Keystone Crowns Open Breeding Cattle Champions BY EVERETT NEWSWANGER three words to sum up the Sunday:Fox Hill Farm. By the bull that won KILE last year as a Farm, Purcellville, Va., and AND JACK HURLEY Keystr Intr Ttf ial’' Anr time judge James Hough was calf. “I’m really excited,” said Shoemakers Simmentals of Pitt ready to slap his champion heifer, Warren Blppert, Jr,, adding that sburgh shared top honors in the Fox Hill had already sewn up all Injector had already won the Big E Simmental bull and heifer shows, the division championships, so it ™ Massachusetts and the Erie Virts was particularly elated was only a question of which Fox County Fair earlier this year. The with his grand champion heifer Hill heifer would come out on top. bull is a Pine Drive Big Sky son. win and his reserve rosette in the Hough, who manages Fairfield Simmental bull show. “This is the first (year) Farms in Lakeville, Connecticut, Donald Virts of Meadow Hill (Turn to Page A2l) selected the May heifer, Cypress Creek Mayflower T 39 for top honors. The New Yorker daughter was exhibited by Frank Walton, managing partner of the Kennett Square-based Fox Hill. Along with Frank and his wife Susan, Fox Hill is owned by Brian and Judy Jor dan. Angus show’s champion heifer. From left are Judge James Hough, Pa. Angus Queen Crystal Zechman, Judy and Brian Jord. id F nkWaltr showed champion Chianina bull FARMSTEAD® II GARAGE s Lease Program Available BUTLER MFC. CO. ■ Attn P E Hess ' l - t - h LJr m P O Box 337, Oxford. PA 19363 ■ ASK ABOUT OUR NEW DEALER PROGRAM FOR 1986 MAIL IN COUPON TODAY Name Address County City Phone SHOP- STORAGE•GARAGE BUTLER BUILDINGS 35% off: Full Line Of Insulation, Roll or Board See Your Butler Agri-Builder For All Your Insulation Needs —— | ' ___ __ _ | t OMYERS BUILDING ■ \ OV iSYSTEMS, INC ■ Op# ;\d®* R D #l, Box 161 | . ■CMiV' Clear Spring. MD 21722 ■ . * PH 301-582-4200 “Vs-;;,. I State An embryo calf, Mayflower was out of one of Fox Hill’s foundation cows, and was reserve grand champion at the New Jersey open Angus show earlier this year. At reserve was Lady Evelyn, a Fox Hill heifer shown by Erica McClellan, daughter of the Jor dans and Dr. Michael McClellan. Twelve-year-old Erica got plenty of practice for her open show win by campaigning Lady Evelyn to top honors in the junior Angus show only the day before. Fox Hill also figured prominently in the Angus bull show, being a co-owner of the grand champion, Kruegers Special K. Bred by Greg Krueger, Special K is out of his well-known Foolish Pride bull. The KILE champion is owned by Greg Krueger, Fox Hill and Greg’s father, LaVern Krueger of Indiana. Already a showring winner, Special K was reserve champion at the New Jersey State Fair and junior champion at the Eastern National Livestock Show in Timonium last week. The reserve champion Angus bull was Bippert’s Injector 961, the *40x40x16 Ag-Master® & Farmstead ll® *40x50x16 Ag-Master® & Farmstead ll® C & MSALES INC RD #1 Box 76A Honesdale PA 18431 PH 717-253-1812 owned by Krueger family and Fox Hill Farm Leigh Hitz (left) had champion Chianina Heifer. At halter is her mother, Elene Hitz. AG-MASTER 2:12 Annville, PA List Price DOBBS CONSTRUCTION GOMPF CONSTRUCTION CO. CO., INC. RD1,80x126 1841 Jerry's Road Loysville, PA 17047 Street, MD 21154 PH 717 789-4193 PH 301692 5350 TRI-COUNTY AGRI-SYSTEMS RD #l, Box 55 Swedesboro, NJ 08085 PH 609-467-3174 SPECIAL BUTLER B See Your Agri-B 0 NAZARETH BUILDING MATTSON ENTERPR'! SYSTEMS, INC. J 6 ? 5 m H ?," r y^f l 6 3367 Gun Club Rd Burlington, NJ 08016 Nazareth, PA 18064 p H 609-386 1603 PH 215-837-7700 BU On All • Prices Mav Van FromAf M
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