Van eo Wm the rubber mat specialist ASK YOURSELF... •ARE MY COWS STIFF? • AM I LOW •ARE INJURIES^TOO FREQUENT? •DO MY NEED MORE COMFORT? IF SO. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR EARLY SPRING SPECIAL! 48"x72” COZY COWMATS £jm jm AC 15 & 20 YR. WRITTEN WARRANTIES VANCO R.D. 4, Box 300, Carlisle, PA 17013 717-776-3494 Please send free sample & installation instruct: NAME _ ADDRESS PHONE *"' 1 ■ ■ Perhaps, Now Is The Time To Moke Those Changes You Were Thinking About WHETHER YOU HAVE 10 COWS OR 500 COWS Polygon Herringbones ;on Herringbones Double Herringbones All New From BOU-MATIC/ TECHNOLOGY COMPUTER FEEDING SYSTEM 25 PLUS FEATURES - including - * Dual feed capability (optional) • Touch panel keyboard * User friendly software • Uses fiber optics * Up to 12 feed periods per day • Adjustable dispense rate • Printer feeder disabled indication /A DEC BOU-MATIC MU'MO SWIM* • Bou-Matic Feeders Computing Systems (new item) • Bou-Matic Take-off Detachers • Bou-Matic Chemical & Sanitation Supplies BOU-MATIC MILKING SYSTEMS • Bou-Matic Vacuum • Bou-Matic Parlors: Pumps Herringbone, Trigon, • Bou-Matic Bucket Polygon, Carousel Systems • Bou-Matic Around The Barn Pipeline We at Shenk’s Farm Service are able to help you and give you a sense of direction to make these changes CALL US AT -626-1151 Ask for Merv , For Sale - Nl 324 WR corn picker w/329 sheller unit, exc cond $6OOO Somerset Co 814-629 9030 For Sale ■ Reg 2 yr old Black Tenn Walking horse colt, grandson of Ebonys Masterpiece Championship bloodlines Bedford Co 814-767 9622 A LESSON WELL LEARNED... LANCASTER FARMING'S CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! Phone; 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164 BOU-MATIC HAS WHAT YOU NEED • Bou-Matic Around The Barn Pipeline Take offs • Bou-Matic Milk Monitoring (DHIA approved) • Bou-Matic Backflush Systems MAILBOX MARKET For Sale - Service age sire, Dam 85, 17,700 t yr oiH ' , ~,0 i , /1 /-J59-5793 Wanted - Farm ground to rent in Dauphin Co Top prices paid 717-599- 5917 For Sale - 6 Hereford Angus Holstein veal calves 200-275#, bred nannies & kids, sell or trade York Co 717-244- 1 I 0624 For Sale ■ AKC Poodle, male, 14 mo, $5O, Pomeranian female, no papers, $25 Leb Co 717-866-2246, no Sun calls Wanted To buy manure spreader & 3 btm trailer plows Cumberland Co 717-258-6360 For Sale ■ MF diesel 245 tractor, under 500 hrs, $7OOO 301-836-3900 For Sale 3200 bu gram bin, auto elec heated water trough, Patz silo unloader 717-292-1405 Wanted 55 feeder pigs, also large round self feeder For Sale ■ Tobacco rails Harvey Z Hoover, Star Route, Terre Hill, Pa 17581 For Sale - Eggomatic egg candler & grader $5O, 2'x3’ concrete or ceramic shaker table $75 609 397-1516 For Sate - JD 999 corn planter $350, Ml model 10 spreader on steel $6OO, JD 24 disc $4OO 215 215-7546 For Sale - JD 4640, 160 hrs AM-FM stereo, quick tach hitch, sound-guard body, like new cond Lane Co 717 733-9504 For Sale 2 horse freight wagon, $5OO York Co 717 244 0373 For Sale Bundy flute w/case, exc cond $125 Chester Co 215 932 4728 For Sale 40 Holstein cows, outstanding production, Sire Power breeding, home raised, big cattle Susquehanna Co 717-698-6597 For Sale - 2 NH false end gates w/unloader on steel, Dauphin Co 717-896- 3351 Wanted Single piston John blue ground driven spray pump, also ground drive for liquid ferthzer squeeze pump York Co 717-993-2206 For Sale - 30” Ventomatic fan, 52" steel wheels, 4000 gal tank, pick out potatos $2/50 lb Lane Co 717-733-2764 For Sale Holstems close springers w/good udders, must sell $BOO ea Franklin Co 717 263- 5702 For Sale Elec hot air furnace w/fan & heat control $l5O Oliver plow semi mtd auto reset Cumb Co 717 776 5461 Notice To be sold at Edwin Horning’s Sale 4430-D guad range trans Wanted JD 346 baler or 830 2 cyld 717 733 6319 For Sale Rainbow irrigation traveler, 660' hose, 361 ford w/Marlow irrigation pump, 470 Int disc 20' Salem Co NJ 609 299 3910 For Sale Red Blonde reg Belgian stud service Sol J Stoltzfus, Along Mt Vernon Rd Gap, Pa 17527 For Sale NH rola-bar hay rake, JD rider cultivator, flat bed wagon cultipacker, NH hay crusher, disk Harrow 717 786 3618 For Sale Trac manure spreader, root ventilator w7fan Wise motor, Gravity bin wagon, large snow plow, drill press 717-345 8815 For Sale Lane Co ex trocted honey, 60 lbs $37 Lane Co 717 665 4641 For Sale Nl rola bar rake w/rubber teeth $5OO Christ S Petersheim, RDI, Box 411, Bird in Hand 17505, 1 mile west of t^BKterey MAILBOX MARKET For Sale - Power shift rims 14x38, trade for rims for duals 14 or 15x38 for 16x9-38 tires Leb Co, 717-866-7213 Wanted Sorrel or Red Sorrel mule, boys mule, work anywhere, Eli Dienner, Moscow Rd. Parkesburg H 2, Pa 19365, Chester Co Wanted JD tractor 620 or 630 w/3 pt hitch, power steering, good cond Bucks Co 215-348- 3196 after 7pm For Sale - 1976 Monte Carlo Landau, very nice $2250, 717-529-6257 Wanted Exhaust manifold & carborator for UB MM tractor av, 4 cy 919-767-3939 collect after 6 30 p m For Sale - 12,000 KW generator w/4 cyl Wise power unit, on cart $1175 Perry Co 717- 789-4260 after spm For Sale - Service age sire, dam 85, 17,700 milk as 2 yr old, sire Superior Adams Co 717 359-5793 For Sale Oliver 1855 tractor, exc cond, also Oliver 77 tractor Lane Co 717-367-3820 For Sale - Pasguali 4WD articulating tractor Lombardme diesel 3 pt pto, Steam Jenny needs coil $3OO Perry Co 717 444-3344 weekends For Sale MF 510 com bine w/14' gram table $lO,BOO/best offer Northampton Co 215- 252-1344 For Sale Top quality Noble oats Ist yr removed, Bright wheat straw, 500 bales Nor thumberland Co 717 672-9740 For Sale JD 3020 diesel side council A 1 cond 2000 hrs , Leb Co 717 866 2412 For Sale IH 710 3 btm semi mtd auto reset plow, new moldboards, shares, shins, $l2OO Berks Co 215-944-7587 For Sale 4 bred sows, due March 3, litter 2nd generation, Kleen Lean Berks Co 215-562-4682 For Sale 8N Ford tractor, recently overhauled, 300 hrs, new rubber, 3 pt hitch, pto, lights, York Co 717-938-5273 For Sale ■ JD gram drill, 13 disk on steel, ready to work, York Co 717-938 2372 eves For Sale ■ Flardy outside wood heater, safe, Ford 600 tractor w/blade, low hrs, choice bldg lots, acreage Sullivan Co 717 924-3756 For Sale Orchard Grass seed, 90 acre farm in high state of cultivation w/double home & 2 barns Lehigh Co 215 756-6618 For Sale Belt pulley for AC, WC, WD or WD4S $65 Lehigh Co 215 967- 3957 For Sale 2 Belgian mare's, well broke 814 757 8619 eves For Sale Ear corn, ap prox 500 bu , $1 95/bu Armstrong Co 412 295 2930 For Sale Antique built in ice refrigerator woodglass doors, heavy latches, best offer over $2OO Bedford Co 814 766 3591 For Sale Trampoline, official size $BOO firm rabbit wire cages single, doubles reas Chester Co 215 495 7372 For Sale 1983 185 S Honda 3 wheeler used very little, mint cond Lane Co 717 665 9369 For Sale JD 630 gram feed auger wagon $6OO 450 Farmall (gas) good cond fast hitch $2250 Sch Co 717 386 4743 For Sale Side mount rotary mower 48" hyd operated 301 287 5277 day, 215 431 3183 night For Sale Approx 500 matured Muscovy ducks, can del Fayette Co 412 245 2371 For Sale - 3020 JD Diesel - M M Jet Star 3 Super, both in good cond , Cumber Co 717-776- 7542 Wanted - Grass head to fit N H 770 harvester must be in good shape Cumber Co 717-423- 6442 For Sale - 10 ton Timothy Hay $9O 00 per ton at barn, Dauphin Co 717 566-0329 For Sale - AC 829 haybme for part's Union Co 717- 966-1836 For Sale - Wagner front end loader $2OO, tor Yorkshire, Gilts, (Reno Tomas Herd) two are bred, Leb Co 717-933- 5523 For Sale Estate “Mini" spreader pull w/garden rider tractor Leb Co, 717-949-3175, Mile west of Schaefferstown on Route 419 For Sale - 5 A K C Cocker Spaniel female breeders, $450 00, Leb Co 717- 949-3134 For Sale • Wheat straw $62 ton, no Sunday calls, 717 799-0139 Wanted - 6 ft rearmount lawn mower, gear driven, also plow, both category 1, North Co 717-275- 0603 For Sale 6x16 walk in cooler A 1 condition, 1969 Dodge P U 68,000 miles Col Co , 717-784-0848 For Sale - Yearling G H filly, King-bred dam, champ sire, Brass bottom $9OO, Franklin Co 717 263-4345 For Sale 400 gal J Bean Air Sprayer, 1974 Int Scout 4 WD , 1983 Honda 125, D motorcycle Col Co , 717 799 5444 For Sale 10 Jamesway Single lever stalls Lyc Co , 717 546 6546 For Sale 113 hp Diesel tractor w/cab Ontario gram drill soybeans for seed - Monroe Co, 717 629-0777 For Sale - 500 gal potato sprayer $3OO, JD loader cylinder 3' $lOO, 20’ rubber elevator, $175, Lehigh Co , 215 799 3082 For Sale Tennessee walking horses at stud double midnight sun, fee $lOO 00, 15 3 hands Cecil Co , 301-658 6742 For Sale 1964 JD 4020 diesel Dual outlets, wf, good rubber Very good cond , 4700 hrs , $7900, Steuben Co 507 356 3254 For Sale Pair of 18 4x28 Firestone tractor tires Fair tread $75 00 for pair North Co 717 425 2194 For Sale - JD 12' Hume Combine Reel Hydraulic, $l5O 00, 60” Steel wheels 35” Center $225 00, Set Spring Front $lOO 00,215 267 7349 For Sale Purebred Nubian Buckling & Doe kids, grade kids and grade third freshner doe due 2 28 84, Cumb Co 717 243-4375 For Sale Blue & White spruce trees, approx 20 6' to 8' you dig make otter Chester Co 215 692 4679 Wanted Cultipacker w/hydrauhe folding wings approx 20 ft Chester Co 215 869 9777 For Sale 2yr old big & strong proven Suffolk ram $lOO 00 Wanted young Barbados Sheep, Bucks Co 215 822 1639 Notice Free wooden corn crib 30’x50 machinery shed you tear it down For Sale 28 acres cropland Berks Co 215 326 2289 For Sate JD 494 A 4 row plate planter Disc openers Rubber press wheels Dry fertilizer $9OO Leb Co 717 865 4329 865 6220 For Sale IHC 555 single beater manure spreader Like new Gratz approx Exc , cond , $2395 Perry Co , 717-567 3076
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