CONSIGN OR BUY ” STATE GRADED FEEDER CATTLE IV SALE W f FRIDAY, OCT. 12,1984 6:00 P.M. Keister's Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc. Rt. 522, 3 miles East of Middleburg, 5 Miles west of Selinsgrove. For information call; 717-837-2222 or 717-524-5285 or 717-966- 2856 or 717-922-1490. Cattle must arrive at sale bam between 6 a.m. & 12 noon. Feeder cattle will be graded by U.S.D.A. grading standards by certified personnel from PA Dept, of Agriculture. Terms: Cash. KEISTER’S MIDDLEBURG AUCTION SALES, INC. Rt. 522 R. 0.3 Middleburg, PA Owners, DON & WALT KEISTER Ray Long and Dave Imes, Auctioneers Restaurant Open Dr. Burleigh Anderson's Ifleadow arm A Cow Herd Dispersion —l2O Foundation Females Sell— The Breed’s Greatest Performance Dispersion! Wednesday, October iO, i9M a a.m. at the Form, loysville. Pa. -Featuring the Service of These Young Performance Giants PROGRESSION 36 cows examined safe INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DAT* Weaning EBV Maternal EBV Yearl i a 21 Daughters of Schearbrook Shoshone w 20 Daughters of Ankonian Dynamo ★ 7 Daughters of PS Power Play ★ 9 Daughters of Bon View Winston 1342 The Meadow Mist herd represents 23 years of continuous breeding and selection for the economically important performance traits The Meadow Mist herd is a model performance breeding program featuring the most complete and com prehensive record keeping program to be found anywhere in the breed Bulls produced at Meadow Mist Farms have ranked at the very top of the test stations in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio and Maryland through the past five years and the Meadow Mist prefix has truly become a smybol of Angus performance ex cellence 1 Rapid generation turnover has been the policy at Meadow Mist Farms and more than 50 percent of the females selling are 3 years of age and younger The entire herd descends from 20 heifers purchased 23 years ago, no outside females have been added since this original purchase Come to Meadow Mist expecting to see the very best in Angus breeding and management you will not be disap pointedl Auctioneer; Col. Mike Jones For your free reference catalog address Tom Burke / Dick Beck —Sale Managers— AMERICAN ANGUS HALL OF FAME at the WORLD ANGUS HEADQUARTERS Smithville, Mo. 64089 (816) 532-0811 The Meadow Mist herd has been certified free of brucellosis and accredited tuberculosis free ever since it was establish ed Calfhood vaccination against brucellosis is routinely practiced as well as whole herd vaccination against the com- /H mon infectious diseases in the Northeast In addition, the en- \"VL/ tire herd has been tested for bovine leukemia virus for the \/"W last several years and has been negative on every test V—J INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA WeininfEßV Maternal EBV Yearl ij PREMIER CELEBRATION 33 cows examined safe INDIVIDUAL PRFORMANCE DATA EBV Maternal EBV Yearling EBV Weanim All Daughters of Big Moose a 13 Daughters of Lucan of Wye a 5 Daughters of Band 174 a 6 Daughters of Meadow Mist Magnum a 28 Intensely Wye-bred females MEADOW MIST FARMS Dr. Burleigh Anderson R.D.02, Box 30 Loysville, Pa 17047 (717) 789-3121 or 789-3881 PINE DRIVE BIG SKY 19 cows examined safe Daily and livestock Sales Public Auction Register Closing Date ■ Monday, 5 00 P M of each week’s publication SAT OCT 20 ■ 9 AM Public Auction of a Com plete Business Liquida tion of Trucks, Equip ment, Tractor, Tools, Parts Inventory, Real Estate, Computer & Office Furniture Located )ust off 1-81 at Exit 28, east of In- THE 37th CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY HOLSTEIN CLUB SALE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13,1984 At Green Banks Farm, 12 miles east of Fredonia, 6 miles west of South Dayton, N.Y.; take Rt. 83 to the village of Hamlet and turn right on the road to Cassadaga, NY. SELLING 60 HEAD OF REGISTERED HOLSTEINS Cows, Heifers, bred heifers, and calves. Many top quality consignments including offspring of these proven sires; Jemini, Tony, Valiant, Lawman, Board Chairman, Milu Betty, Sexation, Gay Ideal, Keho Eric, Alliance, Marvex, Cavalier, Matt Carlo, Apache, Pete, Astronaut, Columbus, Triple Threat and more. Service sires include; Jewelmaker, Forcaster, Dairyman, Columbus, Cavalier, Very, Valiant, Wileeda Citation R, Glenvue Joe, Tradition, Bell, Leprechaun, Board Chairman, and many more. These top quality entries include entries with 3 and 4-generation “VG” and “EX” pedigrees, many records over 20,000 m, and records to 27,970 3.8 1,075. Many outstanding consignments from club members. Don’t miss the OPEN HOUSE the Evening before the sale at Green Banks Farm. All entries will have shipping fever mnoculations and will be tested for interstate. Sponsored by the THE CHAUTAUQUA CO. HOLSTEIN CLUB Robert Nickerson, Sale Chairman Ph. 716-355-4405 Francis Meehan, Sale Selector Ph. 607-225-4266 Green Banks Barn Phone: 716-988-3300 WILLIAM KENT, INC. SALE MANAGER & AUCTIONEER BERGEN, NY ph. 716-494-1890 25th ANNUAL SUSQ. CO. INSTITUTIONAL HEIFER SALE Rush, Pa Located 2 mile E. of Pa. Rt. 706 at Rush, 7 mile W. of Dimock & Pa. Rt. 29, 1 mile N. of Pa. Rt. 267, Midway between Auburn Center & Lawton, Pa SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13,1984 12:00 Noon W 48 Reg. & Hi-Grade Holstein Heifers 48 x (JVi 12 Reg.-36 Grade W All 30 day tested free herd. Penna & interstate charts. Calfhood vac cinated. This herd has 15 close springers, 4 or 5 fresh by day of sale. 14 due to freshen Nov. 1 to Nov. 15, balance due late fall & early winter. Sale Features Dau’s: H-Arlinda Jet Stream, 2 MD New Hopes Rebel Elevation, 3-Riveaire Magic of Lin-Con, Cedar Grove Golden Nugget, Creek Buff Elevation Lester & Bobwood Jemini Elmer. This years offering is an outstanding group of heifers, not only are they by popular sires and out of good producing dams but they are well grown and have good body conformation. Here is a sale you have been waiting for! Our heifers from previous sales have made high DHIA records. Make plans to attend and buy at your auction price as all heifers will be sold to the high bidder. Terms: Cash or good check M.L. Bunnell Auctioneer Springville, Pa. Ph. 965-2375 AU 814-L Wayne Weaver, Pedigrees- Chris Poulsen, clerk Joe Kuntz Farm Mgr. tersection of Rt 22 and 743.Grantville, PA Den SAT O CT 20 - 9 AM nis Miller, Owner of the p u blic Auction of Line Dennis Miller Equipment Equipment & Construe- Co Kerry Pae, Auc- t, on Equipment Located tioneers __ in Binghamton, NY at SAT OCT 20 - 9 AM Public Auction of Farm Equipment, Sheep, Per sonal Property & Guns at 12:00 Noon Rush Twp. SUSQ. CO. COMMISSIONERS Courthouse, Montrose, Pa. 18801 Jack Masters Gary Marcho Henry Prince Lunch-Tent Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 6,1984—E31 ■ Located from Blue Ball ; take 322 E to Rt 897 S Stay on 897 approx 3 /i mile to Sheep Hill Rd 1 Turn right to first farm on left Earl & Ruth Witmer, Owners Randal V Kline, Lloyd Kreider & Roy Good, I Jr, Auctioneers Murphy’s Sand and Gravel Pit, oft of Old Vestal Rd NYSE&G, Owners Vilsmeier Auc- Susq. Co. tion Co , Inc , Auc tioneers MONDAY OCTOBER 22 - 2 PM Public Auction of 168 Acre Farm Located in Tulpehocken Twp , Berks Co , 2 miles southeast of Bethel along Wintersville Rd Elam M & Mabel H Burkholder, Owners Paul E Martin & John D Stauffer, Auc tioneers TUESDAY OCTOBER 23 7 PM Public sale of Feeder Cattle and Feeder Pigs at Carlisle Livestock Market exit 12 off 1-81, 717-249-4511 WED OCTOBER 24-7 30 PM Public Auction of the Round-Up Sale of Yearl ings, Heavy Feeders, Calves, Stock Bulls and Stock Cows Located at The Shenandoah Valley Livestock Sales, Inc , 1044 Edom Rd , Harrison burg, VA 22801 THURSDAY OCTOBER 25, FRI OCTOBER 26 & SAT OCTOBER 27 - Car nage, Sleigh & Antique Auction at Martins Sales Pavilion, two miles east of Intercourse, PA , on Rt 340 Martin Auctioneers, Inc , P 0 Box 477, Inter course, PA THURS OCT 25-8 AM Public Auction of Line Equipment, Cranes & Trucks Located in Dodge Center, MN at Midland Constructors'yard facility at Industrial Park, South Street Southwest Vilsmeier Auction Co, Inc , Auctioneers FRIDAY OCTOBER 26 - 1 30 PM Public Auction Dairy Sale Located at the Penns Valley Livestock Auction, Centre Hall, PA Ron Gilhgan, Auctioneer FRIDAY OCTOBER 26 5 30 PM Gap Auction An tiques and Household Goods sold at every auc tion Located off Rt 41, Lancaster Turkey Hill Mmit Market, cross RR bridge, Ira Stoltzfus & Son, Auctioneers FRI, OCT 26 • 10 AM Public Auction of 174 Acre Farm, Farm Equip ment, Butcher Equip ment, Tools, Guns & Household Goods Located off Rt 895 bet ween Summit Station and Pine Grove Travel Vz mile south to the Rock Hotel on Mt Road to sale site, Schuylkill Co, PA Floyd F Fox, Owner Dennis F Wagner & Tom Maiden ford, Auctioneers FRt OCT 26 ■ 8 PM Public Auction of the 12th Annual Allegany-Steuben Fall Round up Sale In eludes the Wyoming Co Holstein Club Selling 75 Head of Registered Hols terns Located at the club sale barn, Camsteo, NY, on Rt 36, 10 miles south of Horness, 5 miles south of Camsteo, NY William Kent, Inc , Auctioneer SATURDAY OCTOBER 27 Public Auction of 119 Acre Farm and Im provements Located in Narvon, Rt 2, Salisbury Twp , Lane Co , PA Ver na E Martin, Owner Paul E Martin & John Stauffer Auctioneers SATURDAY OCTOBER 27 - 8 30 AM Public Auc tion of the 12th Annual Red Caboose R R Con signment Sale Sale of RR Antiques and Trains Ronald D Funk, Auc tioneers 717-687-6646 SAT OCT 27 - Public Auction of Real Estate and Personal Property located 505 W Orange, Lititz, PA Sale by Anna B Keller E M Murry Associates, Auctioneers FEEDER CATTLE & PIG SALES Tuesday, Octobers 7:00 P.M. SHARP CARLISLE livestock Market. Inc Just off I 81 at Exit 12 Phone (717) 249*4511 or Evenings, Jim 249-2359
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