s £ 1A ' * \ / ! 1 The analysis begins with a collection of a forage sample from your farm + “No Charge” for roughage testing + Computer calculated “Least Cost” feeding program + Bulk feed delivered within 24 hours from receipt of order. Peimfield and You WORKING TOGETHER TO DEVELOP A BALANCED AND PROFITABLE DAIRY PROGRAM ■ / * / In our Technical Services Laboratory, located in Lancaster, we perform more than 2,000 forage analyses a year for farms like yours, in Penn sylvania, Maryland and Delaware. ' enables you to learn the exact nutrient values of homegrown forages so that we can work with yoi develope your best feeding program. You know, not all testing is the same. The accuracy of your results depends on the thoroughness and professionalism of the people performing the analysis, and the precision of the testing equipment used. "m fir Maximum feed efficiency and improved nutrition are two reasons for choosing Penn field Dairy Program. Dairymen, you can count on Pennfield... for a better bottom line. Pennfield Dairy Program Pluses: For More Information Call Toll Free Pa. 1-800-732-0467 Md. 1-800-233-0202 pennfield feeds + Dairy terms: 2¥2% cash discount - due 15th of following month. + Well trained “Dairy Specialists” who can help solve problems when they occur. Quality - Performance - Service jktornmS Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 18,1984-A5
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