FEED £* SEED WANTED Ear Corn & Shelled Corn RONALD S, KEENER Elizabethtown, Pa. 717-367-6309 NOTICE DEALERS, FARMERS Warehouse Seed Corn Available SEE NOW C.E. SAUDER East Earl, PA /CALL 215-445-4822 / US FOR SEED KHI 19,2 OONIRACI / PHON / COLLECT / OUR DEAL / ORDER.' / FORPRI / 717-546 / MUNCY CHIEF / 4 Ways Bi / Muncy A SOI WHEATS BARLEY, SEED OATS, AND SOYBEANS i n L MULCH HAYJ : WANTED a I FREZZO BROS., INC. j h 215-268-8258 DAVIS FEED MILL In Bucks Co. With Two Locations PCRKASIE 215-257-2966 COMPLETE LINE OF: • Chemicals « Farm Seeds • Fertilizers - Dry & Liquid For Sale - Chicken manure, will deliver, 215- 273-3097 BROILER & TURKEY MANURE FOR SALE Delivered within 100 mile Radius of Harrisburg, in 15 ' i&n loads. 717-582-2352 FEED a SEED Wanted - Sweet Potatoes, any Kind. Could use 10 bu yet for sprouting. Will give 7.00 per bu but must be sound Contact Vintage Road Greenhouse, Christiana, Boxl22RDl, Pa. 17509 For Sale potted can taloupe plants 717-354- 7922 Also Bulk Spreading Special Till May 10 1 FURADAN 10G - 75' a lb. LASSO-*16.35 a gal. TAHBARK & BARK MULCH 75 cents a bushel $2O average Pickup truck from E-town 743 N. 5 miles, turn left on Ridge Rd.. 3rd house on left. Open 2 P.M. Mon. thru fri. 8 A.M. Sat. & Sun. Delivery Extra Dealers inquire PH: 717-367-3692 FERTILIZER I MUSHROOM COMPOST 850 bu. for $ BO Call Jim after 6 P.M. 215-756-6611 MUSHROOM SOIL *4O *6O *7O 800 bu. for $ BO ssSave Fertilizer Dollars $$ Use Poultry Manure Delivered in Trailer Lots. 717-859-3348 after 5 p.m. MAHON H. MARTIN & SONS MUSHROOM SOIL 1000 bu. load @ *75 per load 215-376-0938 after 6 P.M. RUSHLAND 215-598-3324 FERTILIZER BUYING & SELLING BROILER MANURE Hauled in 20 ton loads 717-354-4175 200 bu. for 400 bu. for 600 bu. for 9 V : < If X ' Husqvama keeps the design simple to keep the service simple. That isnt always the way Somechainsawsarede signed to be replaced not rebuilt But with Husqvarna chain saws, 90% of all re pairs and maintenance can be done without splittinc the case And with the Husqvarna system, there's a high de cree of parts interchange ability—so we can keep all the parts on hand you'll ever need Most important to you, because servicing your Husqvarna is kept so simple —over the long haul, Hus qvarna may well be the most economicalchain sawyou can buy (0 Husqvarna Cham SgwPmMerak. Available Now At FARMERSVIUE EQUIPMENT Ao4.Ephrata.PA 717-354-4271 | SERV/ICfc^OFFEREt^^ Peter Antidormi FARRIER Graduate of Corrective Horse shoeing, Trimming & Blacksmith Work Horse shoeing & trimming anywhere Cali 717-698-6664 R.D. #3, Lake Ariel, PA 18436 Repair old or new homes. Aluminum window covering and siding, roofing, old barns, etp. Stephen F. Stoltzfus RDI Box 176 Strasburg, PA 717-687-8412 LAWN h GARDEN Roto tractor Barden type, 28 hp, 3 pt hitch, electro lift, 48" mower, originally $6700, brand new, must sell, make of fer, 215 643-4691 SERVICES OFFERED ATTENTION FARMERS Trucking available for machinery livestock and crops local and long distance Call 717-665- 4868 Oatman's Septic Tank Pumping Service, #l, Christiana, Pa, White Oak Rd , Smyrna 215-593-6240 or 215-857-9612 INTERIOR - EXTERIOR Painting and Paperhanging, quality workmanship Reasonab le rates, free estimates Paul Stoltzfus, 55 S Harvest Rd., Bird-ln- Hand, 717-354-4374 JC. Ehrlich Co, Inc. Termite, Pest. Rodent a nd Smoke control Lawn and shrubbery spraying Free estimates 1278 Loop Road, Lancaster, Pa Phone 717-397-3722 Will clean heifer barns, chicken houses with Bobcat loader 215-859- 2160 Gram Storage Erection, sales and service. Call 717-933-5358 Masonry and carpenter work on houses, dairy, pole and frame barns Also spouting and dry wall Aaron K Smucker, RO #1 Strasburg, Pa 717- 442-8535 Call Abe Evenings Custom hoof trimming, 3 state area, 717-359-7854 NOTICE Be glad to put automatic diesel operating milk cooling system in for farmers that are moving to White Deer, Montour, Dauphin, and Perry Co. Also vacuum system milk house sup plies. Perkomatic Free Hot System Sales & Ser vice. Byler’s Diesel 4 Refrigeration Star Route Belleveille, PA 17004 717-483-67140 r 717-483-6446 Carpentry Work - Barns, pole barns, concrete work, block laying, new homes. Call us today, Reistville Builders, Amos D. SJoltzfus, Rt 2, Myerstown, PA An swering service 717-949- 3147 mmmt 4^o=2) INC. KNinunsuppiv For Additional Information Call 717-354-4001 CARPENTRY WORK R«t* Favorits Zesty Flavor! 'Distributed by Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981—837 SERVICES OFFERED Cattle hoot trimming, David Eckman, 717-284- 4706, or 814-798 3209 SILO FILLING Hay and Rye 10 ft. pickup corn 4 row head 30-34 in, 717-367-8733 Darryl L. Bollinger MURRY - PAINTER Diversified Contractors, Inc (717)684-0147 626-0135 Complete Building Construction For Your Farm, Including Milking Parlors, Implement Sheds, Custom Planned Repair Shops. Pole Barns and Sheds; also we do Additions, Kitchens and Complete Basement to Roof Remodeling For Your Farm House. W ATTENTION FARMERS & DAIRYMEN 4-D Cattle Service. We use down, disabled, crippled cows or cows with calving problems. Slaughtered under federal inspection Prompt payment & prompt service Call anytime 717-272-6848 ask for Barbara Complete Installation of Insulation • 10 Years Experience • Free Estimates • All Work Guaranteed PAULI. ROOT ASSOCS. 717-843-3190 & 717-569-5804 York Lancaster Collect Calls Accepted SCHEDULE YOUR AG-BAGCOSTOM FILLING NOW! - Sealed Storage Without The Expense Serving Eastern Berks, Northern Chester, Bucks & Montgomery Counties 215-689-5387 i CHILE EXCAVATING f ♦ RD #2, Manheim, Pa. 17545 t ♦ Front End Loaders & Backhoe I X for Septic Systems, cellars ♦ ♦ and Grading X Pan for Terracing, | Waterways, Streets and X Agricultural Work. ♦ Office and Shop ♦ t 717-653-2184 J a GENERAL CARPENTRY • Pole Barn Buildings • Cow Stables • Block Buildings, etc. • Cement Work • We Also Do Repair Work STEPHEN F. FISHER RD #1 Box 174 Strasburg, Pa. 17577 717-442-9513 after 6 p.m. No Sunday Calls CUSTOM WORK ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
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