A6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 18,1984 New Holland Hay New Holland Sales Stables Monday, February 13 Report supplied by auction 218 loads. Compared to last week, choice Alfalfa sold sttdd>. Mixed Hay and Straw, 5.00-10.00 per ton lower. Alfalfa, 120.00-145.00, few choice up to 154.00, first cutting, 90.00- 120.00; Mixed Hay- Timothy- Clover Mix, 90.00-110.00, few choice up to 120.00; Timothy-Alfalfa Mix, 110.00- few choice, 120.00- 140.00; Grass Mix, 90.00-100.00. Timothy, 91.00-108.00, few choice up to 115.00; Straw, mostly 85.00- 95.00, few to 99.00; some Oats/Straw, 79.00-85.00; Ear Com, 121.00- SheUed Corn, 4.00 bu.; Clover Hay 102.00-110.00; Oats, 2.75-2.85 bu.; Firewood, 39.00- pick-up load; Clover Seed, 24.00-35.00 bu.; Timothy Seed, 31.00 bu. De wart Hay Dewart, Pa. Monday, February < Report Supplied by PDA 22 loads hay and 15 loads straw. Alfalfa 86.00-104.00, one load 120.00; Mixed hay 50.00-80.00; Straw 47.00-65.00. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. - THE ACTION AUCTION I MONDAY I *Wl ** EARLY BIRD HOG SALE For Your Protection Your Hogs Must Be Identified 10:00 AM 11:00 AM Good’s Hay Leola, Pa. Wednesday, February 15 Report supplied by auction 100 loads. Corn, 121.00-123.00; Alfalfa, 100.00-146.00; Timothy, 87.00- 121.00; Straw, 90.00-100.00; Mixed Hay, 81.00-130.00; Clover, 104.00; Corn Fodder, 66.00; Oats, 2.50-2.65 bu. Leinbach’s Hay Shippensburg, Pa. Tuesday, February 14 Report supplied by auction 44 loads. Alfalfa 95.00-132.00; Mixed Hay 79.00- Timothy 77.00-fl7.00; Clover 82.00-87.00; Bromegrass 69.00- Straw 53.00-71.00; 1 load ear com 126.00. Belleville Hay Belleville, Pa. Wednesday, February 8 Report supplied by PDA 81 loads of hay and 23 loads straw. Alfalfa 100.00-150.00; Mixed hay 55.00-107.00, few to 140.00; Timothy hay 67.50-87.00, one load 97.50; Straw 62.50-85.00, one load 97.50. HAY STRAW GRAIN 1:30 PM BEEF SALE CALF, SHEEP, GOATS Frederick Co. Hay Buckeystown, Md. Thursday, February 16 Report supplied by auction 55 loads. Market was steady to strong compared to last week. Alfalfa, good to fancy, 120.00- 145.00, 3 Ist cutting, 70.00-110.00; Timothy, good to fancy, 100.00- 122.50, 4 loads fair to good, 77.50- 97.00; Mixed Hay, good, 100.00- 120.00, fair, 78.00-97.50; Bromegrass, 81.00-90.00; Grass Hay, 70.00-75.00; Bright Straw, 75.00-88.00; firewood, 70.00 cord. Keister’s Hay Middleburg, Pa. Tuesday, February 14 Report supplied by auction 53 loads. Alfalfa 115.00-117.50; Mixed hay 60.00-110.00; Straw Ear corn 112.00-115.00; Oats 2.95 bu.; Firewood 15.00-80.00. Hagerstown Hay Martin’s Elevator Wednesday, February 15 Report supplied by auction 21 loads. Alfalfa 140.00-171.00; Alfalfa Grass 95.00-155.00; Timothy and Clover 98.00; Clover 95.00; Timothy 79.00-105.00; Straw 76.00- 78.00. Greencastle Hay Greencastle, Pa. Monday, February 13 Report supplied by auction 22 loads. Alfalfa 110.00-159.00; Timothy 85.00-105.00; Mixed 70.00-106.00; Straw 75.00. King’s Auction Tuesday, February 14 Report supplied by auction 18 loads. Alfalfa 119.00-140.00; Timothy 108.00-113.00; Mixed 94.00-124.00; Clover & Mixed 109.00-114.00; Straw 103.00-125.00. I Wednesday! 12:00 NOON w- n \V- H HEIFERS, BULLS NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, Inc. 12 Miles East of Lancaster on Route 23, New Holland, Penna The Action Auction 717-354-4341 Mgr. - Abe Diffenbach - 717-3934464 Norman Kolb - 717-397-5538 Field Representatives Alan Diffenbach 717-656-9806 Luke Eberly 215-267-6608 - 738-1865 WEDNESDAY FEEDER PIG SALE 1:30 P.M. We endeavor to keep our barns cleaner than yours. State graded until 12 Noon Regional Hay Friday, February 10 Report supplied by PDA (All hay No. 2 and better, prices paid by dealers at the farm and per ton.) Hay & Straw steady to |5 lower. Alfalfa 100.00-135.00; Mixed hay 75.00- Timothy hay 70.00- 95.00; Straw 55.00-75.00; Mulch 40.00- Green Dragon Hay Ephrata, Pa. Friday, February 10 Report supplied by PDA 121 Loads of hay and 77 Loads straw. Alfalfa 90.00-131.00, Mixed Hay 83.00-124.00, few to 140.00; Timothy hay 90.00-104.00, one at 114.00; Clover, one at 99.00; Straw 76.00- 88.00; Ear Corn, 7 loads 128.00- 138.00, one load 116.00; Shelled Com 3 loads 3.75-3.90 per bu.; Oats 5 loads 2.50-2.90 per bu. Pa. Grain Monday, February 13 Report supplied by PDA Compared with last Monday’s market for Southeastern, Central and South Central PA.: Com uneven, mostly steady to 5 cents lower; Wheat steady to 5 cents lower; Barley mostly steady; Oats unevenly steady; Ear Corn unevenly steady to weak. Prices paid delivered to dealers dock - (All prices per bushel, ex cept Ear Com per ton.) Southeastern Pa. Com No. 2-y range 3.56-3.80, average 3.70, New Crop 2.75-2.88; Wheat No. 2 range 3.40-3.71, average 3.61, New Crop 3.17-3.28; Barley No. 3 range 2.60-3.10, average 2.84, New Crop 2.10-2.20; Oats No. 2 range 2.40-2.75, average 2.52, Soybeans No. 1 range 6.51- 7.00, average 6.82, New Crop 6.60- 6.65; Gr. Sorghum M 2 range 2.80, average 2.80, New Crop 2.30; Ear Corn range 88.00-110.00, few BULLS - -wyi— i^Zl steers - BEEF cows Hr reported 120.00; average 100.46. Com No. 2-y range 3.60-3.80, average 3.71; Wheat No. 2 range 3.65-3.75, few reported 3.90, average 3.76; Barley No. 3 range 2.30-2.60, average 2.56; Oats No. 2 range 2.25-2.55, average 2.40; Soybeans No. 1 range 6.50, average 6.50; Gr. Sorghum #2 range 3.40- 3.65, average 3.53; Ear Com range 95.00-105.00; average 99.72. Com No. 2-y range 3.50-3.90, average 3.73; Wheat No. 2 range 3.50-3.75, average 3.60; Barley No. 3 range 2.45-3.25, average 2.81; Oats No. 2 range 2.30-2.75, average 2.49; Ear Cora range 95.00-130.00, average 113.57. Southeastern, Central & South Central Summary Com No. 2-y range 3.55-3.80, average 3.71; Wheat No. 2 range 3.47-3.75, average 3.65; Barley No. 3 range 2.45-3.10, average 2.75; Oats No. 2 range 2.30-2.75, average 2.46; Ear Com range 90.00-125.00, average 103.61. Com No. 2-y range 3.35-3.80, average 3.61; Wheat No. 2 range 3.30-3.85, average 3.48; Barley No. 3 range 2.40, average 2.40; Oats No. 2 range 2.20-2.50, average 2.34. New Holland Horse New Holland Sales Stables Monday, February 13 Report supplied by auction Reported receipts of 187 head of horses, mules, and ponies. Market: steady. Better horses 475.00-800.00. Driving horses Riding horses 300.00-425.00. Lightweight killers 235.00-325.00; Heavyweight killers 350.00-455.00. Mare Ponies 35.00-75.00; Colts 10.00-20.00; Gelding Ponies 35.00- 75.00. Larger ponies 125.00-215.00. 1 THURSDAY I 11:00 AM 3:30 P.M. CALVES Central Pa. South Central Pa. Western Pa. LOCAL SHEEP GOATS
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