MONTOUR, NORTHUMBERLAND, SNYDER AND UNION COUNTIES DHIA July. 1984 Rolling Herd Average Above 650 Lbs Butterfat scow DAYS IN MILK NAME Carl Slater&Son PA Dept ofAg Clifford A LeVan Earl W Hams Mar Ja Farm Lundy Brothers Northumberland Truckenmiller Fms R&GrH 60 3 86 6 Irvin Reynolds R&GrH 89 1 84 1 Shoch Manor Farms R&GrH 124 8 87 6 Fred&Tom Strouse R&GrH 59 8 88 5 RMD Shultz Farms R&GrH 74 1 87 8 Randolph Hoffman HL Narehood&Sons Robt Ulmer&Sons Glen&Barb Carper George Krebs Jesse J Yoder Une & Dan Yoder Elmer&Dave Apple Harold S Hassmger Dale Hornberger Fisherdale Farm RH 62 6 89 0 R&GrH 48 9 87 7 RSGrH 39 3 87 1 R&GrH 49 2 91 6 RH 48 3 85 9 R&GrH 50 1 84 3 R&GrH 41 4 90 2 RH 41 7 94 1 R&GrH 30 5 87 3 RH 55 7 84 6 R&GrH 77 4 89 4 R&GrH 50 6 86 6 RH 42 9 87 3 Denotes 3 Times Milking Clarence W Beiler John F Stoltztus Ben S Yoder locust Row-Farm Jacob S Stoltztus Amos J Zook Jonas R Zeiset Elam Beiler Wood Ann Farm Inc Mifflin Hills Farm Eugene Spangler Hemlock Mdw Farm Ridge Creek Farm Lactations Finished Over 750 Lbs. Butterfat DAYS OWNER HI NAME OR NO AGE MILK PA Dept of Agriculture 302 408 JA DA Land Jude Clifford A LeVan Misty I" ■ 6-9 305 18,374 4 2 768 POLE BUILDINGS CUSTOM BUILT AGRICULTURAL, RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS FOR A VARIETY OF NEEDS: Painted Galvanized Roof & Siding in a wide range of sizes, designs and colors. Weather Resistant Pressure Treated Poles and 2x6's T&G Skirting ■ Call For A Free Brochure • BEN STOLTZFUS SAM STOLTZFUS \ (219)273-3456 (215)273-3495 I Honeybrook, PA I Upper Susquehanna DHIA Monthly Report NO. COWS Montour R&GrH 33 7 R&GrH 110 5 RH 20 1 RH 55 6 RH 140 2 RH 36 5 88 7 84 7 87 2 86 7 88 7 84 8 Snyder R&GrH 310 R&GrH 57 0 R&GrH 67 4 R&GrH 56 0 R&GrH 15 2 R&GrH 63 2 RH 51 4 R&GrH 58 0 RH 43 0 RSGrH 34 8 R&GrH 71 3 Union US. H MILK FAT Montour 4 9 305 24,993 4 0 1010 3 2 305 21,575 3 7 794 4-11 305 19,575 4 0 775 Truckenmiller Farms 33 Ernest Klinger 106 Irvin Reynolds 41 16 11 RMD Shultz Farms Jenny John Bomberger & Son 124 426 Shoch Manor Farms 25 Fisherdale Farm BertylO Leire Fry & Sons Glow Une& Dan Yoder Pansy us. MILK Harold S Hassmger 139 HL Narehood & Sons Sparl4s Marsha 9 754 699 695 681 663 654 20,155 18,011 16,877 18,655 16,558 17,110 Joseph & Grace Blank Lynn 12 Pet 50 Pasture Green Farm Anise 7 Dale Hornberger 10 44 728 "707 707 688 675 19,094 20,745 19,537 17,778 19,007 Glenn & Barb Carper Judy 12 21,649 18,455 19 356 19,112 18,735 18,877 18,955 17,310 17,351 17,807 17,344 19,744 20,492 19,481 18,943 19,627 19,111 19,457 16,723 17,746 18,282 17,029 17,296 17,700 by Stoltzfus Builders Northumberland 4 6 305 5 2 300 7-6 305 4 9 305 4 0 305 2 9 305 7 8 305 511 305 3 6 305 2 0 305 Snyder 3 9 305 4 5 305 5-9 305 7 0 305 810 305 6-0 305 305 305 300 305 299 305 SADDLE UP! To Better Equipment... Find It In Lancaster Farming's CLASSIFIEDS! 3 4 822 24 195* 4 2 808 19 068 4 4 930 3 8 783 5 3 1080 3 1 848 21,323 20 374 20,310 27 022 822 20,804 752 800 22,690 18,389 755 17,587 771 - 17,152 784 18,871 855 22,430 787 18,999 847 856 21,074 21,584 799 802 22,223 17,830 789 19,419 828 766 24 046 18,027 787 19,555 Lockwood’s got a system that’ll fit your field We know every field's special. A little bit different And that's why we want you to know that when you talk to your Lockwood dealer you're talking to I'd like to custom tailor an Irrigation system for you. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 6,1984—023 Robert Ulmer & Sons Jessy 39 Gwen 42 Conewago Farms Carla 99 Dock View Dairy 129 Eugene Spangler Valane Lotus Magic Don & Dan Spangler 26 Locust-Row Farm B 177 Clarence WBeiler Abby Blossom Tem Cehse Elam Beiler Febe Amos J Zook Gail Vickie Lilly Vera John F Stoltzfus 64 Hemlock Meadow Farm Rorae 9 0 Ben Martin 3 5 3 Ben S Yoder Beauty Jonas RZeiset Nedra Crystle LEE RAIN IRRIGATION Over 35 Years of Service Wheat Rd. Vineland, NJ 08360 (609)691-4030 22 476 19 447 5 0 305 2 4 305 16 027 711 305 Union 17 635 305 19,814 18,603 19 568 305 285 305 18 446 305 22 012 305 29,031 16,710 21,037 22,944 305 305 305 305 7 1 7 1 94 55 21 851 305 24,065 24,367 19,848 22,984 305 305 305 305 99 80 5 10 18.837 305 19 303 305 17 248 305 17 929 305 2 10 23 832 21,302 305 305 44 3 11 a trained irrigation professional A man who can customize an irriga tion system to fit your field. He’ll give you the best advice on how to achieve the water applica tion level you need at the lowest possible energy cost. , ... . 802 751 838 768 804 775 832 775 803 40 1159 4 6 775 4 0 840 3 6 834 847 953 864 772 836 40 3 5 39 36 924 810 768 751 798 884 II LacHiijaar ’
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