Ladies Have You Heard? By Doris Thomas Lancaster Extension Home Economist ',,tv-- rs HOW TO CHOOSE ACANTALOUPE Summer provides delicious fresh The scar on the stem end of the fruits and vegetables tor good cataloupe should be slightly eating. Cool cantaloupe is a perfect sunken and calloused. This m appetizer or dessert that is both dicates maturity. If part of the vine delicious and nutritious. But how is still attached to the melon it was do you choose a good, sweet not ready for picking, cantaloupe? I would like to suggest Look for well defined, raised that you allow your eyes and nose netting. This is another indication TIN COOKIE CUTTERS This 6-piece set includes angel, O ,—, butterfly, antique car, ice j /C—yJ* cream cone, rocking horse & JA. Xmas tree. All / / approx. 3" high x VVi<J> 1” deep 6 pc. set s2.9s plus $2 postg. & hndlg. Catalog (Over 200 designs) $1 or FREE w/order. H.O. FOOSE TINSMITHING P.O Box 37, Fleetwood, PA 19522 Pa res. add 6% tax WINTER Is Just Around The Corner! BE PREPARED 10% OFF on All Stoves Now through August plus... 10% OFF Last Years Prices on Stove Pipes & Accessories - RTF] ■ 3 i'- ! 7150-C Coal & Wood Heater 71508 underwriters Coal & Wood Heater Laboratory Listed • Immediate Delivery, Installation, Service • Warm Morning Coal heaters FISHER'S FURNITURE Route 896 - 6 Ml. SOUTH OF STRASBURfi Mon., lues., Wed. & Sat 8-5 IN VILLAGE OF GEORGETOWN Thurs &Fn 8-9 BOX 57, DART, PA guide you when choosing can taloupe. SPECIAL SALE ON SOFA BEDS Large Selection Of New And Used Furniture: New Spring Air Bedding Including The Famous Back Supporter. Some Mismatched Sets At Bargain Prices. Catnapper Recliners, Lane Cedar Chest, Variety Of Quality Bedroom, Dining Room, Living Room Suites. New Sofa Beds, Some Slightly Irregular At Discount Prices. Desks, Rockers, Gun Cabinets. Good Used Beds, Box Springs And Mattresses, Coal, Oil, Gas, And Wood Heaters, Good Used Metal & Wood Office Desks, Chairs, File Cabinets, Some Antiques, Etc. t xy >y*«< ,• $ 59.95 (2) 6" dia x 5/8" wheels. 1/2 hp bb 115 vac motor. { jr OSHA shields, push button on/oft switch. ~ We pay shipping & Costs * Send check or we can vHBI shipUPS-COD. 39 lbs WILKE MACHINERY CO. 1519 Ml. Rose. Dep. LF, York. Pa. 17403 [wmc] Telephone 717-843-4924 (WMC) All MODELS IN STOCK AFI-36 Fireplace Insert the melon was mature when picked. Rind that is grayish to light yellow in color also indicates ripeness. The aroma of ready-to-eat cantaloupe is fragrant, fruity and sweet when the melon is at room temperature. Fragrance is harder to determine if the melons are retngerated. Lift a tew melons and choose one heavy for its size as it will be sweeter and juicier than a light one. You can choose a good quality, firm, mature cantaloupe and allow it to ripen at home at room tem perature. FOOD TRENDS IN THE UNITED STATES Have you ever wondered how your eating patterns and food buying habits compared with other American consumers 7 Comparing data from surveys by government agencies, market research organizations, and mdependent companies in the food industry, WOOD & COAL HEATERS 25-HFR Wood Heater Ashley Columbian C-60D Wood Heater many interesting facts about the changing patterns in the American way of eating were revealed. These surveys suggest that, when it comes to food today’s consumers are better educated, more demanding, and put a greater emphasis on quality. Their major food concerns include cost, nutrition and lifestyle. To cut food costs, shoppers are choosing an alternatives to ex pensive beef cuts as poultry, hamburger, fish, pork, cheese and non-meat products. Redeeming coupons, shopping for sales, less impulse buying, less leftovers and more home gardening and canning are other methods people are using to cope with rising prices. Although price is the major con sideration when buying food, nutrition is also a concern. Nutrition labeling, food additives Charoiais Juniors elect officers HOUSTON, 'Tx. - David Odden, 20, of Rochester, Mn. has been elected president of the American- International Junior Charoiais Association for 1981-82. Odden was elected at the A.I.J.C.A.’s National Junior Leadership Conference held in San Luis Obispo, Ca. on June 22-26. Other officers elected were Brant Laue of Hanover, Kn., vice president; Lois Smith of Allendale, 11., secretary; and Mark Smith, also of Allendale, treasurer. Odden was bom in Lake Preston, S.D., the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mayland Odden, who still hve in Lake Preston. He graduated from Lake Preston Public High School in May, 1980. While in high school, he lettered in football and track and was the district wrestling champion one year. He served as class secretary-treasurer and was Broiler placements up HARRISBURG - Placements of Placements in the 21 key poultry broiler chicks in the Com- P roducol g states were 83,535,000, monwealth during the week ending on a P 3l " previous week but July 4 totaled 2,330,000, according four Percent above the same week to the Pennsylvania Crop m 1880. Average placements Reporting Service. during the past nine weeks were The placements were three four percent above a year ago. percent above the previous week and five percent above the same Broiler-fryers slaughtered in week a year ago. Average Pennsylvania under federal m placements during the past nine spection during the week ending weeks were one percent above a *l une 24 totaled 2,143,000, with an year ago. average lightweight of 4.02 pounds. 929 Lititz Pike, Rt. 501, Lititz, PA. Near Stauffers of Kissel Hill Phone 627-8787 fv Summer ’ ffl \ To Make Room For Fall & Winter Merchandise, ’ ' Savings Will Continue to July 31. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July It, 1981—C9 and weight control are important issues. One survey revealed that there has been a 33% increase in the number of people on a weight watching or reducing diet. Major trends in American households are two-income families, more single person households, and more women in the workforce. As a result, demand for convemence products, labor saving equipment, and smaller portion packaging is growing. At the same tune, the previous trend toward more eating away from home is declining, duetto rising fuel prices and general inflation. All of this data suggests that we are m an era of transition as people coiltinue to cope with changing economic, demographic and social patterns. Consumers are more informed and are actively seeking solutions to important problems and issues. on the student council. He was also named to “Who’s Who Among High School Students’’ in 1979 and "Who’s Who in Music” in 1980. He worked as paste-up manager, feature writer, and straight news reporter for his high school newspaper, and won first place m paste-up competition at the state level. Odden has served as an A.I.J.C.A. director-at-large for two years and as its vice,president in 1980-81. He has served in every office in his 4-H Club, was a Future Farmers of America “Chapter Farmer”, and showed numerous champion Charolais. He is presently working as a surgical orderly m Rochester and is planning to attend South Dakota State University m the fall to major in journalism. v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers