B3B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981 CUSTOM WORK GET YOUR PROFIT IN THE BAG • Better Fermentation • Complete Sealed Storage • More Flexibility • CUSTOM AG-BAGGING HELP WANTED Area Sales Manager posi tion Aggressive, creative & highly motivated person to sell field-bottom unloading silos in 16 County area. Prefer Bedford-Fulton Co residence as this wou Id be the center of the area Must have agricultural background & have at least 10 yrs of successful selling of agriculture pro ducts Pay & benefits com mensurate with ability, experience & productivity Reply to Box 366 JH-137, c/o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa 17543. Help Wanted - Single per son to work on dairy farm, a must - have experience in milking cows and like it Have experience - with farm equipment and field work Give reference 717-584-3366 “Person needed for general farm duties on New York State freestall dairy Must be able to and enjoy milking cows Knowledge of machinery operations helpful Must be reliable and have references Salary plus housing provided for small family Contact Jack Russin, Millerton, N Y 914-373-9671 ” Mature individual with farm background for modern layer operation in Lancaster Co Send reply to PO Box 366 J-170, do Lancaster Farming, Lititz, PA 17543 Wanted - Person ex perienced in beef cattle management for farm in Southcentral Penn sylvania Must have knowledge of crops & equipment House provided, good salary & benefits Reply box 366 L -149, c/o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa 17543 Tenant farmer needed. 2 bedroom house available Write to PO Box 6345, Lmglestown, Pa. 17112 or call 717-545-0314 Elderly couple would like to hire Christian lad 16 yrs or older to work on small Purebred Holstein farm. Farm experience t references required Paul Micha, Jr RD. 2, Greene, NY Call 607-656-8443 eves Person interested in doing a good job feeding cows, calves and relief milker and cleaning of small barn, regular time off, vacation, milk, meat, hospitalization, house and utilities 703-788-9681 BEAT INFLATION! Work your own hours demonstrating MERRI-MAC toys, gifts, and home decor items We need party plan demonstrators in this area. High commission No investment, no deliver ing, no collecting. Call toll free now' 1-800-553-9077. or write 1 MERRI-MAC 801 Jackson Street, Dubuque. lowa 52001 Op Custom chiseling 717- 872-4393 Call 717-665-6449 or 717-665-4400 CUSTOM AG BAGGING Top quality forage with less shrinkage and spoilage. Ryelage and Haylage 717-872-2867 Aggressive, creative ana highly motivated salesman to sell unique line of manure handling equipment. Background in dairy farming a must Compensation com mensurate with ex perience Send resume to Hedlund-Martm Inc 841 Kutztown Road, Myer stown, PA 17067 Experienced farm equipment operator needed for general farm work on a tree nursery in central New Jersey Successful applicant must be a mature, responsible person with considerable experience in fa, ti work We pay time and a half over 40 hours per week, vacations, life insurance, hospital and surgicasl insurance, major medical insurance, pension and provide an attractive house Please send references and in formation to Box 366 L -152, Lancaster Farming, PO Box 366, Lititz, Pennsylvania 17543 Immediate employment on dairy-poultry farm milking and tractor driving Living quarters provided Salary based on ability Kross Farms, Ellenville, N Y. 914-434- 4389 Experienced and dependable individual to accept responsibility in the operation of a cattle feedlot and crop farm Salary negotiable, 814- 669-4536 COUNTY AGENT. PA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE The Cooperative Extension Service of the Pennsylvania State University has an immediate opening for a County Ex tension Agent specializing in Agricultural/Livestock in Lancaster County, PA The position is responsible for the overall planning implementation and evaluation of livestock and agricultural related informal educational programs in the county.. Duties include the teaching and dissemination of the latest research results in beef cattle, swine and other livestock related areas to county clmetele. Candidates should possess qualifying requirements to enter either the rank of Assistant, Associate or full Agent along with the possession of teaching, communication, program development and human relations skills. Please submit a letter of application, resume and salary requirements by May 15, 1981 to: W. Wayne Himsh, 323 Agricultural Administration Building, University Park, PA 16802 The Pennsylvania State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer Custom Ag Bagging Service * Good Prices Lancaster and York Co. 717-862-3682 WANTED MILKING HERDSMAN Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Pension plan, regular time off, paid vacation and holidays, good salary. Must be good milker, dependable, familiar with herd health. Permanent position for qualified person. Bob Reed 301-374-2273 after 6 p.m. 374-2747 Help wanted Live in help for my elderly parents She is very selfsufficient, he semi-invalid Live in comfortable farm home in Jefferson county Terms negotiable, personal references requested. Call 717-486-7789 (Cumberland County) Wanted - Salesman for established area, selling animal health and hard ware, Samvet, Inc P O Box 382, Catskill, NY 12414 800-833-5137 Wanted - person to work on farm, can furnish house, 301-996-2022 Farm Salesperson Wanted - For Butler building, pole barns, short line equipment Full or part time High com missions Central NJ area 609-983-4404 Agn Sales opportunity for the right person selling, Prolix liquid feed, America's leading liquid 1 feed supplement utilizing fermentation factors Sales area include MD and PA. Should be able to do feed programing or willing to learn how. Good benefits, salary plus commission, submit resume' Maugansville Elevator and Lumber Co., Box 278, Maugansville, MD 21767 WANTED Aggressive self starter needed to fill territory assignment, selling big ticket item. Don't miss this opportunity to join one of the fastest growing agricultural companies in the state. Some farming background helpful. Write Box 366 L-151 Lancaster Farming Lititz, PA X 7543 ■ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES We Need A Few Good Farmers to CROW POPCORN Requirements' • Located in 120 day growing area • Reasonably productive ground • 20 acre minimum • Ear harvest with conventional machine Benefits* • Delivery at harvest, our trucks or yours • Cash on delivery' • Rate- 5195 per ton of ear corn REIST SEED COMPANY Mount Joy. PA Ph: 717-653-4121 HELP WANTED WANTED SALES MANAGER Aggressive, creat ive & highly motivated sales manager to manage a selling team who are marketing a concrete-oxygen co ntrolled silage management positi on Basic respon sibility will be to implement our marketing plan with special emphasis on the recruitment 4 training of salesman Sales management experience is essential A background in animal nutrition helpful Salary commensurate with experience Send Resume to P.O. Box 366 J-163 Lancaster Farming Litifz, Pa 17543 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Ram Makers National Irrigation- Designers, Installers • water management systems. Remke Long lived pivots, Travel with Robbs, Adams Reel Ram Systems 8 models to suit your needs Specialists mam line in stallations, sprinkle with Ram-bird. If you want your water management systems to decrease pro duction costs and in crease yields Call National Irrigation Co, Inc. Box3ll Roosevelt, NJ 08555 607-448-1125 For Sale - Dairy Supply Business with $300,000 plus yearly sales Milking Machines, Pharmeseuticals, detergents and related dairy supplies. Franchise and distributorship for central N.J Owner retir jng Write Jack Van Aken Dairy Supplies, Heddmg Road, Columbus, N.J 08022 RT. 422 BUSINESS OP PORTUNITY - Shop area of 2400 sq ft., 4 car garage, 4 bedroom living quarters plus apartment unit Located in Myerstown, $125,000 (#3063) PRINTING BUSINESS - Owner retiring after 40 yrs of operating this established printing business Includes nice 3 bedroom home with m ground pool, 40' x 80’ printing shop, all machinery, etc Some owner financing (#1165) BUSINESS PROPERTY - Well located on Mam St. in Wernesville, nice carpeted showroom & storage area, large warehouse area in rear. Many possibilities in cluding retail, $69,500 (#1171) RONALD W KRALLREAL ESTATE PARTNERS Myerstown, Pa 717-866-2131 FOR SALE - Feed Mill & Gram Drying facility in Central Montgomery Co Contact Harold Rit tenhouse, Harleysville, PA 215-256-6543 or Earl Waltmyer, Collegeville, Pa 215-489-9540 SITUATIONS WANTED Responsible family man desires management position on beef or gram fafm, take charge at titude Call evenings. 215- 327-3190 For Sale - 81 VW diesel pickup, LX, 4 speed, stereo, sliding rear window, western mirrors & tie down rails Al Huber 717-354-8277 1976 Chevy C-65 single axle 5 speed 4- 2 speed rear, 427 engine, real good tires, wet line, air slide sth wheel, very well maintained but some rust, must sell by 5-20-81, asking $6500, Call Bob 301-343-0544 collect OK or leave message iMamw 1979 Chevy Blazer Cheyenne, I VB, Auto., PS. PB, AM-FM... $6995 1976 Ford FIDO, 360, 4 Speed, PS, Lockout Hubs $3995 1979 Dodge Sportsman, 5 Pass., VB, Auto., PS, PB, AM-FM, 14.000 Miles, 2 Tone Blue, Like New $6995 1978 Chevy C2O, step van, 350 VB, 4 Spd., PS, PB, 12’ Body, 6800 GVW, 35,000 miles, excell, cond., all white $5995 1977 Ford Fl5O, Econoline, VB, Auto, PS, PB $3795 1974 Chevy V* Ton 5 Pass. Sport Van, 350 VB, Auto., PS, PB, Air Cond u AM-FM 8-Track, 29.000 Orig. Miles, Beautiful Cond $3995 1973 Dodge 8 Pass., Window Van, 318 VB, Stand. Shift, ps, PB - •••• •••••••••• $329 | 1980 ' Chevy Suburban, 350 VB, 3 Spd., Manual, PS, PB, AM Radio, Only 6,000mi1e5... $6995 1979 Chevy CIO Cheyenne, 305 VB, Auto., PS, PB, AM Radio, 2 Tone Paint, Cap $5985 1979 Ford F-250 Super Cab, - -351 VB, Auto., PS,’ PB, 2 Tone Paint, AM Radio, 36.000 Miles....-. $6495 1979 Ford F 250, VB, Auto., PS, PB, AM Radio $4995 1979 Ford Fl5O, 6 Cyl., St. Shift, PS, PB $4495 1978 Chevy C2O. 350 VB, 4 Speed, PS, PB, AM Radio, 7100 GVW $4895 1978 Chevy C2O, 350 VB, - , Auto., PS, PB, AM Radio $4995j 1978 Chevy Luv, 4 Cyl., Auto, f - Air Cond., AM-FM, 7’ Bed... $4995 1978 Ford F 100,6 Cyl., Stick.... $4295 1978 Ford FIDO, 6 Cyl., Auto., ' PS, PB, AM Radio, Cap, 2 Tone Paint $5495 1977 GMC Suburban Sierra Classic, 350 VB, Auto., PS, PB, Air Cond., AM-FM And Tape $4295 1977 Dodge 200. VB, Auto., PS, PB, Radio $2995 1977 Chevy CIO Scottsdale, 6 Cyl., St. Shift, PS, * AM-FM « Tape $4295 1976 Ford FIOO, 6 cyl., Auto/, PS, AM Radio, 36,000 Miles $3995 1975 Ford F 250, 360 VB, 4 Speed, PS, PB, AM Radio, Cap $2895 Many More Pick Ups To Choose From WE DEAL! I MIKE RHODES & CO. "THE TRUCK PEOPLE” ' Rt. 663 & Swamp Pike, Giibertsville, Pq* Area Code 717 or 215 Call Toll Free 9 ' 1-800-362-7655 i or 215-327-1380 . 1979 Ford Lariat F-150 Super cab, 351 auto , air, AM/FM stereo, dual tanks, sliding rear trailer package, ss iy J, 717-626-1564 12 ton hoist, double cylinder, fits 14’ body $5OO or best offer 609-358-2447 1979 Ford F 350 12’ stake body, new, 6000 miles, $6200. Newport, 717- 582-8343 For Sale - 1978 GMC hay truck, 6500 series, PS, air branes, 2 speed rear, 427 cu. in, 24’ bed & rack, 45,000 original miles 215-869-2336 Chevrolet 2 ton truck, 1200 gal John Blue Nitrogen tank, complete, George Knight, 717-862- 3372 For Sale - 1965 Chev. V, ton pickup, running condition, one owner. To be sold at Good's Auction on Wed., May 6,1981
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