SCHUYLKILL COUNTY FARM §T '62 ' farm m beautiful country juper _ acre setting. Spacious remodeled farmhouse features family room with wood burner, large modern kitchen, formal dining room, and two full baths Out buildings include large bank barn, utility garage, summer kitchen, chicken pen, and others. 62 acres, est. 50 acres tillable, balance woodland with stream Setting is secluded, yet convenient Substantial blacktop road frontage. Price - $125,000 For more information contact - STERLING "SLIM" BROSSMAN Farm and Land Specialist FRANK GOWNLEY REALTORS Pottsville, Pa. 17901 Call 717-754-7343 Office-717-622-0190 Note -1 need farms for qualified buyers in Northern Berks, Southern Schuylkill, and Lebanon and Lancaster area. If you're thinking of selling, CALL SUM TODAY! CENTRAL PENNA. FARMS CU 290 acre general, modern 2 story brick house, bank barn, implement shed, silo, creek frontage. Call Mr. Niesley. 122 acre dairy and beef, new beef feeding barn and 24x70 silo, modern 4 bedroom, frame house, 300 ft. setback, 2 streams and farm pond. Call Mr. Niesley. 25 acre farmette, modern brick house, bank barn. Call Mr. Niesley. 19 acres mountain land, $17,000. 220 acre limestone beef and fruit. 80 acres marketable timber, beef feeding barn & silo for 100 hd., modern 2 story house with character, tenant house, stream Call Mr Niesley. JUNIATA.COUNTY 95 acres woodland, IV? miles road frontage w/sprmg & stream. Ideal for hunting camp or recreation, $63,000 Call Mr. Benner. 50 acres woodland, $30,000. Call Mr. Benner. 5 acres land, 950 feet road frontage, $19,000. Call Mr. Benner. 5 acre farmette, ideal hunting camp $37,000. Call Mr. Benner. 104 acre limestone dairy, 70 head (tie and free), 3 silos, Ig. imp. shed, new heifer barn, mod. 2 story frame house. Additional option-125 Holsteins w/17,500 herd avg. and adequate line of mod. farm equipment. Call Mr. Crawford. (Price Reduced) 118 acre dairy, 50 freestalls, liquid manure, 3 silos, modern 2 story log & frame house w/swimming pool. Call Mr. Crawford. PERRY 8 wooded lots, 1 acre to 1.7 acres. All with septic permits. Deer country $4600 to $9400. Call Mr. Orris. YORK COUNTY 70 acre general, plush 2 story brick house, bank barn, implement shed, farm pond, 100 yard setback. Call Mr. Niesley. JOHNS. NIESLEY REALESTATE & West High Street Carlisle, Pennsylvania 17013 717-240-8787 RICHARD B. CRAWFORD - 717-734-3673 CLAIR R. BENNER - 717-444-2162 Earl I. STERN - 717-746-7376 GREGG R. BITTING • 717-789-3368 or 789-4513 STEVE E. ORRIS - 717-789-3368 or 789-4177 CHARLES D. SMITH - 717-789-3125 NORTHAMPTON CO. 42 Acre dairy farm, over 2,000’ road frontage Ideal for subdivision, 3 bedroom home, barn, other out buildings. Asking $225,000 MONROE CO. 140 Acre vacation resort in Poconos. Large lodge w/dming room, cabins, motel units, 12 acre lake, ponds, swimming pool, tennis court, recreation hall. $300,000. Also 70 Acre dairy farm, barn, silos, modern milk house, garage, grain bin & more. $250,000. We sell as package or separate. Century 21 Cowell & Co. Inc. Realtors 215-258-7234 Open 7 days NTY #222 - #230- #246- #250- FARMS FOR SALE CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA FARMS, FARMETTES. LAND & CABINS We presently have one of the largest selections of farms, farmettes, land and cabins available m central Pennsylvania We have over 50 exclusive listings Our Farm and Land Department would be happy to mail a free, detailed farm and farmette list or land and cabin list to you See the June 9 and June 23 issues for a complete farm inventory. FARM AND LAND DEPARTMENT Fred Strouse (Sl4| 364-1705 (Bedford) Retard D Need (Sl4| 13D4271 Don Myers (t!4) 422 Sill Mel Rockay (Sl4| 466-66 U KBaNGER * HOMES * West Brook Mobile Home • Nice 3 bedroom, 12x60 mobile home on nice large lot, Town water, own septic system, small wood shed. Excellent condition and a steal at $9,000 Paradise will be your first im pression of this property, with 20Vi acres, 9 rooms, 4 bed rooms, 2Vi baths, ranch style with a 2 car garage. Beautiful, view overlooking Sugar Branch Lake. It's only 4 miles to town, 11 yrs. old and built by owner and the best materials were used, this property has so many plus’s that you must take a look at it!! 565,500 Lovely Georgian Style Home - Built in the Civil War Era, 12 rooms, 6 bedrooms, several crystal chandelliers, several large wall mirrors, 6 marble faced decorative fireplaces - original woodwork, There are very few of this type left and would make an ideal Antique Shop, where a busy highway would bring customers. Why not take a look at it and think about it!!! $45,900 Beautiful Newer Rancher - 3 bed rooms with I V* baths on 2.3 acres. Lovely kitchen and fire place, 32’ enclosed porch, 2 car garage, 24x46 one-story barn. Convenient to Tioga-Hammond Dam recreation. This home was built by the owner and the very best materials were used, it’s laid out very nicely. $59,800 ENDLESS MOUNTAIN REAL ESTATE #l-203-A Covington, Pa. 16917 Phone Office 717-659-5684 Res. 717-549-4173 Huitewfcn) KkM fort 1114) 66M154 Frederick J Kissinger, Realtor William H Leonard, Realtor Ralph F Brower, Realtor 245 S Alien St, State College. PA 16*01 (814| 234-4000 "PENNSYLVANIA FARMS" BEDFORD A BLAIR COUNTIES 22 ACRE GENERAL near Shawnee State Park, refurbished farm house, one story barn for horses, cattle or sheep' 15 acres tillable $69,950 91 ACRE DAIRY. 50+ tillable acres, 24 stall dairy barn with barn cleaner, bulk milk tank, silo & a good 3 bedroom house Small pond & stream 1 $105,000 82 ACRE GENERAL, excellent 2 family Dwelling, large bank barn, implement shed, pond, 30 tillable acres and 10 acres fenced for pasture .Great farm for horses or beef cattle' $139,000 175 ACRE GENERAL, Morrison's Cove area of Blair County, 150 tillable acres, house, barn, silo & outbuildings $165,000 161 ACRE LIVESTOCK, 2 excellent farm houses, bank barn & 3 car garage Near Cumberland, MD A great farm for cattle or sheep' $185,000 158 ACRE GENERAL. 110 acres of highly productive limestone soil, 30 acres of pasture, good limestone house built in the 1800's, excellent bank barn & a huge spring feeding run on farm Located at the Bedford-Blair County line' $194,500 270 ACRE CLASS A DAIRY with complete jug milk operation plus a wholesale milk market Modern dairy store building & business included. 88 stall dairy barn with pipeline milking system Excellent 2 story home, fresh water streams, 125 tillable acres, 50 acres of improved pasture Reitinng owners wilt finance l $325,000 285 ACRE BEEF & CROP. 120 productive tillable, 60 acres of fenced and improved pasture Large barns, machine shop, silo & 2 frame houses Owner will finance 1 $325,000 168 ACRE MODERN DAIRY, 140 acres of highly productive limestone soil, 80 cow free-stall set-up, double 8 herringbone milking parlor, two 20x70' concrete stave silos, spring fed pond & a 4 bedroom brick house Owners want out 1 $375,000 * BIG GAME HUNTING ft FISHING PRESERVE, 363± acres, fish hatchery, 10 acre lake, 32 stocked warm water ponds, trout stream, hunting lodge, camp sites ft wild game including Big Horn and Dali Sheep' Owner financing available 1 $550,000 FLI r*AN AMt UkMD MimVTf "FARM, LAND & RURAL REAL ESTATE' LANCASTER GO. FARMS AVAILABLE NEW LISTING OPPORTUNITY EXISTS A Lancaster Co. Farm for horses, hogs, vegetables, sod or other uses. Rolling land w/frontage on Rt. 23, beautiful creek for irrigation. Must take a look at this farm, 48 acres. Priced at only $139,500. SOLANCO 60 Acres, 16 stall horse barn w/tack room. 2 story 4 bedroom, 2 bath home w/2 car garage, mobile home adds additional monthly income. 30+ tillable, woods & fenced in area. Call today, $165,000. ATTENTION INVESTORS YORK COUNTY Southern York Co. Southern York Co. farm, excellent soil, some pasture & woodland, ideal setting, road frontage, loose housing for 100 head, bunk feeder, buildings in good condition, brick farmhouse, 75 acres, priced to sell at only $199,900. Under $2OOO per ac. Limestone, ex. cropland level to easy slope, 130 tillable ac. + some woodland, no buildings. Also, nearby 135 ac. grain farm, large stone home w/character. Owner ready to negotiate to your advantage. If you prefer will lease back land for 5 years at 100 per tillable acre. Be sure to call on these. BEAUTIFUL HILL COUNTRY South of Selinsgrove, 15 acm, frontage, stream, woods. 2 story house w/2 car garage, quiet location. Priced in the mid 30's. BERKS CO. 8 acres woods, small meadow, stream, horse barn, large 2 car garage, neat small rancher w/beautiful living room fireplace. Quiet setting. High 60's. MONTOUR CO. 108 acres secluded w/view, nature lovers delight. Walk among streams, pine, hemlock and walnut trees. Harvest wood for your winter use, 60 acres of tillable contoured fields, good soil. Low 90's. Possible owner financing. Just minutes from Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Juna 16,1964—§39 REALTY CENTER Daniel K Knode, Realtor R D 1, Box 260 Holhdaysburg, PA 16648 (814) <>46 0466 NORTHUMBERLAND CO. Oornsife, Pa. Nice 3 bedroom house •dishwasher, electric range, more than 14,000 sq ft chicken house, Ist floor con crete, ideal for pigs or steers, elevator, heating system in part, frame bank barn, work shop with daylight basement, 2 car garage on 2 acres East of Dornsife Rt 225 Excellent buy at $85,000 ALLENTOWN Available with or with out crops, owner financing 150 free stall housing holds 200 head milk parlor, bulk tank, silos, high moisture corn silo, dairy store slaughter house, coolers, freezers Two houses on 130 tillable acres For information call CENTRE CO. Rebersburg Farmalnd 45 acres along Rt 192 Nice farm ground Also 22 acres woodland at Spring Mills for $15,900 MANHEIM 7 acre farmette, 2‘/j story 4 bedroom house, barn & two car garage Donald R. Witwer, Broker Ephrata, PA 717-738-1458 DOUBLE EXPOSURE Farms, commercial properties and unusual homes, will be ad vertised in the Multi-List Services of both Lan caster and York Counties' OLD STONE Close to Lancaster, this fine old stone and brick home is waiting for restoration. 6 acres of pasture make this an ideal mini farm for horses. Bank barn and stream. Penn Manor Schools. 7 additional acres available HIDE-A-WAY 10 acres of woods and pasture surrounded by hundreds of acres of gamelands and woods insuring privacy and quiet. 7 year old delux 2 story home with all extras 3 car garage, 2 fireplaces, heat pump and wood furnace Owner financing available Penn Manor School District 71 ACRES Several commanding views of the Susquehanna. 3 ponds, extensive road frontage Mostly farmable pasture land surrounded by woods Many possible uses Penn Manor School District. PROPERTIES NEEDED I need listings of small farms, rural land and country homes in any condition in southern Lancaster and York Counties Please call now" 2992578 146 East Walnut St Lancaster, PA 17602 426 South Mam St Red Lion, PA 17356 Phone: 244-8556
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