I LIVES! CK EQUIPMENT I h SUPPI lES I E tapered board FEEDERS, double chain, wooden conveyors, custom built, since X 965, for cattle and hog feeding systems Glasbord trough liners, 4x40, cut to length Martin Rissler, Stevens, Pa. 215-267-2244 For Sale SAWDUST & SHAVINGS MIXED fresh cut or cured Bulk loads 12-14 ton dumped or 16-18 ton conveyed. Call between 6-8 a.m. or 5-9 p.m. ■aw J. Scott Bowersox RDI Liverpool, PA . 717-444-3034 Put'up a good High-Tensile FENCE THIS YEAR and SAVE troublo and monoy for MANY YEARS. You will enjoy farming more when you have, the securfty.of good fences. - KENCOVEHIGH TENSILE FENCE SUPPLIES A ERECTION RDl.Boxlll, Blairsville. Pa. ’ 15717' ' ' 412-459-8991 717-432-5814 Toll Free in PA ' . 800-442-6823. Outside PA ~ | ' " 800-24541902' We sell supplies and erect high tensile fences anywhere in the USA'. A distribution center is in the Harrisb|irg area. OrrfarOur FREE GUIDE TO HIGH TENSILE FENCES HIGH-TENSILE FENCES have a number of ad vantages you should check. Our wire, is lower priced, stronger, longer lasting and more attractive than barbed, woven or other fence wire. With electric go up to 150 ft. ' between posts - non-electric go up to 60 ft. SAVE UP TO 25% ON YOUR 2nd ORDER FROM KENCOVE FARMS Wt have professionally train ed contractors throughout PA, MO t WV. Willing to go anywhere for larger jobs. We Sell; MAX-TEN 200 JWire, Koppers pressure creosote posts. New Zealand fence supplies, Super-powered elec tric fences and in sulators, Fibermax posts. Post drivers, 12 Volt chain saws and one-man auger diners. lIVI STOCK tQUIPMt Ml h SUPPLIES For Sale ' - Feeding equipment Special low sales price New 80 -10 cycling feeder, used 200 bushel Wa-Ro-Matic roller mill & HO’ - 16” belt conveyor (demo.) 717- 354-4051 ’ Kencove high tensile sup-' plies - fence erection. Max-Ten® wire, KOP PERS, posts, super energizers, fencing tools - literature up to 15% dis count program. We have a aribssassre PA-800-442-6823, 800- 245-6902. DRY WOOOSHAVIHG I SAWDUST 1000 cu. ft. loads • HUOtDB. ZOOK ' 220Lampeter Rd. Lancaster. Pa. 17602 717-394-5412 ' - FOR SALE :■. SAWDUST & SHAVINGS ED VOGT A SON Medford. NJ 609-654-7489 * corsrwis - 1 AND SUPPLIES • Water Bowls • Tile' • Chain Link : Fencing for | Around Lagoons. ETC. JJ_ STALLS R.D. 1 ; New Holland, Pa. John J. Lapp NHI CAN GET QUALITY PRE-CAST CONCRETE! HOG SLATS FROM A LOCAL MANUFACTURER!! • Low Coot-long Ufa • Smooth. Rounded Edges • Center Beam - • Light Crown. • Uniform sgfdng • EasyliwCoMotion • High Bfrength Reinforced < • Easy On Animats’ Foot • • Prevents Movement From Side Loads • Slots Stay Drier • Easy Cleaning Now Available: Concrete Troughs for Gestation Houses, Cattle Slats, Cattle Feed Troughs - H&J Bunks AgriConcrete Products, RO #2 Box 1478, Middleburg, Pa. 17842 (717) 837-3443 or 649-5321 LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT h SUPPLIES LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT t, SUPPLIES I - Inc. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT b SUPPI lES Wood Shavings Are Best! Processed and Packaged tv Eastern Wood Fibers, Inc 8294 Dorsey Run Rd ) Jessup Maryland 20794 (301) 498-6100 FOR SALE William Beam’s Baled Wood Shavings Kiln dried, 3.25 cu. ft. bales. Sold by the bale or truckload. You pickup or we deliver. Morgantown, PA 215-286-9579 >«ie - i grain. <sd Holstein heifer, will freshen early May, good size, health certificates, Berks Co. Call 2X5-367-7845 anytime Sat., Sun , Mon., after 6 p m Tues.-Fn Beef cows and calves, Hereford and Angus, Feeder steers, 300 lb. up, 6 holstem steers, approx 800 lb. 609-298-0550 Registered Angus herd bull 6 yr old, Marshall Pride #4, Windy Spring Farm, Quakertown, PA 215-536-0912 For Sale - Purebred yearling Charolais bull, well bred, gentle, reasonably priced. 717- 224-4785 For Sale - Guernsey, fresh, 2nd calf, very gentle $9OO 201-782- 4802 Holstein heifers, grade and registered, some bred, also open, 717-529- 6651 after 6 p.m. Registered Angus bull, 3 yr. old, son of Contact of Wye, performance tested at Penn State, gained 3.32 lb per day $l2OO, 717-925-6972. Yearling Charolais bulls, polled and ready to breed, can deliver, 717-799- 5505 . 2 - V* - 1 yr old Chiamna bulls, sires Fnggio-lgiso Fonto- Igiso 304-726-4396 One black Angus bull, 1100 lbs, $650 or best Offer 215-297-5841 Ten Registered cows in excellent condition. Most are Purebred polled Herefords. Bred to Simmental bull to calf in fall Asking $lOO over market price Must sell 301-472-2855 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981—833 - jpt from 17,(XX) lb herd average, also Holstein cows, 717-547-2387 For Sale - Service age Holstein bulls from high record dams, Apply to Omar S Fisher, 434 Newport Rd, Ronks, PA 17572 For Sale - Herd of 30 Holstein cows, half registered including 4 registered Elevations, DHIA records, ave 50# of milk a day, Juniata Co 717-527-4606. Polled yearling Charolais bulls, $B5O each, CHIP and health certified herd, 717-742-4805 eves Polled Herefords - 20 heifers, 14 steer-450 lb , 6 bred heifers Chester Co 215-269-1994 after dark For Sale - 2 first calf Registered Holsteins. One just fresh, other due in summer to Tradition Good pedigrees Ken Umble, Atglen, Pa. 215- 593-2274 For Sale - Black 7/8 Limousin yearling bull 1050#. Also 6 Red yearlmgtbuils Bob Line, Carlisle, Pa 717-243- 1281 4 yr old polled Hereford bull. Sire-Vindicator. Registered, performance data 717-248-7666 For Sale - 33 good grade bred Holstein heifers, also 9 ft. 460 NH haybme, cheap 215-562-4575 2 - Black Angus cows, with calf at side, $9OO each, 2 Black Angus yearling heifers, $6OO each. William J Warren, War ren Angus, Furlong, Pa. 18925, Bucks Co 215-598-3980 after 7 PM For Sale - Registered Holstein springing heifers out of VG or G-K dams with 20,000 milk production, also registered, y service- age drills'" with dejlp pedfereefe that neejeft a*’ Tioihe * i Shelhiar‘ Acres, Lancaster .Co- ■ 717-653- ‘5663 - ’ '• 'For Sale - Nine Holstein heifers,, registered and : grade, some milking 70 pounds, out of-top bull. 717-864-3729 For Sale - A Marvex son born May ’BO from a VG -85 Indianhills Senator Flame daughter with records of. 3-7 -363 d 20784 M 3.7% 773 F, 4-8 297 d 19 OM 36% 709 F Inc Also, a Bis-May Astor Jupiter son born June ’BO from a VG-85 Fran-Lou Atlantis daughter with a record of 5-9 280 d 18520 M 3 8% 709 F Inc Roy & Glen Henry Rd 2 Port Royal, PA 17082 717-527-4474 Juniata Co. For Sale - Registered Holstein cow, fresh April 20, 1981 at 4 yr. old, Sire Diamond S Pietje Stan dout 3 yr. record 14.237 M 519 F 305 d, dam has records 18,695 m 642 f 305 d, Cochranville, Chester Co 215-593- 5387 For Sale - Registered Angus heifers, 1 4 2 yr olds, reasonable. Call eves 215-935-9223 Wanted - Small herd Holstems, preferably Registered DHIA 15,000 milk Evan Maust 814- 662-2866 For Sale - 40 head of high quality Holstems, some registered and identified trades, records up to 3000 M 760 F, average production on the older 30 cows 18,000 lb , good type, sound udders, mostly fresh Sale by owner, Lancaster Co 717- 529-2058 1 springing heifer, 2 yearling neifers, 3 registered Holstein service age bulls. Aaron H Click, Gap, PA Vi mile south of 340 on Millwood Rd 4 Angus heifers, 550 lbs , $325 each or best offer 215-448-6545 cows, Al breeding, DHIA records over 15,000 lbs Also bred heifers 301-578-1224 I am an order buyer and frucker of feeder cattle, have many satisfied customers in your area, if interested in ordering cattle call collect 703-465- 5785 between 8-10 p m Registered Holstein bulls, 1 year old and younger Out of dams with records to 24,000 milk and 900 fat Stump Acres 717-792 3216 York County “Wisconsin and Canadian Dairy Cows For Sale - Ist, 2nd, and 3rd calf Fresh and close springers Cash, or credit with down payment Specialize in selecting cows for customers Free delivery Call collect Reuben Greenberg, Inc , Columbus, New Jersey 08022 Phone 609-298 1021 ’’ For Sale • Service age Holstein bulls Pams classified VG witlrrecords to over 24.000 M & I.OOOF John Stump, Bernvi He. Pa Ph 215- 488-1965. Wanted - Entire dairy herd, also, bred Holstein heifers. Will pay $25 more per head than the going price Don't sell until you call me Call collect - Reuben Greenberg, Inc, Columbus, NJ 609-298- 1021. For Sale - 28 Registered Holstein heifers, freshen July thru Oct., from A 1 breeding, records on Dams up to 21,000 -lbs 717-229-2055 between 12PM.& IPM Wanted - Herd of dairy cows or heifers, 301-358-0412. Buyers 4 Sellers,, of Livestock -- Be sure to check the advertisements for cattle in the Lancaster Farming You’ll get results', 717-394-3047 or 717626-1164 20A ,-Tpp* fresh and springing Holstems lake ail or pick. Call 914-634- 6689. Registered Holstein bull, 1 yr. old 1-16-81, Damtop cow, last record 326 d 23.000 M 996 F, Maternal sister almost as good, over 950 F. 301-348- 5640. For Sale - 15 Holstein springing heifers, several Registered. 301-358- 0412 after 8 P.M. LEASE QUALITY DAIRY CATTLE Various plans available. Call or Write: Dairy Farm Leasing 1700 Dupont Ave. South * Minneapolis, Minn. 55403 612-377-1489 For Sale - Large choice Holstein heifers, bred & open, over 350 or choose from. Harmony Dale Farms, Phillipsburg, NJ 201-859-2616. For Sale - Registered polled Hereford bull, Dommino bloodline, born 3-21-80. Ph. after SPM 215-932-8996 For Sale - 2 Registered purebreds with DHIA, some cows giving 100 lbs milk a day One herd of purebred without -DHIA One herd of Grade with DHIA Also fresh & spr inging cows 75 pickup truck, V* ton 717-252-4206 For Sale - Ist calf Holstein heifer suitable for family cow, 717-354-9370 For Sale - Herd of 6 beef cows four with calves and one to freshen shortly, 717-838-6440 Service age registered polled Hereford bulls, also spring calving cows and heifers, top bloodlines, farmers prices W Paul Halsey & Son, Harford Co, Pylesville, MD 301- 452-8621 Must decrease cow/calf operation, cross bred Hereford, Angus, Chiamna and Charolais, most with calves at side, cows $9OO, bred heifers, $750,814-238-1238 after 8 pm.
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