Bucks MEED Crooked Acres Dairy Jolly | fl Carmen o Paul&Dons Daniels Coratwo 3 6-4 Zap 3 5-10 Theodores Wilson Elsa 3 6-6 Betty 3 5-4 Penrose And Candy 3 9-9 Sherber 3 8-5 Saffron 3 6-8 Glenda 3 4-10 Century 3 3-9 Jada 3 3-9 KenSVirgmia Hager Lassie 3 6-6 Robert Barry Gehman Millie 3 4-3 PaulWisser Lon 3 4-9 David R Walton EQueen 3 8-2 Wm&EleanorGunser Daisie 3 8-3 j Howard Roth 16 3 4-3 2 3 4-3 76 3 2-6 Breezyvale Farms Dale 3 10-3 Gilly 3 5-10 Soma 2 3 3-6 Paul L Bishop Irma 3 5-0 Rosyann 3 3-8 Delaware Val College Andna 3 3-3 Delaware Val College Melissa 5 6-3 Richard 0 Smith Orpha 2 2-4 Bishcroft Farm Duchess 3 7-6 OWHW Crooked Acres Dairy J Howard Roth Walter&David Wurster Richard 0 Smith Delaware Val College Theodore S Wilson David R Wolf mger “Twist-Lock” cups: newest innovation from the new leader ...another reason SWISH saves you more labor, more birds, and more money The newest twist in cage watering makes cup cleaning and maintenance a real snap it s SWISH s Twist-Lock cups for cage layers and brood-grow watering systems Saves labor. No more contortions with hand tools inside a cage-one simple twist of the wrist unlocks and removes the unitized cup and valve It s that easy to maintain when necessary But with SWISH, it’s hardly ever necessary That’s because our cup is sell-cleaning Our patented valve keeps the cup clean by flushing any feed particles out so birds can consume them with the water Installation is a snap too with SWISH s new cups they simply snap into the desired location, and the hose attaches to the water line outlet These are some The NEW BWISI ■ NORTHEAST AGRI SYSTEMS, INC Co. DHIA % DAYS LIS. W MIN MILK 22,930 21,468 305 305 17,895 17,499 305 305 25,069 19,176 305 305 22,427 18,095 22,622 21,005 20,641 22,739 305 305 305 305 305 305 20,377 305 19,809 305 18,409 305 19,614 305 19,456 305 17,895 18,806 18,766 305 305 305 19,183 22,533 24,747 293 305 305 22,160 21,258 305 305 21,042 305 19,362 305 305 15,709 22,304 305 IDS. MILK DAYS M MILK 54 7 88 2 19,368 755 34 5 88 0 19,723 738 59 2 89 7 20,060 718 68 6 88 8 14,989 714 38 4 87 7 19,273 '7ll 67 7 86 4 19,198 702 35 4 90 6 19,652 699 2 3 B 3 3 PATENTED VALVE IS KEY TO OUR PERFORMANCE OrKica (A) forcai walar onto deflector (6> lip (C) divert* it down to tuapand lead |D) iH—total commitment to qi P.O. Box 187 Fitchville, CT 06334 Phone: (203)642-7529 Paul L Bishop Ken&Virgima Hager Delaware Val College Penrose And Breezyvale Farms James Pavltca Robert Grouse Pishcroft Farm George&David Bishop Raymond Gross Wm&Eleanor Gunser 880 773 780 751 Eugene W Hall 789 778 Richard Barto John Snyder Mont-Will Farms 850 755 874 772 768 832 Willard Brelsford Schon-Crest Farms Charles Ulmer Jr Don&Scott Lepley Vollman Dairy C Thomas Faulkner Marvin L Waltz Lost Brook Farm Marshall Bros lnc#l Beniamin McCarty Franklin J Fmck 838 825 817 Samuel&Larry Fry Lester M Poust 809 Steppe Brothers Edward C Ulrich 804 Samuel & Larry Fry Sprmg2 Nicco 864 780 809 762 781 762 841 752 831 834 848 800 of the ways SWISH’s new cup saves you labor-easy installation, low maintenance, and labor savings between flocks because our cup constantly cleans itself Helps save more birds. Because our cup is seif'Cleanmg, algae and bacteria growth is not a problem as with cups that don t flush out feed particles Clean cups mean less chance of disease and less mortality And our big cup means good access to water, for a good level of bird health SWISH saves you money. That s the bottom line with a system that cuts labor and keeps birds alive and productive Get all the facts about our new cup and other SWISH innovations See your SWISH distributor or contact us a r% luality & service SVwSH Local Representative DAVID NEWMAN (717)299-9905 68 5 86 2 85 7* 83 7 883 909 85 6 87 6 89 0 88 5 89 0 65 9 50 2 10 5 77 0 91 6 3 405 B 3 65 5 3 126 1 3 89 4 3 41 6 3 62 4 LYCOMING COUNTY DHIA July. 1984 RH R&GrH RH R&GrH R&GrH R&GrH R&GrH GrH R&GrH R&GrH R&GrH R&GrH RH R&GrH RH RH RH RH R&GrH 5 10 20,974 5 18,272 uatering systems now a division o) CTB Inc 19,300 18,667 15,540 18,354 19,061 18,183 17,437 17,506 17,927 17,853 17,606 Mont-Will Farms Star Steppe Brothers Dawn 76 Eugene W Hall Bowser Molly Manlu Spartan Nettie Pepper Marshall Bros Inc Regina Ral 889 232 20,256 20,492 18,242 18,527 17,930 18,982 18,664 18,552 17,770 17,602 17,194 18,407 16,365 17,148 17,359 17,549 16,625 16,640 16,247 Mars-View Farm 465 Lost Brook Farm 4 Benjamin E McCarty 35 13 Roger W Ulmer Rainbow Linden-Hills Farm 28 Charles F Ulmer Jr Helen Vollman Dairy Farm 181 249 Marvin L Waltz Lora lea J David & John Jarrett 88 305 305 753 111 Franklin J Fmck Freda 66 BUCKETS & FORKS For Skid Steer Loaders NOW AVAILABLE FOR MOST MAKES AND MODELS • FORKS • BUCKETS 40” to 72” Standard, Various Shapes And 8” Increments Widths According Special Sizes On Request To Order WHOLESALE AND RETAIL lndustries 325 West Main St. Comfortable protection. IfedWings ASK THE MAN WHO WEARS THEM SUPER SOLE SAFETY BOOTS • Safely Sleel Toe • Tough Long wearing Urethane Sole In Stock No Waiting Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 6,1984—E1l 6-11 6-9 5 2 4 1 3-3 6 1 63 3-5 2-8 5 10 2 11 6 11 Built To Order (717) 354-8721 Steel Toes? V You Guess! tor 2255 What s your style If your |ob calls (or safety steel toes, there s no need to settle for what you can gel With Red Wings you get what you want 1 Stop in You've earned your Wings* Redwings WAYNES DRY GOODS 2g HOUN OtdvINAM NlOtfM Frrfay 1 000 M 271 W. MAIN 788 18,664 770 19,551 809 860 986 953 1043 827 19,676 19,701 24,460 25,346 25,950 20,344 813 795 1017 1009 19,176 18,038 21,734 18,226 754 19,282 19,345 791 843 864 18,890 16,961 790 17,934 20,274 765 815 16,392 21,984 16,650 855 787 759 17,501 757 17,580 862 19,095 ft New Holland, PA 17557 SIZES A EEE’ / 5 15 Not all si*»s n an w>ottis 7W PA.-PHONE 2: 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 297 305 305 267 153 305 297 305 305 305
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