Short water supply predicted for West WASHINGTON, D.C. - One of the lightest snowpacks ever recorded on the West’s mountain watersheds probably will result in a short supply of water in some states of the region this summer. That was the gist of a forecast issued jointly by the U.S. Depart ment of Agriculture and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce. “Many water users in the West will face critical supply problems unless there is a lot of rain throughout the summer,” said Norman A. Berg, chief of USDA’s Soil Conservation Service. Surveys carried out the first of April, when snowpack in the West normally reaches its maximum depth, revealed little change from conditions prevailing the first of March, said Berg. Berg said the forecast is brighter for users in areas served by reservoirs. “Water storage is normal or /SJ TO SERVE YOU BETTER vdma' _ F ~ m kirnm" LANCASTER. PA. £S7 AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS ROYSTER BONANZA AND CROP SPECIALS THREE LOCATIONS IN PENNA. DANVILLE 717-275-4850 RICHLAND 717-866-5701 LANCASTER 717-299-2541 above normal in several states and is adequate to avert major problems for those who have ac cess to it,” he said. The outlook by state is; Alaska: Runoff is below normal in streams in the interior and near normal in south-central Alaska. Arizona; There is hardly any snowpack left. Runoff will be well below normal. Reservoir storage is adequate to supplement runoff. California: Runoff is below normal, according to the State Department of Water Resources. Reservoir storage is above normal and is adequate for most needs. Colorado: Snowpack is about 60 percent of normal, due to heavy March snow. Runoff still is ex pected to be very low. Idaho: The snowpack is at a near record low in the south and very low elsewhere. Runoff will be 70 percent of normal or lower in most of Idaho. Montana: Snowpack is at a record low especially in the R/K (Royster/Kirby) 500 Running Pump Rd. f Lancaster, Pa. 17601 MIXED FERTILIZER / New Banvel herbicide 1 w 2-step overlay program... Now you can lay-by corn BEFORE it’s 5 inches high! Kmuß Banvel earty lay by controls a broad spectrum of important broadleaf weeds including the tough ones 24 D misses during the time when weed control is most needed And you probably won t have to go back mto the field till harvest’ Call us now about the Banvel herbicide 2 step overlay program from Velsicol R/K AGRI SERVICE • Large Enough to Serve • Small Enough to Care ★ WRITE OR CALL LANCASTER 717-299-2541 IN PA. 1-800-732-0398 OUTSIDE PA. 1-800-233-3833 AGRI SERVICE western part of the state. Reser voir storage is good. Water sup plies will be variable. Nevada: Runoff will be about 50 percent of normal from the Sierra range and about 49 percent of average in the Humboldt river. New Mexico: March snows in creased snowpack on the Rio Grande watershed. Runoff still will be well below normal. Oregon: Snowpack in the Cascades is the lowest on record. Snowpack in the easier part of the •’♦ate is about 50 percent of normal, Plans for tailgate market rolling in York Co. AIRVILLE A grassroots movement to start a Farmer’s Tailgate Market is being con sidered m southern York County. Up to 30 farm trucks, marketing anything produced at their farms, could be accommodated at Dairyland Square, located bet ween Dallastown and Red Lion. MATERIALS FOR BLENDING OR DIRECT APPLICATION... 46% 33Vz% 30% UREA (GRANULAR) AMMONIUM NITRATE NITROGEN SOLUTION OIAMMONIUM PHOSPHATE TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE MURIATE OF POTASH GRANULAR ZINC BORATE (GRANULAR) MICRONUTRIENT MIX SULFUR (GRANULAR) 46% 60% 22% 32% 90% Hare a haw the Banvat earty lay by program works 1 Apply your pre-emergence herbicide to control grasses 2 Apply Banvel before corn is more than 5 inches when broadleaves are germinating before weeds haue robbed significant amounts of moisture or nutrients from your crop Banvel and runoff will be well below normal. Utah: A series of March storms slightly unproved the snowpack. Runoff will be well below normal. Washington: Snowpack im proved in the northern section and remained poor in the southern section. Reservoir storage is adequate to supplement poor runoff. Wyoming: Snowpack statewide is about one-half of normal and the lowest on record. Runoff will be much below normal. Reservoir Items that might be sold could 7:30 p.m, Wednesday evening, range from fresh produce, to May 6, at the Lower Chanceford freshly-processed fruit juices, Township Building, south of the home-baked goods or a variety of Lower Chanceford School, on roadside market-type food items. Route 74. Extension personnel are looking Organizers hope that, if there is into applicable health regulations, enough interest m a tailgate A brainstorming meeting for market, an organizational interested growers is scheduled for structure, with by-laws for operation, can be structured within the next few weeks and be ready to begin sales operations by the summer produce harvest season. TWO LOCATIONS IN SO. MD. JAMES H. McKENNY Sales Representative CHARLOTTE HALL 301-884-4604 301-932-6527 UPPER MARLBORO Rear of Three M Farm Supply 301-627-8700 tTI /Ftrtffizersl Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981—C37 storage is above normal. The final snow survey of the current season will be made this week. He said the Soil Conservation Service surveys the snowpack in the West from the first of January. The agency and the weather service jointly analyze the data and compute forecasts of runoff for the summer snowmelt season. The forecasts are based on the assumption that weather for the remainder of the season will be near normal. LONG JOHN BALMER INSULATION t43P*nrynßd I Manhwn. PA ' (717)665-4132 For fast, long lasting fly control in barns, stables, and poultry houses New SEE US NOW! ZIMMERMAN’S ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLY 3 Miles West of Ephrata Along Wood Corner Road RD #4 Box 140, Lititz. PA 17543 717-738-4241 Insulation For Life Ol Structure • Fully Insured • Free Estimates We Can Do The Job Now
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