• Feeding Savings • Program Each Cow to receive the more dollars over feed cost amounts of feed as compared to • Improve Herd Health production • Simple Installation • Easy To Operate Efficient feeding = Higher PROFITS Group feeding is costly and inefficient. To maximize your profits, you've got to supply each cow with the exact amount of feed she needs to maintain her milk production level. The computerized Selective Feeder Executive 8085 System lets you do just that. It’s so effective, most dairymen find the system pays for itself in reduced feed bills and increased pro duction in less than a year! It’s simple You determine a daily feeding allowance for each cow by programming the computer to dispense a certain amount of feed during each 6,8 or 12 hour cycle. You choose a unique ration for each animal by mixing sup plement and base rations with the computer. • Each cow wears an inexpensive, reliable identification tag. • Cows can feed at any feeding station. • Feeding auger automatically stops when cow steps away. • Each cow receives only the amount of feed you have programmed for it. Money-saving management tool You can get a printout from the Executive 8085 at any time. Each print out gives you the valuable feed management information • Amount of feed programmed for each cow • Amount of feed dispensed to each cow, this cycle ' • Amount of feed dispensed to each cow, this month • Summary of previous cycle. You can quickly spot problem cows by asking the computer to print out all cows not eating 75$> of their pro grammed ration. Total herd management system For a total dairy management system, connect your Selective Feeder System with our Zenith Farm Management System. Readouts are available in your office on the Zenith computer. Optional software programs allow you to integrate health, breeding, production and feeding management programs in one computer system. For more information write for free product literature. DvnFD Supply 539 Slops'? Rd l\ I ULr\ WV I I 1 Chambersburg, PA 17201-0219 ■ —CO. PH 717-263 9111 @ Fee de r jjft>er Fjntrtrig, Saturday, January 21, IsS*-A35 " Pa. Secretary of Agriculture Penrose Hallowed, left, presents the agribusiness cooperative award to Howard Featherman, manager of the Pa. Cooperative Potato Growers Inc. Potato cooperative wins agribusiness FARM SHOW - The Penn sylvania Cooperative Potato Growers, Inc. has received the 1984 Pennsylvania Agribusiness Achievement Award during ceremonies Jan. 9 at the Penn sylvania Farm Show. The award was presented as part of Secretary of Agriculture Night’s activities, by State Agriculture Secretary Penrose Hallowed. Hallowell said, “The Penn sylvania Cooperative Potato Growers have been extremely active in efforts to promote and sell Pennsylvania products, and in their first two seasons using the ‘Pride of Pennsylvania’ bag, sold more than 1.6 million bags to growers throughout the state. In 1982, the Cooperative added the ‘We’re Growing Better’ logo to three other brands Blue Gem, Pennsylvania Best and Gold Banner. Nearly three million of thesee bags have been ordered across the state. “The Cooperative joined the logo program in its first year, 1980, and designed their packages around the ‘We’re Growing Better’ logo. They reserved its use for growers producing top quality potatoes.” Hallowell noted that judges for this year’s contest had a difficult decision and commended the other five nominees for the prestigious award. “We could easily have had six winners this year, with the excellent jobs done by all the nominees in promotion and marketing of Pennsylvania food products,” he said. The other nominees were Gib bles of Chambersburg, Jaindl’s Turkey Farm of Orefield, Phillips THE CLASSIFIED LIVESTOCK SECTION HAS BEASTLY SELECTIONS! award Lancaster Swiss Cheese of Gor donville, Riverside Markets of Dußois, and Spring Glen Farm of Ephrata. “It is fitting to recognize our state’s agribusiness during Farm Show Week,” Hallowell said, “for the contributions to ariculture and our economy. Mroe than 30,000 food retailers and processors regulated by the state employ some 200,000 workers and generate $25 billion in sales each year.” The award is based on five criteria including quality of product, participation in the agricultural logo promotion programs, use of Pennsylvania raw products, the firm’s overall efforts to promote Pennsylvania foods and its marketing area. The Pennsylvania Cooperative Potato Growers market ap proximately 60 percent of their potatoes for fresh market and 40 percent for the potato chipping industry They have exhibited in the Pennsylvania Food Market place at the Farm Show since its origin and have promoted potato products at food shows across the state. The cooperative recently hired a promotional representative to increase sales to supermarkets and processors. Judges for this year’s Agribusiness Award were John Kimbark, managing editor for the Pennsylvania Farmer magazine; Sheila Miller, research analyst, Pennsylvania State Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee; and Rocco Pugliese, executive director of the Penn sylvania Food Processors Association. I'M NOT L10N...
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