B34—Lancaster Farming, For Sale - Group of 26 Reg first calf heifers, sired by ABS bulls, will begin freshening in August, $l2OO ea 717 626-9157 For Sale - Black Angus cows, (2)f, due in July, 2 Black Angus heifers. 10 mo old, all nice healthy stock For further details, 717-786-2298 CATTLE TRIMMING NY-NJ-PA Tri-State Area AL DENNINGER 914-856-3400 FOR SALE COMPLETE MILKING HERD 75 MEAD HOLSTEINS 1980 DHIA Av. 16,425 lbs.' 4.0% -663 lbs. B.F. A yound herd mostly "Eastern" sired & bred for Summer & Fall. Guaranteed bred. Contact Owners ARVIN D. & DUANE A. BUTTON R.F.D. #3, Norwich, CT. 06360 . - Tel. (203) 376-0760 ' "ATTENTION J&gW FARMERS Wanted Hurt, DleaWed, Down Cattle endfor Hog* HOSTETTER'S LIVESTOCK • SERVICE On Uii’spot payment when possible Pick-up area unlimited and prompt pick-up Call (717) 949-2209 or : (717)949-3205 *ll animals slam Mered under federal inspection FOR SALE PUREBRED ANGUS FOUNDATION BREEDING STOCK PLEASANT VALLEY ANGUS FARM * 9 yearling bulls * 5 - 2 yr. old bulls * Bred and open heifers * Bred cows Outstanding bloodlines featuring the best of ERDMANN A WYE RREEDING ROBERT L. MILLER RD 4 Box 2015, Lebanon, Pa. 17042 717-867-2401 LIMOUSIN BULLS 1 black, 22 mo. old 1 red, 22 mo. old 1 red, 17 mo. old Proven Breeders Call Joe or Judy Stoltzfus 717-536-3618 Loysville, PA CANADIAN HOLSTEIN DAIRY CALVES jK V FOR SALE 300 to 400 Pounds \l /|W Please Contact: Jean-Guy, Guy or Pierre Trudeau Ste. Julie Quebec Saturday, May 2,1981 : FOR SALE X « Established Quail- j ♦ ty Breeding Stock < ♦ Cows, Pairs', 7 $ Heifers, Club X ♦ Calves, Feeders, ♦ ♦ Proven Bulls. $ ♦ 1726 FARM X 1 Lebanon, N.J. 08833 J ♦ 201-832-5324 * X 201-832-7944 j 2 PERFORMANCE TESTED LARGE FRAMED ANGUS BULLS 2nd Highest Yearling Angus in Maryland Bull Test Weight Per Day of Age 3 lbs. Adi. 365 Day Weight 1131 lbs. SlOOO-Sl7OO J.P. Archer, Darlington, Md. Harford Co. 301-836-3748 514-649-1122 or 1110 65 Grade bred heifers to freshen June & July Ph 717-529-2512 REGISTERED NOISTEIN BULLS Ready for Service All home raised on our farms Sired by popular Al sires Many from high record dams 75 head to select from STAR ROCK FARMS John Barley 717-872-4058 WANTED WE HAVE JWr AN £T R 7OO HEAD HOLSTEIN COWS - If you have any cows that are safe with calf, under 5 years old, clean in udder and in mid to late lactation, WE NEED THEM! Also we need'all sizes and ages of Holstein Heifers. SHADY LANE DAIRY SALES, INC. Glenn and David Fite Ph: 717-786-2750 or 717-786-1725 REGISTERED i POLLED HEREFORDS » * TOP QUALITY HERDS IMPROVING BULLS * Half Brothers to “JUSTA BANNER" - The Most Popular Bull In The Breed!! * Excellent Growth and Modern Type PRODUCTIVE COWS, BRED AND OPEN HEIFERS FOR SALE VICTORIOUS K47V81 BREEDING VISITORS WELCOME ANYTIME HUCKLEBERRY HALL FARMS Smithsburg, MD (Near Hagerstown) Sam Hunter, Mgr. 301-824-4771 For Sale - Registered polled Hereford bull, 3'h yr Health certified SBOO, Call 717 642-5180 HORSIS !t MU'tS STANDING nAT STUD rj\ k mmr X '■ •** r -* Harshmont Harvest Time American Saddlebred. Big, strong, good mannered, liver colored chestnut. Stands 16 hands. A real peacock in harness. For Sale - 2 3 yr. old saddlebred buggy mares, broke to drive. Also a spirited 5 yr. old saddlebred gelding. 16,2” a good road horse. Also horse shoeing by appointment Daniel R. Hoover 717-354-7875 Wanted to Buy - Quality heifer calves, grade or Registered 717-529- 6757 CHAROLAIS Crossbreed with one of my Purebred, per formance tested bulls to produce the larger framed, higher cutting cattle required for modern quality lean beef production- Charolais since 1961. Delivery available. John W. Stump Clermont Mill Road Street (Harford Co.) Maryland 21154 301-836-1020 AT Stud. Indian Run King, Registered Morgan* Joseph Esh, 2151 rorry Rd., Lancaster, PA 17601 Stud Service - Reg Belgian 17 hands, sorrel with white markings,- Stephen Fisher, Rd 3, May Post Office- Rd., Quar-' ryville, PA For Sale - 2 Jrr. old dk.' chestnut filly with 'white markings 3 yr. old Chestnut mare, broke and lots of snap Sadfllebreds. Come evenings < or Saturdays. VA miles south of Honey Brook along Rt. 10. Stephen L. Stbltzfus, Rlhr B6* Honey Brook, Pa 1 .19344 MULES,/youc choice - .1. pair gray molly 4 to 5 yrs old or- pair of sorrel jack mules-3t04 yrs. old, both pairs broke and need work. David H Seller, Centerville Road, Gor donville, Pa. 17529 Moving. Must sell several quality Arabians Breeding, show and pleasure stock. Top bloodlines (’Bask, ‘Aramus, ’Raffles) Pric ed to sell Send for list. Stallions at stud $l5O, Carlson Arabians, Lafayette, NJ 07848 201-383-1761 BH gelding 15 3h Red un 7 yrs. Sire. Poco Shade Shown English & western Child safe 814- 364-1338. Thoroughbred horses, young, sound, attractive, registered, best offer. 717-358-3129. Appaloosa 2 yr old registered stallion, white with bay spbts over body, hips, star, stripes and snip, 215-679-4387 HOBSE.S & MULES 54” mule, rides, drives, works single or double, priced to sell 301-452- 8509 EN-AIR ACRES REG. QUARTER HORSES AND PAINTS Horses For Sale Stallion Service RD. 2, Box 179 Berks Co BemvillerPa. 19506 215-488-6914 For Sale - good Dorset and Hampshire grade sheep and Jambs from one established flock-also large registered Hamp shire ram-Earleville, MD,‘ IS miles south of Elkton off Rt. 213, 301-275- 2282 2 yr. old blackram, vety. tame, childrens pet, will' buck, large animal' William R. Paul, USA" R D., Herndon, Pa 717- 758-2961, - - : For Sale." - , Quality replacement iambs New Crop, Suffotk & Dorset' twm lambs. Lauden Acres 717-758-2549. WOOL Buying Wopl, any .quality I fleeces heed not be tied! | West Eah Woolen Mill I Rl2 Ephrata, Pa. 17522 i - : : 717-859-2241 T| YOntSWKE BOAJtS DUROC BOARS QUALITY • Our hogs are marketed at Hatfield Racking Co. 95% #l. NoT.B. PRODUCTION 1979 - 131 Litters, wean ave. 11.3.1980 - 97 litters, wean ave. 11.5 1981"- 32 litters, ave. wean 11.3. FEED EFFICIENCY 1976 PA State Test Station'Most efficient pen purebred hogs 2,96# feed/lb. gain. 1979 top boar, PA State Test Station, 2.63# feed/lb. gain. 1980 Top Boar Delaware test station 2.24# feed/lb. gain. HEALTH Vaccinated against Lepto, Erysipelas, and Rhinitis, Brucellosis free herd #lOl. Negative tested for Pseudorabies. Approx. 100 boars available at all times Recent Boar Buyers # Sire Noah Newswanger, Ephrata David B. Allgyer, New Providence Barry Haldeman, Manheim C. Lloyd Harnish, Lancaster Call or Write Durocs Yorkshires Leon L. Arnold Rd 7 Box 705 x Lebanon, PA 717-273-5880 Next Production Sale August 21 Registered Alpine and Nubian doe kids Ex cellent milkshow potential Breeding Lone Elm, Poplar Hill, Longman, Amyr , Stud service available Kid prices $75 00 to $350 00 (Chester Co) 215-932- 4528 31 Suffolk ewes, 1 registered Suffolk ram, ewes, York Co 717-697- 9523 For Sale - Reg Shropshire 2 yr ram, easy to handle, reasonable offers con sidered Adams Co 717- 642-8083 For Sale - White Purebred cornedale ram, 10 mo., proven breeder, price negotiable, 717-284-2975 Twin Suffolk, western cross ewe lambs, 60 head $55 each, also western 3 way cross breeding ewes, most are 4 yr old 717-648-3618 Black twin and triplet ram iambs, also black ewes, $lOO $l5O. 215-766-7509 For Sale - Selected ewe lambs, Suffolk, Dorset, Hampshire, Western crosses, twins, growthy, born Jan-March. $6O-80. Longenecker 717-653-5675. 2 black ram lambs, Cheviott and Dorset cross, Montgomery Co. after 7 215-947-0968. For Sale -20 ewes - Elam M. Ebersole,.ssBGibbons Rd , R.D. 1, Btrd-in-Hand, Pa. IVi mile North of Bird m-Hand. , For Sale -1; milk goat, Daniel B Lantf;''School Lane Rd., Rd 1, Gap; PA 4 Hustle 2 Lexington 1 Hustle 1 Future Lawrence Arnold 1245 Cumberland St Lebanon, PA 717-272-9827
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers