B36—Lancaster Farming, P ULTKY (t SUPPLIES ! E BABY CHICKS Hubbard Leghorns, Golden Com ets, Sex-Sal, Hy-Line Leghorns, Barred Rock, White Rock, Reds and 10 other breeds Also turkeys, ducks, geese, guineas, and game birds CASE HATCHERY, 79L Brodbecks, Pa 17308, 717-235-2050 Sell direct to us for cash. * Fowl * Pigeons * Bantams * Pullets * Capons * Rabbits * Guineas * Chuckers * Turkeys * Lambs * Goats JACK MINT? POULTRY 215-267-4784 FEED & SEED 32% LIQUID PROTEIN from manufacturer Wholesale, retail, dealer inquiries invited 301-343-0343 Wanted - Ear corn, good quality only Will pickup at your farm Ken Miko, RD 3, Schuylkill Haven, Pa 717-739-4586. ProLasse 9% All Natural Molasses Base Liquid Protein Make sweet feed with any PTO mixer, From manufacturer Wholesale, retail, dealer inquiries in vited 301-343-0343 FULL LINE OF TOBACCO SEED BED SUPPLIES • Tobacco Muslin • Tobacco Seed • Peat Moss • Fertilizer • Cotton Hulls SAMUEL L STOLTZFUS 3875 Old Phila. Pike Gordonville, Pa. 1 mile east of Intercourse on Route 340 BUYING EAR CORN AND SHELLED CORN Picked up at your farm or delivered to Manheim. JAMES E. NOLL RD z, Manheim. PA 717-665-4785 Saturday, May 2,1981 FEED ft SEED For Sale - straw, Bern ville, Pa 215-488 1965 Will buy moldy gram by the ton 301-833-1847 For Sale - Williams Soybeans, $9 00 bu Ph 215-287-7878 Ear Corn $l3O ton, 9’ Bnllion transport roller harrow, JD 494 corn planter, 12 miles east of Easton, PA in NJ After 7 P M 201-735-8389 Daytime 201-735-5374 SOYBEANS Require high protein soybeans for food processing, sample required Contact Moses Chu 717 687 8757 or PO Box 202, Paradise, PA 17562 Mixed hay for sale 814- 237-7763 State Cbllege, PA. Order Early • Williams soybean seed, certified last year, Windy Spring Farm, Quakertown, PA 215-536-0912 Approximately 350 ton of corn silage, $35 a ton 717-859-2960 For Sale - 20 ton mixed hay Also Timothy & wheat straw 215-381-3766, Monroe Co For Sale - Ear corn at farm, 3 miles east of Strasburg, 717 687-7170 Wanted - feeding rye, up tosobu 814 443 4111 For Sale - good mixed hay, also timothy hay Earl Livingston, 717-432-9704 For Sale Shelled Corn also 8 heifers and 1 bull For Rent-Large pasture in Millersvillearea 717-872- 5554 : or Sale Good quality :orn silage, 717-872-4058 WANTED MULCH HAY We haul or your can haul. GERALD BODMAN 717-799-5306 mm ALFALFA, TIMOTHY ft MIXED HAY ft EAR COHN Will pickup JAMES 6. KREIDER 717-786-3936 Lancaster Co BUYING EAR CORN & ALL GRAINS Martin Grain Marietta, PA 717-426-1197 Corn Silage For Sale FOR SALE WHOLE KERNEL HIGH MOISTURE SHELLED CORN 717-748-2563 SEED For Sale Oyster shells Contact Nelson Weaver 4 Son, Inc, Lititz, Pa 717- 626 8538 HIGH QUALITY HAY AND STRAW DELIVERED Martin Bros. Olivet, Michigan 517-543-1642 SELLING HIGH MOISTURE CORN Will Deliver ! LUKE H. KURTZ I- 215-944-0263 I Berks Co. buying ear a SHELLED CORN Receiving Daily Rt 372-2 Mi West of Buck, PA PH 717-284-4628 mark risser Holtwood RDI PA 17532 Corn Cobs Delivered or Picked up. FREZZO BROTHERS Rt. 41 Avondale, PA 19311 215-268-8258 BUYING EAR CORN Good Quality Only Will pickup at your farm. KENNETH MIKO R.D.3 Schuylkill Haven, Pa. 717-739-1586 FEED ft SEED For Sale Bngh 1 Wheat Buyer of shelled or ear straw, mixed hay, Ist & corn John J Hoober, 2nd cuttings, will deliver Inc, Gordonville, Pa Ph Stump Acres, York Co 717-768-8481 or 717-792-3216 768-3216 FOR SALE Peanut Hulls, Sawdust & Shavings Hay & Straw Bulk - Bagged ■ Bales 717-529-2855 If no answer 717-529-6305 FOR SALE SAWDUST Dry Fresh Cut Cured Bulk Loads Shavings Mixed Discount given for quantity Also FRESH OR CURED TAN BARK RB TRUCKING Ronald Bowersox 717-444-3572 BUYING & SELLING EAR CORN & SHELLED CORN CUSTOM DRYING AND STORAGE R.K. VOGT GRAIN RD#l, Marietta, PA 717-653-2510 “Customers make our day” t WANTED k Shelled corn and soybeans r Dealer in small grains, contract or spot purchase. t EARL R. MARINI INC. ► P.O. Box 3, East Earl, PA 717-354-4061 Jtj*. 4^L. VORIS SEED CORN is EARNING it's Place In The Market Year After Year. Study The Chart Below For A Number Suitable To Your Needs or Call For Additional Information GROWTH CHARACTERISTICS VORIS SEED CORN Days To Pop Plant Stalk no Drouth Maturity (000) Height Quality Till Variety V 2381 •V 2551 114 20-22 T 3 •V 2601 118 20-23 M 2 V 2642 120 20-23 S * 1 excellent to 5 poor * CAN BE FOUND IN 1980 PA STATE HYBRID CORN TEST REPORT priCT open Pfl FINEST OUALiTY SEEDS SINCE 1925 ItLlOl OLLII uU. MOUNT JOY, PA PH: 717-653-4121 FEED £r SEED Best 98 20-24 FEED tt SEED BUYING WHEAT CORN & SOYBEANS CONTRACT OR SPOT PURCHASE 480.000 bu. Storage capacity Fast unloading, digital printout scales HOSTETTER GRAIN RDI, Oxford, PA Located along Rt. 10 between Russelville & Oxford 215-932-4484 business 215-932-9599 Residence GRAIN DRYING AND STORAGE BUYING SHELLED CORN CONTRACTING NEW CROP CORN i 4 NELSON L. ROHRER R3Utitz.PA 717-569-7929 717-569-4383 Located along Route 272 Vz mile off Oregon exit of Route 222 bypass. STRESS TOLERANCE Leaf ury Diseases Down 2 2 1 2 2 FEED £f SEE HARVEST CHARACTERISTICS* Price Test Per Veiaht Unit 51 50 51 50 1 3 51 50 .1 50 B
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers