FREE Subscribers to Lan caster Farming will receive one advertise ment FREE each month in our Mail Box Market Subscribers using the Mail Box Market will be govern ed by the following rules Limit your advertise ment to 20 words area code must be added to phone number and due to repeated requests please include your county lor buyer and seller conve mence all advertisements must be mailed to the of lice by Tuesday or same will be held over lor next week s paper no business advertisements accepted Include your Lancaster Farming mailing label and mail to Mail Box Market Lancaster Farming P 0 Box 366 Lititz PA 17543 No Phone Calls Please MAILBOX MARKET For Sale 68 2 ton Dodge truck flat bed new tires good cond , $895 00,717 626-5678 For Sale - AC 190 XT Diesel, w/F, 3 pt , 18x4x38 tires, Dual hyd , good cond , $3BOO 00, M J Forbes Jr 804-547 3417 For Sale Overhead Garage door 7x16 wood $5O 00, Maytag wringer washer $l5O 00, Allen Pettier RD2 Bernville, Pa 19506 For Sale Open carriage needs work 500 00, and 1 storm front carnage 1200 00, John K Stoltzfus along 30 Gap, Lane Co For Sale Open buggy w/8 volt light system $325 Samuel B Stoltzfus along Rt 340 1 mile East of White Horse Lane Co For Sale Bale thrower for NH 273 baler Good cond , Lane Co , Aaron E Lapp RDI Box 429, New Holland, Pa 17557 For Sale - Service age Reg Hoi Bull sire Glen-Valley Star Dam 1983 DH I A 22078 M 732 F $675 00, 717-463-2360, Juniata Co For Sale Choice Shropshire yearling rams & ewes from D'Ambra & Shepard bloodlines Leb Co 717-949-3653 For Sale B-275 Tractor w/loader, 1974 Ford Van, 1966 3/4 ton Ford, 1973 240 Datsun/parts Berks Co , 215-488-6862 For Sale Registered Quarter horse stallion, 8 yrs old, good breeder, broke to ride $6OO Garrett Co Md 301-387 6530 For Sale Land in State College, Pa ideally located just 3 miles from Penn State Campus, Centre Co , 814 466 6606 For Sale Quality Ap paloosa ■ 1979 loud t elding, halter champion pleasure ready, 1982 chestnut/white filly, super muscling, Balto 301 592 5564 Wanted 4 horse trailer tag along w/dressing room In travelable cond , Call pnce/descnption Catlett, Va 703 788 9885 For Sale Int BD 308 truck engine w/all ac cessones included Bell housing & radiator tor 1600 loadstar 201 475 5561 Belvidere NJ Warren Co Wanted - Dealership in farm oriented products to be sold from my farm, PO Box 220, Dalmatia, PA 17017 Wanted - Handicrafts to sell at my farm, PO Box 17, Lemoyne, Pa 17043 For Sale Inter 455 cornplanter, exc cond, good paint, $BOO, 1 pr 13 6x38 chains, Bucks Co 215-679-6332 after 4 p m For Sale - 120 Ford garden tractor w/mower, lawn sweeper, snow plow, chames, Areiws rear tine, rototiller, 7 hp 717-786- 7130 For Sale JD RWA 12’ disc, JD 12’ spring harrow, 200 gal trailer sprayer, exc cond York Co 717 757-1144 For Sale Heavy, tubulor gate, new cond $25 11' Nottingham, Pa 717-932 4244 For Sale - 81 CMC Sierra classic Vz ton fully loaded, good milage, smooth ride $7200 Chester Co 215- 932-9536 For Sale Nl No 7 corn picker in working cond $350 Bucks Co 215-822 0537 For Sale 40,000 BTU Red Line hot air heater, Jacob S King, RD2, Box 24, Prospect Rd , Stasburg, Pa 17579, Lane Co For Sale AC WD tractor w/80R mower, runs good, Lane Co 717-393-7845 For Sale Metal awnings, large porch & various window sizes, good cond , give offer Mt Airy Lane Co 717 733-3660 For Sale 1 pair used tractor ties, V* tread, 16 9x38 6-ply, ideal for duals, $6O Berks Co 717 933-8748 Wanted Used Lagoon pump for agitating & loading diary manure, 540 rpm, used Slurry tank spreader, Wayne Co 717- 253 0397 For Sale ■ 1975 Dodge D 300, 1 ton truck, 4 speed w/steel bed, 61,000 mi very good, $2OOO, Lyc Co 717 584 2662 Wanted Auger type wood splitter to run off tractor pto York Co 717 428 1012 For Sale Case tractor w/or without loader, overhead garage doors, JD 3 pt 3x14 plow, 3 pt fertilizer spreader 717 345 4882 For Sale Ear corn $llO/ton, pick up at farm Columbia Co 717 384 3492 For Sale JD 825 2 farrow, 2 way plow, exc cond York Co 717 741 1761 For Sale No 2 Katahdm potatoes for seed or eating, 5 cents/i York Co 717 993-2057 For Sale Byr old black mule, good worker, lots of snap $BOO Stephen Petersheim, RD2, Nar von, Pa 17555 For Sale 4yr old Polled Hereford cow bred to calve in April, 6’ 16' cattle trailer York Co 717 637 9068 For Sale 13' Oliver field cultivator, good cond $l3OO Lane Co 717 627 7381 For Sale Meyers skid model sprayer, 20 GPM pump, Kohler engine, 400 gal tank, 2 900-24-10 ply Chester Co 215-286 9465 For Sale Meyers snowplow powerangle pump & frame, White gashealer 60,000 btu, ventless, Behlen corn cribs Leb Co 717 838 9262 For Sale TW 20 Ford diesel tractor w/cab, air, dual wheels 215 529 2109 For Sale Nl 272 cut ditioner good cond $l2OO JD hay tedder $lOO Lane Co 717 786 4692 For Sale - Two way Oliver plow w/radex btms , disc, harrow, cultipacker, Christ K Stoltzfus RD#2, Box 784, Newmanstown, Pa 17073 For Sale - Mixed Timothy hay after spm Lane Co 717-872-2596 For Sale - 1969 CMC dump, 7’x9’ bed, 34,000 GVW, 478 gas, rebuilt, 10x20 tires, 2 speed rear $3500, Lane Co 717- 548-2291 eves For Sale - Reg V? arab, colt, chestnut yearling, personality, presence & potential plus $750 Lane Co 717-665-7852. Wanted - 352 NH grinder mixer for parts & irregation pipe, 4 or 5” Lane Co 717-354-0159 Fpr Sale 1953 Int pickup, fair cond 6 cyl Carbon Co 717 386 5543 For Sale 2 reg Morgans 7 months old, stud w/Ben Don, Superman, Trophy bloodlines, filly w/gout bloodlines, Bedford Co 814-847-2802 For Sale - 1973 IH 1600 extra long wheel base, no bed 345, 5+2, power steering Cecil MD 301 398 5123 For Sale - Ford 6000, diesel, 3 pt hitch, remote hyd, new paint, best offer 215-431-3183 night, 301-287-5277 day Wanted 10 bu of Lane Sure Crop corn, sometimes known as Indian corn, Franklin Co 717-328-5748 For Sale ■ 1936 Chev firetruck, 9000 miles, original tires, would make exc stake bed or tanker, $B5O Bucks Co 215-536- 0598 For Sale Dual action exercise bike, baby crib & playpen Lane Co 717 768-8901 ' For Sale - To York-Adams Calfarma Sale, a Kmgway Elevation Very, form very good, 86 Glendell, Brown Valley Farm, 717-359 7456 For Sale Reg Targhee Ram & 2 ewes w/lambs, 6 western white face ewes 4890 For Sale 1000' 6" Shure Ram irrigation pipe in 30’ lengths w/fittmgs Blevins Fruit Farm, Stewart stown, PA 717-993-2885 For Sale Home comfort cook stove, complete w/warmer & water tank, good cond $350 Chester Co 215-933-3121 For Sale Holstems close springers w/good udders, must sell $BOO ea Franklin Co 717 263 5702 For Sale - Stainless steel sink & countertop 140” long, A 1 shape, $175, Lane Co 717-626-5438 or 717 859-2129 For Sale - 1974 GMC 4x4, PS, P B , locking hubs, Alum topper, good cond , 2 Ton paint $3,100 Lane Co 717 627-2189 For Sale 1982 Shoop livestock trailer Four horse size Rubber mats Good cond , Cumber Co 717 243-5924 For Sale SLATE top pool table 375 00, 10x10 fiberglass green house $195 00 Lane Co, 215 267-6593 For Sale 120 Baruks accord lan, Lane Co 215- 267 2036 For Sale 3 agitating pit pumps also liquid manure spreader, Melvin Zook, Rebersburg, Pa 16872 Wanted Small bulk tank, under 220 gal, dairy equip for goat dairy Also black long wooled sheep Butler Co ,412 353 2644 For Sale JD #M 20 Leyten mount mower for M T tractor Donald L Speck RD#l, Box 175 Huntingdon Pa 16652 814 627 1277 For Sale JD 4 row 1240 corn planter good shape Noah L Zook RDI Lebanon Pa 17042 Prescott Rd For Sale 55 gal drums ' J R7 O D| SSSJ Open head w/hd $2 00 WFE 50% rubber 1800 Closed head $6 00 Used hrs on engine, $l6OO 00, standing seam roofing 215-965-5222, Lehigh Co Fisher’s Painting, 717 For Sale - 202 NH Manure 768-3239 Spreader rebuilt exc, For Sale -NH 479 Haybme cond , $llOO 00, Elmer E good cond , field ready, Stoltzfus #7 Coatesville, $2175 10T Alfalfa no Pa 19320, Telegraph Rd , ram $lOO Can deliver, Box 297 Sch Co 717-345-4489 For Sale - 18 5 cubic ft For Sale - Two flail type DeLaval milking units, good cond , Garrett Co MD, 301-334-2383 For Sale - Ford 3 pt 309 corn planter 36” rows - G E IVz HP motor 220 volt Berks Co 215-756- 6758 For Sale 1978 Ford 150 F ° r Sale - Two yr old 4x4 P Steering, Auto, Morgan horse, halter heavy susp V good broke good sized Eh S cond , no rust, Harford Click Bird-in-Hand R 1 Box Co 301 452-5057 eves 177, Pa Monterey Rd For Sale J D #B5O Flail F °r Sale ■ 1 pair of grey Spreader left hand Percheron mares in foal delivery $1 000 smooth mouthed Ben) G Lycoming Co 717 998 Kln B RD 3 Quarryville, Pa 9041 Lane Co For Sale - Badger For Sale -JD 2B plow for unloader 20' good for MJ P 51 sickle mower parts, La Co 717-786 7ft $2OO 63 York 7960 Co 717 292-4416 For Sale 3pt 2 row F ° r Sale - 2 pair of mules Buffalo no-till corn 45 yr old good sire 717 planter, fert & insect Int 687 7475 650 chopper both heads, For Sale 1974 Chevrolet North Co , 215-863 V 8 two ton truck 12 ft 9125 insulated van, roll up Wanted - Used portable door Berks Co Beekman hog scale, good cond , Orchards, 215 369-1568 Berks Co 215 488-7003 For Sale 1972 172 L 150 For Sale - Alfalfa hay Ist, Cessna Skyhawk 1240 2nd and 3rd cutting 260 Hrs TT 2 radios always MF forage harvester, N/W N° r *h Co 215 2 row heads, Balto Co 759-0819 eves 301 357-8375 For Sale Pioneer maid For Sale Late Model 'H” cook stoves, witn & Farmall tractor w/loader without reservoirs Earl B Rebuilt engine, clutch, anc starter $l2OO, Adams 445-4600 Co 717-359-5834 Notice AKC Sheltie For Sale Bottle gas Stud Service, Contact, range, bottle gas heaters, SamuelJ Stoltzfus RD(f2 2 old round tables 1 Box 60 °. Parkesburg, Pa round & 1 square Lane *9365 Co 717-665 2513 For Sale Used 2 horse For Sale Horse drawn trailer $llOO 00, Used 2 wooden dobble furrow out horse trailer w/dressing plough with $9O, Iron crib roor n 15??? w/spnng&mattress $35 " ,n York Co 717 755-9418 242 0941 For Sale 1978 Ford 150, 302 V-8 4 spd , overdrive, power steering, reg gas , nice cond , $2975 York Co 717 244 3415 For Sale 1967 Int pick _ . up '/> ton good & solid low For Sale Nl 206 Manure mileage, need’s car Spreader w/endgate buretor, $550/best offer *795 Nl 751 hay crimper, Franklin Co 717-263 $475 717-354-0266 5518 For Sale Certified For Sale 2>/ 2 yr old Reg Rutgers Hybrid SYNI Dorset ram Also, Asparagus crowns New purebred Ewe w/Ewe Jersey, 609-358 2548 or lamb at side Montgo Co 609-358 8253 215-754 7404 For Sale Pair of duals For Sale Mixed grass hay, $BO at barn Large registered Wayne second calf due soon Pedigree S records Leb Co 717 865-6836 Wanted Pair of 38" wheels w/8 bolt center pattern from MF 65, 85, etc 716 554 6648 after 6 p m For Sale JD 16 tube gram drill, 15 sq 10x20 slate & home grown Timothy seed, Sch Co 717 386 5322 For Sale - Border terriers adults & pups $75, 4-can cooler $l5O Ground driven manure spreader, $250 Carbon Co 717 386 5732 For Sale Red Delicious apples $5 per bushel call after spm Luzerne Co 717 654 7343 For Sale McCormick No 9A 8 ft disk w/weights $lOO Mueller 30” cement finishing machine $325 Sch Co 717 345 8179 eves For Sale Seasond tire wood, cherry, locust, poplar $4O pickup load soft, $5O pickup load hard Lane Co 717 872 2732 For Sale 55 acre farm w/40 tillable, modernized limestone house long state highway Blair Co 814 793 4790 eves For Sale No 717 pickup head to fit NH field harvester #717 S newer $725 Carroll Co MD 301 756 6992 Sears coldspot frostless side by side refrigerator and freezer $lOO 00 Works good Lane Co 717-354-6414 For Sale - JD Gram Drill 13 disk on steel Ready to work York Co , 717-938- 2372 eves For Sale - L 260 Kabota Tractor newly overhauled motor, belt driven saw buck w/2 blades Berks Co 215 777 9515 after 5 p m 18 4x34, fuel tanks 290 Gal on stilts & 300 gal skid tank Lane Co 717 653 2475 For Sale 1981 Morgan alum dump trailer, 30’ body, 32’ frame, 1982 Morgan alum dump trailer Balto Co, MD 301-357-5088 For Sale Black hardwood bark mulch, $3/cu yd, you load Wyoming Co 717 833-5548 or 833-2771 after spm For Sale Alfalfa hay & Timothy hay Centre Co 814 349 8010 Wanted 12 yr old Tom Bronze breasted turkey, good breeding, quality only Bucks Co 215 536 6076 For Sale (4) 23 1x34 tires w/cast wheels & double ramp rims $2OOO (4) 20 8x34 tires $l5OO Berks Co 215-678-5009 For Sale 1 Buck saw w/blade fix any tractor, like new George Hoffner, 3 G Farm, Birdsboro, PA 19508 Wanted Cultivators for Farmall Super A, 100, 130, or 140, will pay cash or trade 304 743 9290 For Sale 3 40' steel building trussus JD 1 flail chopper, wooden win dows Hunterdon Co 201 735 7622 Notice Free Border Collie, male, 18 mos, eager to work needs training, farm home only, NJ 609 859 9132 after 7 p m For Sale -500 bu ear corn 400 a bu 100 bu oats 300 a bu York Co 717- 235-2032 Wanted - IH B-414 Diesel tractor parts or tractor (whole) for parts Chester Co 215-296-9466 For Sale 400 Bales wheat straw Balto Co 301-357-4135 For Sale - JD 3-btm 14" 3 pt plow $295 IHC 12’ hyd set spring harrow $195 Lane Co 717-548- 2559 For Sale - 2nd & 3rd cutting alfalfa, 5 ton, Lane Co 717-426-3871 For Sale - 13 9x36 - 60%, 13 9x36 10%,13 6x36 10% plus 2 tubes tor 13 9x36 $l5O Warren Co NJ 201 453-2549 For Sale - Make offer, old Colonial sash & glass windows, old colomel shutters, York Co 717- 292 4855 after spm For Sale Nubian&Alpme Does young & old, Nubian buck, good lines, reasonable prices, Guernsey heifer for sale, Berks Co 215-689-9895 For Sale JD 4400 Combine, 13' table, 443 head JD 7000 4 row 30" corn planter, Adams Co 717-637-1544 For Sale Mare Pony 11 hands broken gentle Gold $175 00, 7 mth Morgan Belgium filly gentle, $250 Perry Co 717-789 3808 For Sale Kenmore zig zag sewing machine in cabinet 10 stitches plus buttonhole foot Exc, cond , Leb Co 717 865 4487 Lancaster Farming Subscription Service •CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 3 weeks advance notice. Attach label from current paper and attach in space pro vided; write in your new address below. Charges will be made as close to requested date as possible. • Entering a NEW Subscription? Check the proper box and fill in your name and address. Attach your check, $7.50 per year or $13.00 for two years in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, VA and WV (All other areas - $14.00 per year, $24.00 for two years.) Payment must accompany order. Allow three weeks lor delivery. • RENEWALS To insure proper credit on all renewals please at tach your mailing label from current paper to space provided and check the proper box below. No refunds I When writing us about your I I subscription please attach your j j Lancaster Farming mailing label here and mail the whole form to; | i LANCASTER FARMING, | | P.O. 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(Please print) NAME ADDRESS BOX CITY COUNTY STATE ZIP CODE MAILBOX MARKET For Sale - Two V/z" liquid contractor's transfer pumps Worthington & Marlow both have Briggs & Stratton motors Lane Co 215-267-5096 For Sale - 8x32 dog kennel w/outside runs Lane Co Call 215-267-3113 after 5 p m Waited - Steel wheels for JD 50 also Mascovy ducks for sale $3 50 tor hens $5 60 for drakes Lane Co 215-445-4092 For Sale - 1 hive of bees - double hive body 2 supers $75 00. also antique clover seed huller Blair Co 814-695- 3293 Wanted - Good used one owner NH baler, no kicker Carroll Co 301 848-4736 For Sale JD #5O side mounted mower fits 3020-4020 & others $395 Good cond , Lane Co 717 548-2559 For Sale ■ Singer seed potato cutter splitter, new cond , Harford Co 301 452-5122 eves Wanted NH Baler for parts #67, 68, 69 For Sale ■ 4”xlo’ dram pipe $1 90 Lane Co 215 445 6885 For Sale JB 500 gal sprayer w/Myers air head, AC-600 4 row no-till corn planter, Lehigh Co 1-215 767-2234 For Sale Pennscott Clover seed, $6O a bushel Col Co 717 683 5668 Wanted Used 1 seat Mennomte carriage, good gear & box, needs not have paint, Elvm, Lane Co 717 656-6379 after 600
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