PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 Mon., Tues., Wod. 8 AM to 5 PM - Thura. A Frl. 7 AM to 5 PM The following categories are available for your classified advertising in Section C. Deadline- Thursday morning at 9 of each week's publication 1 - Farm Equipment 2 - Farm Equipment Wanted 3 - Silos and Unloaders 4 - Building and Supplies 5 - Grain Equipment 6 - Dairy Equipment The following categories are available for your classified advertising, in Section B. Deadline- Wednesday afternoon at 5 of each week's publication. 7 - Livestock Equipment 8 - Cattle 9 - Horses & Mules 10- Sheep & Goats 11 - Swine 12 - Artificial Breeding 13 -Hog Equipments Supplies 14 - Poultry & Supplies 15 - FeedS Seed 16 - Fertilizer 17- Plants 18 - Fruits S Vegetables 19 - Nursery 20 - Lawn S Garden 21 - Services Offered 22 - Custom Work 23 - Help Wanted 24 - Situations Wanted 25 - Business Opportunities 26 - Household 27 - Pets 28 - Lost 29 - Found 30 ■ Computers 31 - Notice 32 - Miscellaneous 33 - Recreational Vehicles 34 - Autos 35 - Trucks and Trailers 36 • Real Estate STORAGE BARNS 46 Queen Road Intercourse, PA 17534 (717) 768-8673 Located V* Mi. South of Intercourse on Queen Rd., Off Rt. 772 SPECS DELUXE BARN SPECIFICATIONS All wood framing, pressure treated 4x4 skids. 8’ buildings have 2 skids, 10 & 12 wides have 5 skids. Floor joists are 2x4’s spaced 16” on center covered with 5/8” exterior plywood. Sidewalls are constructed with 2x4 studs 16” on center. Exterior is made of 5/8” Tl-11 rough sawn plywood. Choice of 7 exterior colors. Roof Trusses are constructed with 2x4’s covered with W exterior plywood. Asphalt shingles finish the ex terior. Doors are double, reinforced doors. 4’ wide door is standard on 8’ & 10’ wide buildings. 6’ door is standard on 12’ wide buildings. One jalousie window is standard SHINGLES Brown, Black, Green, White on back. Wider doors, extra doors, extra windows, extra floor supports, cupola, weather vane, higher side, shutters, overhead doors. ECONOMY BARN SPECIFICATIONS 4x4 pressure treated timbers. 2x4 floor joists spaced every 16” on center covered with 5/8” plywood. 2x3 studs. Roof trusses are 2x3 covered with 3/8” plywood and shingles. V siding covers outside. SPECIAL THRU SEPTEMBER 14’x32’ Deluxe Bam Reg. $2300 NOW ONLY $2150 bUY.StLL.TWADt OB WENT THROUGH THt LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 23c per word 3 00 minimum charge Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost Words 1 Issue 3 Issues 13 or Less 14 15 3.00 3.22 3.45 16 3 68 8 83 For Sale - NH bunk wagon 17 3.91 9.38 on truck, very good 18 4.14 9.94 I condition, $3,750. 717 19 437 10.49 I 944-1346. 20 4 60 1104 KEYED AOS (ads with answer coming to a Box Number, do Lancaster Farming) 50 cents addi tional Ads running 3 or more consecutive times with no change billed at 20 per cent discount This newspaper will not be responsible for more than one incorrect inser tion of any advertisement Lancaster Farming PO Box 366 Lititz, PA 17543 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-1164 Mon , Tues , Wed , Sam to 5 p m Thurs & Fn 7 a m. to 5 p m FARM EQUIPMENT 2 Behten 960 bushel com cribs, excellent condition, $6OO each, AC model G with 42" belly mower, good condition No cultivators, $1,700. Schuylkill Co. 717,-943- 2312. OPTIONS CALL FOR PRICES For Sale - Hesston 5540 baler Makes a 4x6’ bale In good condition. 4 years old, $4,000. Call 717-898- 2539. Lancaster Co. For Sale - MF 175 diesel and super major diesel. 717-833-2540. Vermeer round balers. New and used, 605-C and 605-F hay rakes and tedders; NH haybines 412-423-4076 7 20 7 73 8.28 For Sale - AC #66 com bine, real nice, $5OO, Oliver #5 1 row corn picker, $450, Little Giant 28’ transport elevator, $5OO. 607-748-4283 JD 4030 quad range transmission, 2,800 hours, $8,500. 301-833-9091. Rhino flex wing 20 Batw ing mower, excellent con dition, $4,200/offer 301-833-9091 Woods HD 315 Batwing mower, 2 years old, like new, with valve, $ 3,650/of fer 301- 833-9091 TIT hurtrn 7H GRAIN DRILL - 1013 smiKwn 3°3(K) h£im dlsc ' 3 boxes - * 7so ’ 12 ’ $7 SOOtoffer 301 STfl’ trans P° rt dlsc ' llke new -9091 301 833 $950 717-263-5702 FOR SALE -1 used Nl 319 gathering unit w/315 sheller & mounting brackets for IHC tractors, excellent condition, $2,000, 1 used K-240 corn head, excellent condition, $l,OOO, 1 new GT Model 580 corn dryer 2/adj. jacks, grain cleaner & screens, $ll,OOO, 1 Moore Uni dnll Model 4- 10' Demo untt/Never Sold, $5,000. 717-758-3915. For Sale - JD 35 Har- and JD #34 harvester for vester w/1 row corn head, parts, 10’ cattle trailer for JD 307 Gyramore 6’ pull farm us*: (2) 8' concrete type, excellent condition, cattle feeders. 717-362- 717-665-4329. 9096 Dauphin Co. FIELD QUEEN HAR VESTOR - 3-30, 2-40, 12’ direct cut, HMC adapter heads. Case 1370 diesel tractor AC K-2 combine, 12' gram, 3-30 __corn heads, M.C. continuous flow grain dryer. Hesseth manure Lagoon pump Bucks Co. 215-766-8703 Nl 702 diesel Uni tractor. Also 710 combine, 727 picker, 760 chopper with heads, 725 3 row narrow picker head. Also 2 row wide head. Will Separate 304-263-9801. For Sale - 1240 plateless, 2 30" row corn planter with large fertilizer hopper Rebuilt by ABC Groff. Off season price, $1,500. Contact Aaron S Lapp, 3806-A Yost Rd„ Gordonville, PA. 17529. New Gehl 750 harvester, 960 & 640 forage wagons, 99 blower & 100 Grinder mixer, 3510 Skid Loader Case 1816 C Skid loader Case 2090 demonstrator, 1175,930, 830,700,630, 400 Diesel tractors. 730, 630 & 200 gas tractors Case 400 gas w/mtd 425 Case corn picker New Idea 305 picker Used Gehl 55 grinder mixer, JO 32 disk harrow 9" spacing Clair J Myers Farm Equipment, Lake Rd. N of 30 at Paradise Elem Center Thomasville, PA 717-259- 0453 New U.F.T. 300 Bu Auger cart at a special reduced price Montandon Equipment Co Phone 717-524-2473 JD #235 corn head, fits JD 55 combines Very good conditaon. Best offer Call evenings 201-359- 5934 Ford 5000 Mojor diesel, IH #56 blower; Nl#7corn picker, NH 354 grinder mixer, IH #5O harvester CARRIAGE SHED QUAKER SHED FOR SALE - 1976 JD 4230, 4WD, new motor, cab & air, heat, quad range transmission, dual hydraulics. 2200 hrs Will Guarantee. $1,500. 717- 532-8601. FOR SALE - (2) 1976 JD 4430'5, 4WD, cab & air, heat, quad range tran smission, radial tares Can Deliver Your Choice lor $14,000,717-532-8601 For Sale - Field Queen side dump forage har vester. 703-721-2643. Hay, fodder stacker and stack mover Used little, 54,250. Offers con sidered. 301-346-7888. STOLTZFUS TRACTOR DRAWN' 8 ton wet lime spreader, hydraulic spinners, excellent. $5,700. 301-349-5432. FOR SALE - IH 844 Corn Head Also, 2 Row Wide Corn Head for Gehl 600 Chopper. Kaston forage wagon. Bale Wagon. 717- 382-4254. For Sale - JD 4020 W F . $5,800; Gehl 120 mix-mill, $1,600; JD 4010 WF 717-733-0575. JD 227 2 Row Mounted Corn Picker, good con dition Also 1000 Bushel Round Corn Crib Berks Co. 215-488-1965 FOR SALE - JD 300 elevator 36', MF 10 shank chisel plow 717-637- 7997 after 6 PM. FOR RENT - 4020 JD diesel w/turbo and dual hydraulics. Prefer to stay within 30 mile radius of Quarryville. Call now to arrange for silo filling and late fall work Reasonable rates. Quarryville. 717- 786-3964 NN 1495 H rola-reel head 12', good condition, $4,000; 3 row 30” and 4 row 35” snapper heads w/Field Queen adaptor Suitable for hi-moisture and/or ground ear corn, $3,500 ea. Will fit any Hesston/Field Queen up to 1984. 215-274-8009 or 215-278-8710 A-FRAME Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 15,1984—C7 USED TRACTOR PARTS, also rebuilt clutches and torques. We ship UPS. Hill-T Farm Sales & Ser vice, 4295 Richmond Palestine Road.' New Madison, Ohio 45346 513-548-0718 For Sale: Bale Thrower Wagons ■ Steel or Wood Wilt fit sides onto your flatbed. Also Available Flatbed Wagons STO WOOD LTZFUS WORK Rt. 2. Gap, PA. 17527 (717)442-8972 Oliver 1850 diesel, dual hydrauics. wide front 814-793-4293. JD 4020 power shift, dual hydrauics 814-793-4293 IH 1466 cab and air, dual hydraulics, like new. 814-793-4293. Minneapolis Moline G9OO Diesel, orignal paint, like new 814-793-4293 JO 4010 Diesel, wide front, excellent condition 814-793-4293. For Sale - #357 Grinder- Mixer, B"xss’ transport gram auger, cattle head gate w/crate 717-733- 4313 or 315-252-1756 Nl 325 corn picker narrow row 814-793-4293 JD 4430 4 post roll guard, PS, 77 Model 814 793- 4293. JD 4630 4 post roll guard, PS. dual hydraulics 814- 793 4293 JD 4520 w/factory cab, dual hydraulics, excellent 814-793-4293 MF 1100 factory cab, original paint, Firestone tires, dual hydraulics, excellent 814-793-4293 For Sale - JD 115 Chuck Wagon on 1969 Int. Truck, good condition 717-573- 2837. For Sale - JD 3010 diesel w/#4B loader: JD 1020 diesel w/ff4B loader 717- 573-2837 FOR SALE IH 56 Forage Blower, good condition Ready to go. $650 215- 593-6127 JD 4430 4 post roll guard, 3uad range, nice con ition, $9,800 717-354- 0281 Badger forage harvester model 2600, same as MF, 2 row corn head and hay pickup, extra good con dition. $2,400. 717-786- 2839 For Sale - International cub with sickle bar mower, Massey 65 with 3 pt., Ml 7 corn picker; Woods #6O cadet rotary mower; 2 gravity bin wagons; In ternational 8' transport disc; Ford 2 bottom plow 215-562-4464. BOBCAT SKID LOADER 310, 160 hrs, tine & scoop buckets, $4,500. 301-842-2611. JD 2510, New Tires. Excellent. $3,900 717- 264-1154. JD 3020 Completely Overhauled, Nice, $5-400 717-264-1154. For Sale - AC HO 16 DP dozer and pan. 301-769-3845 after 7 PM JD 1209 mower condi tioner, $2,800.00/make offer; NH 68 baler w/»50 bale thrower. $1.500 00, JO 307 rotary nTower, $350.00. Baltimore Co. 301-592-6485 JD 200 STACK WAGON, makes 3 ton stacks w/stack mover & shred der. 215-588-4704. International 1460 com bine with flotation tires. All wheel drive with 17.5’, 810 H.C. flotation head, O.J. grain loss monitor, AC 440 4x4 with duals, manufactured fay Steiger, International 4100, 4x4, International 806 D with duals: AC 3400 - 22 flex wing disc with buster bar. International 485, 21" wing disc. International 720-7-18” on land automatic plow, Bradley 14" chisel plow; Brillion 25" wing cultimulcher, Waldron 2 implement hitch; International 510, 24-6” drill, Ease flow bulk spinner spreader: JD Killiser subsoiler, 3 shark, Oliver 540,8 row, 18" no till planter. All in good con demn. Call after 7 PM Phone 609-448-1161. COMBINE MASSEY FERGUSON 7SO, 3 years old, 13' grain head, 44 four row corn head, 63 six row corn head, excellent condition. Harvester very few acres. No longer needed and priced to sell. Robert Shaub, Railroad Avenue, Shrewsburg, PA 717 235-3309 For Sale - Ford tractor 801 select speed, runs ex cellent, easy on fuel, cab, power steering, $2BOO 717-646-3765. NH 489 haybme, MF 1560 round baler. Both in good condition. Also NH 256 rake; Pequea hay tedder Parksburg 215-857- 3460. For Sale - Midwest truck body, gram tailgate Brand new 717-897-6616 or 5470 FOR SALE - 471 GM Diesel power unit, 120 HP on wheels w/1000 RPM Shaft, $3,250 717-776- 7725 John Bean potato har vester, like new, in ex cellent shape. We are finished digging potatoes and will quit raising potatoes, not enough help Call 215-445-6427 Bnllion 15' field cultivator; Brady 12' field cultivator; 127 Cub Cadet tractor, mower. Lancaster County 717-354-5092 For Sale - 13x7 Ontario Drill w/f & grass seed, 7 ft bucket for loader, (New) Phone 717-867-2097 IH 315 combine w/cab Dickey-John monitor, hydrostatic drive. 3 row corn head w/central lube. 14' gram head, $2,100 or best 201-782-4439 JD 6600 combine with gram table and 444 corn Read with new tires, $lO,OOO. 302-398-3813 For Sale - 2 NH forage wagons. Good condition Schuylkill Co 717-739- 2247. For Sale • Nl 702 diesel with 767 super chopper, 3 row narrow corn head and grass head, $6,800 717- 776-7725 Magnetic feeder with 20 magnets; JD gram drill. Husky manure pump; 600 Bobcat skid loader. Farmec bin wagon, 85,000 BTU Burnham oil hot air furnace. Lancaster Co. 717-529-2204. AC D-19 tractor. WF; AC Higfmay mower: AC disc harrow; 750 Schwartz mixer wagon. Lancaster Co. 717-529-2204. John Blue liquid nitrogen sprayer. Agitator pump, never used. Vi new price. 717-653-1568. For Sale - JD model 343 snapper head, very good condition, will fit har vester or combine 717- 273-6036 after 7 p.m For Sale - Sheet rock fork for Prentice loader, new pads. $l,OOO. 717-328- 5520 IH 1086 tractor, cab, dual 18.4x38 wheels. 1400 hrs., excellent condition Call evenings. 301-758- 2930. Massey Ferguson 175 diesel, late model, good condition. 814-793-4293 Internabonal 1466 with red cab, $9,500 814-793-4293. For Sale - New Holland Hayliner 320 baler, like new. 717-437-3644. JD 95 combine, new 3 30" row corn head, straw chopper, air condibon, original owner, 2837 total hrs., always stored inside, hume reel, $12,000. 717- 792-1844. 14' Taylor Disc Heavy Duty Frame Dual Cylin ders, 8 axles-greasable bearings, good condition, $2,750. 12' 1000 fer tilizer spreader, $2OO 717-263-5702. For Sale - Farmall 450 w/front end loader and chains, ideal for mounted picker. 717-225-1064. FOR SALE Nl 726 Husking Unit w/40" Head 215-793-1345. For Sale • Gehl 800 recutter, 1,000 RPM, $2,500. Call mornings. Lancaster Co. 717-393- 1810.
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