ClO—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 18,1981 The new dairy princess for Snyder, Union Alternate Dairy Princess, Jan Klinger and and Northumberland counties is Beverly back, Keith Martin of WGAL-TV, master of Thomas of Mifflinburg, right. Last year’s ceremonies, princess is Jayne Gahres, center. On the left is ... Kf (X • DAIRY • BEEF • POULTRY • SWINE • HORSE BARNS • MACHINERY SHEDS M M DISTRIBUTOR FOR CABLEVEY FEED SYSTEMS & SCHULD BINS Pk, P - yu ig ■ 1 -4-\\ tf^4&' ;: ’ .- / h ws#*- -i ' % Fiberdome Storage Bin Fiberdome Forage Fiberdome Feed Cart Funnel MADE TO LAST WITH FIBERGLASS - from FIBERDOME Fiberglass is practically dent proof Stands up to long periods of hard use • Contents stay fresh because fiberglass absorbs little or no heat • Because there is very little condensation on the inside moisture cannot alter the contents of material being stored • Fiberglass is rust resistant Acids and salts can t hurt it PHILLIPS FEED SERVICE INC. THOMAS DUNLAP MONT-BUCKS FARM Germansvilie, PA Rt 220. Jersey Shore. PA BUREAU CO-OP ASSN. 215-767-3819 717-398-1391 . Souderton, PA Bath . p A 215-723-4355 215 837-6061 nc „ Dir , r „„ G ffS!a w wnpl° TERRE HILL SILO CO., INC. DEVRIEZEFARM NtrMn WORK Terre Hill PA - EQUIPMEHT 6,36 SO “ CH ! iC * CER I[ LO Milanville PA 717-933-4616 Chambersburg, PA 717-729 7988 717-264-9588 Sun area crowns LEWISBURG - Beverly Ann Thomas recently was crowned 1981 dairy princess for Snyder, Union and Northumberland coun ties. Beverly is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J Thomas ofMiffhnburg Jan Klingler, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Larry Klingler ot Sel msgrove, was selected as al ternate. Kathy Reich, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Ronald Reich of Winfield, was named Miss Con geniality. uality Building Systems Merv Miller-Bu LITITZ, PENNSYLVANIA 17543 TELEPHONE (717) 626-5204 Economical to Use • Simple to Install • Easy to Operate • Eliminates Dirty Chutes • Directs Flow of Feed • Saves Wear on Silo Chutes • Adapts to Any Make Silo P. O. Box 11 Lake Mills, Wl 53551 For more information contact your nearest dealer dairy princess 7 KEENER ROAD o The only all fiberglass feed cart • Buff exterior white gell coat interior • 14 bushel capacity (4 93 Hectoliter) • Immune to silage acids does not rust • Easy to load unload and sanitize • Tricycle gear with one swiveling caster • Length 68'/;' Width 3VA Hopper 23 Vt Diameters ’• ...madtibVast Special guests for the crowning were Robert Pardoe, president of the SUN area dairy princess com mittee: Keith Martin, news anchorman for Channel 8 and master of ceremonies; and Jayne Gahres, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gahres of Dalmatia. The new princess will be a senior at Mifflmburg High School this fall. Her course of study has been business education and upon at tending college, she plans to become a legal secretary. Fiberdome Calfhutch Insulation value provides warmth in winter while remaintnf cool in summer • Hutches may be nested for compact storage • Hutches are easily moved by use of firmly imbedded 1 bolts • Studies show respirator problems disease and calf mortality are reduced when hutches are properly used depth FARM BUREAU Mifflinburg, PA 717-966-1047 NORTHERN STAR SILO . Watsontown, PA 717-649-5151
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