44—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, Ftbruary 18,1984 Weekly New York Egg Market From Friday, February 10 to Thursday, February 16 Fri. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs WHITE Jumbo Ex Largo Large Mediums Pullets Off Grade BROWN Jumbo Ex Large Large Mediums Pullets Peewees Unquoted Unquoted Off Grade Undergrades Checks Breaking Stock: Friday - 25.20-25.50, 25.50-25.80; Tuesday • 24.60-24.90, 24.90-25.20; Thursday - 24.00-24.30,24.30-24.90. N.E. Weekly Shell Egg Report Tuesday, February 14 Report supplied by USD A Prices paid per dozen Grade “A” Brown eggs in cartons delivered to retail stores: Ex. Large Large MASS.X 1.26-1.28 1.24-1.26 Mostly 1.26 1.24 N. HAMP. 1.09-1.13 1.08-1.12 Mostly 1.11-1.12 1.10-1.11 R.I. 1.15-1.21 1.10-1.19 Mostly 1.15-1.17 1.10-1.15 VERMONT 1.16-1.20 1.15-1.18 Mostly 1.20 1.18 MAINE 1.19-1.26 1.17-1.24 X Includes Central and Western Sections only. Copyright 1983 by Lancaster Farming P.0.80x 366-Utitz, PA 17543 Office: 22 E. Main St„ Utitz, PA 17543 Record-Express Office MMing Phene: Lancaster 717-394-3047 or Utitz 717-026-1164 Robert G. Campbell, Publisher Dick Anglestem, Editor Kim Herr, Home Editor Tnsh Williams, Associate Editor Laura England, Associate Editor NEWS CORRESPONDENTS Patty Gross, Bedford, Blair, Huntingdon counties Martinsburg 814-793-4256 Robin Phillips, Berks County Mohrsville 215-926-1261 Jane Bresee, Bradford County Ulster 717-358-3346 Beth Hemmmger, Cumberland, Franklin and Perry counties Newville 717-486-5322 Sally B Bair, Lancaster County Joyce Bupp, York County Seven Valleys Nancy Kunick, Crawford & surrounding counties Centerville 814-694-2571 Subscription Price $7 50 per year, $13.00 - 2 years $l4 00 per year outside of PA NJ MD DE NY VASWV Established November 4 1955 Published every Saturday by Lancaster Farming Lititz PA Second Class Postage paid at 22 E Mam St Lititz PA 17543 ISSNOO23 7485 For address change form or new subscription see Mailbox Markets Members of Newspaper Farm Editors Assn., Pa. Newspaper Publishers Association, and National Newspaper Association. Represented National by J.L. Farmakis, Inc. 4203-966-1746 1.16 1.14 1.06 1.18 1.16 1.08 1.20 1.18 1.10 Columbia 1.16 1.14 1.06 1.14 1.12 1.06 Small .94-.96 .94 .80-.84 .82-.83 .S3-.89 .83-.85 Medium 1.16-1.18 1.16 .96-1.00 .9S-.99 1.05- 1.05- 1.05- 1.10 1.09-1.16 ,87-.94 POULTRYMEN Check Your Feed Costs MASTER Mill Can Save You $2O-25 Per Ton Grind, Mix And Deliver Your Feed Automatically wakrer \MiLLj OR MORE I # if INFORMATION, CALL OR WRITE —automatic MS farm systems A n 608 Evergreen Rd. |Q| lAJM Lebanon, PA 17042 SS (717)274-5333 Heinsey’s Poultry Market Root’s, East Petersburg Tuesday, February 14 Report supplied by auction RABBITS: 4-6 lbs. range .70-.92 per lb. RABBITS: 7-10 lbs. range .68-.82 per lb. BUNNIES: range 1.00-2.50 ea. GUINEA PIGS: range .50-3.00 ea. GOATS; range 22.00-34.00 ea. KID GOATS: range 12.00-32.00 ea. TOTAL NUMBER COOPS: 307 Philadelphia Eggs Thursday, February 16 Report supplied by USDA MARKET COMMENT: Prices unchanged to lower. Cartoned egg movement is light where no features are in progress, fairly good where eggs are being promoted. Jumbos are ample, and excess stocks are difficult to clear. Extra large and large are fully adequate to ample. Mediums are adequate, and surplus lots are only available on occasion. Additional offerings of graded loose eggs are ample. Ungraded are adequate. Prices to retailers: sales to volume buyers, consumer grades white eggs in cartons delivered store door: A Extra Large 1.02-1.09; A Large 1.01-1.08; A Medium .89-.90. SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT— LOW CLASSIFIED RATES WITH EXCELLENT RESULTS! Prices are from Egg Clearinghouse, Inc., (ECI) Durham, N.H. and reflect trading prices for gradable nest run eggs (GNR) on ECI, a nation wide trading center for producers, packers and marketers. GNR eggs are classified by weight in 30-dozen cases, and traded in lots of either 300 or 750 cases. Prices are FOB buyers dock, and are computed Tuesday and Thursday of each week. This week’s price each classification were: DATE DATE Feb. 14 Feb. 16 Tuesday Thursday .89 .85 .86 .84 .84 .81 ,77 .75 ,82 .79 .75 .72Vz Classification Class 1 - Large Class 2 -Large Class 3 - Medium Class 4 - Small Breaking Stock Checks New York Multiple Drop Broiler Report Thursday, February 16 Report supplied by USDA Current broiler/fryer negotiated prices for immediate delivery includes mostly multiple-drop shipments to New York City from Delmarva. RANGE: U.S. Grade A .61-.67; Weighted AVG.; U.S. Grade A 65.01; Premium (X) Boxes 10,202. (X) Includes special services, selected competitive brands, etc. Eastern Pa. & N.J. Poultry Wednesday, February 15 Report supplied by USDA Market Comment: Trading is very limited with a few sales noted in a range of 29-32, mostly 29-30 for delivery into the processing plant. Offerings of live are very light and expected to remain that way over the next several weeks. Prices Paid at Farm: Light Type Hens: too few F. 0.8. Plant, too few. Two Ways To Improve Vxir Profit Picture XL&DK Two layers with distinctly different characteristics separate research programs. You don’t have to buy from two different companies to get the two top layers on the market The XL shows excellent production under many management conditions The DK responds best to finely tuned, close management DEKALB Layers are bred to possess the economic traits most applicable to your operation You do have a choice The high productivity XL or the high efficiency DK TJttycn, 4 CHICKS, INC. Quakertown, PA 18951 BROWN & WHITE (215) 536-3155 EGG LAYERS Nest Run Eggs 48 lbs. 45 lbs. 42 lbs. 39 lbs. 48 lbs. 48 lbs. Delmarva Poultry Thursday, February 16 Report supplied by USDA Market Comment: Movement on ready to cook whole birds has shown seme improvement and is fair. Current production continues to clear satisfactorily, but some carryover is experienced in a few quarters. Movement is fair on parts. Supplies are generally adequate with tne best interest noted on leg and leg quarters. Slaughter schedules are moderate. Live supplies are light to adequate. Weights are im proving but are still lighter than desired overall. Undertone is steady. Today’s L.T.L. asking prices are unchanged on U.S. Grade A at 61-67 cents. Estimated slaughter of broiler fryers in Delmarva (000). Estimated 2/16 1,814; Actual 2/9 1,735; Actual 2/14 1,487; Average Weights 2/14 '4.32; Average Weights 2/7 4.08 - From two HUBBARD WHITE MT. BROILERS
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