OFAMf EQUIPMENT for Sale - New Idea 214 manure spreader, ex cellent condition Call 101-775-2378 40. Umberger’s Of s X % Fontana,lnc. RD 4, Lebanon, PA (Fontana) 717-867-5161 or 717-867-2613 Mon.-Thurs.-7:30-5:00; Frl.-7:30-8:00; Sat.-7:30-4:00 SUPER SEPTEMBER SPECIALS Hesston, demo 4 row narrow, disc cut off harvester corn head fits pull type and self propelled unit List Price *13,875 Cash Price ’9,750 Bush Hog 9 Shank Soil Hog w/Ad| Sheer Disc, High Clearance, 32" Shank, Weight - 5991 Lbs (Demo) List Price ’7,525 Special Price ’6,400 Nl 384 Solids & Manure Spreader w/Tandem Whl 16 5x16 110 Ply Tires, 2250 Gal Rental Unit Special Cash Sale Price ’9,850 Hesston model 7150 forage harvester w/2 row narrow corn head, (weather) Price to low to print NEW ITEMS (1) Nl Model 802 Uni Tractor \ w/Power Assist I Large Rebate in Nl 717 Combine | Effect for all 3 868 Nl Forage Harvester 3 Hesston 5530 Round Baler Demo Hesston 1014 2+2 12' Hydro Swing Dan User 3 pt Post Hole Digger Glencoe SSS 9 9 Shank Stretch Soil Saver (2) Nl 325-327 2 Row Narron Corn Picker w/12 Roll Bed Gehl BU 960 3 Beater Forage Box w/Roof SEE US FOR ALL YOUR UNI NEEDS 701 Uni Tractor w/Cab & 729 Shelter & 7253 RN Corn Head USED UNI EQUIPMENT 708 Uni w/Cab & Air 4WD 702 Diesel Uni Tractor w/Cab, Completely Reconditioned. New Paint 702 Diesel w/Cab 701 Uni Tractor w/Cab (2) 767 Super Choppers (1) 763 3 Row Narrow Corn Head (2) 760 Forage Harvesters (1) High Moisture Adapter Bundle for 767 Super Chopper 744 N 4 Row Narrow Stripper Plate Head 844 N 4 Row Narrow Stripper Plate Head (2) 713 S Grain Platforms Model 730 4 Row Wide Snapper Head (2) 725 3 Row Narrow Stripper Plate Head 729 A Shelter 729 Shelter 723 2 Row Wide Stripper Plate Head (3)766 6* Hay Pickup USED EQUIPMENT IH 403 Combine w/Cab & 3 RN Cornhead Oliver 365 3 pt. 316 Plow, Cushion Trip Gehl & JD 6* Flail Choppers Gehl MX 135 Grinder Mixer w/Digital Scales, 1 yr. old Gehl 3510 Demo Skid Steer Loader Husky PTO 8* Trailer Manure Pump Nl 244 8 Ton Tandem Manure Spreader Gehl F 899 Blower USED HARVESTERS Gehl CB 600 w/2RN Corn Head (2) Gehl CA 6701 Row Rotary Corn Head NH 770 w/Elec. Controls w/2 RN Corn Head Fox Model 546 w/1 Row Corn Head Hesston 7655 Side Dump w/3306 Cat D. Just Overhauled, Hay Pickup, 4 row narrow corn head Call for our low reasonable price USED PICKERS (1) Ml 323 1 Row Corn Head (1) 324,314 2 RW w/Sheller (2) 324, 327 2 RW 12' Roll Bed (1)2 Row Mounted 12' Roll Bed (1) Oliver #5 (1) Super Sheller 329 Recleaned Rye Bulk or Bagged Large Supply 6 Mill Poly Film For Sale - Field chopper, IH 2 row. Also forage wagon, Grove 18’. 301- 692-5048 before 8 AM Wanted To Buy Or Rent 3 tobacco bale boxes Levi I Huyard, Box 784, S Kmzer Ave , New Holland, PA. 17557 ’6,900 For Sale - New Idea Manure Spreader, model 318, like new New Gratz chain 717-647-9492. FOR SALE - 1976 JD 4030 w/4 post roll bar. quad range transmission, M & W turbo, 2800 hrs , 100 HP Must see to appreciate Will Guarantee $10,500 717- 532-8601. NEW EQUIPMENT TRACTORS COMBINES JD 750 HEADS JD2150 JD 643 Com Head JD 2350 JD 6620 Combine JD 2750 JD 4420 Combine JD42SOSG.PS JD44SOSG.PS, MFWD PLANTING EQUIP. EQUIPMENT JD 4r ) ° C ° nS ‘ PltrS ' JD 2800 5B Plow JD 820018x7,21x7 JD 23519’11” Disc Plain Drills JDll5lO’ Disc JD21511’5” & 12’10” f)icp JD 1610 Chisel Plow USED EQUIPMENT Oliver 1800 Dsl. HAY TOOLS Tractor JD 1219 Mower Con- 1066 Tractor ditioner IH 966 Tractor JD iag A on° rage JD !?3*FTex Platform JD 327,337 Balers JD 1240 Planter NH3l6&32oBalers D ~w ( D ry F | r t NH 499 Mower Con- Pitteburg 4 Bottom ditioner plow NH 28 Blower Pittsburg 12’ Disk NH 489Haybine . NH 38 Crop Chopper J P ®p9oSoybe an NH 451 Mower * NH 256 & 258 Rakes MU7Q^J ractor NH 782 Harvester NH 791 Manure ■ Spreader OTHER AC K 2 Combine EQUIPMENT JD 244 Corn Head Fox 3000 F B-Harv. JD 1065,1075 Wagons uly Rotei | a 13’6” Century 500 Gal. JD 6 Row Max Sprayer Emerge Planters DeLaval Manure -1 w/Liqiud Fer .... • . tihzer& 1 w/Dry NH 355 Grinder- Fertilizer Mixer wmmm i waiver of interest HMhSB on many items ■Tg Hffl® |. g. SALES ■■ DeLAVAL Silverdale, PA 18962 Quonset JAMESWAY 215 257 5135 Buildings g-lndustrial Equip. Co. ALLIS-CHALMERS TRACTORS 3h AC 7060 PS AC 7040 AC 7030 AC WC Case 970 Case 930 w/Loader CaseD JOB JD 2440 w/240 Loader IH 584 w/Loader 1H656H w/Loader Case 2390 Kubota 88200 Ford 9 N w/Loader LAWN & GARDEN Gravely w/Mower ACB-10 AC B 208 Simplicity 728 Jacobsen GT-10 AC HB 212 Cub w/Mower Ford LGTI2O LOADERS (2) NH425 NH 445 w/Deutz Diesel NHL77S Schwartz PLANTERS AC6OO4R AC 7R Bean AC 6 row w/Bean Units For Sale Twin disc dutch No. 2 bell housing. Berks Co 215-683-7230. For Sale - Airco portable gas welder, good ’Condi tion, with cables, $750 Evenings, 717-273-6309 1977 4400 JD diesel combine, chopper and air, $14,000. 609-455-3462 or 609-769-4025. to COMBINES AC CII w/2 Hds. AC F 330 Com Hd. AC G 440 Com Hd. NH TR7O w/960 & 962W4 NH TR7O w/13’ Flex Hd. & 962N6 NH 970 Gr. Hd. MOWER CONDITIONERS (3) NH 1495 SP Case 955 Windrower Hesston 1014 Windrower HydroS. Hesston 620 Wmdrower S. P NH495 NH4B9 Cunningham FORAGE EQUIPMENT FQ SD76sSg«affl. Com & 4R snapper FQ 7600 W/R W, 4R N & WPU Fox Super E w/3 RW, 2 RW &w/PU Hesston FA-7 Hd NH 822 C Hd NH77OR2 NH9I9A4 NH 892 Harvester w/880 WTU& Low Profile Head NHB9OEN2 NHB9ON3 NHBBOR2 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 15,1984-^C9 JD 3010 diesel, narrow BADGER TA 54 BLOWER front Many new parts ;J°° d condition,*' s |° M < 2 with 200 hrs on major bfst I AJ^ overhaul. $4,500.00 609- Model 7 «lap wagons, qococoi $1,400 or best offer 215- -_ —. r _ _ _ _ 799-3489 “nH mb r IH 16 DISC DRILL on rub diesel, chopper and air, -lass gram & fer or 12 fiOQ t,lizer bo * es - excellent 769-4025 shape 215-944-0222 150h?L ” 50 "'« r6P " NH 310 baler with Ford 1000 diesel, 25 hp , thrower NH 277 baler all hydraulic loader, 3 pt, with thrower. MM 2890 remote valve, 800 hours, combine gram head, 3 very good condition, 4 ton row, n corn head Call lowboy trailer 717-687- 201-875-9805 7774 TRACTORS JD 8450 4WD w/Duals, 200 Hours, 3 pt Hitch & PTO JD 4040 Cab & Power Shift JD 2240 w/1200 Hours JD 2630 Diesel JD3OIO Gas, Wide Front JD 4020 Gas. Narrow Front JD 2950 4 Wheel Drive, 450 Hrs JD7OGas Farmall M With Power Steering Ford 8N SAME 80 HP 4WD, 900 Hrs COMBINES JD 6620 w/215 Rigid Platform, 1200 HoSlir JO 6600 Side Hill With 1600 Hours JD 6600 Diesel JO 40 Square Back w/10 Ft Platform IHC 205 w/Cab, 10 Ft Platform and 2 Row Cornhead Corn & Grain Heads Available HARVEST SPECIAL Fox Self Propelled Harvester 125 HP w/2 Row Narrow Pickup Head & 2 Row Snapper Head 2 JD 35 Harvesters 2 JO 38 Harvesters Heads Available WINELAND EQUIP. INC. RD2 Rte 164 East Martinsburg, PA 16662 Phone 814-793-2109 ** bobcat HOLLAfND SPREADERS Badger 230 Tank Liquid Badger 325 Tank w/pump NH 365 Tank flail NH 791 Box Lely fertz MISCELLANEOUS Hesston 10 Stacker w/Mower AC 5 Btm 18” Plow N 1324 Super SheUer Brillion STSIO Transp. Har- row NH Straw Chopper Brillion 10 ft. Cultipacker Lely Rotara Badger Elevator Kubota 1102 Engine Kubota EA6OONB Engine NH 358 Grinder Mixer Moore Grain Drill No til NH 85 Bale Handler round Wisconsin TFD Engine Badger Blower MOWERS JD Side Mt Bushhog Batwing Bushhog 7’ 3 pt. JD2SA Flail Woods RM4B (2) IH Mower Bushhog 10’ JD Mott Flail (2) Ford Flails >7OOO BALERS 1H430 __ MF ISSsSSrower Hesston46oo NH 845 Round NH 276 w/thrower (2) NH 278 w/58 Thrower NH 315 w/58 Thrower NH26B Ford 14-80 NH32O WAGONS (3) NH #8 Crop Hesston 30A Stacker NH 1010 Bale (4) Bale w/Wood Sides on Running Gear, Flat w/Body United Tool Side Dump 443 JD corn head, good shape. $3,900 609-455- 3462 or 609 769-4025 TRAC CAB - Model 214 Year Round cab to fit IHC Model 574,674,484, 584, 684, 784, 884, Hydro 84 Also Minneapolis Moline Super four star tractor, good rubber, PS, live PTO, 3 pt hitch After 6 PM 215-967-1821 444 JD corn head, good condition, $2,500 609- 455-3462 or 609-769- 4025 NH 320 Wire Baler, ex cellent condition For details call 301-758-0601 after 5 30 p m For Sale - IN 702-G with cap weights, 760 chopper, 763 head, very good Field ready, $5,900 Will separate. Also JD 16-A flail chopper Lancaster Co 215-445-5918 For Sale ■ 1000 gal fuel tank, excellent condition 717-548-2760 >69,000 >24,900 >11,200 >7950 JD 4010 gas tractor in very good condition 717 532-7054 FOR SALE - Cultivators for Farmall A. excellent condition, $4OO 215-346- 7340 JD 50 narrow front end. 1976 Chev 1 ton truck, both good condition 814 356-3421 after 4 30 pm >6,500 >26,000 >2,250 >1,650 >12,500 For Sale - 45’6" Cardinal transport auger, PTO driven. Oliver 16" 5 bottom semi mount plow. International #5 flail chopper Union Co 717- 966-2491 ’34,500 ’13,500 For Sale - 1976, 8600 Ford diesel, dual power, cab, air, heater, weights and duals, 2,300 hours, very good Asking $14,000 142 Ford 6 bottom, semi mounted plow, good Asking $2,500 Call 717-524- 2421 ‘7,500 For Sale - 2 and 4 cyl Wise Engines w/clutch reduction Also 2 and 4 cyl Baler engines Overhauled Reasonable prices Also experienced tractor rebuilding at reasonable rates Stephen S Fisher, Lincoln University, PA 19352 FOR SALE - NH 518 manure spreader, like new IH 440 moldboard plow, excellent condition Both kept inside 717- 367-3233. TRACTOR & MOTOR REPAIRS Over 20 years ex perience with Ford tractors and equipment. Shop & Road Service Pickup and Delivery WALT STIVELY, JR. Springville Road Quarryville, RD 3 Phone: 717-786-2252 (1) JD A-20 Corn Cultivator, $350 (1) 10' E-Z Flow Spreader (1)3,000 gal. steel fuel tank, $2OO (1) Flail Pickup attachment for NH Corn Baler 215-356-5305 FARMALL SUPER A W/60" < ROTARY MOWER *2395 MANOR EQUIPMENT, INC. Sinking Springs. PA 215/678-0828
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