B4o—Lancaster Farming, WANTED TO BUY Puppies, 6 to 9 weeks old, in litter lots Pure breeds and half breeds Cash money paid ' Will pickup every Wednesday For resale in my pet shop /rite to Charles Hackett 3743 N sth Street Philadelphia PA 19X40 or call between 12 noon & 6 p m Mon , Tues & Thurs only 215 229 0449 Give breed-age-color when writing Also some kind of direction Thank you HOUSEHOLD GOODS Used Roper electric continuous cleaning double oven, separate stainless steel 4 burner surface range and hood, $3OO 717-393-6711 or 717-285-3206 Two garment bags, one womens, $3, one mens $2 One broiler oven, con tinuous cleaning, $25 One 2 burner hot plate, $25 Call 717-626-1485 after 6 30 P M. For Sale - Queen size day or sleep sofa by Flexsteel 717-392-7540 Hot air/coal/wood furnace, Amos L Fisher, 3452 Harvest Dr Gordonville, PA MISCELLANEOUS SECRETS REVEALED Delicious, home-made Liqueurs & Cordials from natural herbs, fresh fruits & flavor extracts Imitate in your own kitchen such expensive Liqueurs as Benedictine, Kahlua, Chartreuse, Galliano, Drambuie and others for l A regular retail price These Liqueurs and Cordials are perfectly simulated and kitchen tested Send SASE and $lOO for sample recipe and complete information. Rfundable with Ist order BIOTONIC RESEARCH LABS Box 458, Dept L 7, Santaqum, Utah 84655 New and Used Steel and Plastic Drums, locat and long distance deliveries 717-656-4211 Large bank barn and silo suitable for pig farm storage or any other purpose, cheap rent, Elverson 215-MO7-5329 For Sale - Used coal fur nace, gravity-type good for parts Call after? PM 717-434 2697 Pheasant Hunting - Sept 1 - Apr 30 Eggs, Chicks, Started, Mature Reading Hunting^Area, Birdsboro, Pa, RD. 1, 19508 Ph 215-856-7670 RUBBER STAMPS Made To Order Ink Pads Available Write or call after 6 P.M Gary Hess 451 N. George St Millersville, PA 717-872-6245 FOR SALE BUTCHERING EQUIPMENT MEAT SAWS, GRINDERS STUFFERS, SLICERS, SPLITTING SAWS, TABLES, KNIVES. ETC NEW & RECONDITIONED MARTIN BAMBERGER CO. 4110 Pinkney Rd BALTIMORE, MD 21215 (301)358-9700 Saturday, May 2,1981 For Sale - Beekeeping supplies inverbrook Apiaries, R D 2, Box 230, West Grove, Pa 19390 215-869-3353 Call or write for free catalog For Sale - Smith Big 98 torch outfit w>th size 80 oxygen and size 75 acetylene tanks $295 215-347-1792 or 347- 2346 For Sale - Cider press, 200+ bu. capacity, hyd. press - apple chopper, trollies and frame work, $l5OO or best offer, 717- 837-0601 Wanted - Working model live steam engines, gas engines Scale steam model locomotives. Surveyors compasses, transits R. Plunkett, Valley Forge, Pa 215- 933-4173 SAVE-VITAMINS - MINERALS highest quality natural health products and food supplements at WHOLESALE prices. Free information, Emory Mill Shoppe, Box 280, Cen treville, MD 21627 Wanted - Standing timber to boy For Sale - Squared locust posts, walnut lumber and all kinds of sawmill lumber and timbers. Custom sawing - G H Burkett & Sons Sawmill, Elizabethtown, PA 717-367-2791 Lightning Rods - Ray PfTeegor, R.D 6, Danville, Pa 17821 Ph 717-275-5019 Give phone & road directions when writing ForSale-AO Smithcom mencal oil-fired, glass lined water heater, 369 7 gal per hour, 75 gallon capacity, $4OO 150,000 gram Canadockly water softener, $5OO 717-665-2914 or 665-5427 For Sale - Cheap 20-3 P H electric gear reduced motors l A to 5 H P All canning equip Must be moved at once Building leased Bel Air, MD 301- 838-7271 Bees For Sale - 10 two story ten frame hives with Italian queens, in good condition Weaver S Zimmerman, Terre Hill Pa College Ave 17581 10 KV Kohler Electric plant, fully automatic, bottled gas fuel, 717-677- 8385 CASH BUYER OF TIMBER Specializing in White Oak & White Ash SEXTON LOGGING Rd 1 Rd 2 Hoitwood, PA Denver, PA , 17532 17517 717-284-4900 215-267-5309 LOW OVERHEAD CASH AND CARRY PRICES on new and used automatic washers dryers-gas & electric refrigerators and ranges used wringer & engine washers. New bedroom furniture Delivery and in home or shop appliance repair available Financing available with approved credit Open 7 30 until 4 30 Sat 7:30 to 12 noon evenings by appointment MYER’S WASHER - DRYER Along Rt. 772 between Brownstown and Leola Bright yellow house 717-656-7169 For Sale By Owner - 14 acre farmette in Boalsburg, Centre Co, Pa House, barn, other outbuildings, heated inground swimming pool, fruit & nut trees, beautifully landscaped, public water & sewer Appointment only 814- 466-6606 #299 - Wooded trait overlooking Susquehanna River, beautiful view, Call Joseph E Remecke, Realtor. 717-854-8912 SNYDER COUNTY 150 acre daily, silo, 100 acres tillable, loafing area for 40 cows 1225,000. White Deer LYCOMING COUNTY 90 acre farm, 45 to 50 acres tillable, nice land that could be cleared, (2) 2 story chicken houses, poultry shelter, over 200’ long, corn bam, horse bam, work shop, nice house, 1 mile off Rt. 15. DAUPHIN COUNTY 58 acre dairy, space for 30 cows,- 3 silos & equipment buildings, loafing area or steer stable. 30 acres more can be leased. Finan cing at 9%. „ NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY DEWART 97 acres, river bottom soil, 56 stanchion dairy. COLUMBIA COUNTY 70 acres, general, 52 acres tillable. DONALD R. WfTWER REAL ESTATE Ephrata, Pa. - Office 717-733-4138 or 215-287-7983 MISCELLANEOUS j Fence posts, lifetime black loss - season $3 up. 304-876-2079 For Sale - Rmgneck Pheasants, hatching eggs, chicks, started and matured flyers. Professional all breed bird dog training Tom Crawford, Hillendale Game Farm, Tyrone. 814- 684-5015 j REAL ESTAT^^^^ 120 acre gentleman s farm, beautiful stone house beside 3 acre stocked lake, 2 fireplaces, 3Vi baths, 30 miles NW of Hbg 5350,000 Write Box 366 R-52 Lancaster Farming, Lititz, PA 17543 85 acre farm, very good soil, log home, nice barn, other buildings Beautiful setting, 5138,900. Also 40 acres, frame house, good condition & 4 car garage, $106,000 JOSEPH A MYERS REAL ESTATE 401 York St. Gettysburg, Pa 717-334-9204 21 Acre farmette, barn, garage, stable, chicken house, & silo $53,900. Other farms available Call collect to Joseph A. Myers Real Estate, Inc, Hanover, Pa at 717-632- 7676 Hog Farm - Columbia Co 105 acres, includes 3 bedroom home, several out buildings, set up for 500 head hogs from farrow-to-finish $125,000. Several other farms from 20-300 acres some owner financing, 717-784-8172. Farm For Sale - Perry Co - 105 acres, 75 acre tillable, 30 acres in woodland, barn, poultry house & corn crib. Owner financing, $136,500 STROOT REALTY INC Bechtelsville, Pa Henry M Martin 215-367-2019 #296 - Mountain area, combination Restaurant- Service Station - Store, Sporting Goods, camping area, acreage. Call Joseph E Remecke, Realtor 717-854-8912 For Sale By Owner - 72 plus or minus acre farm in Perry Co House, new barn & other outbuildings. Must be seen to be ap preciated Owner finance qualified persons Good terms. Call 717-789-3616 7-10 P.M Wanted - Farmland to rent or buy in Green Hills, Mohnton or Sinking Spr ing area Write Box 366 L-150 Lancaster-Farming, Lititz, PA 17543 - Dairy For Sale in South Carolina, 314 acres prime farm land with milking facilities for 200-400 head of cattle Double 6 Herringbone milk parlor, model 200 Delaval milkers with weight jars, 1500 gal holding tank, 2 24x60 concrete stave silos, freestall housing & calf raising facility, 2 10,000 bu gram storage bins, 2 forage harvesters, 2 silage wagons, forge blower, SC Class 1 milk prices $l5 85 per 100 weight For information call 803-827-1864 For Sale - 60 acres of farm and woodland Financing can be arranged Phone Miff lint own 436-2873 For Sale - 140 acres of wooded land, excellent hunting, good investment, North Central West Virginia Call 717-776- 3967. Wanted - Land, minimum 20 acres within 25 miles of Penn National Race Track, Write Box 366 A-6 Lancaster Lititz, PA 17543 8 ACRE FARMETTE 2 story brick house built in 1797, new bank barn, pasture with spring and stream Adams Co. $59,000. 717-632-6968 For Rent - Perry Co Dairy Farm with optional jug milk store. 50 cow stanchion barn, 2 Har vestores Available im mediately 717-444-3216 after 6PM For Sale -119 acre Union Co beef & pork farm, 100 acres tillable, remainder pasture Ph 717-922- 1410 For Sale - 123 acre farm five miles West of Loysville in Perry Co , Pa 100 acres tillable, stone house, bank barn, S other outbuildings stream in pasture, $175,000 Only interested buyers need call Evenings /i/ 789 3474 241 acre active dairy farm, 39 stanchions, fully equipped barn with silo, 5 bedroom house, $125,000, Many other farms available. Atkinson Real Estate, 93 E Mam St, Gouverneur, NY 13642. Call 315-287- 1310 anytime. Bradford County. Large country home with barn and 33 acres, wooded area, abundance spring water supply. To be sold by owner 717-265-9014 Steuben Co, NY State, Exceptional 115 acre farm, 45 acres woods, modem 3 bedroom home, new kitchen, 2 baths, large stone fireplace, sacrifice $6500, Carney Realty, Rd 1, Hornell, - NY 14843 607-698-2926 Wanted - Small farm for lease or rent with option to buy Pete Antidormi, Rd 3, Lake Ariel, PA 18436 717-698-6664 Juniata County Home - 7 room, bath, oil heat, elec, hot water, carpeted, alum siding, newly rem. downstairs with storm windows Asking $28,000. CaU 717-463-2765 225+Ac, 195+ tillable, large fields, easy slopes. A-l condition, 2 bedroom house Growing -crops of wheat, hay, and trefoil. One concrete silo, 3 story block poultry house with attached crib, & 7 bay machine shed. Bare: $225,000. Equip., N«o. IMMEDIATE SALE NEED ED' NEA Rod Realty of Ithaca, Inc , N E.A Bldg , 207 S. Toga St., Ithaca, NY 14850.607-273-7300 For Sale - Berks Co Area - • Bam for sale, dismantle & remove Random width barn siding Hand hewn timbers, pegged. Best offer. Call 215-921-6202, Monday thru Friday, between 8 & 5. FREE CATALOG 1 Describing numerous Pennsylvania farms, camps, acreage tracts, cottages, homes and businesses Write Dept LF-5, WEST REAL ESTATE AGENCY, INC., 2728 Murray Ave, Pitt sburgh, Pa 15217 DAIRY OR BEEF FARM Near Towanda S Troy, Pa ; on paved road 1 mile to Route 6, 260 acres, about 200 tillable, fenced pasture, woods, springs, stream, pond, 8-room & bath home, 50-cow barn, silo with unloader, milk house with 750 gal tank - dump station & milking equipment, heifer & calf shed, machinery shed, two 1200-bu corn cribs, school bus service, all mineral rights No A -7869 WEST REAL ESTATE AGENCY, INC., Office 12 Canton, St., Troy, Pa. 16947, Phone (717) 297-4046 or 297- 2777. FARM WITH IN VESTMENT POSSIBILIT IES Approximately 63 acres of level farm land with a 4-umt apartment farmhouse Could be a working farm with some minor repairs to the brick barn for steers or hogs Has tobacco shed and other implement sheds Currently set up for dairy operation Near Lan disville. Asking $500,000 For further information, contact HIGH REALTY CORP 717-393-5661 1 story ranch home with 7 trailer park rental sites on 4.7 acres, borders creek, income potential For details call Ron Funk, 717-442-4279 eves. For Sale - Ground - Golenan Twp, 91 acre parcel, tillable and wood ed ground, conveniently situated near Rt 1 Bypass overlooking Octorara Reservoir $325,000 Call Dickinson, Inc Realtors, GeorgiannaD Hannumor Russell B Jones 215 459 5500, DeacAllen 215 49-* 7255 139 acre dairy farm, Allenwood Union Co By Owner, 3 silos, bunk feeder, cement yard, 52 stanchions, bulk tank, owner finance qualified persons. Call 717-538-1815 7-8 a m. #122 - Hunting lodge, excellent condition, acreage, beautiful mountain area Call Joseph E Remecke Realtor, 717-854-8912 DOWN INGTOWN CHESTER CO. 17 acre mini farm. Ideal set up for horse and or dog trainer-breeder Owner will help finance $215,000. Mary Ann Trone, - REALTOR 215-431-1860 Large country home on 10 acres, located in Hun tingdon Co., 20 miles from Lalie Raystown, 4 bedrooms,. livi :g room, kitchen and bath $35,000 814-448-3624 after 5 p.m FOR SALE - 60 ACRE FARM, WITH COM PLETELY AUTOMATED 35,000 BIRD LAYER HOUSE. MUCH MORE BERKS COUNTY, PA 215-562-7776 #l2O Small farming venture, nearly ' new house, large barn, level acreage, many possibilities, Call Joseph E. Reinecke Realtor, 717- 854-8912 Nearly New Ranch Home, vinyl siding & black shut ters, 3 bdrms., large kit chen & dining area, 2 baths, wall to wall carpet, 2 car garage, 12’ x 24’ deck, all electric & natural gas & wood stdVe 555,00 O C a I I evenings 717-662-7812 Tioga CO. 3 yr. old farmette, Tioga Co. vinyl siding & black shutters, 4 bedrooms 1 full bath, 2 half baths, 3 acres timber, total of 9'A acres, 29 miles to Elmira, NY, 8 miles to Mansfield, Pa. Has cottage, attached - garage to house, 2 story small barn suitable for few beef, horses, pigs or so forth, small chicken coop. White board pasture fence, all electric, natural gas, fireplace, wood stove in basement Basement would make good rec room or shop or both Must be seen to be appreciated $49,500 Call evenings. 717-662-7812 HUNTINGDON CO. FARMS 192 acre hog farm, hous ing for 150 sow operation, farrow to finish, truck scales, 3 gram bins, will hold 35,000 bu., also storage for, 2 tractor trailer loads of'soybean meal, 2 story home with 5 bedrooms and bath 2nd floor, 4 rooms and Vt bath Ist floor Farm has private lane and borders large creek. Owner financ ing Colonial Real Estate Agency 814-447-5511 Berks Co. Farm, 167 acres, mostly tillable, gently rolling Good dairy barn, Ig house, substan tial silage capacity, over IVI mile road frontage, available Spring 'B2, $450,000 Write PO Box 366 R-47, do Lancaster Farming, Lititz, PA 17543 FARM FOR SALE - Pullet & hog operation with possible owner financing at 9‘/j% interest Raises 51,800 birds, 2,000 hogs per batch. 3 year old automated poultry house, 38’x308’ Hog barn with ventilation system, large farm house & 20 acres Fine net income Bethel area Call Bill Snader or Jason Rutter at DERRY REALTY CO, 717-273- 9351 200 year old 13 room stone farm house on 1 5 acres, borders creek, Ph. 717-442-4279 eves for details „ Dairy Farm - 323 acres - Fillmore County, Southeast Minnesota Two homes, Surge Double . 4 Herringbone Parlor, 84 free stalls, 15,760 square feet pole sheds, four Harvestores, 340 feet bunk feeders, 18,000 bu gram storage 507-378- 2314 George Ballinger, RV3, Spring Valley, MN 55975 FARMER - INVESTOR 530 acre modern farm, York Co, PA. Approx. 400 prime tillable acres, flexible terms. Leaseback option. Respond PO Box 61, Dallastown, PA 17313. #123 • Mountain area, large mobile home, acreage, stream, close to hunting areas, Call Joseph E. Remecke, Realtor, 717-854-8912 BUY A FARM, and help me to-try to sell MANY farms this year. What do you desire? Philip F. Gardiner Real Estate Broker 410 Mullica Hill Road , Glassboro, NJ 08028 Evenings 609-881-7023 j SALE JUG MILK FARM Modern dairy farm with tugging operation, store, and complete butcher shop Located in Northeastern, PA Call or write for additional in formation to Mr P Long StimmelGraul Realtors, 1154 MacArthur Road. Whitehall. PA 18052. or call (215) 821- 8101 Eves or week ends 215-264-3025 FOR SALE H CECIL CO, NO. I Livestock or dairy i farm, 279 acres. 200 tillable, water front. 2 houses, buildings, silo $2400 per acre NEW CASTLE CO., DE Gram farm 463 acres, 326 tillable, $2300 per acre Gram farm 545 acres, 500 tillable, $3030 per acre Owner Financing Available COOPER-BARROLL REALTY, INC. 301-648-5593 Galena, MD 21635 IBBIA 230 Ac, 150 tillable, 65 acres pasture, balance woods 60 tie stalls. 9 heifer stalls, boxstalls 4 bedroom home, tenant home, $258,000 or 124 ac for $185,000 with lease and option to buy, balance of land Owner terms. (M 1275) - OTHER FARMS AVAILABLE - 10 ac terms prvt $9OOO 20 ac terms, woods/open $14,600 40 ac w/oid farmhouse $34,000 66 ac open/woods/stream $36,000 CampandSac $l4 000 ERA HOMESTEAD RLTY 267 S. Main _ J Mansfield, Pa. 16933 ~ 717/662-3287 Robert Dinger R.A 717/549-4792
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