CS—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, July 18,1981 State ranks second in production Ice cream lovers love Pennsylvania ice cream HARRISBURG - Pennsylvania manufacturers produced 79.9 million gallons of ice cream last year, up eight percent from 1979. The state ranked second nationally in production of this popular dessert, according to the Penn sylvania Crop Reporting Service. Milk sherbet production, at 3.b million gallons, was up 28 percent from the previous year and also placed Pennsylvania second in the nation. Ice milk produced in the state last year totaled 15.2 million gallons, down two percent from 1979. Dairy product plants m the Commonwealth produced 59.2 million pounds of butter during 1980, up 21 percent from the year before. Creamed cottage cheese production at 45.4 million pounds was down two percent from the previous year while lowfat cottage cheese production at 16 9 million pounds was down less than one percent from 1979. Pennsylvania's total production of cheese in 1980, excluding cottage cheese, totaled 101.3 million pounds, up eight percent from the year before. Mozzarella produc tion was down two percent at 24.9 million pounds, while other types of Italian cheeses totaled 16.6 million pounds, up 16 percent from 1979. Seven million pounds of Swiss cheese were produced, down 21 percent from the previous year Whole unsweetened condensed milk production in Pennsylvania totaled 43.2 million pounds in 1980, up two percent from the previous year. Production of skim un sweetened condensed milk totaled 57.7 million pounds, also up two percent, while production of nonfat dry milk at 48.3 million pounds was up 131 percent. During 1980, a total ot 3.71 billion pounds ot whole milk was used in manufactured dairy products in Pennsylvania with 34 percent ot this total used tor butter, 20 per cent for cheese, 32 percent tor frozen products and 14 percent tor other mik products. Picnic set HARRISBURG - The Dauphin County Farmer’s Association’s Annual Family Picnic will be held on July 25, 1981 at the Halifax Community Park, in Halifax During the picnic, the Association will hold a meeting and discuss a number of proposed changes in the bylaws of the organization These Changes in clude a membership dues increase and the distribution of funds The picnic will include a number of games for the children to enjoy Participants are asked to bring a covered dish and eating utensils, chicken and a beverage will be provided Reservations for the picnic may be placed with anv of the following people Walter Smeltz, 717-365- 3122. Dave Rode. 717-896-8766, Mike Hubler, 717-469-0094 Saturday, July 18 Lancaster Society 18 to hold a picnic with husbands Lancaster Society 33 meets at the Landisville Campgrounds for a picnic Lancaster Society 12 meets for a lawn party at the home of Marian Ghck Sunday, July 19 Lancaster Societ, .. meets for a family picnic at Sunny Craft Farm near Ephrata Monday, July 20 Lancaster Society 31 meets for a program ot Show and Tell by hostess Dons Aliment Tuesday, July 21 Berks Society 6 meets tor cratts at the home ot Fan Hartz
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