All—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Bwembtr 31,1983 BY TRISH WILLIAMS ANNVILLE Lebanon County dairyman Donald Hoffer can be characterized by such words as, easygoing, jovial and conciliatory, that is unless one is talking about his attitude toward growing alfalfa, then words like un compromising, persistent and stickler would be more ap propriate. Hoffer’s strict attention to details when it comes to growing alfalfa not only produced an Sher-Oon Farm near Annville, home of Don, Sherry, Kent and Kristen Hotter "utlerVifg.To!" ■■■■■■■■■^ Attn. P.E Hess P O Box 337, Oxford, PA 19363 Dealer Inquiries Available In Pennsylvania Counties - Berks, Schuylkill Armstrong, Indiana Erie Crawford, Warren Elk Cameron McKean Clinton, Lycoming, Sullivan, Wyoming. Luzerne Columbia Bradford Susquehanna, Adams, Cumberland York Mew Jersey Counties - Sussex, Morris. Passaic. Atlantic, Cape May Monmouth Middlesex Somerset Maryland Counties ■ Talbot, Dorchester New York Counties - Orleans, Genesse, Monroe Livingston, Allegany, Steuben Yates Seneca. Cayuga. Tempkms, Schuyler, Tioga, Chemung, Broome Chenango, Madison Lewis Oneida Herkimer Fulton, Montgomery Otsego, Delaware Schohaire, Sullivan, Orange Ulster. Greene Chautauqua, Cattaraugus No Dealers Fees. Name Address County Phone Pennsylvania’s newly-crowned alfalf abundunt crop for him ihis year, it also yielded him the title of Grand Champion Alfalfa Grower for Pennsylvania. Hoffer was crowned the Grand Champion Alfalfa Grower November 19th at the Forage and Seed Conference held at Penn State. But it was year-round efforts by the husband-wife team of Don and Sherry Hoffer that made the winning possible. Sher-Don Farms immediately strikes one with a definite sense of Sher-Don Farms FREE CAP AND JACKET * * Participating Agri-Builders Only BUTLER State order Things are clean and neat, nothing seems to be out of place One could spend all day just trying to find something askew, a baler twine tossed casually about, a misplaced tool. Even the farm dog, Taffey, seems to know just where to sit to lend living credence to the old adage “a place for everything, and everything in its place.” It was just over 17 years ago when the Hoffers began dairying on a rented farm. Ixwking back they recall, it was a time that was Bethlehem _ NAZARETH BUILDING SYSTEMS. INC. P.O. Box 47 Nazareth, PA 18064 PH: 215-759-1331 D. E. SMITH, INC. Mifflintown. PA 17059 PH. 717-436-2151 lN<|| 1' (I 20 TEAR WARRANTY W.R. MOODY, CONTRACTOR 113 Walnut Lane West Newton, PA 15089 PH; 412-872-6804 GOMPF CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. 1841 Jerry's Road Street, MD21154 PH: 301-692-5350 difficult for dairymen, too. The received little positive en couragement for getting started, Champion Alfalfa Grower Honored as the 1983 Champion Alfalfa Grower, Donald Hoffer stands amidst the 6000 bales of alfalfa hay he put up this summer. particularly from farm lenders. Their determination then and now attributes to their success. TO QUALIF\ CAP & J/ YOUR AGRI-BU Show You A Butl Take You On A B Tour Make A Bonafid Proposal (Be sure to ask your Agri-I Discount From Butler) NEW FROlvj Full Line Of Insulat See Your Butler Agri-Builder F 0. A. NEWTON & SON CO. Bridgeville, DE 19933 PH: 302-337-8211 FOUR COUNTIES CONTRACTOR R. 0., Box 249 Coalport, PA 16627 PH: 814-672-5751 I TRI-STATE DIST. I Route Deatl, MD PH: 301-8< M.W. HC CONSTRU R.D. #2, Be Peach Bottom, PH: 717-541
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