champ pays strict attention to details Over the years Don and Sherry have worked out a division of labor between them that follows their own areas of special interest. Don enjoys working with field crops and machinery, and so con centrates his time and efforts along those lines. Conversely, Sherry prefers assuming the responsibility for herd management, and oversees the feeding and breeding programs. Even their children, Kent, 13, and Kristen, 10, have specific duties Kent and Kristen’s charge is raising the ealves. v A certain synergism arises out of Sherry Hotter mixes the concentrate tor each cow in dividually trom this custom designed teed cart. The four small containers on the side of the cart contain vitamins and minerals, which are added to the rations of high producers. LIFY FOR FREE it JACKET* -BUILDER MUST... Sutler Building Tape A Butler Building ifide Building Agri-Builder about the Special ■) }M BUTLER illation. Roll or Board ilder For All Your Insulation Needs STATE MARINE DIST. INC. Route 256 leatf. MO 20751 H: 301-867-1447 I.W. HOOK 0. 02. Box 163 Bottom, PA 17563 : 717-548-2615 ‘Cake Baker * KELLER BUILDING SYSTEMS INC. R.D. #1 Box 203 Lewisburg, PA 17837 PH; 717-524-0568 TRI-COUNTY AGRI-SYSTEMS R.D.ffl, Box 55 Swedesboro, NJ 08085 PH: 609-467-3174 this specialization, making the overall farming operation stronger and more efficient. Pride and sense of ac complishment spurs each family member to be aggressive and innovative in order to achieve better results from their work. Still this family of strong faith does not claim to be totally responsible for the outcome of their endeavors “We started with nothing,” said Hoffer, "and we have never had a crop failure. God gives the in crease.” Even in this year of drought Hoffer reaped a bountiful crop. GRAIN raflfNl© -r DRYER j 4 "butler^ * " I SPECIAL WINTER WAREHOUSE PRICES from BUTLER - The til Bin Company CONSTRUCTION CO Hoffer's prize winning field yielded a total of 9.2 tons of hay equivalent per acre, with 3328 pounds per acre of crude protein and more than 9500 pounds of total digestible nutrients The stand of Dekalb 130 alfalfa was established in 1982 on Hagerstown-Duffield soil He took off four cuttings, the first on June 1 for haylage and the remainder on July 7, Aug. 15 and Sept. 29 for hay He attributed much of his win ning yield to fertiliztion with large amounts of manure particularly during the corn phase of the crop rotation n ,*! i fu' ns a rotation schedule of small grains, followed by soybeans, followed by corn, then after manuring all winter he plants alfalfa in the spring. With a disk, he incorporates a starter fertilizer, insecticide, and a her bicide Then he seeds 22 pounds of alfalfa seed per acre with a Bnlhon seeder ‘As a general rule," said Hoffer, ‘we try to put the first and fourth cuttings from our 50 acres of alfalfa in the silo. The second and third cuttings are harvested for hay ” “If there is one thing Don can’t stand, it's weeds in his alfalfa,” Sherry offered For this reason Hoffer spray his alfalfa stands with Princep, a herbicide, late in the fall when the alfalfa is dormant Hoffer claims this prevents weeds that would normally be in the first cutting from growing Hoffer soil tests his alfalfa fields after the third cutting has been harvested He applies fertilizer according to the soil analysis after GRAINS BINS, GRAIN LEGS, KAN SUN QUILL P.O. 80x6269 Harrisburg, PA 17112 PH: 717-545-7527 RIGGS ENTERPRISES Box 98 Boswell, PA 15531 PH: 814-629-5621 (Turn to Page A 22) BINTRIM BUILDERS 204 Hoover Road New Castle, PA 16101 PH; 412-924-2698 MATTSON ENTERPRISES 1605 Mt. Holly Road Burlington, NJ 08016 PH; 609-386-1603 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Oacambar 31,1983—A19 Feeding haylage From a motorized cart, Hotter feeds out his high quality haylage to anxiously awaiting cows. DRYERS Price Includes Delivery And Start Up I BUTLER Mffi. CO. ■ Attn. P.E. Hess BUTLER^ . PO. Box 337, Oxford, PA 19363 * I'm interested in more information on Butler products. ® □ Buildings □ Bins □ Dryers □ Bulk-O-Matics | Name _ | Address | County I City ® Phone BUTLER 8-17-15 KAN-SUN CONTINUOUS FLOW DRYER OFF-SEASON PRICES NOW IN EFFECT (Include area code) State
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