A34—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 21,1984 Legislative priority (Continued from Page Al) they have incurred as a result of the Avian. Using a formula of an average cleanup cost of 10 to 12 cents a bird, the proposed state program ap pears to go well beyond the ap proximate 10 million birds which have been killed to date. It appears that the proposed increased state funding includes the possibility of cleanup following any killing of birds with the mild Avian strain - if and when the final decision is made to add these birds to the depopulation schedule. Meetings have been held during the past couple of weeks with representatives of the dairy in dustry on a bill which is expected to be introduced by Rep. Samuel Morris, chairman of the House Ag and Rural Affairs Committee, to get the Milk Security Fund back on a sound financial basis. The proposed legislation is designed to close some of the gaps in the Fund which have resulted in its depletion by dealer bankrupt cies. A main feature is that the security aspect of the fund will not be on a pooled basis, as in the past, but on an individual dealer basis. Thus, an individual dealer’s ac count in the fund would be credited with a certain amount, providing continuing protection for respective producers. The individual dealer security arrangement would prevent a reoccurrence where a major bankruptcy by a dealer would deplete the entire fund. If a dealer’s financial condition can’t show a ratio of 1.2 to 1 of assets over liabilities, there are two alternative plans for con tributions to the fund. If the dealer has bonding equal to 75 percent of the highest amount Here's What You Get For Less Than 15* A Week! /*• i 1 i JSfgsra ;£xs: ■ssjJ*'*- *■'“■* "S LATEST INFORMATION from livestock markets and auctions of the East and Mid-West, including futures. OUR MARKET REPORTS are received by phone up to 10 AM on Friday morning...just 2 hours before press time! Our total farm coverage also gives you NEWS (including Dairy & DHIA Reports)... FEATURES...BEST BUYS ON PRODUCTS & EQUIPMENT.FREE MAILBOX MARKET...and much, much more! lister owed to producers during any pay period of the previous year, no additional payment into the fund is needed. But if the dealer has bonding between a minimum 30 percent level and the 75 percent level, a payment of two cents per hun dredweight would be paid and credited to his individual security account. Both of these pieces of major legislation are expected to receive the prompt attention of legislators. Several other pieces of legislation are also of interest to the ag community. Two bills limiting foreign in vestment in Pennsylvania agriculture have been introduced by Rep. Carville Foster, of York. These would reduce foreign acquisition of farmland from the present 100-acre limit to 10 acres and exclude foreign-owned cor porations from receiving Penn sylvania Industrial Development Authority funds. These restrictions on foreign investment have come out of concerns expressed by poultry producers, particularly in Adams County. These producers have pointed out that a lot of birds can be placed in confinement housing on a hundred acres. Their concerns pointed to both Japanese and West German interests in the poultry industry. A bill to provide $lOO,OOO foi crop damages has been introduced into the House Ag Committee by Rep. Eugene Smith, of Jefferson. The money is designed to go to farmers with crop insurance who suffer wildlife damage and have at least half of their land open to hunting. Senate Bill 63 which-has beefed up regulations controlling auc tioneers and auction houses is awaiting the Governor’s signature. you know t... 3§r-. At LANCASTER FARMING, we think we do a good job of keeping you in formed... and we have over 40,000 paid subscribers who think so too! P.O. Box 366, Lititz, PA 17543 F l ' '•>, r • Phone 8l*IT)IITCI 717-626-1164 or 394-3047 Northern Tier Co-op gives report TROY As predicted by of ficials of Northern Tier Farmers Union Milk Cooperative, the market administrator of Federal Order §2 has successfully released money in The Producer’s Set tlement Fund which was geared for dairy farmers who formerly shipped milk to Scheps Cheese Company of Lemon, Pennsylvania. Arden Tewksbury, Consulting Manager of Northern Tier, said the checks which amounted to ap proximately $3OO to the average shipper, were received by the former shippers of Scheps Cheese just prior to Christmas, 1983. While the monies received represent a small portion of the losses suffered by the dairymen, the avenue was opened and the first revenues imparted to the dairymen as a result of the bankruptcy. Tewksbury related that under normal conditions, fluid milk handlers pay the difference bet ween the fluid price and the blend price into the Producers Set tlement Fund; then the market administrator remits the money to the manufacturing handlers so those handlers may use the money to pay the producers the blend price. According to Mr. Tewksbury, when a bankruptcy occurs, the usual procedure is for the market administrator to retain the money in a special account and forward the funds to producers after an audit and other courses of action No progress is reported on the “bottle bill” to require a man datory fice-cent refund charge on bottles and cans. And the Administration’s efforts to sell the State Store liquor retailing system to private en terprise is expected to be opposed by a number of farm groups. have been taken. William Sturges, president of Northern Tier, who also serves as chairman of the ex-Scheps Ship pers Committee commented the following; many times Federal Milk Market Orders are critized and even condemned by some dairymen, but here is one more instance which proves that dairymen benefit from the Federal Milk Market Orders. In August 1983, Northern Tier Cooperative, with the support of Pennsylvania Farmers Union and Pennsylvania State Grange, formed the ex-Scheps Shippers Committee. The Committee engaged Attorney Marian Fur man, from Harrisburg, to represent the producers in the bankruptcy process. Sturges said are the only real group that is representing the dairymen in these proceedings. Tewksbury feels there are still three more possibilities in which ex-Scheps Shippers may receive money toward their losses. 1. There appears to be ap proximately $200,000.00 in the Pennsylvania Security Fund which is geared for the ex-Scheps Shippers. However, a law suit filed by Eastern Milk Producers is preventing payment of this needed money to the ex-Scheps shippers. A hearing ont he law suit is not ex pected until early spring of 1984. 2. Attempts are being made to rppnvpr snmp of the milk losses as DON'T BE SLOW Call Now To Place Yoi)r CLASSIFIED AD Ph: 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164 a direct expense of hte bankruptcy. If this attempt is successful, it could generate $450,000.00 ad ditional funds for the ex-Scheps shippers. 3. A strong attempt will be made by the secured creditors during January to convert the Court Proceedings from Chapter 11 to Chapter 7. This could mean quick liquidation of the assets of Scheps Cheese, i.e, dairy farmers would receive no additional money. Both Sturges and Tewksbury agree that they are going to maintain a strong opposition to the conversion. Recent developments gave both farm leaders en couragement of a possible reorganization plan under Chapter 11 which would generate extra money for the ex-Scheps Shippers. Carl Kaufman, State Director of Pennsylvania Farmers Union, affirmed his Organization and the Pennsylvania State Grange are still 100% behind the efforts of the ex-Scheps Shippers Committee. Kaufman stated he knew this bankruptcy would be tough, but leaders of Northern Tier have worked diligently on all aspects of the former shippers to Scheps Cheese. Kaufman further praised the work being done by Attorney Marian Furman. He said, “It is rewarding to see an Attorney work so hard on behalf of* dairy far mers”. MEDICATE YOUR FARM ANIMALS ACCURATELY Simple valve adjustment permits wide range of proportional settings... SPECIAL - 3 GAL. 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