SHE F P F) GolftTS 265 head 2 yr old Western ewes, lambed twice, 125%-135% lamb crop Must sell $9O per head 814-733-4892 ANNUAL SHIPMENT OF YEARLING EWES ARRIVING EARLY PART OF MAY 415 head cf exceptional straight Rambouillets from New Mexico $l2O 00 per head One load of good quality straight Rambouillets from Texas Sll5 00 per head 900 head of Blackface crossbreds Rambouillet "Suffolk crosses $lO5 00 to $ll5 00 per head 40 head of registered yearling Suffolk rams, $3OO 00 per head These are all high quality yearlings guaranteed to be free from foot rot They will be treated for internal and external parasites upon arrival at our pens For more information contact HESS SHEEP GO. Sou 100 Sarbounvill*, V* 22923 703-532-209 S For Sale - Du roc boars & gilts. Sweigard Durocs, R D. 3, Box 639, Halifax, Pa 717-896-3365. Registered Hampshire, Yorshire, Landrace Boars and Bred gilts, Preston Bankert, Rd 3, Red Lion, PA 717-244-1244 If you have swine to sell or buy - check our swine column. It is read weekly by thousands. 717-394- 3047 or 717-626-1164. YORKSHIRE AND LAND RACE boars and a Its of all ages. Pseudocabies negative tested boars for sale at all times. Production tested, cer tified meat tested, Show winners with many car cass champions. Daily drive-in and dnve-out service. Reno H. Thomas, Bea vert own, PA 17813. 717-658-5821. For Sale - -Registered Purebred duroc breeding stock, delivery can be arranged, Calk 717,-733- 2310 W.F. Ruoss, 126 Irene Ave.-, Ephrata, PA 17522 HYBRID BREEDING STOCK Sales-Lease Boars&GiKs EAST COAST HOG SERVICE 409 Clay Rd. OUROC BOARS and gilts, production tested, cer tified meat type show winning stock. Bloodlines of the best in the U.S Par- Kay Farm, Park F Thomas, Beavertown, Pa. Phone 717-658-6544 15 Yorkshire - Landrace bred gilts due to farrow in May, excellent breeding, vaccinated for lepto and erysipelas. 717-568-8079 WYAND DURODS I have top quality bred and open gilts from good bloodlines, plus a good selection of boars. Quality Durocs at low prices. Durocs since 1959. They are my full time business, not a sideline. Wycmd Durocs 4 Miles South of interstate 81 Ph: 304/625-1448Williamsport, Md. 21795 For Sale Du roc and Landrace Boars from production tested sires Crossbred gilts from Landrace or Yorkshire sired litters. Crossbred lit ters maintain a 9 plus weaning average over 400 litters per year Dutch Valley Farm Rd 5, Box 428 Manhetm, PA 17545 717-665-6220 Mark 717-665-2588 John OPEN HOUSE SAT., MAY 16,1981 1:00 to 5:00 P.M. Come See Our AGGRESSIVE PERFORMANCE TESTED YORKSHIRE BOARS AT OUR BOAR TEST STATION Large Framed, Correct Legs & Soundness. Excellent Feed Lot Performance. Mothering Ability Built In, 14 plus teats. All Animals Vaccinated for Erysipelas. Negative tested for Brucellosis & Pseudorabies. ~ $25 Off Any Boar Purchased Directions - 2 miles South of Middletown. Delaware on Rt. 896, take Road 458, first farm on right. Also Yorkshire and Cross Gilts Nick Isaacs Seed Stock From: RO 2 box 55C Nash 8 Gamer, IND Townapid, 0E19734 Funderbor*, OH 302-3788432 SPF Yorkshire Contact 717-626-6566 Lit! DUROCA SPOTTED BOARS Ouroc, Spot, Crossbred Gilts (delivery available) BOURBON SPRINGS FARM R 2, Newville, Pa 17241 1 Kenneth Ketterer Phone 717-423-6250 125 Hampshire Yorkshire open gilts Also service age boars of both breeds. John Strawbndge, Stewart stown. Pa. 17363 301-996-2022 itz, PA 17543 ARTIFICIAL BREEDING ZIMMERMANN’S SEMEN EXCHANGE! SWD VALIANT 150.00 IDEAL FURY REFLECTION 150.00 PETE 110.00 GLEN-VALLEY STAR 70.00 OCEAN VIEW SEXATION 60.00 MILU BETTY CHIEF 60.00 CARLIN M IVAN. BELL 60.00 1.0. STATE CHIEF FORD 30.00 JOLUDI ELMER CHIEF 35.00 CEDAR GROVE GOLDEN NUGGET 28.00 CREEK-BLUFF ELEV. LESTER ... 28.00 YULES PRIDE ELEV ACE 18.00 Ship or deliver anywhere in U.S.A. Philip Hershty U4-M«-9736 HARRY ZIMMERMANN 127 W. Main St, Leola, Pa. 17540 717-656-2636 ,-or Saw Igi aim to please 304-586 2823 SERVICE AGE BOARS Straight Irish or other foreign bloodlines No U S. breeding in our herd Reno H Thomas, Brooks End Farm. Beavertown, Pa 17813 -Phone 717-658-5821 I HOG EQUIPMENT j is SUPPLIES SPECIALIZING IN UP-TO-DATE DESIGN & QUALITY CONSTRUCTION OF HOG CONFINEMENT SYSTEMS. We also manufacture Confinement Equipment and handle a full line of products for today’s swine industry, including automated ventilation, feed handling and manure handling systems. TRO-eaiMTV PHONE /C\ LEBANON 717-274-348A/K' PA. /«\ f EQUIPMENT 3 SWINE SYSTEMS FOR THE WEST AND THE MOST DIVERSIFIED HOO EQUIPMENT COMPANY LOOK TO Swim Systems FARMER BOY Sk 457 East Main St Myerstown. PA 17067 £ . Pfc 717r866-7565 WE SPECIALIZE IN WE LATEST AND MOST MODERN DESIGN IN BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT FOR HOC CONFINEMENT ★ GESTATION * FARROWING ★ NURSERY * GROWER * FINISHER ★ COMPLETE AUTOMATION FOR WATERING, FEEDING, VENTILATION ARTIFICIAL BREEDING Semen For Sale - Astronaut, Molly Chief, R Maple, Gay Ideal 301- 658-3132 Paclamar Bootmaker, 2 amps, Demand 8 amps, 16 week semen tank for sale. 717-649-5435 Nor thumberland Co. For Sale - 5 straws R.ORA Elevation bought from stud, excellent quality, will deliver. Jay Lancaster 301-778-2941 Wanted to Buy - Semen - Osborndale Ivanhoe, Fond Matt, Kit Builder 814-793-4202 eves or 814-793-3683 anytime HOG EQUIPMENT is SUPPLIES For Sale - Farrowing house, 5 yr old, Agstar sow castle, new wire flooring, 10 crates, self contained $7OOO, Also 10 9 ton Brock feed bin $600,814-443-4111 POULTRY a SUPPLIES For Sale by Owner - Cage layer building 32’ x 344', 15,000 capacity. Pullet growing facility 32' x 150*, three floors, 10,000 capacity. Modern three bedroom home, located on 15A Near McAhsterville, Pa Buildings now in full production with con tracts, partial financing available Ph 717-463- 2393. NOTICE I WANT BUYERS FOR WHITE UTILITY KING SQUABS Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981—835 POULTRY ft SUPPLIES Wanted - Roll away nests, orders taken for started capons. 717-768 8359 For Sale - 50 Quakermade round chicken feeders, 150 lb capacity, $3 ea Assortment of chicken nests, 52 ea 215-837 0847 Big Dutchman 12 ton feed bin, hopper controls, 50 ft flex auger, drop spouts, 4 180 ft Choretime feeder lines, 1 new style, 88 Plassen Mark 111 drinkers, 110 E-2 fill chick darter waterers 717 865 4932 For Sale • 4 x 11’ poultry slats, 3 Choretime feeders, 2 tier egg carrier with 400’ of track & switch 717-867-4495 Want to contract 5000- 7000 layer flock or buy eggs direct from farm same size flock. Write P O Box 366 R-53, Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Quakermade roll away nests, best offer Eh S Ebersole, 250 Maple Ave., Bird-m-Hand, Pa Goslings, Ducklings, Turkeys, Guineas, Chicks and Bantams. David Hartman, Clearview Stock Farm & Hatchery, Box 398 Dept. L F., Gratz, PA 17030 Ph 717-365-3234 Started capons, place orders 45 days in ad vance. Call 717-354-9193 Rdl.Kmzers, PA 17535 FOR SALE ‘ 60 ACRE FARM. WITH COM PLETELY AUTOMATED 35,000 BIRD LAYER HOUSE, MUCH MORE. BERKS COUNTY. PA 215- 562-7776 DEKALB 20 WEEK PULLETS AVAILABLE 20 -feck date 5000 XL July 2 2800 XL July 10 iooo xl July 16 TKoyeii. CHICKS, INC. Quakertown, PA 18951 215-536-3155 HEALTHY CHICKS DIRECT FROM AMERICA'S OLDEST POULTRY BREEDING FARM Layers of big brown eggs, strong shelled white eggs, or sturdy legged meat chickens. Let us send descriptive literature with egg contest winning records and direct reports from farmers like yourself. Write or phone: PARKS POULTRY FARM R.O. #4 Altoona, PA 16601 Ph0ne:(814)943-3708 Weekly or every other week Only Interested Buyers Write P.O. Box 366 J-169 LANCASTER FARMING Lititz, Pa. 17543 POULTRY ft SUPPLIES Wanted - Brushes tor Model 3500 Oakes Egg Washer, call collect 301- 398-2853 For Sale - Automatic poultry feeder, Big Dutchman, for a large modern broiler operation Also 2 smaller feeders, Big Dutchman all in ex cellent condition Going out of business 215-869- 2292 Wanted-Heavy hens. We buy, sell and haul all kinds of poultry Yank's 215-494-4578. ■ ROAD BREASTED LARGE TURKEY POULTS or Bronze • Bred forjfej^jfrrowth • High Legs •GtiHlejpTiva delivery • MimmimrfßSratooylts • write for prices discounts Ot • Early Orders (befotwMmi) will receive FREE GrAung. A Small Flock Of Turkjf££|nsterCharge £ Visa LAUGHLIN TURKEYS Box 12 • Girard PA 16417 • Ph 814/774-4926 WANTED Lancaster Co. White Egg Producers, up to 30,000 bird capacity, premium market 717-786-3345
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers