CB—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 15,1984 FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale 1 row corn head to fit JD »38 corn harvester. Good condi tion Call 717-444-3466 MF 14' gram head, floating cutter bar, electric variable speed reel, good condition Northumberland County 717-672-2986 JD 550 C Dozer, JD 450-B Dozer. JD 310-A Back hoe, JD 500-A Back hoe, JD 300 Wheel Loader Int Crawler w/backhoe, 4 in 1 100 E 215-679-5958 3 pt. mounted John Deere single row chopper, ex cellent 2 Dump wagons for filling trench silos, one has floatabon tires, 8’ sides with roof and treated lumber 2 John Deere rotary mowers, one heavy 5' with remote cyl and one 7' with remote cyl Ph 301-357-8689 For Sale - IH 110 forage wagon w/3 beaters and roof, floatation tires and adjustable tongue 717- 548-2676. For Sale - IH model 550 harvester w/2 row wide and narrow corn head and hay pickup. Massey model 520 disk, 20' w/folding wings; IH model 53, 4 row cultivator; JD 9' model 35 Reaper. 717-425-2371 NEW IDEA - Late Model 702 diesel 727 husker, 735 head, very good shape! Lane Co 717-872- 5267. 1980 White 8900 Com bine. 850 hrs . 4 row corn head, 15' gram head, excellent condition Owner discontinued farming Phone 717-993- 6584. FOR SALE - Like New, 40' Zimmerman hay and corn elevator w/2 HP motor Cleaned rye, $4.25/bushel 717- 624-2313 LANCASTER SILO CO., INC. ROUND HAY RACKS - 2 PIECE 18 Openings - Can use for Regular or Large Bale “GATES I STRONG-LIGHTWEIGHT IV’ TUBING-PAINTED Gates w/Latch & Hinge 8 ft 10 ft 12 ft. 14 ft. 16 ft. ea. $55.00 ea. $60.00 ea. $65.00 ea. $70.00 ea. $75.00 10% CASH DISCOUNT ON ABOVE ITEMS “LANCASTER SILOS BUILT BETTER” "LOOK” AT THAT GREAT CORN CROPI DO YOU HAVE ALL THE STORAGE NEEDED? LANCASTER SILO CO. HAS CONCRETE STAVE SILOS FOR CORN SILAGE OR HIGH-MOISTURE GROUND EAR CORN. WE CAN DELIVER & ERECT SILOS FOR SEPTEMBER. New Idea 702 uni tractor, 767 super chopper. 3 row narrow head, grass head for 767 chopper, 729 A shelter, 3 row narrow snapper head, ready for Phone 717-5! work. 1773 FOR SALE - Fox field chop per, good condition, corn and grass heads 215-598-7669 Minneapolis boiler on trailer to steam tobacco beds, in good condifaon Call 717-733-3672 after 7 pm or write Henry D Stoltzfus, R O #3, Box 549 A, Ephrata, PA 17522 FOR SALE - Haybuster Model 1068, no-till drill, will work m heavy trash, like new, $4,900 Call Sheaf ter evenings 301- 778-0185 CORN PICKER • Oliver Model #5 1 row, excellent condition Chester County 215-384-1839 INDUSTRIAL FRONT END LOADER, rebuilt pump & cylinders, fits most makes Asking $2,000 215-589- 4683, Ford plow 318 fully mounted automatic reset, $2,100.717-442-8564 FOR SALE - Super-B AS -600 crop dryer, 3 PH, two 30' bin floors w/steel supports, Little Giant transport auger 56'*8", AC 4 row wide head. 518- 753-7795 after 9 PM. STORAGE TRAILERS FOR RENT - 40 ft, nice, available immediately, delivered. Office trailers also available 301-771- 4529. Corn Pickers • Woods Bros Good condition, International one row mounted. C or super C (717)788-1780 For Sale - Corn Sheller rated at 750 bushel per hour, has large cob fan, comes w/spare screens and sheller rotors, requires 25 h.p., real good condition. Asking $4,000. Call evenings at 717-394- 3752. 2008 Horseshoe Rd., Lancaster, Pa. 17601 “LANCASTER" CONCRETE STAVE FARM SILOS & For Sate I row 717 chopper, good working order 301-398-5127 or 301-398-2891 IH 1206 diesel, wide front. 125 h p., MF 300 combine 2 head, MF 50 tractor 3 pt 215-777-0052 or 215 775-0508 Lahman hydrostatic skid loader, 20 h.p , $4,400 00 neg. 717-865-6014 or 717-469-0136 Snapper head, like new Used 30 acres for NH 770 or 782 717-222-4432 1976 750 MF COMBINE, 1900 hrs, hydrostatic 2/both heads. $20,000 609-935-4179. For Sale - 1289 bulk bins, $25, 40"x48”, 31" high, O D Cropwell Farms. Marlton. NJ Call 609- 983-9236 8N Ford Tractor w/ or without Wagner front end loader, HO5 Allis Chalmers crawler loader. $2,500, Gleaner F-330 corn head for F machine, good condition, make offer, Used Big Jim silo unloader for 36' silo Lancaster County 717- 898-8927. For Sale - 4400 combine, cab. air, 1700 hours, 213 flex and 444 corn head. Very good condition. Consider trade for tractor 301-836-1916. For Sale - 5,000 tobacco lathes Call 717-626- 6980 IH 9150 combine with 6 row. 30" corn head and 13' gram platform Lancaster Co 717-653- 5155. For Sale - Used Hesston Field Queen, self propelled forage har vester w/3 row narrow corn head and hay pickup head. 814-276-3422. For Sale: Farmall 504 gas tractor. Power steering, 3- pomt hitch, live PTO, dual hydraulic outlets, ex cellent tires This tractor has low hours and is in food condition, $3,500 15-857-2168 [" “LANCASTER” I SURE-LOCK CATTLE PANEL • 10 Ft. Panel Sections • 5 Openings Per 10’-24” O.C. • Painted Steel • Individually or Complete Catch Operated $162.00 P 0r 10 stt tion i - [ “LANCASTER” [ CATTLE HEAD GATE • Sure Lock • Portable • Adjustable “AUTOMATIC” Ear Com Blower Mills For High Moisture Corn. #l2OO & #lBOO Mills In Stock SALE OR RENTAL Phone; 717-299-3721 7 A.M. to 4 p.M. Monday thru Friday Larry Hiestand - Sales 717-273-7394-Evenings Home milk and cream pasteurizer, safeguard agitator, 2 gallons, new in carton, $B5 301-346 7157 DeLaval 100 gallon bulk cooler with compressor and agitator Excellent condition. $350 301-346- 7157 For Sale - JD Model 35 2 row Forage Harvester, manual & electric con trols New Idea 2 row corn picker #321, good con dition Annes County, MD 301-778- 3386 20 Ft Crust Buster Disc, 6-16 AC mold board plow, MF 22 single disc gram drill All good shape Phone 301-755-6876 Two 227 John Deere Cornpickers and shelter Brackets for two cylinder JD’s, $6OO 717-246- 1596 NE - 6A Corn Picker, 2 row wide, good condition, $B5O International #8 flail chopper, $250. JD 30 combine PTO, $6OO 717- 658-4377 FOR SALE - Corn Picker New Idea 1 row pull type, working condition 301- 256-4880. For Sale: 707, 3 point hitch New Holland Harvester, 5750.00. Lane Co., PA Call 717- 367-2117 or 717367 7831 2 JD 435 wide corn heads tor 105 or 95 combine One very good condition the other for parts Both for $6OO JO 4020 or 7700 combine diesel motor, year 1972 7700 combine for parts Call 814-583-5332. For Sale - 1976 Interna tional Cub Hi-Boy, very low hours, excellent condition. 717-366-2619 Schuylkill Co., Or- wigsburg, PA. For Sale - JD 4440, quad New Vermeer round range, differential lock, 4 balers, 504 G, $9,000, Post roll guard, field 504 H, $10,000; 605 H, ready 215-383-6818. $ll,OOO. With all wide belts 717-597-3364 or 717 597-4296 • One Man Operates • Painted Steel & Pipe s269.ooeach Oliver diesel 2 row mounted corn picker, good condition, $2,000, Papec PTO grinder mixer, OK, $1,200 717 432-2291 For Sale - 1660 Case Combine w/6 narrow row head and 15' grain table, works fine, $7,500 717- 944-1346. NEW HOLLAND FIELD chopper. 2-row corn head, sickle bar head, Fox PTO blower 1830 MM-fiekf chopper, 2-row corn head. 7 ft pickup, 7 ft Fox sickle bar, Oliver 4 bottom 16 in plow with packer 20 ft Picks silo, 20 ft Silo-matic unloader All in very good condition (609) 935- 3323 NH 717 corn chopper tor sale York Co 717-862 3741 Onan generator, 25 KW, 100 AMP, operates from PTO New and in crate, $2,000 717-244-0221 Rosenthal corn husker, $400; corn binder, $250 Both in good condition 301-271 7110 after 4 PM 24 ft cross- bale or corn elevator with electric motor, $4OO 717-244- 0221 For Sale - Gehl 800 recutter in very good condition Call 717-687- 7209 For Sale - Case 930 diesel Comfort King tractor, excellent condition. Amos L Fisher, R.D *2. Box 109 A, Meadville Rd., Narvon, PA. 17555 IH 715-D combine cab and air, 400 hrs., 13' platform. 1976 model, $16,500 717-597-9516 NH #8 Crop carrier 3 beater, roof 8 ton running gear. NH model 880 forage harvester grass & 2 row corn head 301- 836-1235 JD #3O 2 row level bed potato digger, excellent condition, $1,675 or best offer 717-687-0102 For Sale -11'heavy off-set disc, $3,000 or best offer 717-993-6393. JO 4030 w/post roll guard, has turtoo, in very good condition, only 2800 nrs , $ll,OOO 717-532-7054 FOR SALE - 1975 JO 7700 turbo, hydro, rotary screen, air conditioning, 30 5L x 32 tires, excellent condition, 2200 hrs , $18,500 215-756-4341 FOR SALE ■ JO 7700 diesel, good condition, air conditioning, 1971, $10,500 firm 215-756- 4341^ JO 3800 Harvester 2/2 row narrow corn head & hay -pickup 717-393- 4732 JD 428, 48 ft gram elevator, like new, $l,OOO Lancaster Co 717-653-5923 For Sale - 1974 Chev Y tag, 17 ft dump truck, Detroit 6V53 motor, 88 Oliver block, 6 ft MF rotary mower, single row corn head for JD 35 or 38 chopper, like new Call 717-444-3968 NEW IDEA - 329 Shelter unit to mount on pull type picker, good condition 717-867-2350 JD CORN HEAD MODEL 644 w/only 200 hrs , like brand new, low profile 716-526-5003 after 6 JD MODEL 12A 5' combine good working condibon w/own engine Monroe Co 215-681- 5613 Avery thresher, all steel on solid rubber, Ebersole feeder, mostly wood, good condition For use or anti que, $125 814-627-5149 For Sale - 410 MF combine with 13' gram head and 4 row narrow corn head, good condition 717-658- 3518 For Sale - 307 NI picker, 460 Internabonal tractor 717-629-1816 1977 IH 815 Combine - 1,000 hours, air condition ing. 15' gram head, flexi ble cutter bar. excellent condition Stored inside Tom or Frank Sorbelk) 609-769-1777 or 609 467-2119 FOR SALE - Nl 1 row wide pull type corn picker, good condition 1200 bushel speedy corn crib, used twice 717-866-4362 530 CASE BACK HOE - King construction, two buckets, diesel, very good condition, $6,500 Lebanon Co 717-865- 2705 12' OFFSET DISC Bushhog Model 245, new 1980, excellent condition. $6,000 Need haybuster Model 107 703-923- 4/11/1 i OR SALE - JD 443 4 row narrow cornhead, new gathering chains, drive sprockets, and idler sprockets put on this spring Field Ready $5600 Call after 5 PM Berks Co 215-683-9519 Used Oliver 55, 3 pt hitch, rubber and tractor, both in good shape. $l,OOO To be seen, contact maintenance superintendent Dune Bauman 717-784-4949 For Sale - 151 In ternational combine, 14' head hume reel, $l,OOO 717-397-4561 or 569- 1470. Lancaster Co Uni 704, 1100 hrs equipped w/729-A shelter, 3RN corn head. Stored inside, $10,500 201-454- 0889.859-3730 NH 812 forage harvester Metal detector, electric controls, 12 knives, 1,000 PTO, 880-w/piCkup, 822 two row corn head. $10,500 00. Jefferson Co 814-856-2891. For Sate - Ford Tractor 8N w/step up and step down transmission, wheel weights, 3 pt. hookup w/pultey, excellent con dition. $2,300 215-670- 0584 Gram dryer Grain Chief 300 bushel batch Low usage, Vz new cost. Near Winchester. Virginia 703- 667-0617. FOR SALE - Int 1086, Int. 856. Ford 9N w/3 pt. plow, disc, cultivator, sycte bar mower & drag harrow Farmall cub w/sycte bar mower, original paint. Other cub attachments 215-683-8547. IH #350 Forage Har vester, 1 row, Gehl Silo blower #FBBB, Hi throw; Auger trailer, 100 bu.. Scotch harrow, $25 Chester Co (215) 857- 2497 Corn Hopper and screen to fit 770 NH harvester 215-267-4250 or 717-733-7818 234 International 2 row corn picker, 12 roll husker bed, also with sheller unit, good condition, $1,500 00 71*7-547- 2272 FOR SALE - David Good's sale on Wed , Sept 19 New Idea #IOA spreader on rubber, like new Gideon S Stottzfus, Sr, ROl.Blam, PA DEPENDABLE MOTOR CO. East Main St., Honey Brook, PA. 215/273-3131 or 215/273-3737 Roskamp Portable Ear Corn Roller Mill, Used For High Moisture Ear Corn List Price *14,200 Now *9,990 Pittsburgh 4B 18" Semi Mtd. Auto Reset Plow Hutchmaster Disc 22x‘/»" blades D.O.T Flex Gang 5600 lbs Dunham 3 Bar 8 Tooth Chisel Plow Spring Loader 32" Shanks Dunham 8' & 10' Cultipackers USED EQUIPMENT Hesston PTIO Haybine NH 467 Haybine NH 315 Baler NH 272 Baler NH #2B Blower DEALER FOR BUTLER^ TERRE HILL SILOS HUTCHMASTER For Sale - VF-4 Wisconsin engine with starter, rebuilt, like new, 5’ Smucker corn stalk chopper. Call 717-394 5573 • 1 Row John Deere Har vester and grass head, $250. 717-284-4601 JD 2010 Gas tractor with JD 46 loader, 606 JD rotary mower, and T JO blade All equipment is in good condition Asking $6,000.00. Phone 301 452-8764 after 6:00 p m 16 Marietta silo doors & hinges, $5O 1929 Chevrolet depression tractor. Huber 37 Model G tractor, $3OO JD 378 w/cultivator, $l,lOO JD BO 1936 on factory steel wheels, $3,500 215-326 0439 evenings For Sale - Mel linger silage preservabve applicator, $75 717-653-4149 For Sale - SGIOO Feed- Easy stabonary forage mixer with scales. Ex cellent condition. Best offer Delivery available Bedford Co Phone 814- 847-2745. NH 707 3 pt single row harvester, like new condition Phone 717-527 4687 MILK DUMPING STATION WITH LARGE RECEIVING JAR. Nl corn shelter unit 215-286-5404 IH 656 hydro gas utility, 2,830 ong. hrs., 3 pt. 2 i valves. Ex. orig cond. I $5,900,301-845-4561. Lockwood air potato harvester, wide digger bed and wide air head, excellent condition. $7,000. Also Chevy truck w/transfer case and McCulloch 14' potato or gram body, $1,900 Call 717-992-4987 or 992 7432. For Sate - Nl 2 row mounted picker #319, front and 12 row rear Also shelter, like new. Call after 7 PM 717-379 3245. Ask for Bob. For Sale - AC Gleaner F combine with wide or narrow row corn head or both, ready to go to field Franklin County. 717-597- 8803. FOR SALE - IH 2-M-E mounted corn pick, will sell with or without tractor, wide row, also 95 Gehl grinder mixer, both in good condition 717- 432-9704 FOR SALE - Nl 325 Narrow Row Corn Picker w/12 roll husking bed, very good condition 717- 867-2142. JO 3300 diesel combine with 2 row wide head Price $B,OOO. Very good condition 717-532-7054 For Sale - Farmall Super C w/loader and cultivators. Farmall H; Int. model 350 transport disk 10' 6”, 6’ 3 pt. disk, Int wide front tor Super C 215-562-4464 ‘5275 <6200 . . . .‘1695 Special Prices NH 717 N 2 Corn Head NH 717 Pickup Head Case 4B Plow NH36’ Elevator NH 258 Rake Livestock Systems
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