Elo—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 6,1984 CENTRE COUNTY DHIA August, 1984 The high herd in the Centre County D H I A for August was valley Wide Farm, Spring Mills, R D 2 The Valley Wide herd of 80 cows had a rolling average of 21,151 pounds of milk and 808 pounds of butterfat with 86 9 percent days in milk Paul Hartle Stringers Sand Ridge Richard Tnnca L Thomas Musser Richard & James Graham Joseph Hartle Jr Jay Houser Glenn & Robin Gorrell Pond Dale Farms Rodney D Reese Evan & Ricky Homan Jesse & Mary Burkholder Paul H Vonada NEMA U.E.P.’s Regional Producers Co-op will help any flock owner find answers to questions on marketing orders Call 609-443-3490 before 9 AM Don’t forgest PA Egg Marketing meeting on market orders October 12,1984,8 PM Sheraton Conestoga Motor Inn, Lancaster Full roof cover for outdoor protection H duty latch for \ positive locking Handle can operated fi both sides Double I for extri Full si, protect front • Ov( • Overall Height: 72 inches • Fully Open Clearance: 26 inches • Heavy 6 inch channel base, 2-3/8 inch tubing, 12 ga. wall, high yield steel • Heavy 2% inch square top support AARON S. GROFF & SON Farm & Dairy Store HD 3, Ephrata, PA 17522 (Hinkletown) Phone; (717) 354-4631 Store Hours; Mon., Thurs. & Fri. 7 A.M. to 9 P.M Tues. & Wed. 7 A.M. to 5 P.M. Sat. 7 A.M. to 4 P.M. Centre Co. DHIA Report US. MU wo. cows 20,701 19,575 20,230 18,789 19,986 19,866 20,082 19,779 19,043 18,700 18,799 19,530 18,220 George & Ron Zimmerman Daniel & William Boob G Kenneth Nolan Reesebrook Farms Bruce E Ulmer Carl R Gates James N Houtz Fairbrook Farms John Ishler Ned E Deitnch Lynn & Margaret Neer James E Rider Murmac Farms Fred W Burris During the month there were 107 herds with 5,693 cows processed in the D H I A program, according to Russell C Seward, County Agent Production ranged from a high of 59 4 pounds of milk, testing 3 7 percent fat, to a low fo 24 7 pounds of milk, testing 3 4 percent fat In the owner-sampler program there were 17 herds with 652 cows being processed The herds ranged from a high of 48 0 pounds of milk, testing 3 4 percent fat, to a low of 26 2 pounds of milk, testmg3 5 percent fat The ten high individual cow actual production records in D H I A produced on a two times a day milking in 305 days or less (unless otherwise indicated) were in the following herds Jay Houser Rodney D Reese Richard 8 James Graham Paul H Vonada LBS. ' FAT Penn State University Richard & James Graham Valley Wide Farm Ned Deitnch Valley Wide Farm Valley Wide Farm NOTE All animals and herds are Holstein unless otherwise noted The high goat herd for the month was Sinking Springs Farm :hes needed to ick set open isy adjustment tides so lize can be under te to help lor slow •med cattle : size adjusts 5” to 7” 32 89 9 70 87 6 35 89 2 112 86 2 59 88 1 39 85 9 48 84 8 101 87 5 66 86 8 65 90 8 91 86 6 81 85 7 60 87 8 31 85 9 -■ Denotes 3 times a day milking 25,659 22,185 21,268 22,177 23,450 26,247 20,920 23,368 22,893 19,425 .. Diaie '»° F r D ? Ir * The Powerhouse shopi and E<,u,pment (HrJii l \i. -iWtir Model /} air For years Lombardini has been Europe’s largest supplier of small, air-cooled diesel engines. Now, after several years in this country Lombardini is the fastest growing line of air-cooled diesels in North America. Lombardini specializes in small air-cooled diesels. DIESELS OUR SPECIALITY CALL FOR USED DIESELS Distributor: HOOVER DIESEL SERVICE NEW PH. NO'S PH: 717-656-3322 717-295-1729 2998 West Newport Rd., Ronks, Pa. 17572,2V4 mile East of Leola Along 772 Authorized Poolers Hoover Diesel Tim's Diesel Bailor Engine Sensenig Dlesol Service Service Service Service 717-786-2173 Star Rt. Box 2 IBox 2450 Pennsy Rd. R 0 3 RD 3, Box 91A Rebersburg, Pa. 16872 New Providence, Pa. Selinsgrove, Pa. 17870 Ouarryville, Pa. 17566 17560 UIRIES INVITED , JUNIATA COUNTY DHIA August, 1984 Records were calculated for 5,125 cows in 105 herds The ten highest Rolling Herd Averages for the most recent 12 months of production are James C Graham 33H 89 4 19,180 739 Barry E Lucas 43H 86 4 18,645 728 Mark L Zook 52H 89 5 18,958 717 James L Swartz 37H 89 1 19,087 7in Marvin E Pontius 32H 87 3 19,033 709 Charles Wochley 60H 88 5 17,461 697 Harold B Shearer 39H 84 7 18,445 688 S F Metz 89H 85 7 17,761 666 Clyde D Moyer 43H 89 8 17,759 664 Rodney & Brenda Conrad 42H 88 6 16,966 664 Four hundred seventy-three cows completed records of 305 days or less Two of these cows produced over 1000 pounds of butterfat, 4 produced over 900 lbs , 19 produced over 800 lbs , 52 produced over 700 lbs , 111 produced over 600 lbs and 125 produced over 500 lbs 18 184 18,248 19,534 18,582 18,862 18,487 17,958 18,480 18,617 18,501 17,550 18,402 19,169 17,264 Dairy cows which complete'd lactations with an average butterfat of 850 pounds or more are listed below Mark L Zook Lark Linn Glen BSimonton 362 Nana Barry E Lucas 76 S F Metz Sugar James C Graham Kate Jill Charles Wochley 58 Rodney & Brenda Conrad 17 Melvin M Martin 169 Larry & David Noss 54C Glenn & Shirley Graham Teddy Edmund K Book Jma 98 12 5 3 2 We have the right size, weight, shape, price and engine available. LOMBARDINI DIESEL USES >/ 2 OR LESS FUEL THAN GAS ENGINES LESS DOWNTIME THAN GAS ENGINES 4t068H.P. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF: 1.12 month warranty or 4. 2,000 hours 5 2 Low fuel consumption 6. 3. Low maintenance. DIALERS IN Price per horsepower Easy Starting 100% back-up with parts and service. 26,532 1045 24,376 878 21,507 1012 18,891 920 21,938 917 22,129 908 23,196 854 18,885 903 22,803 894 19,114 867 25,454 862 17,096 853 Let Us Know Your Service Problems 24 Hour Service - Check Our Prices
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