I MAILS X MARKET E Notice Free Horse Manuare also Franklin stove tor saie 1 717 442 4793 For Sale Oliver 3pt plow 16 in hydrohc reset 1 000 good cond Lane Co 717 626 2920 ' For Sale Ford 917 Flail chopper mower 8 ft $1 800 good cond , Lane Co 717 626-6059 For Sale or Trade 1950 ply Kl 5 one owner garage kept 4 door black beauty Bucks Co, 215 44 1 55 72 For Sale Int Model 370 12 disc harrow, Ml Model 400 5 bar hay rake, 8’ truck cap 717 653 1716 For Sale Corn Silage for sale Lane Co 717 665 5772 For Sale Registered Polled Hereford Bull 2 yrs old good breeding 717 866 4185 215 589 2966 For Sale 1000 gal Girton 1 lid (2) 5 hp compressors washer Frederick Co 301 271 2268 For Sale Team of ac climated sorrel work horses b 6 yr old, '5OO 00 1 sorrel mule 6 yr old 800 00 717 354 9370 For Sale 4 Bo Mafic pipeline milkus complete w/new strechbrne liners Lane Co 717 62u *■ 7 65 For Sale Farmall j'n Row crop tractor, power steering, fast hitch Good working cond , 717 626 4240 For Sale History of Lane Co Ellis & Evans, 1883, 1096 pages, $75 00, Lane Co 717 859 3374 Wanted ■ Two row corn planter suitable for small farm Cumber Co 717 697 9788 For Sale 1974 Ford Pinto Station wagon, good coid , 52 000 miles $B5O 00, 1 & 2 quart jars, Berks Co ,717 933-4569 For Sale ■ Used horse collars good cond , all kind & sizes Christ E Fisher, Rl, Box 162, Paradise, Pa , 17562 For Sale Grass tires 13 6 38 on 12" rims 10 ply 6 00-16 4 ply fits JD like new $6OO 00, Lane Co 215 445 4092 For Sale Toy Fox Terrier pups wormed, trac Dan F Petersheim, 102 A New Holland Rd , Gordonville, Pa 17529, Lane Co For Sale - 8 Hole Hog Feeder $25 00, tobacco bale box also Glentield model 25 22 rifle $75 00 Lane Co 717-768-8440 For Sale Bush hog, 3pt 8 tooth chisel plow, like new cond, $1195 00, Southern Lane Co 717 548 2676 Wanted DeLaval milkers or similar pail milkers, John M Sauder, East Earl, Box 1978, Pa 17519 For Sale • Four heifers coming due in March & April One cow second calf coming due in March Lane Co 717-354-9935 For Sale - DeLaval Vacuum pump #77, 3 hp $5OO Milk mover also. Jamesway stalls, water oowls Chester Co 215- 255-4835,4836 Foi ir Sale - 4020 JD n/f, 1630 & AW Discs & »46 ">*der Stoltzfus trailer *#t lime spreader Lane Co 717-284-4776. For Sale - Electric Kuhl double track washer & •ggomatic grader w/way complete 14 case, Eastern Berks 215-944 7403 Fl o or Sale or Trade Building lot in Lake Havasu City, Arz , for car srPick5 r Pick up truck, Lane Co 665 7631 % 'anted Single btm plow ,or CA/AC For sale ''eavy duty pental drive Wain tor Nl spreader - «nc Co 717 665-3865 or Sale Farmall cub, all Jttessones, $2,000 Berks «> 215 682 6137 after 5 Pm MAILBOX MARKET For Sale NH 770 forage harvester 2 r'ow narrow cornhead pickup head & direct cut grass head Sch Co 717 739 2247 For Sale ‘ Ford 9N Tractor McCormick 42 Combine Iron Age Transplanter 12' Pitt sburg drag harrow Luzerne Co 717 788 1508 For Sale 64 Jeep/w Snow Plow, Power Angle 72 Plymouth furry 111 white gas heater 60,000 Btu , Leb Co 717 838 9262 For Sale 60 ft 4 ft carrugated pipe best offer York Co 717 244 4655 Wanted Organically frown grains, Mr James Smith Jr, RD(/3 Box 347 Newville, Pa 17241 Cumber Co For Sale 4 Service age Reg Holstein bulls, dams £X & VG 20,000 + M Arnold Acres Holstems Leb Pa 717 274 2317 For Sale Ultra Violet water sterlizer high flaw rate big capicily for big farm or commercial Franklin Co 717 264 6007 For Sale 1979 Dodge D5O Sport Pickup 9' spring tooth harrow 3x3pt plow Duroc Boar gilts Berks Co 215 583 5269 For Sale MF 750 Diesel hydro w/Flex Floating cutter bar $2OOO 00, 4600 Ford Diesel $7500 00, Union Co 717 524-2408 after 6pm For Sale - AC Dl7 Diesel Series 11, WF, PS. New paint good tires, 3 pt, snap coupler Bucks Co 215 968-9383 For Sale • 1979 Kawasaki KZ4OO motorcycle w/extrass7oo No Sunday calls Bucks Co , 215 723 5011 For Sale 350 Chevrolet truck engine block, new cam shift and internal parts needs rings, $l5O 00, Montg Co , 215 723-7158 For Sale 2 seated Mennomte carriage & buggy good cond , Jonas J Hoover, RDI Box 631 Reidenbach Rd , New Holland, Pa 17557 TRUCKS h TRAILERS 1963 Chevy flat bed dump, needs rear end Make offer, 717 582- 2352. 1973 Chevy C6O 12' flat bed dump, new paint and brakes, 5 speed, 350 engine, excellent condi tion. 609-358-3923. New 16' heavy duty truck bed with 40" gram sides, 717-687-6940 or 717- 687-9006 74 GMC 33,000 GVW 16 T body with feed blower and hoist, will sell separate, or 717- 687-9006. For Sale ■ 1977 Ford pickup 150 with 70,000 miles, 717-299-4592. 1972 GMC with 18 ft. dump bed, removal sides, two way tail gate, grain shoot, rack over truck, truck needs new rear. $2,500 or best offer. Ask for Ivan, 717-768-3052. International C.O.E. rebuilt 6 cylinder, Cummings Diesel, 5+2 transmission, takes 22'- 24' body. No rust, ex cellent condition, 609- 859-2381. For Sale - Ford F-350 PS. PB, new 12’ Kentucky body, sell together or separate. Blair Co., 814- 695-6177. 'B3 Ford XL F 350 16 ft. aluminum roll back truck, 351, 4 speed. PS, PB, air, AM-FM, 12,000 miles, like new. 717-733-2873. For Sale 1974 Ford Econoline cattle truck with 10 ft. cattle bed, V 8 engine, auto, trans.. all new rubber, $1250, 717- 865-3488. For Sale - 1977 Ford 250 3 quarter ton pick-up, V 8 engine, auto, tran smission, power steering, $2150, 717-865-3488. ■ TRUCKS h TRAILERS RTOF 9513 transmission, Hendrickson suspension, 34,000 Rockwell rears, 4.11 ratio, Parts for 270 Cummings, 717-425- 3697 For Sale - 1 ton dual wheel, 4 wheel drive 1980 Chevy pick-up, 4 speed transmission, power steering, power brakes, 29,000 actual miles, in perfect condition, $7,500. Will trade. 814-839-4141 or 814-839-2918. evenings. 1978 Int. 800 18 ft. grain and cattle body. 717-359- 4689. Custom built truck beds, large or small, built to your specifications for your needs. 717- 424-0819. For Sale - 1975 COE freight liner tractor, 903 Cummins engine, recently overhauled, good rubber, truck is in good condition, $9500, 717-469-2864 For Sale - 1979 40 Fruehauf heavy duty flatbed trailer, steel bulk head, includes 4' sides, full cover, used very little, $B5OO, 717-469 2864 For Sale - ’76 Chevy C-65, 26.000 GVW, new 427 engine & clutch ass y, 30.000 mi, new Dec. 'B3, all brake lining, front king pins & front wheel bearings, good radial tires, Columbia Co . 717- 799-5213. TRAILERS FOR SALE - 7 flat trailers, 40 to 45 ft. long, 38 and 40 ft. Brown potato vans, 40 ft. Cindy open top, 45 ft. Wilson straight cattle van, used propane cargo heaters. Keens, 717-626-5420. Ford 500 1972 12 ft. stake body, steel bed, hydraulic lift gate, $3,800, 717-838-1533 or 717- 838-9657. For Sale - 1974 LN7OO 5+2, 10x20 spoke 18 ft. Omaho flat dump, $6500; 1973 Ford C7OOO 175 Cat., 5+2, $3500, 304- 735-3352. 'B2 Ford FISO Ranger XLT Lariat 4 wheel dnve super cab pick-up, 351 auto., PS, PB, air, trailering package, power windows and door locks, dual tanks wrth topper and slidir mdor like new, sliding wn iws, 717-733-2873. 'B2 GMC 3500 1 ton cab and chassis, 350 auto, PB, PS, dual tanks, radial tires, 10,000 GVW, 17,000 miles, $7900, 717- 733-2873 'B2 Datsun King cab pick up, 4 cylinder. 5 speed, AM-FM, excellent con dition. $5200, 717-733- 2873. 1964 Int. with 500 gallon tanks and 40 ft. hydraulic sprajr boom, 717-933- For Sale - 1978 CIO Chevrolet Bonanza pick up, excellent condition, 60,000 miles, best offer over $2500. Calf after 6 PM, 609-358-4781. 1968 Int. spray truck with two 500 gallon tanks with 3 year old diesel engine, 717-933-4360. Wanted - 17 ft. or 18' aluminum or steel grain body with or without hoist, Chester County, 215-932- 8382. WANTED TO BUY Dry lime spreader equipment. We are interested t\ spreader boxes with sower bar spreaders. Also pup trailers, 2 & 3 axles, steel and/or aluminum. If you have such equipment and wish to sell Call John C. Dogneau c/o Atlantic Camant Co., Inc. 518-756-6141 or 918-496-0431 NEED CASH? We buy unwanted trucks and parts, scrap aluminum of any kind. Wrecked dumps, vans, flats, tank trailers, etc. Call 717-273-7474 (day), 215-944-9871 (evenings) (50) Four Wheel Drives and Trucks The Eagle's Nest, Rt 850 W, Marysville. PA 717-957- 2566 'B2 Chevy C3O, dual wheel pickup, 454 4-speed, PS, PB. air. AM-FM, dual tanks, 10,000 GVW, radial tires, fiberglass topper, $8,400. Call 717-733- 2873. 1978 LN 700 Ford air brakes, power steering, 5 & 2 speed, 10:00 x 20 tires 27,500 GVW 18' mid west steel flat bed. Truck has a new Ford rebuilt 39/V8 engine with warran ty- -1977 Int 446 gas 1800 5 & 2 speed, power steering 10.00 x 20 rubber 1978 Int. 1750 466 diesel 5 & 2 speed, power steer ing IO'OO x 20 rubber 1978 Int 1800 446 gas 5 6 2 speed, power steering 10 00 x 20 rubber. 1979 Int 1854 F 466 diesel 5 & 2 speed, power steering 9 00 x 20 rubber New bodies and hoists can be furnished for any of these trucks 301-877- 9889. STORAGE TRAILERS AND OFFICE TRAILERS! For rent, economical delivered 301-771-4529. Myers double air blast 500 gal. crop sprayer mounted on Reo 6x6 2'A ton all wheel drive, will separate. $5,500. 717-473-3031 after 5 pm. 473-3852. 'B2 Datsun Pickup, Silver, 4x4, a.m., f.m. cassette, CB, AC, PB, PS, Cap, Bedliner, Hitch, Sunroof, much more; reasonable, excellent condition, low mileage, private, 717-299- 2272. 1983 Chev. C3O Crew Cab 1 ton dual wheel pickup 6.2 Dsl., Auto, PS, PB, AC, Silverado, Loaded. 23,000 miles, asking $13,500. Call Cooper s. 717-898-2259. Repossessed vehicle, 1971 IH 28' aluminum livestock bed, call Tom Levering, Ephrata National Bank, 717-733- 4631. For Sale - Air tag axle with all controls and lift; also 16' sth wheel trailer, 6" I beam frame and 2 axles with brakes, 717-596- 2166, 596-2579. For Sale - 1970 Ford L -800 VB, 5-1-2, air tag axle, 20' Reading grain box with twin 3 stage hoist and fitted tarp; also Heavy duty sth wheel frame and axles. 717-596-2166,596 2579. For Sale - Reading 20' gram box with twin three stage hoist, fitted tarp, and two endgates, 717- 596-2166, 596-2579. '6B IH grain truck. 16' body, new hoist and tires, $3,500,201-439-2267. For Sale - Dodge SE Prospector truck, 53,000 miles, excellent condition, 717-426-3135 after 6 PM. 1965 Ford 1000 Dump, 700 Bushel Grain Body, Rebuilt engine, new tires, 56,000 QVW, $7,000. Call 717-425-1665. TRUCKS h TRAILERS 1974 GMC Astro., Detroit Diesel, air tag axle, sliding sth wheel, new rubber, new clutch, 13 speed, good condition, Phone 215-767-1408 evenings 3 TH- Loader*. European-style Contractor Body The European-styte Tn-Loader body is an extremely ver satile piece of equipment It features 14" hinged safes which Wd down or remove completely lor loading from either side a double-acting tailgate, hinged top and bottom for dumping and spreading operations with forward or rear controls, or both Swaged (indented) 3-light cluster in rear outrail for better bght protection and appearance Heavy duty 40’ or 52" steel bulkheads with full width mesh windows combine maxanum protection and visibility The rugged 96” wide platform otters maximum payload and is available in wood smooth steel, treadplate steel or steel over wood floonng FARMERSVIU.E EQUIPMENT INC. RD 4, East Farmersville Road Ephrata, PA 17522 Located in the Village of Farmersville, Lancaster County 717-354-4271 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 25,1984-839 TRUCKS h TRAILERS For Sale - 1978 Ford 150 '/i ton pick-up, 6 cylinder, 3 speed with overdrive, AM radio, good condition, $2450, 717 865-3488 For Sale - 1972 Ford 600 truck, V 8 engine, 4 speed with 2 speed rear. 18 ft. cattle bed with side and rear door, pull out lay down ramp, $1950, for quick sale, 717-865-3488. 'B3 Ford F 250 heavy duty V* ton pick-up, 300 6 cylinder, 4 speed, PS. PB, 8600 GVW, regular gas, 10,000 miles, $7950. 717- 733-2873. Omaha standard; For Sale By Owner - 1 1 wooded acre building lot. Perc tested, road fron tage, utilities. Near Fowlers Hollow State Park, Perry County Excellent cabin site, $lO,OOO, 717-789-3506. Wanted ■ Hunting cabin built on state owned land, minimum improvements, located in Sullivan, Lycom ing, Clinton, Tioga, South Potter County, write Box 108, Kutztown, PA 19530 For Sale by Owner - 127 acre farm with 33 acres woodland. Snyder Co., 901-642-6111. For Sale - barn, pond, 4 acres, PERK approved, good for auction or business outlet, other land and parcels, 215-767- 3133 after 6 PM. Brokers call 215-767-2193 42 acre farm near Gap Large house, barn and out building, $175,000. Ist time listed Owners live out of state Call Chuck Artiman at ARA Real Estate, 215 857-2141 For Sale - 11 acre far mette with large chicken house, barn, 2 car garage, 3 bedroom house with all conveniences. Mill Creek township, Lebanon Co Call nights or Saturday for appointment, 717-949- 3466 or 717 733-2101 147 acre limestone dairy farm near Walnut Bottom, PA. with 40 stall bank barn, 20x70 Fickes silo with unloader. 4 bedroom brick house in excellent condition, owner will consider financing Contact R.L. Simons & Associates at 717-249- 5555. Farm - Snyder County, 74 acres, 7 room house. 2 baths, mountain stone fireplace, mountain stream, large bank barn, other out ouildings, ex cellent hunting. Phone 717-837-3378. Exceptional property, 35 minutes from Harrisburg, with established riding lessons and horse boarding business. Call Thelma Hoyer, 717-566- 0948, Jack Gaughen, Realtor, 717-652-6015 WALK-IN DAIRY - 200 acre N.Y. farm comes with 30 Holstein milk cows, tractor, long list of machinery included. Good 4 br Colonial home. 2 barns, 39 stanchions, bulk ank, 2 silos 45 acres in corn and hay, creek frontage On hwy REDUCED to $133,500, owner financing at 9% annual percentage rate Call or write for tree catalog. UNITED FARM AGENCY. INC. 612-RLF West 47th St.. Kansas City. Mo. 64112 Ph. Toll- Free 1-800-821-2599 Farm For Sale ■ Nice stone house, 9 rooms, VA baths. 150 acre limestone soil, 2 streams, 2 large bank barns, 3 silos, 41 fie stalls, horse or heifer barn, other outbuildings. $250,000/or make offer, for appointment call 717- 776-7650. PERRY COUNTY - For Sale - Beautiful 2 bath restored stone home and 172 acres of farmland. Owner will finance. Call Martin Kogan, Harrisburg, 717 238-0155 Dairy For Rent - Shepnerdstown, West Virginia ■ Double 4 with take-off. free stalls. 70 loot bunk, large equip ment building, 2 silos, 304-876-6442. New York 100 cow dairy farm in Cayuga County for lease or option to buy. Phone after 7 PM. 201- 689-5047. For Sale ■ 178 acre farm in Potter County, Pa. ISO acres tillable in excellent condition. Nice 4 bedroom house - gas or wood heat, fireplace, two full baths. Large pond and lawn. Machine shop, potato storage, grain bin. Partial financing available to right personfs). More land available, 814-848-7656 after 6 PM.
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