For Sale 400 Acres Dairy Farm On Lake Ontario 2 sets of excellent buildings, 1,000 feet of shore frontage. *200,000 25% Down Will Finance Balance at 10% John G. Weiler • Three Mile Bay New York 13693 • 315-649-2455 Sale By Owner 11 130 acre farm, Schuyler County, New York. 110 acres tillable in good condition. \ 15 acres of woods with some timber. Field is nice to work. Barn 32x60 - shed 20x36. 2 story house is in good condition. | 4 bedrooms up, 5 down, one both coal or wood furnace. $75,000 with terms, with 1 good down payment. Mortgage at 9%. | Phone: 607-776-3907 i Call after 6 PM * Delbert Hawley I 10 South Fowler St. I Bath, NY 14810 I , V 'V- - - s ' - I 1000 + acres - 950 tillable - organic level soils - sub surface irrigation - $1,200,000. 2 small dairy farms - Central S.C. 1182 acre plantation - excellent soils - 350 acres irrigated - Shornplace Mansion built in 1780 - gram bins - sheds, etc. Call or write for details on other farms in South Carolina. C.W. Haynes, Realtors St. Mathews Branch Rt. 1 Box 88 Ft. Motte, S.C. 29050 803-874-4144 RESIDENTIAL-FARM SPECIALISTS-COMMERCIAL JOHN H. REOHR REAL ESTATE BROKER AUBURN, N.Y. 315-253-3813 - Rm. 315-252-1046 3 BR Contemporary - 2 Full Baths - Large L.R. - Rec. Room - Fireplace - Garage - IVz Acres - Beautiful View - Under SSO,OCX). 100 Cow Freestall - Good Land. Good House - Good Opportunity. 200 acres $235,000. *l 5 PERCENT ASSUMABLE MONEY?? It’s ture! Farmers home loan available to qualified candidates to begin working this 176 acre, 150 tillable dairy or ideal for beef or horses. Very private, secluded setVng. Special, unspoiled Colonial home w/hand hewn beams, new kitchen. Older barn with 40 stanchions and 30 stall heifer wing: needs some fixing but what great terms here! OFFERS WANTED NOW! BEST SMALL FARM BUY ANYWHEREI Unbeatable price matched with a very private beautiful setting. Center hall Colonial home overlooks 155 acres, 120 tillable with large, easily worked fields. 30 acres wooded and a nice pond. Barn. Super potential here for any type of working farm or a very special setting for country living. You may never see this value again offered for $87,000. _ Auriesville Road RDI Fultonville, NY 12072 581-922-6301 ■wmty or 518-922-8899 Working Dairy Farm 100 Tillable Acres, comfortable house and outbuildings. Call Steinbacher Realty 717-326-3587 or BETTY Steinbac REAL ESTATE FRED E. MORROW REAL ESTATE New Bloomfield, Pa. 17068 Perry Countv Farms: 230-acre general farm - 174 acres tillable, 20 pasture, 36 timber. 2^-story brick, 4 bedroom dwelling. 50’xlOO bank barn, silo, grain storage and other outbuildings. Good stream and spring. Asking $325,000.00 130-acre general farm. 100 acres tillable and good stream. Large 6- bedroom, stone home and 50'xlOO' bank barn. Asking $155,000.00 Fred E. Morrow. Broker Phone: Office 717-582-8616 Home 717-567-6665 SOUTHERN NORTHUMBERLAND CO. A SURROUNDING COUNTIES 110 acre farm prime land, large home. 90 tillable, large bank barn, $179,000- Call Peter. 60 acre farm, Ig. home, wood or oil heat, bank barn, small orchard, $69,000. Can be bought with equipment extra. Call Peter. Herndon Area 2 Farmettes $35,000 & $49,000. Call Peter. Lykens Valley 90 acres, 85 tillable, 3 bedroom home, large bank barn, $225,000. Owner finan cing. Call Ralph. 400 acre grain and vegetable farm, large quantity of water tor irrigation, new barns, extra nice home, 220 tillable, large quantity of tow rent ground available. $500,000. Call Peter. Plain acreage, 25 acres, 12 tillable, 12 woods, large trout stream $37,000. PETER B. CORTELYOU Real Estate Herndon, PA 17830 Peter B. Cortelyou, Broker 717-758-9177 Ralph Deibler, Salesman 717-692-2587 PENNA FARMS CUMBERLAND CO. Dairy Show Place - 156 acres Hagerstown limestone soil, 44 tie stall barn w/pipelme milker, Patz stable cleaners, 1000 gal bulk tank, 16x50 sealed silo w/bottom unloader, 44 free stall barn w/64' feeder, 20x60 silo implement storage beautiful stone and frame dwelling, 20x40 inground pool, a dairy family's dream farm, plus 12x60 mobile home for hired help 176 Acre Dairy. 100 crop acres, 40 tie stalls, manure pit, 2 silos, implement storage, modern 4 bdr brick dwelling 156 Acres Modern Dairy, new dairy unit with double 6 parlor, 6 milking units, 1500 gal tank, 108 free stalls, lagoon (year storage) 3 silos, 2 floor bank barn with 48 tie stalls, 4 bedroom dwelling, beautiful view of valley 14x70 mobile home on lot with well and septic additional 158 Acre General, Murnll soil, 110 crop acres, large stone bank barn, 2-story mountain, stone and frame dwelling, stream Owner Financing 38 Acre Farmette, 20 crop acres, 36 tie stalls, 40x80 pole shed, 40x72 heifer building w/lagoon, insulated workshop, 4-bedroom frame dwelling pond & road frontage FRANKLIN CO. 100 Acres M/L, 70 crop land 30 wooded with stream No buildings, 3000 ft road frontage $1,600 per acre Charles Wenger, GR1263-0945 George Ebener 249-4979 Wilbert Diehl 258-3231 GEORGE L. EBENER & ASSOCIATES REALTORS 139 W. High St.. Carlisle. Pa. Ph. (717)243-6195 Ron Barto at 717-584-5266 BF Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 16,1984—837 FARM AVAILABLE NOW PRICED TO SELLI 120 acres, 20 mile from Carlisle, nice level fields, several ponds and stream for ( irrigating, large bank barn and house with all improvements, large mobile home on property, owner will offer financing. Call 717-249-1165 after 5 PM GETTYSBURG AREA FARMS FARMLAND - We have 82 acres which has about 55 acres tillable and 25 acres of woods. Seller will consider further subdivision. $llO,OOO (#12953LF) IDEAL FARMETTE - With older stone home, in excellent condition, features 4 bedrooms, living, and dining rooms, modern kitchen. Nice bank barn, large shed/garage in Gettysburg School District. Additional acreage available at extra cost. $99,500 (#13043LF) MARSHALL!. RSSI MILLER. INC. KS] REAL ESTATE 717-334-6283 or Outside of Adams Co. Call 1-800-443-2781, Ext. C-53 BEDFORD COUNTY 110 acre general farm. 60 acres tillable. River frontage. Lovely remodeled 2 story home. Barn and garage. Private setting. Exceptionally nice. Possible owner financing. Near Everett - 20 acre tract, mostly wooded, stream through property. Good timber, hard road frontage. Beautiful setting. Owner financed, $l,OOO per acre. Near Bedford -125 acres mountain land, very nice, 20x24' cabin adjoins state game land. Asking $68,750. North of Bedford - 53 acre general farm. Approx. 40 acres tillable, nice fields, remainder in woods. Good barn, 2 story frame home, garage and out building. Hard road frontage. Very nice. Only $85,000. Possible owner financing. Gloria M. Ritchie Real Estate 112 North Richard Street Bedford, PA 15522 Phone: 814-623-9009 or 814-623-2289 i/ \i LANCASTER COUNTY FARMS 1- cow modern dairy, 3 beautiful dwellings, 93 acres. 2- beef and veal farm on 105 acres. 3- acre dairy with 2 Harvestores, free stall and yoke stalls with pipeline. 4- acre cropland farm w/o buildings. 5- smaller farmettes and horse farms. CHESTER COUNTY Freestall operation for 70 cows - 35 stanchions with pipeline -160 acres. CUMBERLAND COUNTY Auction bam - Restaurant - Furniture Store. Call Mr. Baum. Many other farms for sale not listed here, including several tracks of mountain land for cabins, etc. BERKS COUNTY 44 acre farm w/4 bedroom frame house, IM> baths, bank bam, com bam & wagon shed. Stream thru meadow. Quick settlement possible. FARM & HOME REAL ESTATE Smoketown, PA 717-291-2270 Sylvester Beum Herlen Keener MetiMn Oberhottzer Carlisle Willow Street Lencester 717 776-3967 717-464-2669 717-3921177 Broker-J Irvin OenUnfer \N % 717*946962 # f TAXES $331/yr 4 bedroom restored home, 18 acres, small brook Bac woods Close to dams $47,900(0354) AFFORDABLE CAMP Osceola twp, well & septic, camp needs lot of work $7,500 (0353) CATLIN HOWWOW Mobile home, all utilities & 2 acres Taxes a mere $lOO $10,900(0318) TUCKED AWAY 14x70 2 8R mobile, 6 wooded ac Garage $38,500 (0325) RESTAURANT Going business, fully stocked & equipped, Elkland $39,900 (0344) ERA-Homestead Realty 168 W. Main Westfield, PA 16950 814/367-2222 INEXPENSIVE two trailers, the second rental will pay your mtg Small town, near dams, hunting $30,000 (M 1622) CAMP/HOME Edge small town, practically surrounded by State Land, $lO,OOO (M 1621) COLLEGE TOWN 2 sty salt box, empty $29,000 (M 1619) A-FRAME country setting, tool shed/garage, beautiful setting $46,000 (M 1616) 24 AC. POND woods/open, views $4500 dn , 12%, 10 yr $lO7 60/mo $12,000 (M 1536) 40 AC HARDWOODS very private retreat, survey $26,500 (Ml 548) FREE LISTS ERA-Homestead Realty 267 S. Main ManafieM. PA 16933 717/682-3287 32 AC FARMETTE remodeled farmhouse, beautiful old barn, pond, sheds, 10 AC woodlot, stream also near State Land, Taxes $4OO/yr $45,000 (W 840) 15 AC. FARMETTE hard road, brook, 4 BR farmhouse, chicken coop, sheds etc $37,500 (W 839) LIVE CHEAP remodeled house in Wellsboro, PA Taxes $317 Price $28,500 (W 838) CAMP-PINE CREEK fully furnished, canoe, swim, hunt $27,500 (W 635) 49.8 ACRES wooded, views, private exc hunting $29 900 (W 678) FREE LISTS ERA-Homestead Realty 23 E. Ave. Welltboro, PA 16901 717/724-7161 ERA
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