C6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Septtmbr 15, ROPE IN SOME EXTRA CASH! Advertise With A Lancaster Farming CLASSIFIED AD... Phone: 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164 FARM EQUIPMENT Onan four cylinder generator, 110 AC, 24 volts DC, 4000 watts, elfectnc start, excellent condition Asking $1,200 or best offer 717-799- 5778 Fairbanks Morris “Hit and Miss” Engine, solid balance wheel, 2 horse power, runs well, $1,200. 717-799-5778 McCormick PTO corn binder with decals, ex cellent condifaon, $950 Also Nl 323 corn pickers Jacob M. Fisher, 3230 East Gordon Rd., Gor donville, PA. 17529 JD 2030 diesel, high and low, heavy duty front end Real Clean. 814-793-4293. JD 4400 combine. 13' gram head. Kept inside, excellent condition 814-793-4293. JD 2020 diesel, high and low, spin out wheels 814- 793-4293 Allis-Chalmers 8000 Series Tractors A The Innovators Offer • M What Others Will Imitate Used AC N 6 Combine w/1984 Updating Kit SPECIAL SALE ON GT DRYER (1 only) AND MflftlDGE DRYER (1 only) CHECK THESE TILLAGE VALUES New-AC 2311 Disc Harrow Special $3500 New-AC 2309 Disc Harrow Special $3OOO New AC-10 ft. Field Cultivator $l2OO TRACTORS AC7O4OD AC 440 ACCA JD2OIO AC7O4SD AC XTI9OD ACSO4OD MF6SG AC7OSOD ACIBOD ACSOSOD Case 1490 AC7O2OD ACI7SD IHBO6 JD 450 Crawler AC7OIOD ACDI9D 1H340 Case 450 AC7OOOD ACDI4 IHI4O Oliver 1650 D NEW & USED EQUIPMENT New and Used Miller Discs 371 Bobcat Skid Loader and AC Discs Thomas Skid Loader 14T J.D. baler and engine MC 600 Grain Dryer Farmhand grinder & blower 65’ 8” Transport Auger 610 Bobcat Skid Loader AC L, M, F, G&A Combines 630 Bobcat Skid Loader Uni Harvester 708 & 702 721 Bobcat Skid Loader 708 w/combine 1000 OMC Skid Loader SEE US AT THE ALLIS CHALMERS DISPLAY AT SOLANCO FAIR, SEPT. 19-21 w GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE A OOOCQt Quarryville, Pa. 717-786-7318 AlUt CNM.MKM Case skid steer, 1737, good condition 814-793- 4293 JD 3020 diesel, console model, all new rubber 814-793-4293 For Sale - Harvester silo lacks, $4,500.00 Call 717-354-7276 after 6 PM. For Sale - Field Queen 7600 self propelled field harvester, 1600 hours 703-721-2150. Ontario gram drill 14 disc, steel wheels, good con dition. 717-665-5739. AC Rubber Tired FE Loader. $2,000; 1973 Ford PU w/Camper Make Offer. 215-385-3884 FOR SALE - New Fox 2 row corn head, $l,BOO, New mhead knife gnnder, $700; Used single row corn head, $5OO - fit Fox forage harvesters 2100, 2200, 2300, 3300. Strawser Farm Supply Juniata Co.-Above Mifflin 717-436-6992 .984 FOR SALE - 4 J /4”x660’ soft hose Vermeer irrigation traveler, also 3500' of 7' main line, good as new, $9,950 for both 717-837-0724. Ford plow 318 fully sound automatic reset. $2,100 717-442-8564. FOR SALE-NH 717 1 row corn head, excellent condition. Lebanon Co 717-866-6494. Uni 730 - 4 row corn head, 729 A shelter, 710 com bine, 713 grain head. Excellent condition, $1,350 or best offer 301- 922-5180. JO 2940 MF WD Cab 400 hrs , $28,000; JD 30 PTO 7’ combine, $7OO, IHC 11x7 gram drill w/steel wheels, $350, JD 290 corn planter w/new hop pers & extra planter for parts, $3OO All equip ment stored indoors & in excellent condition Grimm 7’ Reel Tedder, $6OO, NH 256 Hay Rake w/front dolly, $1,250. 215-847-2403 For Sale - JD Crawler, blade & V snow plow, good condition 717-235-1884. IH 715 combine diesel. 810 12' floating gram bin table, 844 4 wide row corn head, straw shredder, air cond., oversize tires, very good condition, stored inside. $12,500. 215-269- 0855. AC combine model M diesel. 15' grain head, New Heart Carter floater head, excellent condition Must sell. $12,900 609-859-2381 JD B Tractor, early style model, new paint, ex cellent condition, 5925 or best offer 717-354-8049 International 856, dual hydraulics, original paint, excellent condition. 814-793-4293. For Sale - JD 2840, dual hydraulics. 814-793- 4293. JO 4320,38” rubber, dual hydraulics, excellent con dition. 814-793-4293. D4D Caterpillar, excellent condition. 814-793-4293. FOR SALE - MC PTO corn binder, good shape, rebuilt long loader; Gehl CB 600 harvester, mce, 5' roto beater, Wise 38 HP engine, 35 ton iron worker w/14” blades, cuts 'A" *6" or 3/16"xl2" Sam K Zook, Box 89, Kirkwood, PA FOR SALE - Chester white & spotted boars and gilts and a few bred gilts 717- 862-3610 For Sale - JD model 443 corn head, new style, used on less than 100 acres 215-869-8745. For Sale - NH 276 Hay Baler, sharp 717-665-5739 NOTICE HORSE FAR- back mounted; Farm Fan MERS - Nice size gravity model 350 batch gram boxes for teams w/whell to dryer, 609-259-3733 open slide, $395 Order For Sa | e . 1983 JD mode | now for fall. Also, semi & 8300 gram drM |. 1981 JD liquid manure spreaders, p u || jyp e 12' chisel plow, improved drive, even 19^8 Farm f an patch gram spreading Prices from dr y er w ,th bins and $1,695 Guaranteed , 1 augers; 1970 Owatana ye? r Elam M Stoltzfus, h3ypi ne ah ln good condi }< Box 2 i9’tion. Must sel *- Catl Road, Kmzers. PA. 17535. 717-273-5231 or JD 3020-D, 2025 hrs., 717-273-6748 p(wer shift, narrow front, p or g a | e . j r0 y er high hke new tires, dual spee(J potato grader hydraulic outlets $7,000 , 717 . 36 7.2633. negotiable York County . , 717-225-1770 day or Cat D9G Dozer w/npper, -.-u* very good condition '"p" 1, 717-033-5734 510 IH gram drill, 6x24 7 \^ — double disc liquid fer- B’self contained cinder or tilizer very good con- fertilizer spreader; IHC ditmn 717-464®3688 125 C Crawler/Loader, -T-— n/na Ford 550 Backhoe/ Used Equipment - 2416 Loader. 717-933-5734 Economy Tractor, Less Than 100 Hours, $2,595, Sauder Snow Blade, $495; 3 pt 7-ft. Tiller, $295; 2- Bottom Oliver Trip Plow, $325 Call 717-949-6817. • New Gehl F 899 Forage Blower • JD 3800 Forage Harvester, 2 Row Head .... • Gehl RC 800 Recutter • Gehl 910 Forage Box, Roof, 10 Ton Gear • Gehl 920 Forage Box, Roof, Several Available • Gehl 99 Forage Blower, Ex. Condition • Nl 323 1 Row Corn Pickers • Nl 325 2 Row Corn Pickers Lamtoii Soil Controller 7 Shank '4soo TRACTORS Ford Jubilee White 4-150 Ford 3000 • AC DIS/Loader Case 1090 18.4x38 (New) Power Shift Case 1170 Cab-Heat 8 Spd. 20:8x38 FOR ABE Gehl 99 Blower Gehl 910 box/roof Grove box JD 3800 Harvester Gehl RC 800 Recutter IH 51 Forage Box Fox 300 Harvester VISIT OUR DISPLAY AT SOLANCO FAIR SEPT. 19-21. WE WILL BE FEATURING THE 94 SERIES TRACTORS A.L. HERR A BRO. PARK AVE., QUARRYVILLE, PA 17566 PHONE: 717-786-3521 Forage Harvester Case #212 single row six knives. Also silo blower New Holland #22 with 40 ft. pipe. York County. 717- 7 039. '4l-3( JD 4230. 4 post roll guard, dual outlets, ex cellent. 814-793-4293. JD 4020 side console real clean, low hours 814-793-4293. JO 730 diesel, electric start, wide front, 3 pt. 814-793-4293 Oliver 1850 diesel, dual hydraulics, wide front, 814-793-4293. IH 1066 cab, dual outlets, 3 pt. 814-793-4293 MF 1100 diesel dual hydraulics, 38" rubber, 814-793-4293 Oliver 1750 w/3 speed over and under year round cab 814-793-4293 AC D2l Tractor with 7’ bottom plow, AC F com bine 1974, 13" gram head with generation 3 floating cutter bar, IH model 58 8 row planter. 4 row cultivator for AC tractor Ford 4500 Backhoe/Loader. Davis Walk-behmd Trencher 717-933-5734 JD 494 corn planter with disc openers. 301-833- 1847. RENTAL SPECIALS - NEW EQUIPMENT 10% Financing on Used Ag Tractors USED EQUIPMENT Case 2090 Cab Agn Power 9000 AC-B, plow, cultivators JD 50 JD4440 NEW IDEA 325/314 Picker Sheller 323 Pickers 325/327 Pickers 702 G Power Unit 702 D Power Unit 710 Combine 743 N Head 767 Harvester 763 Head For Sale - Cat D9G Dozer w/Ripper; 8' Spreader Box; JD 450 Crawler/Loader. 717-933- 5734. MF 510 diesel combine, 4 row, 30", 15’ grain, new rubber ft motor, sealed ready. North Cumberland Co. 717-648-0027. For Sale -"New and used Vent-O-Matic fans and parts, truck bed with hoist; 7'/2 HP air com pressor; Used heat reclaimer; new magnetic MNR to prevent and eliminate scale buildup in pipe fixtures. Columbian cookstove parts. Lancaster County. Paul Heistand, 717-426-3286. For Sale - 560 Farmall Tractor, $2,000 717- 442-8020 For Sale - JD 4 row, 3 pt hookup cultivator, $1,200 215-593-5345 21’ fold up harrow, good condition, $1,200. Stump Acres. 717-792-3216 York Co. FOR SALE-1 24,000 bushel bin, 1 16,000 bushel bin; 1 18,000 bushel bin; 1 AS 600 Super B gram dryer - 3 Bhase; 1978-79 John eere 6600 Sidehill Com bine 1500 hrs. 6 row nar row corn head, 15' gram head. 717-286-6411 or 717-286-0215. 10 h.p. Mix Mill and Blender, 1 yr. old, ex cellent condition, good pnce. 717-637-0192. New Stoltzfus 5 ton lime spreader mounted on ex tra heavy duty military type tandem carrier Spin spreaders are hydraulical ly controlled for more uniform coverage Built for coal reclamation work, but never used, $6,500. 717-328-5520. Used 12 ton 20' Dorsey trailer. Unit includes fifth wheel dolly and was previously used for hauling sheet rock Ideal for fertilizer or other heavy loads. 10:00x20 tires, $2,200 717-328- 5520. AmcoFl7DfckH«r«w 12’Cutting Width *5700 Miscrnanmiis Martin 2000 Liquid Nl 404 Rake JD1240 4RN 2 Row Hershey Transplanter 2 Row 3 pt. Mechanical Transplanter Wetmore 878 Grinder Mixer Arts Way 420 Grinder Mixer SPREADERS Nl 206 Nl 224 Nl 213 NH 371 Flail Nl 214 JD 54 Nl 218 GEHL OOIM mto your oymtom MF 65 diesel, excellent condition. 814-793-4293. Oliver 1955 cab and air 814-793-4293. Oliver 1755 diesel, 3 speed over and under, dual hydraulics 814-793-4293. Farmers ft Dealers - Your advertising pays for itself when you advertise your equipment in the farm equipment section 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164 Combine, Harvester and Corn Head Parts For Sale off used machines Wenger's. 717-866-2135 Used Farm Tractor Parts, Large Selection. Wenger's 717-866-2135 Used sawmills for sale. We buy and sell. Leroy Wray, RD 1, Douglass vide, PA 19518.215-385-3884 Chisholm - Ryder snap bean harvesters, all machines complete w/hyd dump boxes, recond and painted. 609-769-3183 Old two cylinder John Deere fly wheels rebuilt with our patented steel draw in hub which has the ability to tighten up on new or worn crank shafts. Also available new manufactured un breakable fly wheels. Allen Machine Works, RD #7, Jonesboro. Tenn. 37699, 615-753-5738 day or night Crawler Tractor Parts New and Used Parts Available for Cat, Allis Chalmers, IHC, Case, John Deere and others. Rubber tired construction equipment parts available for Hough, Michigan, Gabon and Cat Road Graders Call or write for equip ment & parts brochure. VILSMEIER EQUIPMENT INC. Route 309 Montgomeryville, PA., 18936 Phone; 215-699-353: *2700 *2900 *2200 *3500 . Call For Price *1450 *3lOO -*3BOO *5900 -*6BOO JD4 Bot Plow Mondge 400 Gram Dryer P Z 2 Swath Tedder JDBWA Disk OMC 217 Mower- Conditioner Sauder Loader INDUSTRIAL Case 5808 Backhoe Case 33 Hoe Attachment Case 480 Gas Case 1737 Untloader Hough HFH Ford 3500 Diesel BUSH-HOG
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