-2 38.00-39.00, few to 40.00. Canner and low Cutter 1-2 35.00- 37.00. Shelly canner 1-2 33.00-35.00. BULLS: YG 1-2 1100-2100 lbs. 42.0047.00. Individual YG 148.00. Wednesday’s weekly sheep auction: receipts around 200 head. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: Lambs steady to 1.00 higher. Slaughter ewes and feeder lambs scarce. Package shorn with no. 1-2 pelts 100 lbs. 56.00. FEEDER LAMBS: Few choice and fancy 65-90 lbs. 54.00-57.50. Four States Livestock Hagerstown, Md. Wednesday, Oct. 8 Report supplied by Auction SLAUGHTER; Fed Steers Steady. Low Choice 55.50-56.00; Good 51.00-55.00; Medium 46.00- 50.00. Heifers- Good 48.00-51.75; Medium 42.00-47.00. Grassers- Steers 42.00-45.00; Heifers- 38.00- 42.00. Cows- Good Run $1.50 higher. High Yield 39.00-42.00; Average nr i— mm ; BEST WESTERN INN; S ' IB Located 15 minutes from Farm Show Complex Rt. 422 & Sipe Avenue, PO Box 364 Hershey, PA 17033 Special Farm Show Rates Single . Double $35.00 $38.00 $4 00 Additional Per Person Complimentary Continental Breakfast Hershey Chocolate Bar and Morning Newspaper Included (Nine Restaurants within V* mi, one open 24 hrs.) SKI For reservations call: Toll Free: PA 1-800-222-1987 CT, NY, NJ, DE, DC & MDI-800-233-0338 OR: 717-533-5665 ASK FOR FARM SHOW RATES 34.00- Big Middle 29.00-33.00; Fatty Herf. 28.00-33.00; Shelly 31.0- Down. Fat Bulls- Steady. Good 44.00- Medium 41.0(M3.00. Veal Calves- Steady Prices. Farm Calves $5 Higher. Choice 73.00- 78.00; Good 65.0 Q-72.00; Medium 56.00- Farm Hfrs. 55.00-68.00; Farm Bulls 90.00-107.00; Light Calves 47.00-58.00; Weak Calves 46.00- Lambs- $2 Lower. Good& Choice 58.00-60.00; Medium 52.00- 3,000 2,300 2,700 STOCKER: Large Run $1.50 Lower. STEERS- 300-550 lbs. Choice 57.00-59.50; Good 52.00- 56.00; Medium 47.00-51.00; Culls 46.00-Dojwn. Steers- 600-850 lbs. Choice 54.00-57.00; Good 50.00- 53.00; Medium 45.00-49.00. Heifers (All Weights) Choice 48.00-52.00; Good 43.00-47.00; Medium 39.00- 42.00. Pigs, Hd. sl-$2 lower, 90 head. 20-30 lbs. 21.00-29.00 ; 30-60 lbs. 30.00-39.00; 60-80 lbs. 40.00- 50.00. Shoats By Lb. 150-175 lbs. 44.50-48.00. Slaughter Hogs- $2 Higher. Few Lots 225-252 lbs. 54.00- 55.25 ; 210-235 lbs. 51.00-52.50. Sows -500-665 lbs. 42.0045.75; 400-450 lbs. 40.5042.00. Boars- 450-750 lbs. 39.25-39.75. Bulls- Good 50.00-54.00; Medium 45.0049.00. Next Week Oct. 15, Special Feeder Cattle Sale. Leola Produce Auction Leola, PA Tuesday, Oct. 7,1986 Report Supplied by Auction Due to zoning restriction, we sell Lancaster Co. brand produce only. Apples: 4.50-8.00 1 bu. Red Delicious; 4.00-8.00 1 bu. Yellow Delicious; 9.00-14.00 1 bu. Stayman. Broccoli: 4.00-8.00, mostly 12’s 14’s. Cabbage: 3.50-5.10 bu.; .30-.45 hd. Cauliflower: .25-.6lhd. Com; (white) 1.00-1.40 doz. Eggplant: 4.00-8.0011/9 bu. Endive: 2.50-3.0011/9 crate. Gourds: 4.75-7.25 bu. Indian Com: .50-1.00 bunch lg.; fingers .40-.66. Lima Beans: 14.00-20.0011/9 bu. Ornamental Pumpkins: 27.50- 35.00 bu. 100+ ct. HERSHEY From Farm Show Follow 81 North (toward Allentown & 322 East) to 83 South, <322 Hershey). Follow signs to Hershey 322 east to 422, ■/< mile. Turn left onto Sipe Ave. s Peppers: Green 7.50*10.00 (Ig. size) 11/9 bu.; 3.50-7.00 (sm-md.) 1 1/9 bu.; red 9.00-13.001 1/9 bu. md.- Ig. red. Potatoes; §1 3.75-4.25 50 lbs.; #1 .65-.8510 lbs. Pumpkins: (neck) .25-.7S (Ig.); .15-.30 sm.-md.; (face) 1.50-3.00 Ig.; .35-1.305m-md. Radishes; 3.50-5.00 Vi bu. 20 bunch ct. Red Beets: 4.00-6.0015 ct. bunch. String Beans: (green) 9.50-16.00 11/9 bu. Sweet Potatoes: (md-lg) 6.00- 8.5011/9 bu. (md-lg) washed. Tomatoes: (251b5.) (Ig.) #llO.OO - (sm, md.) #1 6.00-9.00; cherry 4.50-8.0012 pt. flat. Turnips; 3.50-4.50 bu. Attention: No more Wednesday -arßfl Western \] ATTENTION ALFALFA GROWERSI Our hydro seeding of alfalfa with fluid suspension fertilizer has proven to be a very successful way to seed alfalfa. Reserve your alfalfa seeds now for next spring to assure availability of the seed of your choice. BIG TEN - MAGNUM - MAGNUM PLUS - EDGE APOLLO - ARMOR - ARROW - And Many Others Fall is the time to top dress alfalfa with our high potash fluid fertilier. With one application we can fertilize and apply Princep & other herbicides for winter weeds in alfalfa. ATTENTION CORN GROWERS! Don't overlook our prices on liquid corn starter 9-18-9-3 S. Before you order your next years corn starter, check our low prices. Because of our direct buying we can offer our liquid corn starter at such low cost. <. s* • I- C' ATTENTION DAIRY & CATTLE FARMERS Let Us Design Your Feed Lots To Best Meet USTOM BUILT GATE! * Heavy Hinges & Spring Latch * Posts Free From Sharp Edges *2” ODII ga. Tubing Vertical And Slanted Bars R.D.3 “***" EMk Si). sales; Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays only. Morrison Cove Livestock Martinsburg, Pa. Oct. 6,1986 Report supplied by auction CATTLE 184. STEERS: H. Choice & Prime 57.50-60.00, Choice 51.50-58.25; Good 51.75-55.25; Standard 39.5046.25. HEIFERS: Choice 53.00-56.25; Good 47.50- 51.00. COWS: Utility & Com mercial 36.50-40.25; Cutters 33.00- 36.75; Canner & Low Cutter 25.00- 32.75. BULLOCKS: Good & Choice 45.0048.50. BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1 40.00-47.50. FEEDER CATTLE: Steers Good 52.00-58.50; Standard 38.5046.00. Bulls Good Alfalfa Seeds Available Dealer ■ Paymaster Seed Corn i T Xancatl&i.'RsL 2020Hor«$ho»lW.UflCt*t«' f PA - Your Needs Baaaaaa 45.00- Standard 32.5043.00. Heifers Good 45.00-51.00; Standard 35.0043.00. CALVES 203: Vealers Prime None; Choice 71.00-83.50; Good 62.00- Standard & Good 45.00- 60.00; 90-110 lbs. 65-90 lbs. 42.00-55.00; Holstein bulls 90- 135 lbs. 78.50-110.50; Holstein heifers 90-130 lbs. 57.00-69.00. HOGS 110. Barrows & Gilts US No. 1-2 210-250 lbs. 51.00-53.25; US No. 1-3170-250 lbs. 48.50-50.00. SOWS: US No. 1-3 44.5049.25; Boars 38.0042.50. FEEDER PIGS 42: US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. 20.00-32.50 per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 34.50-55.00 per head. SHEEP 9. Choice None. Good 90- 100 lbs. 61.00-64.50; SI. Ewes 12.00- 24.00. SELF LOCKING PANELS Cows 3 Sizes Heifers Calves TYL! * Clamped Cross Over Pipe * Mounting -T Angles * 2Vi" OD Tubing 105 Wall (717) 665-6259
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