B32—Lancaster Farming, ■GR AIM EQUIPMENT USED GRAIN DRYERS (1) M&W 450 (450 BPH) (2) M&W 650 (600 BPH) (DMC4OOE (150 BPH) All of these dryers in operation condi tion, and either electric motor or PTO drive. LOUCKS GRAIN EQUIPMENT, INC. 717-755-2868 DAIRY EQUIPMENT For Sale - Rubber Matting for free stalls, stanchions, horse vans and horse stalls Also saw dust for sale in trailer lots Will deliver 4 install 301-885-5045 For Sale - Outside calf hutches w/metal roofs 4 feeders Stoltzfus Woodwork, RD2 Gap, PA 17527 along 897 717- 442-8972 For Sale - Quality Calf hutches, including bucket rack, hay rack and trough Randy Stoltzfus, Mt Joy 717-553-4448 Wanted Farm markets or juggers to sell premium ice cream Elizabethtown Creamery Co , Inc Rear 519 S Market St Elizabethtown, Pa 17022,717-367 1389 Wanted - Used Lister diesels, as is, give con dition and price Byler’s Diesel 4 Refrigeration, Star Route Belleville. PA 17004 717-483-6714, 717-483 6446 Wanted to buy - several dozen good used milk cans, Elizabethtown Creamery Co , Inc 5X9 S Market St , Elizabethtown, PA 17022 717 367-1389 weekdays till 4 00 For Sale - 600 gal Girton bulk tank with com pressor Washington Co MD 301-432-8701 Wanted - 6 can cooler in good working condition Also, stainless milk cans and/or milk dispensing equip (Chester Co) 215-932 4528 For Sale - 300 gal Jamesway tank, $475 717-587-4839 after 7 p m ' Saturday, May 2,1981 GRAIN EQUIPMENT New Holland Batch Dryer, 2-1400 bu 2800 bu . 3200 bu gram bins, mov ing, must sell, reasonable 609-259-2274 DAIRY EQUIPMENT MANURE FEEDING SYSTEMS SYSTEMS Alley Scrapers Computerized elec- Liguid Manure tronic controlled Spreaders w/wo individualized soil injectors feeding. Licom Systems Feed storage and MILKING _ conveying SYSTEMS Parlor feeding Pail Milkers MILK COOLING Pipeline Milkers & STORAGE Parlor Milking P 1 . _ . Herringbone Rotary Bulk Tanks I.G. SALES Silverdale, PA 18962 215-257-5135 DAIRY EQUIPMENT DAIRY EQUIPMENT For Sale Brand new 55 lb floor milker buckets, fits all heads, $99 plus shipping charge Dairy Designs, 503 Center Street, Lake Geneva, W 1 53147 Wanted - milk cans in good condition 814-349- 8863 4 Surge new style breaker cups, 4 Surge older style breaker cups, 8 Handels 717-945-5363 For Sale - 3 Surge pail milkers, 2 - 40 lbs , 1 - 50 lbs One Kesco dumping station 717-532-7224 For Sale - 3 Bodmin Nu- Pulse milkers used 6 mo 215-847-5902 FOR SALE KRAIBURG HAPPY MOOMATS “MORE UDDER ON THE RUBBER” 10 year Warranty Card 15 Sizes We Deliver and Install VANCO SALES CO. WSSSM RD 4, Box 300 Carlisle, PA 17013 ■ ■Bvlll Phone-717-776-3494 IQmI Pleasesand free sample A installation instructions Name Address I Phone xi 6 Zero Concord milkers with in-place washers, 12 unit pulsator-controller. Washington Co. 301-797- 4118 • ir Sale - Sun 'e milking jZtoMh QIS m»m. M ”. 60” wide excellent condition, also ♦ Also, 300 COW mats, Size 4x6 Ross Holms milking T Phone* 301-885-504** parlor, Call 215-827-7180 $ -3UI between 8-5 «♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ DAIRY EQUIPMENT For Safe - 500 gal Dan Kool ice bank bulk tank w/compressor Pipeline & dumping station w/automatic washer Sch Co 717-943-2401 For Sale - Zero milk tank, 500 gal & compressor Both in excellent con dition Ph 301-692-6880 400 gal Mojonmer bulk tank with 5 h p Lehigh compressor Will sell as 1 unit or separate 717-458- 4042 500 gal ice bank Dan- Kool tank, excellent condition, Benuel S Lapp, Shirktown Rd, Rd 1, Narvon, PA 17555, VA mile SE of Churchtown USED BELTING MATERIAL | 5 Good for free stall and stanchion'barns ft X -mi mi CECIL DAIRY SERVICE SUPER BARGAINS! 2 -16’ tandem forage box 2 - 54” Badger forage blower - 20% discount 1 • 1500 gal. Badger Manure Tank - NEW 1 -10’ Badger manure pump - NEW 1 - Badger lagoon pump • NEW 1 - used New Idea 10' manure pump - $600.00 1 -12' Delaval manure pump - new, but demonstrated once - $lBOO.OO 2 - Delaval manure stir - $BOO.OO ea 1 - Badger manure stir - $BOO.OO 1 - Kasten box w/truck kit - $BOO.OO 1 - Int. forage box on 8-ton gear - $1400.00 1 - Sputnick - $600.00 1 - Dump Station - $350.00 2 - #76 vacuum pumps w/3 hp. motors used 1 - used Mueller tankwasher 1 - new Delavai tankwasher - 30% discount 1 - new Onan 25 KVA alternator on factory trailer - $2250.00 2 - Delavai satelite double Challenger feeders-ready to go We have #7B vacuum pumps in stock, generators, DV 300 units, milker units, Delavai - pipelines, parlors, feeders Badger - silo unlosders, feeders Madison silos and Starline equipment Cannonbilt rollertrack and accessories Call: 301-658-6923 374 Biggs Highway (#273) Rising Sun, Md. 21911 Our route truck travels these counties one day a month: Cecil, Harford, Kent in Md. - York, Lancaster in Pa, - Newcastle COMPLETE SURGE MILKING PARLOR (Double 5 Herringbone) • 10 low profile breaker cups • Auto. (Electric Brain) pipeline washer. • Tube cooler • Vacuum compressors • Bulk tanks with tank washer Must sell one item or complete Building poles treated, assorted sizes _ 609-737-2800 in Del. DAIRY EQUIPMENT > WE ARE Farm Markets & -loggers Vi Gallon & Dipping Ice C ream Premium Quality at Regular Price ELIZABETHTOWN CREAMERY CO., INC. Rear 519 S. Market St. Elizabethtown, Pa. 717-367-1389 LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES For Sale - double seat buggy, completely restored, good condition, $l4OO 609-455-3264 or after 5 609-451-5542 For Sale - 7 ft Smidley Ranger steer stuffer, Dauphin Co 717-896-3896 40 used veal calf crates with wooden slats, also 24” vent-o-matic barn fan will accept reasonable offer, 717-899-6395 For Sale -10 hole Snmdley hog feeder, alsoiilc No 9 7 ft grass mower, com pletely overhauled apply to Omar S Fisher, 434 Newport Rd , Ronks, PA 17572 Hay feeders for sale - B’, 12', and 16' Christ B Lapp, RDI, Inshtown Road, Ronks, PA For Sale - Calf Kennels and Hutches, Kennel is a B'xl6' plus 3’ overhang k with 4 individual pens White baked enamel roof Exterior sidemg Hay feeders, feed trough, bucket rack included Painted green or red Samuel M. Stoltzfus RD #l, Box 331, Christiana, Pa 17509 Lower Valley Road
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