AC 7000 Tractor AC 175 Tractor AC 185 Diesel Tractor AC 12’ Spring Tooth Harrow Ml 213 Spreader 12’ EZEE-FLOW Fert Spreader AC 150 Farm Loader to fit AC Dl5 Tractor ROY H. BUCH INC. Ephrata 717-859-2441 mgm Sr NOTICE! Starting March 16th we will be open till 9 P.M. Mon, thru Fn. TRACTORS Ford 8600 Dsl. (2) Ford 8000 Dsl. 1 w/turbo Ford 5600 DsL, low hours FordB6o Gas (2) Ford 800 Select-O- Speed Ford TWIO w/450 hours Ford TW3O w/450 hrs. FordON FarmallSOO Ferguson 65 Dsl. MFI6S Dsl. Fannall C w/Plow & Cultv. (3) FordSN’s Fannall Cub Power Unit. " 2 cylinder Wis. Engine EQUIPMENT Hawk Bilt Fert. Spreader, 60’ spreading, 5 ton JD 495 4RN Plate Planter Ford 309 2E Corn Planter NH V or 9’ 450 Mowers NH 518 Spreader NH 327 Spreader NI 200 bu. Spreader w/endgate, sgl. btr. (2) Small Offset Disc Harrows,?’ or 8’ Cut Good Selection Used Hay Rakes Lawn & Garden Tractors w/Mowers CHARLESS. SNYDER INC. RD 3 Tamaqna, PA Phone: 717-3SC-5945 For Sale 1 Berks Co. Ar« - Barn for sale, dismantle & remove. Random width barn siding. Hand hewn timbers, pegged. Best offer Call 215-921-6202. Monday thru Friday, between 8 & 5 t.KAIN I UUK’IVII NI GRAIN DRYERS New & Used - Bins Elevators - Augers Turnkey Automated Systems Call 717-538-2591 FARM EQUIPMENT [&£ Case 1816 Skid Loader, Like New NH 512 Spreader, real nice NH 510 Spreader w/end gate $695 NH 518 Spreader w/end gate, real nice NH 276 Hay Baler, Nice 2-NH #275 Balers w/throwers, goodshape NH 273 Baler w/thrower, real good NH 1010 Auto Bale Loading Wagon NH 469, 477 & 479 Haybmes NH 354 Grinder- Mixer, realgood Paul Shover’s Inc. 35 E. Willow Street Carlisle, PA 717-243-2686 SILOS « UIMLOAOLRS INEGLEY & MILLER SILO CO. A Rt 1 Box 93 Shermansdaie, PA 17090 II Ph (717) 582-4108 Evenings 834-4838 H MANUFACTURE AND SiL o REPAIRS P& D EQUIPMENT BUILD SILOS • Wet Cast Concrete Staves • Western Redwood Doors • Deluxe Cotordpme Roof • Hooped for all types of silage • Plastered solid with a '■ smooth finish Used 20 CYPRESS LUMBER for sale, A & A, Mushroom Supply Co., Rt. 7, Avondale, Pa. 215-268- 3128. For Sale - Oak, poplar, hemlock & walnut lumber (green). Oak & hemlock fence boards. Moyer's Sawmill, Rt 2, Annville, Pa 717-867-5316. Old paneled interior and exterior doors, double hung 12 pane window units With old glass, used alum, triple track storm windows, best offer 717- 393-6711 or 717-285- 3208 FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 21. H. 3414 Back hoes $4600 ea. 11973 J.D. 310 Backhoe, $ll,OOO TRUMP & SON 717-626-6112 after 5:00 Wanted to Buy - Good used 2030 Harvestore. Penn-Jersey Harvestore Systems, Inc. 717-354- 4051 Used Harvestore, silos bought and sold, 25x80 with Goliath unloader, 20x50 with Hercules unloader, 717-442-8104 Dairy Goats, Registered Toggenburgs, milkers, bred yearlings, doe Kids, bucks, classified and DHIA last test average 9 4 lb. 3.5%, top bloodlines, priced 575-5350 much below real value Also new Bou-matic milking system with 6 units, CIT including 200 gal. expansion tank with auto washer, sacrifice $7500, Rd 1 Box 113 A, Kmtnersville, PA 215-847-2403 • Replaster • Roofs Instated • New Extensions • Used Extensions • Pipes & Distributors permanently installed SO N & M Silo For Sale - GRANGE SILO, new Hydraulic pressed concrete stave, manufac tured by Corostone Silo Co, Box 156, South Mon trose, Susquehanna Co Pa. Write or Call plant 717-278-3045, NY office at Weedsport, NY 315-834-9200, Service Rep for SE PA Ralph Estelle, Manheim, PA 717-665-7105. ' We buy & sell used HARVESTORES. Penn- Jersey HARVESTORE Systems - Tel 717-354-4051 MADISON SILOS I VANOALE EQUIPMENT 717-653-1567 “LANCASTER" CONCRETE STAVE FARM SILO'S EARLY ORDER DISCOUNTS VAN DALES STARLINE SILO UNLOADERS BELTSTAPER BOARD FEEDERS RITCHIE CATTLE S HOG WATERERS REBUILT UNLOADERS SEVERAL USED - SILOS AVAILABLE BAM-4PM 717-299-3721 EVENINGS 717-273-7394 • P&D Golden Gobblers • P&D Ring Drive Unioaders • Unloaders rugged, tough & powerful to perform fast at a “flip of a switch" • Sales & Service all Silo parts and equipment f or Sale SltOS b UMLOADERS For Sale - Penn-Jersey Harvestore Silo, 20 x 60 with unloader 1 mile South of Marticville on Rt 324 Lancaster Co Amos S Riehl, Box 106, RD 1, Peouea.Pa 17565. We buy used Harvestores and sell with Laidig unloaders Penn Dutch Farm Systems, Inc. 717-273-9324. GUNITE Silo Relining it Repairs Extensive tests have been conducted on Gumte. Below are some of, the properties of Gumte 1. Excellent bonding 2. High Density 3. Extreme strength and hardness 4. High resistance to absorption The excellent physical properties of the material are due to the water content being only the amount needed to satisfy chemical hydration Reseal and re strengthen your silo with Gumte Call or Write: I DETWEILER SILO RD2, Newville, PA 717-776-7533 717-776-3288 717-532-3039 I™"""**"" Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981 | DAIRY EQUIPMENT ★ We Service DeLaval Equipment In Berks, Montgomery, Chester & Bucks Counties. Jf you have any problems, call us and ask for: BART ZEIGLER 26 Years Experience With DeLaval Co. See Us For... • Dairy ParlorS Pipeline • Jamesway Barn Equipment • Starline Spreaders • Norton Transflow Panel Systems • Complete Paneling Systems For Walls And Ceilings • Uebler Feeding Machines • Dairymate Dairy Products • Klenzade Parts & Service • Oswalt TMR Mixing Boxes ORDER NOW...SAVE BIG! • Madison Silos - Call For Price on New 15* Grain-o-Matic Silo.. Just ! Right For The Small Dairyman. ; EARLY-ORDER DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE USED SURGE PAIL UNITS A VAC. PUMPS Call For Prices! mraa We're The Top I Jamesway Ventilation I Dealer L J In The East... • See Us For Winter Ventilation And Fans In Stock Our Route Truck Is On The Road... Call If We’ve Missed You! ERB & HENRY EQUIP. INC. New Beiiinvilie, PA 1 Mile N. of Boyertown Phone (215) 367-2169 71 .SltO-S n UMI OADF RS DAIRY EQUIPMENT
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