HELP WANTED gardening maintenance rit ion offered on estate Princeton, NJ, with separate living quarters provided. References requested. Write P.O. Box 348, Princeton. NJ 08540 _____ Man to work on beef, cattle, and draft horse farm. Charles Shafer, Rte. 3, Box 173, Williamsport. MO. 21795. 301-223- 9034. An integrated PA agriculture firm is seeking an experienced, self starting marketing person. This position will be responsible for shell egg and egg products. Lancaster Farming Box 366, D-143 Lititz, PA 17543 Pa. Feed firm is seeking an experienced marketing and service person for pullet and layer program. Must have knowledge of the PA layer industry. Lancaster Farming Box 366, D-144 Lititz, PA 17543 HELP WANTED Major A.I. Organiza tion seeking distributors in PA. Need to be aggressive and willing to develope an area. Self motivation and dairy or beef back ground very helpful. Send Resume to; Lancaster Farming P.O. Box 366 K-19 Lititz. PA 17543 SUPERVISOR. ORGANIC VEGETABLE FARMING We are seeking an individual with an extensive backgro und in organic vegetalbe farming and a thorough understanding of soil and organics Greenhouse or demonstrated orga nic growing ex penence is necessary You must be capable of handling super vision of other workers In addition, you will be responsible for quality control, production and testing of produce This is a full time position However, hours are flexible depending upon production schedule and season Salary in low to mid 20s with additional performance in centive plan We offer complete major medical insurance along with other benefits Please reply m confidence to Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 366 K-18, Lititz, PA 17543 Help Wanted - Person with experience in refrigera tion, electrical and plumb ing with a well established dairy equipment campaiy, good benefits, immediate opening. Write Box 366 J-304, c/o Lancaster Far ming, Lititz. PA. 17543. GOVERNMENT JOBS. $16,559 - SSO,SS3/year. Now Hiring. Your Area. Call 805-687-6000. Ext. R-4156. $•11 Animal Health Suppllos farm to farm. Must have dairy farm experience and be aggressive. Guaranteed salary plus commission and excellent benefits. Call: Animal Madlc, Inc. 717-266-5611 SITUATIONS WANTED Full Time Farm Work Wanted. Strong mechanical aptitude. Like cows and machinery. No dairy experience. Prefer Fulton, Frankin, Cum berland or Adams County. Need good clean housing. 717-762-8743. Attention Dairy Fanners - If you are located in Berks, Lancaster, Adams, York, Franklin, Lebanon, or western Chester Counties and have living quarters for a family of 8, Don't pass us up. Call 215-589-2474. Christian Family desires operating smal dairy - salary, shares, renting Mennonite Area. Ralph Todd. RO 3, Box 81, Elmer. NJ. 609-358-8443. Single Mature Man - farm raised, recent post secondary Dairy Science Education, Al certified, interested in milking position. Housing desired. Cal 715-425-7602. Wanted: overweight people to try new Herbal Diet. Loss of 10-29 lbs. a month. Guaranteed nutritious and inexpensive. Lebanon John Irwin 717-273-0944 Ephrata Ray Weller 717-738-2131 Elizabethtown " Joyce Snyder 717-367-0396 Lancaster Rosann Mills 717-397-2322 Middletown Pat Castillo 717-944-3971 Allentown Joan Acquaviva 1 800 932 4613 Ext 300 Philadelphia Dr. James Roebuck 215-699-3220 SITUATIONS WANTED ATTENTION CHESTER COUNTY - Experienced agricultural professional and spouse looking for country house/apt. to rent. Willing to give assistance in care of animals, maintenance of equipment and grounds in exchange for reduced rent. Call Mon.-Fri. 8.30- 4:30.215-436-4338. I OPPORTUNITIES WANTED - Condemned Poultry House. We will lease our joint venture lor breeding rabbits. Call John. 215-343-9020. Suzuki 400, very fine, $800.215-356-5305. Try Before You Buy. Working Software Demos. Available. Farm Software Services, BemviHe, PA 215-926-3167. Wanted Distributors for Apple & IBM-Type com puters w/Farmpun Soft ware, minimum invest ment, full training, sup port, excelent return, na tionwide company. AC6CS, Box 2008, Syracuse, NY 13220. 315-475-1064. Computer applications, Cash Flow, Business Analysis, Livestock & Farm Management, Dairy Program Management. Calf 717-867-4936. Newton Bair, 200 S. Spruce St., AnnvHle, PA 17003. WANTED TO BUY PUPPIES In litter lots for resale in my pet shop. Purebred & Mixed breeds needed Cash paid. Will pickup. Call Charles Hackett Call Mornings 215-924-8882 COMPETITIVE PRICES ON THESE BLOWING INSULATIONS * CELLULOSE * FIBERGLASS * ROCKWOOL * INSULTEC * INCIDE ALSO BATT & ROLL INSULATION 41 Chevy coup, basket case, $BOO.OO. 215-646-9057 or 215-542-7980. 1973 Eldorado con vertible Very fine, $5,700,215-356-5305. Dual poet car lifts in good condition, $6OO. Complete Units. 215-542-7960' or 215-646-9057. Australian Shepherd Pups - good working cattle dogs. Friendly, protective to family. Reasonable. Abner G. Stoitzfus, RD 1 Box 220, Christiana, PA. 17509. Located between Kirkwood and Bartville on Ridge Road. Stud Service - AKC St. Bernard. Ben Esh, Jr., West Eby Rd.. Rt. 1, Bird- In-Hand. PA. 17505. FOR SALE - AKC German shepherd puppies. Black and tan. Good tem perment $lOO. Call 717- 896-8347. 2 registered Boarder Collies. 2 and 3 year old females. Wiston cap breeding. 2 year old is started on stock. 717-289- 4733 after S PM and weekends. For Sale - Registered Treeing Walker Pups. Evenings and Weekends. 301-692-2406. Eskimo Pups - 6 weeks old. Daniel S. Stoltzfus, R.O. 2, Box 166, Coat svHle, PA. 19320. Chester County. Brittannies AKC - Top bloodlines. Beautiful excellent hunters, house dogs, pets and al purpose dogs. Very reasonable. Few free. 717-266-3583. MISCELLANEOUS WE OFFER PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE ON SELECTION AND INSTALLATION OF MATERIALS CALL US ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT EXCEPT SUNDAY AND LEAVE YOUR NAME AND NUMBER WITH MY SECRETARY. I WILL PERSONALLY RETURN YOUR CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE CALL COLLECT 301-790-1303 SILAS MARTIN Mgr Wanted: Puppies, all breeds. Jack's Dog Farm, Rt. 611 Pipersville, PA 18947.215-766-8802 Wanted - puppies for pets. AKC purebred mixed litters, 717-442-4259. 14 AKC St. Bernard Puppies • bom 4-26-84. Good with children. Galen L McDonald. R.D. 1. Imler. PA. 16655. 814- 276-3157 or 814-276- 3732. PUPS WANTED by JO-JO I will buy pups June sth and I will be closing the pup stand until July 31. If you have pups to sell contact Jo Jo at Root's Farm Market off Rt. 72, Manheim, PA. Open Tuesday evenings 5-8 P.M. If you need to contact Jo Jo Call 609-452-8903 Early mornings for best results. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 3 piece new vinyl and wood porch or gameroom furniture, $895 negotiable or wiN trade. 717-397- 1186 or 717-872-4762. For Sale - electric range with 2 ovens, good con dition, $4O. Call 717-933- 8881. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE - New and used automatic washers, dryers, gas and electric refrigerators, ranges, us ed wringer-engine washers, new bedroom furniture. Open 7:30 to 4:30; Saturday, 7:30 to 12:00; evenings by apoint ment. Myer's Washer- Dryer, Rt. 772, between Brownstown and Leola 717-656-7169 2” new boiler flue pipe, exc. for gates or fencing. 717-872-9152 days, 872- 2579 eves, and weekends. One hive or SO, some with honey crop. Call 301-838-7648. Bought and sold new and used cardboard boxes; drums, plastic scrap, Reliable Recyclers, 178 Greenfield Road, Lane. PA, 17601, 717-397- 7695. WE RENT HIGH VOLUME BLOWERS AT REASONABLE RATES WHEN YOU BUY THE INSULATION FROM US "SERVICE TO YOUR DOOR" Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 2,1984—047 Power Meat Saws. Also, Butchering Equipment and Supplies. P.j. Oentro and Company 1906 West PNladelpna Street. York, Pa. 17404. 717-843- 6922. Locust post, fully seasoned for fencing, landscaping, etc. Wholesale quantities. 717-755-5587. evenings. Wood shavings with some dust. 5 ton loads. Keler Sensenig. 215-445-6164. Walnut lumber 8000 feet various lengths and 8/4 want to sell in 1000 feet lots or buyer take all. Adams County. 717- 359-7594. Front End Wheel Align ment Machine, Bear Model 624, $250.00. 215-646-9057 or 215- 542-7980. 35,000 yd. fabric. 25 - $1.25 yd., sewing supplies 'A price. Open Thursday 9-4, Friday 9-7. Kirkwood. Lane. Co. Abram B. Stoltzfus. FOR SALE - Unit for wafc in freezer. 5 HP com pressor. Jamison door, and fans, all Ike new. Snyder's Turkey Farm, Rehrersburg, PA. 19550. Phone 717-933-8519. For Sale - Open front top wagon (Doth Vegfy) just overhauled and painted. Good condition. Can be seen and or bought at 8.8. Diesel Service, Furnace Road, Quanryville, Route 3, PA. For Sale ■ Welded wire mesh in 10' lengths, 14 gauge, 1" by 2 mesh, 4 w wide, $3.00 per 4Vi' W by 10' L sheet. Delivery available. 717-354-9840. Weaver Insulators Blow in Cellulose Rock Woll or Fiberglass insulation. Ivan Weaver, Lititz (717) 627-1724 D.L. Weaver, Mt. Aetna (717) 933-8818 ATTENTION FARM MARKETS Kuntzeiman’s Penn Dutch Ice Cream Premium Lancaster County Ice Cream ELIZABETHTOWN CREAMERY CO., INC. Rear 519 S. Market St. 717-367-1389 Suburban Rentals Inc. Hagerstown, Maryland | MISCELLANE US I ; E Fray 7 all ancle vertical miring machine 113 L Scenic Road Mfe., 3539 Scenic Road, Gordonville, PA. 17529. Walk in cooler, stainless steel, 6x6 twin, two units, $1,500,215-723-7158. Old Parker 12 gauge, 32" double barreled shot gun. 717-966-1848. FREE - Walnut Lumber for anyone who will com pletely remove 5 Walnut trees, uprooted in last weeks rain storm. Call 717-354-7961. Strawberries For Sale. Allen S. Zimmerman, Turkey Hill Rd„ East Earl 2. JUST FOR KIDS - Hechinger Plaza, Rt 30 & Rohrerstown Rd., Lan caster. 717-299-3485. All furniture for infants and older children. Mon. to Fri. 10 to 8; Sat. & Sun. 10 to 4. We Pay Top Prices For Standing Hardwood Saw Timber Weaver Bros. Sawmill Beaver Springs, 717-658-3447 collect after 5 PM
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