D22—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 6,1984 Potassium affects stress AMARILLO, Tex. Stresses, whether during shipping or after arrival at the feedlot, may be in volved in altering the optimum nutrient requirements of cattle, according to David P. Hutcheson, animal nutritionist at Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Amarillo. Speaking to an International Minerals & Chemical-sponsored animal nutrition and stress con ference, Hutcheson says that “nutrition and stress interrelate and are a continuous process. ’ ’ When cattle are transported, he says, the most common stress response is loss of body weight shrink, comprised of water losses. is possible that acute PENN DIESEL SERVICE CO. Diesel Fuel Infection & Turbocharger Sales & Service - AGRICULTURAL AUTOMOTIVE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIAL MARINE-TRUCK * Authorized sales & service for most manufacturers * Service on all makes 717-545-4207 Exit 27, Interstate 81 Harrisburg, PA 17112 FRANK A. FILLIPPQ. INC. DISABLED & CRIPPLED COWS, BULLS & STEERS Competitive Prices Slaughtered under government inspection Call: Frank Fillippo - Residence - 215-666-0725 Elam Cinder - 717-367-3824 C.L. King - 717-786-7229 potassium deficiency occurs during stress where the water balance is upset. “Potassium deficiency,” he continues, “is manifested by slow growth, depressed energy utilization, muscular weakness, stiffness, decreased feed intake, intracellular acidosis and nervous disorders. While potassium deficiency hasn’t been an apparent problem in animal nutrition, cattle fed high concentrate diets might have suboptimal K levels.” Hutcheson cites a series of ex periments defining potassium requirements of the shipped stressed calf. Table 1 illustrates the diet used in these studies. We support the ADS Technician Certification program WANTED Paid * Pick up & delivery * UPS service * Wholesales Retail * Competitively priced * Since 1952 * Parts & Equipment Dist Table 1 Ingredient Milo, steam flaked Corn, steam flaked Sugarcane Molasses Cottonseed Hulls Supplement 3 3 Supplement was Potassium was added to these experimental diets as KCI, he explains. All calves received the experimental diet for two weeks. Table 2 Levels of Potassium % Dry Matter ,86 a 1.27 b 1.41 3 2.15 b 3.11 b »MfIRUSS non ic notillt ° I/I\ILLJ conventional • 3 Pt. Mounted • Pull Type • Semi-Mounted • 7’, 14’, 20’, 27’ • 6” to 40” Row spacing Whatever you need ...Marliss builds it. 35% protein commercial then the control diet (,71%K) the next two weeks. Table 2 illustrates the response to gains of calves fed varying levels of K. Grams of Potassium Per 100 lbs. Body Weight 0-14 Days 0-28 Days 7.9 8.6 11.5 14.6 21.1 29.3 GARAGES AND STORAGE BUILDINGS 3^RH) /' ROSE BUILDING SYSTEMS Roofing & Siding rolled by McElroy Metal Mill (Weatherstrong Alummum/Max Rib Steel) ftt*/ .W/: by Pullii TWO DRILLS IN ONE CONTACT YOUR DEALER FOR MORE INFORMATION Distributed By: CUMMINGS & BRICKER, INC. 100 Stover Drive Carlisle, PA 17013 717-249-6720 % Composition 42.5 24.5 3.0 23.6 6.4 supplement. Average Daily Gain(2B) \l\ 1.50 1.70 1.76 1.36 1 75 Now built at amazingly low costs per square foot; Red Rose garages can solve your storage problems We have a full line of post frame garages, whether it is for 1 car or for 10 cars We have the building for you - Call today l CALL i COLLECT Please contact me with (717) Additional Information 738-4248 Name „__ ___ L|m .. Ci \ °ln a Trial 1 b Trial 2 The best gains, Hutcheson says, “were obtained when either the 1.27%K or 1.41%K was fed. The optimum intake of K per 100 lbs. of body weight was 12-15 grams. The requirement for growing, finishing cattle is between .6 and .8% of ration dry matter. The 12 grams K per 100 lbs. of body weight necessary for optimum gain after transportation stress is 20% more than the requirement without stress.” Address County Town Zip Phone (Area Code) _ Mail to RED ROSE BUILDING SYSTEMS INC P 0 Box 56 Ephrata PA 17522 • No-Till • Lo-Till • Reduced Till • Minimum Till • Conservation Till Whatever you call it ...Marliss does it. State
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