El2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 6,1984 FREE Subscribers to Lan caster Farming will receive one advertise ment FREE each month in our Mail Box Market. Subscribers using the Mail Box Market will be govern ed by the following rules: Limit your advertise ment to 20 words; area code must be added to phone number and, due to repeated requests, please include your county for buyer and seller conve nience; all advertisements must be mailed to the of fice by 5:00 P.M. Monday ,or same will be held over for next week's paper; no business advertisements accepted. ? Include your Lancaster Farming mailing label and mail to: Mail Box Market Lancaster Farming P.0.80x 366 Utitz, PA 17543 No Phone Calls Please For Sale - Yorkshire, large whites & Hampshire boars. Open gilts & bred DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS THAN A STIHL WHEN YOU CAN GET A STIHL FOR LESS. There may never be a better time to move up to the chain saw you want! The 028 Stihl Wood Boss™. Big on performance. Bigger on value. And now only $299.95. At least a $45.00 savings off manufacturer’s suggested retail. At under $300.00, it's not just a bargain, it's a Stihl. And remember, Stihl quality starts at under $200.00 with the Model 009. STOLTZFUS WOODWORK A& B SALES & SERVICE RD Gap. PA Box 183 2 Miles South of Rt 23 Ah>n( 772 1 Mile North Rt 897 From Gap Thru Monterey RD 1 Rooks, PA WES STAUFFER SALES & SERVICE GOOD'S STORE RD3 Ephrata. PAPbone (717) 730-4215 Saa us at tha Ephrata Pair. Tart City. Sapt 25-29 STIHL TMM WORLD’S UMOr SMLLIMQ CHAIM SAW gilts Brucellosis and Pseudorabies free Will deliver 717-292-4634 For Sale- Rope halters for cattle, made to order. 717-898-7020 Lane Co, Pa Wanted- New or used storm front market wagon, and/or spring wagon, state price and condition, all replies answered, T Holliday, Rt 4, Box 244, Waynesboro, TN 38485 Top Quality Hay, Straw, Oats, Steer hay 140 per ton and up, mulch hay Call before 7 a m or after 7pm 201-735-8389 or 201-735-4408, days 201- 735-8865 For Sale-1600 gal fuel oil tank truck body 215-345- 1909 after 7, Bucks Co For Sale JD Model G wide front end, good tires, live hydraulics, good cond , $1,500 00 delivered, Carbon Co 215-826-6017 For Sale - Good Reg Suffolk ewes some are bred, all young 1 to 5 yr & showed, Lane Co 717 354-5939 For Sale 1973 Inter pick-up $650 00, MF 510 gas combine w/corn & gram head Dau Co 717 362-3578 For Sale - 200 + bushel gravity wagon bin $575 Would trade tor smaller unit, Perry Co 717-567 3340 For Sale - Used tracks to fit ID 6 Inter Dozer $4OO 00, each set, Garrett Co , Md 301-689- 8931 For Sale - JD Flail Chopper, works ok $5OO 00, Model 15 Buckskin mare, 100% BOMBERGER’S STORE, INC. Nawportßd .Elm PA 717-565-2407 Novcies, $650 00, Berks Co 717 933 5736 For Sale Turkey manure also NH Silo Blower & Pipe Rabbit pens, Adams Co 717-359-5953 For Sale - Rye seed $4 00 bushel uncleaned, 450 bushel cleaned, Adams Co 717-624-7622 For Sale Heavy duty market wagon roller bearing, $650 00, Lane Co Ben) S Ebersol Monterey Rd, Bird-m Hand,Pa 17505 For Sale Several cast iron implement seats, H Mundy, Hunterdon County, N J 201-782 0193 For Sale Jackson 1976 4- horse $l3OO 00, Monty 1984 stock trailer $2225 00, Miff Co 717- 242-0941 For Sale 12' Badger silo unloader w/winch & tripod, 200 00, Wayne Co 717-253-2063 For Sale BV2' three pt disc, like new, used on 18 acres, $5OO 00, Harry L Stoutfer, Cumb Co 717 423-5533 For Sale Pony cart * harness good cond , $lOO 00, will self separate, 4 driving bridles, $lO 00 ea Leb Co 717-272-6819 For Sale - Corn picker Inter 234 mound used last season, $6OO 00, Berks Co 215-683-7931 For Sale - 1979 Ford F -600 truck, PS, PB, Power Take Off, Ex cond , short wheel base, $4,000 Perry Co , 717-834-3674 Wanted - Good clean Farmall 350 tractor, fast hitch, power steering, Morgantown WVa , 304- 599-4027 At the Country Mart. RD2. East Earl Route 23 JuttEaito* Blue Ball 717 354-4026 For Sale ■ Used Int U 282 diesel engine parts, some complete engines "everything Cheap" Leonardtown, Md , 301 475-8949 after 5 p m For Sale Blue Ray Model 614 dry developer & rotary Diazo blue printer model 614M6 Good price $300,(717)866-7565 For Sale Seed cleaner, JD Corn Wagon, 3 pt rotary mower, IH #7 mower, shovel harrow, & 4 gal medicator, 717 758- 4920 For Sale ■ High moisture shelled corn, make arrangements tor your needs Free delivery within 60 miles of Tunkhannock, PA (717) 836-5927 For Sale - F-250 Ford % ton camper special pick up truck low mileage, 4 spd trans, 16 5 tires, $795 00. 717-684-0714 Wanted - Pickup head for Fox 900 For Sale 2 new Jerri Dan 505 running gears $3OO ea Adams Co 717-528-4914 For Sale - Purebred Simmental bulls from GARDENCARTS With Dump Fronts UNASSEMBLED... *lO.OO LESsi] Than Sal* Prlc— Shown SALE PRICE • Small Cart t ■ aa Regularly $159.00 • Large Cart eiAO Regularly $179.00 I l ** BOWMAN'S STOVE SHOP RD 3, Ephrata. PA 17522 Rt. 322,1 Mi. East of Ephrata (717)733-4973 Tues., Wed. 10-6. Thurs., Fri. 10-8: Sat 10-4 "h:i © K $450 to $lOOO Halter broke, grass hay $1 75 bale Chester Co 215- 935 2928 For Sale 24 acres 4 room & bath stone house, stream, barn, 2 car garage exc cond , Berks Co 215-856-7661 For Sale 200 Farmall w/wide front end also cultivator, 16' lever harrow, Berks Co 215- 683-3154 after spm Wanted - 45 red clay tiles 4 as often found on spring house roofs, Berks Co i 215-689-5333 For Sale - New champion cider press 5 gal - made by NJ agr works, Trenton, N J , 1973 Jeep J4OOO, 215-598-7546 eves For Sale Rye seed f Wanted Diesel motor for k Oliver 1650 or 1655 tractor, Leb Co 717 865- t 3288 after 9pm ( For Sale - 6 colts morgan Belgium, 323 cornpicker 1 wAC engine, Elam Stoltzfus Mill Hall RD 1 • Clinton, Co , Pa 17751 Jr' I Lancaster Farming Subscription Service • CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Pl«a«c give us 3 weeks advance notice. Attach label from current paper and attach in space pro vided; write in your new address below. Changes will be made as close to requested date as possible • Entering a NEW Subscription? Check the proper box and your name and address. Attach your check, S7.SO per year or $13.00 for two years in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, VA and WV. (All other areas - $14.00 per year, $24.00 for two years.) Payment must accompany order. Allow three weeks lor delivery. • RENEWALS To insure proper credit on all renewals please at tach your mailing label from current paper to space provided and check the proper box below. No refunds When writing us about your subscription please attach your Lancaster Farming mailing label here and mail the whole form to: LANCASTER FARMING, P.O. 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