A 20—Lancaster Fanrtng, Saturday, December 31,1983 ’ NEWARK, Del. University of Delaware extension agronomist William H. Mitchell received the coveted Distinguished Service Award from fellow workers during the Delaware Cooperative Ex tension Service’s annual con ference in Rehoboth Beach earlier this month. Also honored were New Castle County extension home economist Deborah Amsden (outstanding new agent); urban 4-H agent Mark Manno (outstanding program accomplishment); and photographer Duane Perry (outstanding extension staff). Mitchell, who retires today after more than 35 years of service, has been associated with many ex tension programs for farmers, including the Greener Pastures forage program in the 1950 s and, more recently, the First State Irrigation Project. He also has been a leading advocate of no-till crop production practices and Maple meeting on Jan. 23 HONESDALE The annual maple meeting sponsored by the Northeast Maple Producers will be held Jan. 23 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Pleasant Valley Grange. Program content will include a slide presentation on recent maple visits to Lake Placid, N.Y.; Burlington, Vt. and Small Brothers Factory, Quebec, by James Finley, Penn State Extension Forest Resource Specialist. A short movie on maple syrup making in Minnesota and a short presentation on improvement and quality of syrup through use of the hydrometer and grading will also be demonstrated. A delicious lunch of pancakes, home fries, sausage, eggs, and pure maple syrup will be served by the Pleasant Valley Grange ladies. Advanced registration required by no later than Friday, Jan. 20. Price remains at $3.75 per person. Tickets are available at the Wayne County Extension Office at 717-253- 5970 ext. 114. The Northeast Maple Producers now have their prices prepared for the 1984 sugar bush season. Bacon, Kress, and the State cans are available at discounts for association members. Address labels and grade labels can also be obtained through the association. Orders must be placed by no later than Jan. 23, 1984. For more in formation, contact the Wayne County Extension Office, Cour thouse, Honesdale. Del. honors Extension personnel helped provide the data on which the state’s present guidelines for growing no-till com are based. Since she joined the University of Delaware Extension Service in 1981, Amsden has organized and presented consumer programs on many topics, ranging from microwave cookery to tailoring. In cooperation with a local clergyman she also established support groups for families caring for aging parents. Manno was recognized for his innovative efforts to bring 4-H to urban New Castle County youth through such events as a summer day camp at the University’s College of Agricultural Sciences involving mini-courses taught by faculty and staff on such subjects as insect collecting, egine repair, photography and sheep shearing. He also is responsible for establishing a 4-H club at Ferris School for Boys. Perry, who works in the agricultural editor’s office at the university, provides photographic services to extension professionals throughout the state. E.M. HERR Your Low Price Farm & Home Store Ar~^ T m. I ** p v New FROSTEXII $1 OB $ 1.19/Ft ■ • 5O FT. OR MORE HEAT LAMPS $ 1.39.a. /7\ Clear 2504125 Watt // \ Case Price (12/cs) Red 250 Watt ( / \ \ HEAT LAMP HP REFLECTOR \\l J J • 10'12" lamp reflector with r N S porcelain socket *3.99 1550 Gal. Polyethylene Tank 10% down holds it till next Spring. |55).00 *499.95 Also Available: Pick Up Tanks -425 Gal. icar^ •MMII V Honored for their Delaware Extension achievements fellow professionals were, from left, photographer Duane Perry (Outstanding Staff Award), agronomist William Mitchell (Distinguished Service Award), 4-H urban leader Mark Manno (Outstanding Program Award), and county extension agent Deborah Amsden (Outstanding New Agent Award). Heating Cable Hi-Pressure - Washers 500,1000,1300 PSI Washers For RENT or SALE 500-600 PSI 6000** Re( $369 95 XTT 1000 PSI Ret $429 95 JOT mmmm Wr j-furr 1 ! a ■ BAHStT %Fmin»K •FliV«I Ali 5329.95 SALE *229.95 K.E.W. Hi-Pressure Washers HOT OR COLD WATER WATER PSI Cold 1740 Cold 2200 Hot 1300 Hot 2200 safer won't overheat even when overlapped use on any pipe even plastic more reliable new design for long life regulates its own heat output without a thermostat cut it to any length "2 FER SALE" SAVE OVER 60%! 14 16” .. 18” .. 20" .. 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