TRUCKS h TRAILERS 14’ flatbed dump frame C5O Chev truck, 366 V 8 eng, 4 & 2 speed, long wheel base, like new FBOO Ford truck, 5 & 2 speed, air brakes with 9’ dump body, very good 717-386-5438 before 7 AM or after BPM For Sale - 1971 1890 Int 345 V-8, 5 & 2 speed, 10 00 x 20 tires, rebuilt engine, will take a 16' body, will sell with or without body 1971 Int tractor, 5 & 2 speed, 10 00 x 20 tires, air brakes 301 877-9889 1978 Diplomat ♦ door Mdl $4095 (1) 1980 Chrysler Cordobi 1980 D5O pickup - Special 1972 Duster, 6 cyl., real nice 1979 2 door Omni 024 hatchback, real nice 1978 Diplomat 4 door, one owner, brown, 318 auto. Special On Pickups In Stock PETTICOFFER DODGE, INC. Route 230 East Next to Shopping Center ' Elizabethtown. PA PHONE 717-367-1808 For Sale -1971 Ford LBOO truck tractor, single axle, with wet line, 361 HD gas engine, recently overhauled with 5-2 trans $3BOO, Dauphin Co 717-896-8314 Dodge truck, 23,000 GVW, 2 speed axle, 14’ bed with side boards, 50,000 actual miles, excellent condition, 219 Bridge St, New Cum berland, 717-774-7233 For Sale - 1968 CMC diesel, moist lime spreader truck, 33,000 lb license, 5x2 trans , PS, air brakes, good condition, 717-733 8528 For Sale - 1968 Diamond Reo tandem, cummins 250, 15’ steel dump, 814- 237 5080 Army truck, 2Vi ton, diesel, all wheel drive, tandem axles with 5 speed trans, high & low range, front mounted t winch, 900 x 20 tires, low mileage, very good condition $;'POO , firm. - 609-769-318? For Sale -1969 Ford boom truck, Dico Side-o-matic 10.00 20 rubber. 40,000 gross weight, $4500. Wanted - Scrap metal (any typ*). 1934 International truck, running condition, dual wheels, body needs work, $375. Ph 215-445 6032 after 5 30 For Sale - 1966 Ford 350 9 foot stake body with hoist. Has gram sides with top cattle racks, good condition, $lOOO Lycoming Co 717-584- 2720 For Sale - Ford truck engine, newly rebuilt, 3 core radiator, and rear ax le for Ford truck 717-587-4839 after 7 p m m 1978 Gooseneck horse or Wt stock trailer, exc. con w dition 717-266-1492. York Co. 1971 2050 IH diesel twin screw, cab and chassis, 184" wheel base, 5-F4 transmission, $BOOO or best offer, 1966 U-600 Mack diesel, twin screw tractor, 10 speed trans, wet line 44,000 rears, 16,000 fronts, new paint, $6OOO or best offer, After 7 pm. 717-532-7002 For Sale - Super cab Ford % ton 1977 pickup, 16 MPG, one owner, equipped with electric brakes & fifth wheel trailer hookup 717-299- 2688 Energy Hyd. truck hoist Sales & Service An derson’s Repair Shop, Rd 1. Felton, PA 717-244- 2039 1970 Diamond Reo truck, 26,000 GVW, good condition, $3500 717- 625-8487 • 1959 Int 1900 tn-axle ip dump truck, all good tires, 20' aluminum ted, new 549 gas motor, exc cond , *13,500 215-869-9265 after 5 P M or 869-2952 anytime 80 Chevy Luv, 4 cyl, 4 speed, 14,000 mile, $4950 79 Chevy Big 10 x HD Vi ton pickup, 350 auto, PB. PS, 22,000 miles, $4250 79 Dodge 3 /< ton pickup, 360, 4 speed, PS, PB, 21,000 miles, $4150 79 Dodge 150 HD Vi ton pickup, 318, 3 speed, AM-FM, 2 tone, 37,000 miles, $3850 78 Dodge 150 HD Vi ton pickup, 318, 3 speed, PS, PB, 23,000 miles, $3550 Will'trade 717-859 3291 or 717-733-4884 ~ full power, special i, 6 cyl. fully equipped ALL PRICES REDUCED! LANCASTER , 1710 Rohrerstown Rd. ■nnSL 717-569-2648 THUOHU O o o 1116 Roosevelt Av. 717-848-6400 USED TRUCKS EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN AND WELL MAINTAINED 1976 A 1977 CHEVROLET 12’ STEP VANS P3O Matched Fleet - 350 V 8 engine, 4 speed transmis sion, dual rear wheels, aluminum bodies, with or without new paint. 1974 CHEVROLET 14’ CAB & CHASSIS CE6S 366 V 8 engine, 5 speed transmission, power steer ing, AM radio. 9.00x20 tires new paint, recent overhaul. , 1975 FORD 16’ CAB & CHASSIS LN7OO 361V8 engine, auto, transmission, power steering, AM radio, 9:00x20 tires, 26,000 license 19751HC 7W DUMP BODY rsoo 345 V 8 engines, 4 speed trans., power steering, 8:25x20 tires, exceptionally clean, transmission overhauled. 1975 IHC 20’VAN W/LG 1750 175 Cat diesel, 5 speed transmission 2 speed rear ps, 9:00x20 tires, 26,000 licence, interior has pipe racks for garments. 1975 FORD 16’ CAB A CHASSIS LN7OOO 175 HP Cat. diesel engine, 5 speed transmission, 2 speed rear, PS, AM radio, dual 50 gal. tanks, and new paint. 1975 CHEVROLET 20’ A 22* VANS TE67 with or without lift gates, 366 V 8 engine, 5 speed or automatic transmission, power steering, radio, new paint USSD TRACTORS 1974 CHEVROLET TRACTOR H 19143 Single axle 671 Detroit 10 speed, power steering, new paint, A major overhaul 1974 CHEVROLET TRACTOR Titan 90 Tandem axle diesel sleeper, 318 Detroit engine, 13 speed transmission, power steering, air condition ing. 1976 PETERBILT TRACTOR 352586 350 Cummins, 13 speed trans. air conditioning, power steering, new paint A recent overhaul, tandem axle diesel sleeper. USED DODIES 14’ - 20’ ALUMINUM VAN BODIES 1974 A 1975 Morgan, pre-painted aluminum panels, overhead rear door, curb-side door, slatted interior, new paint, with or without lift gates. 14’ REFRIGERATED VAN BODY 1975 Ouralite aluminum smooth skin, extruded aluminum floor, new paint, XMT2OD thermokmg unit with electric standby. Complete maintenance records available for-inspection. Other makes, Models & types to choose from. TRUCKS b TRAILERS 1969 Chev C5O, 16’ stake, 6 cyl 4 speed, 38,000 ong miles very good condition, $l2OO Baltimore Co, MD 301- 833-9098 For Sale 1968 Chev C6O cab over dump truck, truck in good condition, body fair, $BOO or best of fer, good for farm truck 717-273 6309 after 6 p m TRUCKS&TRA,LERS . i GMC 6x6 truck, tandem axle, all wheel drive, 90% restored new, sell or trade for freight trailer, 301 774-6583 1975 GMC TE6500 Tilt Cab, 366 V 8 5 & 2 speed, 10 00x20 tires, 30,000 GVW w/22” wood and aluminum cattle body, very good condition 717- 437 2721 1966 Ford F6OO 58,000 original miles, 20' Grove Super 5 roll back body, good condition 301-829- 0271 AUTOMOBILES ANNUAL SPRING TRUCK SALE Stock No 7619 A Like brand new 1910 DODGE D-150 Unilme truck 6'/4' foot box 226 six cylinder 4 speed overdrive economy transmission red cloth interior red ( silver accented tape stnpe, rear chrome step bumper, full wheel covers 8300 miles Showroom condition Stock No 9242 Clean 1979 DODGE W-150 4x4 8’ bed 318 engine, automatic, power steering t brakes, red vinyl interior AM FM 8 track, rear step t tow bumper mud t snow tires 6050 GVW burns any type gas Stock NO. 9232 197* DODGE W-150 4x4 Club Cab for a family of more than 3 318 engine, automatic transmission power steering g brakes rear step bumper Brown Stock No 9230 For the economy minded four wheel drive lover 1979 DODGE W-150. 8' bed 225 six cylinder 4 speed transmission, power steering g brakes step bumper Low mileage excellent condition Stock No 0034 A This will knock your socks off - 1971 Imp MO. 8900 miles One owner White, blue interior, color keyed white cap, white sidewall mud t snow tires full wheel covers AM Radio, tinted glass, rear step t tow bumper, V 8 automatic power steering I brakes Just like brand new stock No 0037 -1979 DODGE R-3001 TON TRUCK. 360, 4 speed, power steer mg t brakes 13 000 miles Clearance and ID lights, rear step bumper, AM radio. 9000 GVW burns regular gas Plate in bed for fifth wheel The perfect towing vehicle Blue Stock No 30288 The camper’s delight 1975 DODGE W-200 CREW CAR 4 DOOR. 360, 4 speed, heavy duty suspen ston, power steering t brakes AM radio slide-in camper (sleeps 5) Red Burns any type gas Stock No 0165 A For the farmer who wants to haul hay 1977 DOME 0-500 Cab t Chassis 174" wheelbase 18,500 GVW 318 four speed single axle Power steering i brakes, perfect truck for heavy duty haul mg Gold Burns regular gas Stock No 7633 A 1910 DODGE D-200, I’ BED. 14,000 miles 8550 GVW heavy duty suspension, burns any type gas 350 automatic power steering tinted gfass air conditioning AM FM radio, cruise control rear step bumper For the Farmer who wants to go in style Red finish stock No 7640 A 19*0 DODGE D-150, S’ BED. 8600 miles 225 six cylinder 4 speed overdrive rear step bumper Best gas mileage truck in the industry Green <3ACE LOWRY detroit JERSEY SHORE. PA AAIMWOM Phone (717) 398-1590 fcWlimV ■ IWH TRUCKS £t TRAILERS J R Opp Co Custom Truck bodies Rl, Muncy, PAPh 717-546 3397 For Sale - 20’ aluminum cattle body 22’ wood cat tle body 20’ wood cattle body IV/i' Used wood Belleville body, excellent shape, 12' used aluminum dry freight van, excellent condition - like new M H Eby, Inc , Blue Ball, Pa 717-354-4971 AUTOMOBILES For Sale - 1974 Kawasaki 400 motorcycle, 3 cyl, exc condition 717-927- 6673 For Sale - 81 VW diesel pickup, LX, 4 speed, stereo, sliding rear window, western mirrors & tie down rails Al Huber, 717-354-8277 1967 Mercedes 230 S Rebuilt engine less than 200 miles Needs body work and tore converter. 814-364-1338 1976 Plymouth Fury station wagon, black, fair condition $495 717-786- 2839 1980 Scout. 4 WD, VB, 3 speed, block oul hubs, 16,000 miles excellent condition, 717 799-5348 79 Chevy Impala, 4 dr., 305 auto, PS, PB, air, radial tires, 31,000 miles, $4150 717-859-3291 *5380 *4BBO *2780 *4560 *3990 *4780 *3060 *1895 *6280 *4990 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981—839 1964 Int-H 16' flat bed dump, current PA in spection $3500 530 Case backhoe $5500 1966 White TA dump $B5OO 1971 Mack TA dump $16,850 1969 F-800 S-A dump $6150 125 C Int. -H 4-1 Rops. excellent loader $18,850 WHITEFORD CONSTRUCTION 301-452-5660 717-456-7497 after 6 TRUCKS b TRAILERS 75 Chevy (C-60) truck, 78 motor, aluminum 21' bed, 8’ cab rack and end lift gate $5900 Fruehauf 36' semi trailer, single axle, good condition $1295 Lebanon Co 717 273 6018 Need puppies, will pur chase m litter lots and pickup at your farm or kennel Also, interested in breeding 7 Call 609 779- 1660 Chesapeake Bay retriever puppies AKC champion sired, excellent for field or show, $2OO each 717-358-3129 ENGLISH SETTER PUPS, purebred, no papers From hunting stock Vaccinated, wormed, $4O 717-548-2255 J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers