Dairy and Livestock Sales Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday, 500 P M of each week's publication SAT. OCT 20 - 10 AM Public Auction of Valuable Farm Equipment, Household and Antique Items located along An chor Road, Manor Twp, Lancaster Co , PA. Com ing from Millersville by Rt 999 at Central Manor Church of God Go left on Blue Rock Rd„ first left on Camber Road Follow Camber Road to Anchor Road, turn right V: mile to farm on left Auction for Kendig H Deitnch E M Murry Associates, Auc tioneers SAT, OCT 20 - 1 PM Public Auction of a Club Calf Sale Located at J C Enterprises, Box 190, Ringgold, PA Ringgold is 10 miles west of Pun sutawney on Rt 536 Les Haller, Cattle Manager SPECIAL HORSE SALE DRIVING & WORK HORSES MONDAY, OCTOBER 8,1984 10:00 A.M. AT NEW HOLLAND ffr.. 4 SALES STABLES. INC. 12 Miles East of Lan caster, Pa. just off Rt. 23. | A New Holland, Pa. - 1 * 1 load Standarbred Driving and Work Horses consigned by Ward Wright. * 1 load Driving Horses consigned by Jonas Beiler. * 1 load Driving Horses consigned by Levi B. Stoltzfus. * 1 load Driving Horses consigned by Reuben G. Stoltzfus. For more information contact: Abe Diffenbach, Mgr. Norman Kolb 717-354-4341 717-397-5538 A COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL OF I TRIPLE “H” FARMS I (\ PEACH BOTTOM, PA. U A FRIDAY NIGHT OCT. 12,1984 7:30 P.M. SHARP at Shady Lane Dairy Sales Inc. ’/« Mile West of Quarryville, Pa. of Rt. 372 on Oak Bottom, Road. ROLLING HERD AVERAGE DHIA 107.4 305 16,006 3.8 609 f Herd consists of 125 head of holstein cows and large springing heifers. Over 50 head now producing over 60 lbs. a day and increasing daily. 25 just fresh. 35 head of dry and springing cows and heifers due from sale day to Christmas. Bred to top Atlantic bulls. Balance of herd also bred Atlantic. Service sires include— Marvex, Apollo Rocket, Superior, Titan, Mariner, Mandate, Oakstar, Ganster, Stewart and very. This is a top young herd with over 25 first and second calf producing cows on test-balance mostly under 6 years of age. 30 T B & Blood Test Pregnancy Examined Man aged by SHADY LANE DAIRY SALES, INC. Quarryville, Pa. David L. Fite 717-786-1725 Glenn D. Fite 717-786-2750 October 19 Sale Robert Hershberger, all Grade cows in herd. 52 New Jersey cows milking 80 to 90 lbs. Complete ad next week. mg/Saturday, October 6,1984 SAT OCT 20 - 930 AM Public Sale of Real Estate and Household Goods located 419 North Spruce St, Elizabethtown, PA Sale by Rev Earl G and Miriam Eshleman Wolgemuth Auction Ser vice, C H , Bob, and Den nis, Auctioneers SAT OCT 20 - 11 AM Public Auction of the White-Lawn Dairy Farm Selling 72 Head Holstein Cows, Heifers Located I V2 miles from Washington, PA Off 1-70 and 1-79, take Rt 19 north or Rt 136 east to 195 Davis School Rd Davis School Rd is bet ween Rt 19 North and 136 east on Rt 19 north behind Red Bull Inn, and 1 mile from Meadows Race Track George Pushanch, Jr, Owner Top records include— -448—305 21234 3.5 746 607-305 19416 3.7 718 665-305 21180 3.5 746 692-297 20142 3.7 736 807—287 17386 4.0 703 853-292 16964 4.2 716 man town, PA , Perry Co Dave firmer, Owner Clair Kearns & Harry Chuck Bncker, Auc- Kearns, Auctioneers tioneer COMPLETE HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL THURSDAY, OCT. 18,1984 At 12:00 Noon Located In Centre Co., 11 Miles East Of Centre Hall, Pa., Ist Farm East Of Madisonburg Off Route 192. 61 Head Top Grade Holsteins 43 milk cows, 3 springing heifers, 3 bred heifers, 2 service age bulls, 10 open heifers and started calves. 1983 Owner Sampler herd ave. 20,918 milk, 3.6, 750 fat, a Belmont w/3 records over 22,000 milk, a Starchief heifer due Dec. out of Dam w/over 30,000 milk in 350 days, a 6 yrs. old due Nov. made over 1200 fat in 305 days w/service age son selling, other good records, several have milked 100 lbs. per day. Majority sired by A.B.S. sires. 10 cows recently fresh, 7 due Oct. and Nov., 7 due Jan. and Feb., vacc. for Lepto. and 30 days health tests. Terms-CASH OR APPROVED CHECK Sale under cover if needed SAMUEL D. BEILER Box 33-A Rebersburg, Pa. Mark Click-Auctioneer Reedsville, Pa. AU-349-L Lunch at sale SAT OCT 20 10 30 AM Public Auction of Trac tors, Machinery, Im plements, Guns & Proper ty Located 4 miles west of Blam on Rt 274 m New Gr P' Pr NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland, Pa. DAIRY SALE CONSIGNMENTS For WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 1984 * 1 load of fresh and springer cows consigned by Norman and David Kolb. * 1 load of purebred and grade fresh and springer cows consigned by H.D. Matz, * 1 load of fresh and springer cows - Marvin Eshelman. * 1 load of fresh cows - Alfred Albright. * 1 load of fresh and springer cows - Raymond Smucker. * 1 load of fresh and springer cows - Merle Breneman. * 1 load purebred and grade Canadian cows, fresh and springers, consigned by Leroy Smucker. § CLUB CALF SALE at the farm SAT. OCT. 20-1 PM Just one of the Champions from last years sale 60 TOP %-% CHI-X MARCH thru JUNE STEERS Mostly BLACK plus BWF, RED, GRAY J.C. ENTERPRISES P.O. Box 190 RINGGOLD, PA. 15770 Les Haller, Cattle Manager . . (814) 365-5821 office I 365-5459 evenings - I|K \l 1/ R' n 88° ,c * is 10 West °f Punxsutawney on RT. 536 1 1 r PUBLIC AUCTION I SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20,1984 TIME-11:00 A.M. WHITE-LAWN DAIRY FARM 195 Davis School Rd. Washington, Pa. 15301 Located VA miles from Washington, Pa. Off 1-70 and 1-79 take Rt. 19 North or Rt. 136 East to 195 Davis School Rd. Davis School Rd. is located between Rt. 19 N. and 136 E. On Rt. 19 N. behind Red Bull Inn, and 1 mi. from Meadows Race Track. Watch for Auction Signs. 72 HEAD HOLSTEIN COWS, HEIFERS 72 Selling out due to Health 62 bead of Holstein Cows 10 head of Holstein Heifers 10 cows to be fresh at sale time in Oct. or few days after 8 cows due in Nov. 1984 Scows due in Dec. 1984 2 cows due in Jan. 1985 6 cows due in Feb. 1985 The rest of cows in different lactation, so many due each month. 10 head Holstein Heifers-First Calf Due late Nov. or Dec. 1984 Herd is T.B. and Bang Tested, and Vaccinated for Lepto. Health Charts are Available. TERMS: Cash, Travelers Checks, Cashier, or Certified Cks. Owner; GEORGE PUSHARICHIR. 195 Davis School Rd. Washington, Pa. 15301 Phone: 412-225-4606 (Day) 412-222-6242 (evenings) AUCTIONEERS: Clair Kearns, AU-000-469-L Harry Kearns 412-239-2124 Bruce Smith, Apprentice: AA-001132-L P.S. Auctioneer notes: White Lawn Dairy has been in business for 52 years, one of the finest grade herd of Holstein Cows and Heifers in Washington C °Z% -- Clip Ad- --------
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