We're Getting Ready For Our OPEN February 16th And 17th f 1984 NH 69 Baler w/PTO NH 273 Baler w/SS. NH 269 Baler w/ Thrower... NH 272 Baler w / Engine NH 268 Baler w/SS w/ Thrower NH 55 Rake, New Teeth NH 256 Rake NH 256 Rake NH469Haybine. NH 479 Haybine. NH 1495 Haybine /Si-' SPECIAL - JUST ANNOUNCED NEW EQUIPMENT l2 Month Financing - 0% Interest * \ 24 Month Financing-6% Interest ?v\ "? 1 Y*7 ? A/W''Nf s J HOUSE RECONDITIONED & GUARANTEED Prices Reduced... Terms To Fit Your Pocketbook! Now •1750 •2795 Was $1950 $3795 *1950 $2250 •1500 $l7OO *1895 •950 *1295 •1495 $2195 $1395 *lB5O *1950 *lO5OO $2250 $2450 T "; , -15; NH 495 Haybine Nl 212 Spreader, Like New NH 519 Spreader, w/ End Gate NH 676 Spreader, w I End Gate NH 512 Spreader, (new apron).. NH 368 Tank Spreader $2900 NH 717 Windrow NH 880 N 2 Row Crop #7 Crop Carrier #7 Crop Carrier Now *3995 *1495 Was $4995 *2950 *2795 $2995 •1495 •1495 *895 •950 •2750 •2950 $3200 $3500 ~z> I* David L. Nolt, farm toy collector from Paradise, holds limited edition Silver Anniversary (1965) toy New Holland baler, along with copy of his book on “New Holland and New Idea Farm Toys and Collectibles." Farm toy book published PARADISE A new book on “New Holland and New Idea Farm Toys and Collectibles” has been released by David L. Nolt, farm toy collector, Paradise. The book describes and photographically illustrates the various toys and other collectibles marked by the two farm equip ment manufacturers. Additional collectibles, particularly from the New Holland line, include various belt buckles, pocket knives and dozens of different farmer and dealer giveaways. There are more than 70 photos in the book, along with a description Need... HAY - STRAW - EAR CORN PEANUT HULLS Buy Now and Save! More and more farmers are buying from us for better value and all around satisfaction. DELIVERED ANY QUANTITY Phone Area Code 717-687-7631 ESBENSHADE TURKEY FARM PARADISE. PA. ot each item that includes manufacturer, year of manufacture and additional in formation. A suggested price guide is given for the toys and buckles. Nolt, the book’s author, has been collecting New Holland and New Idea toys and collectibles for some five years. He started work on the book about a year ago. He recently returned from the National Farm Toy Collectors Convention in lowa, which was attended by more than 10,000 persons. The book, which sells for $8 postpaid, can be ordered from Collector Books, P.O. Box 422, New Holland, Pa. 17557. LOW . CLASSIFIED RATES WITH EXCELLENT RESULTS! SOMETHING TO CROW A80UT....
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers