C46—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 2,1984 For Sale PROMESOL LIQUID CALCIUM (717) 367-2667 SERVICES OFFERED NOW AVAILABLE Manure Sewage Waste Liquid - Injection or ! Lancaster i Top Application j Surrounding Counties [ CROP SPRAYING ALL TYPES Soybean - Corn - Hay Will Travel For Large Acreage Hodecker’s Crop Spraying RD 3 Lititz, Pa. 17543 717/569-4762 TALLMAN AERIAL SPRAYING JOHN D. TALLMAN RD 3, Box 166 Dauphin, PA 17018 Phone: 717-647-2623 or Home (Evenings) 717-921-2476 Plastic Mulch - stronger, linear low density polyethylene, black, natural. For free samples and unbeatable prices, ex amples, 3' x 2000'. $26.00; 4' x 2000'. $35.00; call or write Hay Bag & Cover, Portersville, Pa. 16051, 412-368-8188 Orders close April 15. SERVICES OFFERED I pA)L Z. NQ(|| SPREADING SERVICE PH: 717-733-8528 Gypsy Moth Spraying Protect Your Trees SERVICES OFFERED Soybean roasting on your farm. Dale L Schnupp. RD 6 Lebanon. PA 17042 717-865-6611 Custom Liquid Manure Hauling Manure Agitator York, Harford & Surrounding Counties 717-382-4881 CUSTOM DANIEL S. SMUCKER Building & . Remodeling I Roofing, Siding Carpenter & Mason Work done No Job Too Small Low rates Quality Workmanship Call 717-768-8614 RD H 2 Narvon. PAV CALL SERVICES OFFERED Bradford's Cattle Hoof Trimming. 301-452-8574 or 301-838-5105 (ans. ser) CATTLE HOOF TRIMMING David Eckman Lancaster & surrounding counties 717-284-2388 or 284-4706 Somerset & surrounding counties 814-798-3209 Dry or Moist Limestone SPECIAL Summer Discounts June - July - Aug. DIVERSIFIED ROOFING CO. Re-Roofing Specialists Shingles, Painted Steel, Hot Build-Up Roofing Siding & Spouting End your painting worries and install barn siding Galen Smoker 215-593-2887 SERVICES OFFERED Ivan Zook and Co. Hauling hay, straw, corn, manure, equipment, lumber; skid loader rental; will haul to auctions. R.D. 1, Gap, PA. 17527. Call anytime, 717-768-3052 Custom Ag Bagging with motorize unit. For Service Call Vernon Better Gap, PA 717-442-4221 HI-CAL HI-MAG J.c. Ehrlich Co.. Inc. Termite. Pest, Rodent and Smoke Control. Lawn and Shrubbery Spraying. Free estimates. 1278 Loop Road, Lancaster, Pa. Phone 717-397-3722. CUSTOM WORK Custom bagging, screw press machine, high capacity unloading. Handles grain + wet forage well. Check our prices. Merle Martin. 717- 626-4915. Ag Bag custom filling. Ernest Kocher, Jr., R.D. 2, Birdsboro, PA. 215- 689-5387. CUSTOM COMBINING $17.50 Per Acre Plus Fuel 717-665-5683 CUSTOM BAGGING Done w/Motorized Machine. For Excellent Service, Please Call FARM SERVICE CO. (717) 949-2366 CUSTOM WORK Silo Filling Combining • All Crops • $l9/Acre • Ear Corn • All Crops • Drying, Hauling PH: 717-299-3788 or 626-6142 HELP WANTED Wanted - married couple for sizable commercial dairy. Jobs include; feeding herd, replacements and taking care of calves. Preferably experience in Al, animal health Must enjoy working with other em ployees All regulars provided. Lebanon area. 717-933-8622. Dairy Farm - fulltime summer 25-30 hours winter. Must have own transportation. Some experience preferred Ideal for high school student. Denver-Ephrata area. 717-267-4250 days, 717-267-5815 evenings. Person with experience to manage a modern 100 sow farrowing to finish operation farm. Housing available. 717-786-3740. Herdsman And General Farm Work - 100 cow herd, stanchion barn, house included. Winding Brook Farm, Bucks County. 215-348-5514. Full/part time position available in Delaware and Maryland. Service minded person needed to call on (arming operations. Experience in sales, feedstuffs or livestock preferred. Vehicle required. Phone 301-438- 3853 after 6 PM. Experienced person for fulltime work operating field equipment on large dairy and grain farm. Must have work and character references. Some relief milking, good benefits. 215-767-4827. Part Time/Full Time mature van drivers, Lititz- Ephrata area - excellent driving record, must like senior citizens & han dicapped. Record keeping required. Please include name, Phone # & ex perience when replyirw to Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 366, R-7, Utitz, PA. 17543. Full Time Farm Help. Truck and tractor ex perience necessary. Reply to Lancaster Farming, Box 366, L-23, Utitz, PA. 17543. Gardner for small beds around home in Lititz area. 627-2718 CUSTOM WORK lean drilling after barley and wheat. Call 717-898-8691 after 5.30 PM CUSTOM - BAGGING^, — ts>^gossett PREMIXES CUSTOM BAGGING Professional Service - We stay with the machine to save you TIME & MONEY (Our aim is to keep your chopper IN the field chopping, not at the endrow idling). For prices and scheduling call 717-665-7471 ★ We have liquid preservative avail able for hay baling ★We have dry innoculant for ryelage. haylage, & silages These Items Are Priced Right Worker Strasburg area. Im mediate opening. Stephen F. Fisher, R.D. 1, Box 174, Strasburg, PA. 17579 Answering service- 717- 687-6539. Opening for 2 young people or husband and wife team to do milking and calf care on 150 cow dairy. Housing and competitive, salary provided. 717-278-3924 Assistant Herdsperson ■ for 150 cow dairy in Northeast, PA. Primary duties are milking, calf care and feeding. Housing and competitive salary provided. 717-278-3924. Experienced mechanic needed immediately. Preferably JD mechanic Please reply giving ex periences, references and salary expected. Reply to Lancaster Farming, Box 366, L-24, Utitz, PA 17543. Herdsman for 70 cow registered herd. 110 BAA tie stalls pipeline milker A person interested in a good registered opera tion. Experience necessary. Ken Mam, 518-325-5382. Farmer Experienced work and character references essential. Machinery maintenance and repair, general dairy farm work. Good salary, home, benefits. Mt. Bethel, PA. 215-588-8440 or 201-568-3952. FARM HELP - 200 acre MD thoroughbred breeding farm. Near DC ~ Modem living quarters - desire couple. References - Promising future. C B Her, 14800 Seneca Rd. Germantown, MD. 20874 Person To Work on Poultry Farm - must be qualified equipment operator and truck dnver and mechanically inclined 717-582-2352. Wanted Experienced married person for family dairy take-over. Salary open. References. 315- 673-2128 after 7 PM. Couple willing to work on thoroughbred horse farm in Monkton, MD. House and utilities included. Cal 301-771-4625 or 301- 666-0531 evenings. Experienced milkers needed. Couples or families preferred. 215- 76^0911, DAIRY FARM EXPERIENCE WANTED Strong demand for dairy farm employees' Good opportunities and interesting locations Employers pay us to find the people they need Recent dairy farm experience good references and willing to relocate required Since 1968 Now nationwide Call or write today AGRlcareers, Inc. 515394-3145 (Nancy or Sandy) New Hampton. lowa 50659 R T Markly Farm Equipment Inc In ternational Harvestore farm equipment dealer located in State College PA is looking for an experienced manager to operate their business Market size potential is currently exceeding 2 million dollars Send resume to R T Markly Farm Equip. Inc 1841 Pine Hall Drive State College, PA 16801 Attn: R.T. Markly
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